Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2183 Flower Controversy (Ninety-one)

There is a mosque in Fuzhou. According to legend, the mosque was founded in the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty. The style is still the same as in the Yuan Dynasty.

At first glance, it looks like a Chinese-style temple structure, but the inside is no different from other mosques. Nick wanted to find someone to help him translate the Turkish language in the book. The admiral had already arrived in Fuzhou, so they had to continue on the road.

If Nick accepted the East India Company's job of drawing a map of China's coast, he would be busy every day, busy surveying in order to accurately describe the Dinghai Anchorage and Fuqing Bay, as well as Mawei Port and Songshan Port. These ports have called.

It is absolutely impossible to describe the Jishan Islands, Yushan Islands, and Jiushan Islands one by one. Faced with such a job, even a confident hydrogeographer will lose patience, and even cannot remember the description clearly. which islands.

After inspecting the fort in Xiangshan County, the next stop of the fleet was Zhoushan Island. Its capital is in Dinghai, but the more famous one is Mount Putuo. Nanhai Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva teaches and transforms all living beings.

Dinghai is surrounded by walls like most Chinese towns. It is very prosperous inside. The streets are paved with stone slabs, and the market is full of goods. The scale of the town has expanded to the far suburbs.

Putuo Mountain is an exclusive area for monks. Various wonders similar to the famous temples near Henan Island in Guangzhou can be seen everywhere in Putuo Mountain, but Putuo Mountain is even more gorgeous. There are more than 60 temples on the entire island, two of which are royal temples.

The admiral is a Taoist, but it does not affect him representing the emperor to the temple. The roof of the temple is covered with golden glazed tiles, which is the symbol of the royal temple, and gilded statues are enshrined inside.

Buddhism advocates "release life", and there are countless turtles in the release pool, almost to the point of "overcrowding". Maybe Juren will tell him that he used the wrong idiom here, but Nick really can't think of a more appropriate adjective. In addition, there is another kind of owner in the temple, that is, fat pigs. They are very contented in the temple, wandering from room to room, and dismissing the food scattered on the ground.

Chinese Buddhism has a canon that explicitly prohibits eating meat. These pigs don’t have to worry about being slaughtered and eaten. When the monks twiddle the beads, they only say “Amitabha” and nothing else. In short, you can see them no matter where you go, and the domesticated deer in Nara look much cuter than them.

It is said that monks are gluttons, and although they prefer vegetarianism, they are no different from the monks of St. Benedict and St. Bernard. There are always people in the kitchen, while the other halls are often empty.

Nick had hoped that there would be eminent monks here who could understand Turkish, and he had no confidence in this. After copying a large number of Buddha statues, he followed the admiral and left Zhoushan for Ningbo, where they were warmly welcomed.

The commerce in Ningbo is very developed. There are several shops selling British woolens there, but silk or raw silk is the most sold in the shops. Ningbo is very close to Hangzhou, and Hangzhou Bay, the estuary of the Qiantang River, is not far from Ningbo. Every year around the Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be a spectacular Qiantang tide here.

Because Marco Polo had been to Hangzhou, Nick also wanted to go, and the admiral fulfilled his wish. As they continued to enter the inland area, what they saw around them gradually changed to mulberry trees, and there were fewer and fewer tea trees.

Mulberry trees in Zhejiang are slightly different from mulberry trees in the West, and mulberry trees are not the only plant used to raise silkworms. In areas where there are not many mulberry trees, silkworm farmers can use ash trees instead of mulberry leaves...

"Finally something useful!" Bonaparte suddenly shouted, startling Georgiana.

"What are you yelling at!" she said angrily.

"Read." He put on a commander-in-chief and gave her an order.

She threw the book to him, "I've been studying for so long, now it's your turn."

After she finished speaking, she ignored him and poured water by herself.

The structure of Chinese looms looks very simple, but the textile craftsmen are extremely skilled, careful and focused in their operation. European textile merchants have not yet been able to make better textile machines...

"That's because the machines would take the weavers' jobs," Georgiana explained to him. "England already has water-powered looms."

He looked a little confused, but continued reading.

