Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2166 Flower Controversy (seventy-four)

To write memorials, you need to write, and to write letters, you also need to write. Juren has written memorials, and also set up stalls on the streets. Make a living by helping people test their characters.

The ten elder brother Yin likes to make friends with strange people, if he hadn't introduced Zhang Mingde to Yinhu, and Zhang Mingde didn't say those "destined" words, maybe Yinhu would not have participated in the seizure of the heir.

The law of the Qing Dynasty did not stipulate that beggars could not take the imperial examination, but it clearly stipulated that those who opposed etiquette, such as wizards and cult leaders, were guilty of spreading evil books, demagogues, instigating rebellion with letters and notices, printing privately, distributing them, or publishing them in public. It is a crime to preach rebellion in any place, and of course these people cannot take the imperial examination. However, Fang Guancheng's problem is not his status as a fortune teller, he is a survivor of the literary inquisition, if not because he is too young, he should have been assigned to HLJ.

The fear of literary prison made officials tremble when writing memorials, for fear that they would also commit the taboo of "Qingfeng is illiterate, so why flip books randomly", so there is a "tradition" of staff writing.

He is the only one in Juren's family. If something goes wrong, the Xiaojun Wang can also put the blame on him.

"Worshiping the door" is a popular ceremony in the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty. People need to invite someone to introduce the door, and then present the "disciple post" to the worshiper and pay the "respect", which is usually property or gift, and the place is also one's own home. However, isn't it natural to repay debts?

In the fifty-first year of Qianlong, Hubei encountered a famine year. A farmer named Liu Damao borrowed grain everywhere. The local squire Mei Tiaoyuan worried that his family would be affected, so he asked his son to tie Liu Damao and others to the monks. Temple tortured, and then buried twenty-three people alive. Qianlong was very angry when he found out. At that time, he had already spent five million taels of money for disaster relief. Only when the relief was not effective and the victims could not benefit from the disaster would they rob rice and grain. So the governor of Huguang, the chief envoy, and the inspector Xiao Sen were all dismissed from their posts and questioned, and Mei Tiaoyuan was executed by Ling Chi.

Why do others have to lend you surplus food and surplus money? What if you still can't make it?

Because of the high interest rate, others are willing to borrow money. During the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms in the Han Dynasty, in order to quell the rebellion, the nobles needed to raise military expenses. The nobles who went to the expedition also borrowed the property of the merchants, and promised to return ten times the money after winning. If they lose, the businessman's investment will bear all the losses, and it is impossible for him to find a living person to claim the money back.

There were also those who were forced to ruin their families by usury. When Li Wei was the governor of Zhili, he made a promise to return the land products pawned to death due to usury to the original owner.

Zhili's land annexation is very serious, and they will borrow usury with the land as collateral. The people were displaced before paying money, and they ran to rich places, usually to the south of the Yangtze River. It is better to be a beggar in the south than to stay in Zhili as a "slave".

Li Wei was Prince Yong's domestic slave, and later became an official by donating officials. His background was very simple, and he had nothing to do with the imperial court. Prince Yong valued this and cultivated him.

Forcing people to repay debts If people are forced to die, then Yong Rong will probably be disciplined by the elders like Mian Hui, and Tseleng only dares to order the repayment of the money. Would he still order the soldiers of Uliasutai, like Genghis Khan? Going south?

The purpose of the gatekeepers is to recruit disciples to expand their power, and some people want to make money through disciples. "Dream of Red Mansions" was once a banned book, and Cao Xueqin was fortunately dead, otherwise so many contents that mirrored the Qing Dynasty would have been sentenced to prison for literature. However, people who have read this book say it is good, so 30 years after it was published, it has been popular in manuscript.

He Shen also got a copy when sorting out the Siku Quanshu. It was a pity that such a good book, so he found Gao E, a disciple who taught Fengshen Yinde in his home, and ordered him to reorganize "The Story of the Stone". Cut out the outdated content for publication.

After the publication of "A Dream of Red Mansions", Gao E wrote in a poem: "Enlightenment to the Zen of Brightness and Freedom."

Qianlong's accession to the throne was not as dangerous as Yongzheng's. On the day of Kangxi's grand visit, he was in Changchun Garden, where most of the princes who stayed in Beijing were there, and Prince Yong was in the Temple of Heaven at that time.

From the Temple of Heaven to the Changchun Garden for 20 miles, it takes about 4 hours for the envoys to ride horses and Prince Yong to take a carriage without passing through the inner city. It took 8 hours to get to Changchun Garden, what did he do in these four hours?

BJ has been used to be surrounded since its design. Half of the ponds in Shichahai are located in the outer city, which is also convenient for residents to get water.

