Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2184 Flower Controversy (92)

Nick has not been to Istanbul yet, his journey around the world started from England, then went to America, then went to South America, boarded a Dutch ship in Brazil, went around the Cape of Good Hope to India, and then along India to Burma, Siam, Southeast Asia, Japan, and China, which arrived after a transfer in the middle, that is to say, he has never been to a Mediterranean city.

Or he has been there, when he was very young, his father took the whole family on a trip to Italy, and he was also fascinated by traveling at that time.

Great political ambitions will not bring people a broad vision. Although commercial interests will prompt people to take risks, people are busy with business and do not take care of others.

Only Ningbo has a mosque in eastern Zhejiang. It is located next to Tianyi Pavilion. It is called Yuehu Mosque. It was built during the Kangxi period, and it is now somewhat deserted.

Juren knows BJ's friends and they might be able to help, but he advises Nick to break the book up into parts so no one knows all the secrets in the book.

Nick felt that it was superfluous to ask others to do so, because the stories the old man told him were similar to ghost stories such as fox fairy and painted skin. Others might think it was a storybook.

However, he still followed what Juren said, copied the whole book and divided it into several copies in an envelope, and then sent it to BJ by the government's courier.

If Chinese is derived from hieroglyphics, analogy is needed to understand the abstract concepts expressed, Turkish is alphabetic, and Arabic is a Semitic language. Nick is lucky that the book was not written in Arabic, otherwise It will become very troublesome to copy.

Nick doesn't know how long the admiral will stay as the governor of Nanhe. If it is three years, he doesn't want to wait so much, but if he wants to continue traveling in China, he must have the admiral's asylum. This is when he just took over and is busy. , it would be inappropriate for Nick to suggest at this moment.

Yesterday, the officials and people of Qingjiangpu held a grand banquet to "clean up the dust" for the admiral, and before the dinner, they held a gate opening performance. During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Chen Xuan, the general officer of water transportation, dug the Qingjiangpu River along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and built four locks on the river, mainly to ensure the water level of the canal and ensure the smooth flow of water transportation. There are shipyards and "changyingcang" granaries beside the river, and Huai'an City has also developed because of Qingjiang Pu.

It is also the former residence of Wu Chengen, the author of "Journey to the West". Maybe there is a fate in the dark. Nick has no way of knowing how the Yin people arrived in Tabriz, but he guesses that the other party probably chose to go on land. silk road. In 1221, when the Crusaders ended the Fifth Crusade, Genghis Khan sent envoys to the Caucasus region to demand that the Caucasus surrender. Europe had to face the Mongolian army flying all the way from the east.

But in 1227, the Mongols' offensive stopped suddenly, because Kublai Khan died. After that, his descendants fell into a power struggle for a period of time, and temporarily stopped their attacks on Europe. conquered and recaptured Jerusalem. In 1229, Emperor Taizong Wo Kuotai succeeded the Great Khan. The Sixth Crusade also ended at this time, and then the Mongols launched another Western Expedition. In 1235, the Mongols occupied Moscow, and occupied Hungary in 1241. In 1245, the Pope wrote a letter and sent messenger. In 1258, Baghdad was captured by the grandson of Genghis Khan, the Abbasid Dynasty perished, the Ilkhanate ruled by the Mongols was established, and Tabriz was designated as the capital.

He rejected the drawing task worth 4,000 taels of silver, but it seems that he got a new journey full of hardships, dangers and uncertainties. Lao Tzu said that "disasters come with blessings, and blessings come with misfortunes." If one day he can return alive Go to Europe and he tells people that he traveled with the Mongols, what will they think?

Nick investigated the content about the mandrill, which was described in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" and "Baopuzi", but he paid special attention to the content about the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

There is such a record in "Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Jing Juan": In the south, there is a giant in Jiangxi with a human face and long arms, a black body with hair, and heels behind.

This sentence means that there is a giant named "Gan" in the south. It has a human face, very long arms, long black hair on its body, and its ankles grow backwards. It also laughs when it sees people laughing. The ability to imitate, the mouth can cover the face, and it runs away when it sees people coming.

"Gan" is the abbreviation of Jiangxi. If it hadn't been for that trip to Mount Wuyi and the old man's suggestion, Nick wouldn't have thought that mandrills would exist along the southeast coast, and they had a war with the Yin people.