"Weaving artisans skillfully weave panels of brocades embroidered with exquisite patterns and silks painted with flowers, which can also be produced in Paisley, Magsfitte and Lyon. However, Chinese crepe silk is extremely difficult to imitate , so far no foreign manufacturer has imitated it. We also do not have a fabric like cocoon silk. This silk fabric is very washable, and after repeated washing, the fabric will become softer and more beautiful. What is crepe silk ?” asked Bonaparte.

"I'll wager it's not the crumpled silk that nobody wants," Georgiana answered.

"Where's the cocoon?"

"how could I know."

He looked at her dissatisfied, as if he was blaming a woman for not knowing this.

In addition to Zhejiang Province, three other provinces, Jiangnan Province, HUB Province and Sichuan Province also produce silk, and their silk products are extremely beautiful. These four provinces are basically at the same latitude, and the climate is very similar to that of the American states at the same latitude. The climate here is humid and the soil is humid. The Yangtze River and its countless tributaries nourish the land here. The local people use the silt dug out of the river to fertilize the soil, and use plant ash and animal bones to improve the soil. Mulberry trees are very suitable for intercropping, planting Indian millet in the gaps between rows of mulberry trees, or planting other grains and vegetables. Silkworm farmers put a lot of energy on the prevention and control of mulberry tree diseases and insect pests, because diseases and insect pests will bring disaster to these delicate plants. In order to protect the mulberry leaves, silkworm farmers even apply a layer of essential oil on the branches.

Every village and town publicly read Emperor Kangxi's "Sixteen Articles of the Holy Treatise" every month to remind the people of their obligations. In the "Sixteen Articles", the emperor advocated "emphasizing farming and mulberry for food and clothing", and raised farming, mulberry planting and sericulture to a very high position. As for silk products, the emperor seemed to want to monopolize them in order to create more profits for the empire. He had been trying to limit the export of products. Imperial laws prohibited foreign merchant ships from loading more than 100 tan of raw silk and 80 tan of finished silk. However, these legal provisions were useless in the face of the difficulty of resisting smuggling, and greedy smugglers made up for the foolishness of the Empire's ban.

Britain ships 1,500 to 16,000 tons of silk from China every year, most of which are twisted silk. European manufacturers prefer to use silk to make stockings for ladies.

"Why didn't I think of it." Georgiana whispered, "The sea ban is for monopoly?"

"The Manchus started as a fur business." Bonaparte gave the book to Georgiana.

"You only read a little bit." She complained.

"I'm not like you, I have a job, what about you?" He teased, "Aren't you here for a meeting?"

She was suddenly speechless.

"I'm going out, you can read it yourself." After he finished speaking, he put the book on the table and left the room.

After he left, she picked up the book and continued to read. After the trip to Hangzhou, Nick and the others went to Shanghai. After passing here, they could go along the Yangtze River to Zhenjiang, and then along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to the Nanhe Governor's Office. It is located in Qingjiangpu.

There is a small island next to Shanghai called Chongming Island, which is nicknamed "Jiang Tongue". It was a barren land a few centuries ago, and the convicted officials were exiled here. Now it has become a place for drying salt and growing cotton. .

Planting cotton has brought huge profits to Chongming Island. Moreover, cotton is easier to grow than rice. After harvesting the wheat, sprinkle cotton seeds on the field and turn the wheat field. The century is completely different.

She quickly flipped through these two pages, and the story told about Nick and the others having a round with Juren and Wanning in Zhenjiang.

They also came along the waterway. Originally, Wanning was supposed to stay in JDZ's hometown, but she refused to listen. She insisted on going to Qingjiangpu with the admiral, so they left together.

Nick kept thinking about the old man he met in the pavilion. He said that people think that the eyes of blind people can’t see anything. In fact, the opposite is true. The eyes of blind people contain the greatest darkness. People think that darkness is a dead silence. An absurd misunderstanding, not only does everything in the world not disappear in the darkness, but in the spectrum only black cannot be attributed to one color, it is a huge theater that lacks all the characters, but includes all the plots.

So, is it a good thing to heal her eyes and let her see again?

Could she, like most people, be deluded by the illusion created by light?

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