Its city wall is very strong, it is difficult to attack from the outside, and it is also difficult for people inside to come out. This is the importance of the nine gates. Once the gate is closed, you can "catch the turtle in the old man". This idiom is used like this of.

When Qianlong came to the throne, many people had already guessed that he was the successor, and it was true later. The first thing he did after he came to the throne was to expel Wen Jue, a monk raised by Yongzheng in the forbidden garden.

Yongzheng, like the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, wanted to make alchemy, but it is not known whether he died suddenly because of taking pills like in the "Hongwan case". According to the daily life note, he had no abnormalities in the first few days before his trip, and he was still normal Suddenly, he couldn't work at work, but he didn't issue a will like Wanli to exempt mining tax, and his condition didn't improve. At the age of 58, he swallowed his last breath in Yuanmingyuan.

After all, Wen Jue was a meritorious minister who supported Yongzheng's ascension to the throne. Qianlong could only send him to his hometown and let him take care of him, and this place happened to be Suzhou.

Since Cao Xueqin's great-grandfather Cao Xi, the Cao family has been weaving in Jiangning. The last Jiangning weaving Cao Fu lived to the Yongzheng period. His memorials were full of rumors from the streets and alleys, but he did not write about finances.

In "Dream of Red Mansions", it is written that illegal items were found in Jia's mansion. As long as they did not hide the dragon robes, it is not surprising that there are one or two items that are the same as those in the palace.

Cao Fu's talents are mediocre, and his family Ding Hanchen takes care of all the weaving affairs. Li Xi is Kangxi's confidant, and Jiang Ning Zhicao Cao Yin is his brother-in-law. They bet on Yinhu.

Unexpectedly, when Yongzheng ascended the throne, on the tenth day of the first lunar month of the first year of Yongzheng, when Li Xi's deficit case was reviewed, the first thing Cao Yin did after learning the information was to transfer assets.

In any case, even though the Cao family fell, their intelligence network is still available, and it was used in the soul-calling case in the thirty-third year of Qianlong's reign.

Knowing the son is better than the father, and knowing the father is worse than the son, Qianlong is also a person who has experienced nine kings seizing the heir, so it is better to spread out the clique in private. "The south will not be king, and the north will not continue to marry" is one of the three major national policies of the Qing Dynasty. Through the marriage of Manchu and Mongolia, some allies have been obtained. It was Horqin who blocked Ge Erdan who wanted to take advantage of the emptiness of his troops to go south when he was in the Han Dynasty.

The power of Mongolian foreheads should not be underestimated, and Genghis Khan's eighteenth generation grandson Celeng is also a forehead.

Qianlong's intention of referring to marriage and adoption in this way is already obvious. Yong Rong's acceptance of a scholar who is a tutor in the county prince's mansion as a disciple is not just a gift.

Yongrong likes astrology and is also interested in Zhouyi. The thirty-sixth hexagram is called Mingyi hexagram. Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" "If you don't see it, it's called Yi; if you don't hear it, it's called Xi; if you can't fight, it's called Wei." These three cannot be questioned, so they are mixed together and become one."

There is a record of the Dongyi people in the "Shan Hai Jing": the Yi people live in Donghu.

Bows and arrows are instruments invented by humans in order to avoid close combat with wild animals or enemies. In traditional Zhou rituals, shooting rituals does not hit the target, which means to establish morality and righteousness, and to harmonize rituals and music.

The Dongyi people are said to have invented bows and arrows. According to legend, Hou Yi, the sharpshooter who shot down nine golden crows, was Dongyi people.

The candle shadow on the mica screen is deep, and the long river gradually falls and the dawn stars sink. Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihai Qingtian is heartbroken every night.

The elixir Chang'e stole was obtained by her descendants shooting the sun. In the 50th year of Qianlong's reign, there was a drought in Henan.

Later, in the 51st and 52nd years, droughts also occurred, and finally "human cannibalism" appeared.

In Shuowen Jiezi, Yi is called a person in the east, who can hold a bow. In ancient times, bows were corrected when making bows and arrows. .

There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and moving forward will bring harm. The Mingyi hexagram represents being prepared for danger in times of peace. The world is unpredictable and adversity is inevitable.

The hexagram before this hexagram is the Jin hexagram, which has the meaning of being open and upright. To gain the support and trust of everyone, one must not be insatiable, strong and weak.

The last hexagram is the family, honesty and dignity are the foundation of family management, and mutual respect and love can lead to harmony and happiness.

When you are alone at home, you should also reflect on yourself and be cautious about being alone. When you are with many people, you should also stick to the righteous way, and you must not lose your way and join forces with evil.

When Juren was looking at the memorials that had accumulated dust for an unknown number of years in the library, He Shen’s home was bustling. He was the supervisor who built it, not only the Temple of Xumi Fushou, but also palaces and pavilions to expand his home. It's just a matter of lifting your finger.