In "Shan Hai Jing·Hainan Jing Juan", Xiaoyang country is mentioned. The people there have long lips, black body and long hair, back heels, laugh when they see people, and hold a pipe in their left hand.

Can we understand that the "Giant Giant" is a commoner of the Xiaoyang country without a weapon, and the one holding a pipe is a soldier of the Xiaoyang country. The previous "Giant Giants" ran away when they saw people, but they just laughed when they saw people.

The Xiaoyang Kingdom is in the west of the Beixun Kingdom. The description of the Beixun Kingdom in the "Shan Hai Jing" does not describe it in detail, but only states that it is in the south of the Yushui. Lin County and Alin County have been abolished, and now it is called Guiping, Guangxi. We cannot demand the geographical knowledge of the ancients the same as modern people. It is represented by latitude and longitude. The author describes the approximate location, and the river will change its course. In ancient times, Jiangxi was called Guanxiang, and together with the southern area of ​​Xiangling, it was called Xiangling Nanhai. In ancient people's cognition, the river was a fixed coordinate, and it would not change easily. Then the distance from the south of Jiangxi to Guangxi A large area may be the location of the North Liao Kingdom.

Assuming that the two neighboring countries, Xiaoyang Kingdom and Beilong Kingdom, are not friendly and had a war, then the war between the Yinyin tribe and the mandrill is understandable. It may be that the people of the Beiyang country laughed at the lips and strange ankles of the people of the Xiaoyang country, or the people of the Xiaoyang country laughed at the people of the Beiyang country. The old man said that the world of the blind is only poetry, darkness and It's a secret, the Beiyang country is mysterious and unpredictable, and he still needs information to investigate, but he can't find a clue at all.

He didn't know how big the library in Istanbul was. Finding useful books in the library was like finding a needle in a haystack or finding a specific grain of sand on the beach.

And "shadow backlash", what does that mean?

Nick looked at his own shadow in the sun, could the shadow still kill people? It sounds like some kind of black magic.

It wasn't just Nick who was confused, Georgiana was also confused. Shadows are left when light can't pass through solids. Even soap bubbles can leave shadows. Then she remembered a book written by a psychologist, It is also about vision and shadows. Albus has been studying the Mirror of Erised. The reflection of a person standing in mirror a is reflected on mirror b. So does the figure on mirror b have something to do with him?

Yes, they look the same in form, but a mirror is three-dimensional and becomes two-dimensional, and the shadow effect formed by light on a three-dimensional object is reflected in two dimensions, just like making a painting, using different colors, b mirror It just repeats this color, the first ray touches some kind of object, how can the reflected light be the same as the contacted light?

Why do three-dimensional objects have the concept of "three-dimensional"?

A plane figure has no shadow, just like a piece of white paper, but if a shadow is added to it, it will be different.

So, does shadow backlash mean this, no longer the people in the light control the darkness, but the darkness controls the people in the light?

After all, you can't see shadows in the darkness, but people in the dark don't mean they don't exist.

Close your eyes, your senses of touch, smell, and hearing are all there, and they will give you a different outline of yourself as a human being.

"Who is that author?" She was thinking hard. The name of an Arab is too difficult to remember. She guessed that the other person was Mohammad, which is a very common name.

At least I can remember the author's name, so that even if I want to find a needle in a haystack, the staff of the Paris library can find it for her. In the 21st century, I may be able to find a solution by typing a keyboard, but in this era, I can only rely on manpower.

How should I put it, fortunately Napoleon robbed the collections of the Church and the Alexandria Library, otherwise she would not be able to find them even if there were people, but if there were no books in these collections, she would have to go to the Istanbul Library to "find".

"My God, is this what he meant by 'useful'?" She murmured in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" asked Caroline Lestrange.

"When did you come in?" asked Georgiana.

"Just when you asked who is that author?" Caroline said, "What are you busy with? Everyone is waiting for you!"

Should she ask Coroline, "Hey, do you think Napoleon will let the French take Istanbul again?"

She shook her head and looked down at the book, "Wait until I finish this book."

"What book is so beautiful?" Caroline asked.

Georgiana smiled mysteriously, but did not answer.

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