The Ming Yi hexagram also has the meaning of hurting oneself. Everyone is named Sun Shan. Why is the gap so big?

Later he found the books of two people, one was written by Chen Hongmou. During the Yongzheng period to encourage land reclamation, local officials lied about their achievements in order to reward and promote them. mu, actually one mu has not been cultivated.

The Qing Dynasty did not fully follow the "one-whip law". It was a reform to divide the tax into the mu and merge the silver tax into the land tax.

That is to say, those with little land will pay less, those with no land will not pay, and those with more land will pay more, and the governor of Yunnan has to pay so much tax for the 200,000 mu of land reported out of thin air. Where did the money come from?

Guangxi is originally a mountainous area, and the reclaimed land is barren and can only grow corn.

However, the booklet was handed over and the governor of Yunnan was sent to investigate, but Emperor Yongzheng passed away suddenly. It was the easiest time to manipulate during the "change of dynasty". Compared with other "big events", no one remembered this "small event" .

In the second year, Chen Hongmou submitted the memorial again. This time the Zhu Zhu was written by Qianlong. He sent the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi to investigate, and soon verified the situation. Guangxi governor Jin Jia and others were dismissed for investigation.

The other is the memorial to Changlu Yanzheng Xining, which reports the progress of the Luohan Hall in Rehe. This temple was built according to the Biyun Temple in Hangzhou. The craftsmen were also found by the same group of craftsmen from Suzhou and Haining. There are 508 pieces of lacquer, each of which is the same size as a real person.

He read a lot of memorials, and he didn't know why he remembered this.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the term of Changlu Yanzheng was stipulated as one year, but later it was not rigid, and Xining served for 10 years. In the 35th year of Qianlong's reign, the task of shipping and selling 1 million bags of salt was only completed for 600,000 bags, and 560,000 taels of tax had to be paid for 3,700 taels. Zhu Chang of Qianlong reprimanded him for collecting Changlu salt tax.

Only 20 days later, the tax money collected reached more than 550,000 taels, and only more than 10,000 taels were not collected. Qianlong was very puzzled by this, and decreed that Xining must explain clearly the real reason for "restraint to play please extend the limit".

At that time, there was an imperial dock in Tianjin, where the Anfu boats and other ships used by Emperor Qianlong for his southern tour were stored, and the Changlu Salt Administration was responsible for the management and repair.

Emperor Qianlong ordered Xining to repair the Anfu boat and Xiangfeng boat. Originally, it only needed to replace the upper wooden boards on the roof, but Xining took it upon himself to lift up the two layers of wooden boards and the tin sheet in the middle for heavy repairs. Qianlong was very disapproving, thinking that he spent so much time and effort, but "doing what he can, hoping to see good", he really "does not understand the matter", not only reprimanded him, but also made him pay for the cost. of silver.

Qianlong was so fond of jade that the Ruyi Pavilion was too busy, so Qianlong handed over 56 pieces of jade to Xining to make. Xining sent a memorial, saying that he could make a few more pieces back. Such a "good man" would not worry about him.

Internal money is different from a pawn shop. Anyway, Juren at the time would have thought that these two booklets would be related to his future. When he understood, he was powerless, after all, Yongrong was dead at that time.

"Wuwang Gua" means don't act rashly, rash advances will cause trouble.

At that time, Juren seemed to be able to become an official, but in the end he ended up having nothing but joy.

Lao Tzu said: The road is very barren, but the people like the road.

When the future is uncertain and the future is unclear, people like to take shortcuts.

The government is corrupt, the world is desolate, the storehouses are empty; people wear gorgeous clothes, carry sharp swords, do not like food, and have a surplus of goods. These are the actions of robbers and do not conform to the Tao.

Don't act rashly before you figure out the situation, and don't listen to the prophet's rumors to confuse the crowd. So Juren, who was still talking about "killing or cutting" and "refusing to eat in prison", meditated after eating wine and meat, as if he really "became a Buddha instantly", and almost made Nick die of panic!

Georgiana laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Bonaparte.

"It's nothing." She said with a smile, but she thought so in her heart.

Tom Riddle should really take a good look at it. If he hadn’t listened to Sybil’s “bewitching words” and hadn’t taken the shortcut of killing Harry Potter, everything might have been different, but who told him to encounter an unknown future? ?

He wanted to do something to change his fate, but he was self-defeating. He marked the lightning scar on Harry's head, making him the threat in the prophecy. Who told him to act rashly like a young man.

Fate is unfair, if he has a rich grandpa, or if his father left as much money as Harry's treasury...he will probably use it to recruit soldiers, after all, he is Voldemort, he is good at creating conflicts and disputes , peace is not what he wants.

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