Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2143 Flower Controversy (51)

The Kitchen God is in charge of the food and drink of everyone in every family. Although he stays next to the world, he cannot flatter or offend him too casually. Therefore, when the Kitchen God enters the house, he cannot sing, cry, curse, or shout , Similarly, if dirty firewood is used for cooking and cooking, the unclean smoke from the firewood will also harm the Stove Lord.

If you don't pay attention to the eight solar terms, the eight solar terms are Lichun, Lixia, Liqiu, Lidong and vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice, because these eight solar terms are the cycle of Yin and Yang changes in nature. In reality, the human body will undergo similar changes, and the gods also make judgments on rewards and punishments for people during these solar terms.

When the gods do justice, not only can people not make mistakes, but they can't torture criminals either. It is precisely because of not following this rule that the famous general Du Fan was punished by the gods. Du Fan was usually extremely cruel to the soldiers. Someone brought a plate with a fresh pumpkin on it."

Hearing this, the subordinates were extremely surprised, thinking to themselves, "Where can I get fresh pumpkins in winter?"

Du Fan trembled all over, and then said, "The pumpkin is a human head, and it came to claim my life."

As soon as the words fell, he swallowed his breath.

These crimes include, but are not limited to, killing without provocation, ill-treatment of subordinates, afflicting a sick doctor, or exposing one's body when one wakes up at night.

"Taishang Induction Chapter" writes: Like the above crimes, the god of command will take away his life according to human mistakes. The heavy ones are 12 years, and the light ones are 100 days. If the lifespan is exhausted, he will die. The guilt of the crime will affect the children and grandchildren.

Just like a house on the ground corresponds to the stars in the sky, human behavior will also invite heaven to intervene in human affairs, which heralds disasters and auspiciousness. At the junction of Shichahai and Nanluoguxiang, there is a Huoshen Temple. It was built in the sixth year of Zhenguan. It is the earliest and only royal temple in the capital.

Whenever there is a fire in the palace, the imperial court will send ministers here to report the disaster and pray for the blessing of the fire god. Every birthday of the Vulcan, a grand puja will be held in the temple, and the emperors of all dynasties will personally or send their ministers to offer sacrifices.

According to the records in Liu Tong's "Scenery of the Imperial Capital", the Huangji Hall, Qianqing Palace, and Luan Hall all experienced fires, and in the sixth year of Tianqi, a fire broke out in the Wanggong Factory outside the Forbidden City, causing huge casualties. Including the crown prince of Emperor Tianqi, the Fire Temple in Chongwenmen also seems to be on fire.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng's seismograph detected an earthquake from Gansu, and the emperor asked him who caused the disaster.

If Zhang Heng dared to say a name at that time, it would have caused huge political turmoil, and the eunuch group looked for opportunities to drive him out of Luoyang.

Also in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, there was also the phenomenon of eunuchs monopolizing power. In the fifth year of the apocalypse, that is, the year before the big bang, Wei Zhongxian set up a big prison again, and framed Yang Lian, Zuo Guangdou, Zhou Chaorui, and Wei Dazhong. Six people, Gu Dazhang, Yuan Huazhong, were tortured to death in prison. These six people were later called the Six Gentlemen of Apocalypse. There was once a "Yanke" who didn't know his name disguised himself and went to Zhenfusi Prison to visit. After seeing the tragic conditions of the six gentlemen being tortured, he wrote the book "Blue Blood Record". aroused strong repercussions.

Everyone knows that the eunuchs are powerful, and the eunuchs who were ordered to go out are not only very majestic, they have arranged a guard of honor, and they extort property along the way, committing crimes along the way, and the censors have impeached them many times.

It stands to reason that eunuchs should not marry wives. When Zhu Yuanzhang was in power, he strictly prohibited it. All eunuchs who married wives would be punished by skinning, but this is just a mere letter. Eunuchs not only married wives, but also took concubines, or married prisoners’ women, and even married the wife of the late hero Hou Bo. The daughters of poor people were taken as concubines and served as maids by them. Yes, including children.

Some eunuchs became eunuchs after they got married and had children, while others were purged by their parents since they were young. They thought that being an eunuch would make them richer. There are also eunuchs in Europe. But in terms of power, it cannot be compared with eunuchs anyway. These people will not have offspring, but there is no shortage of people vying to be their "righteous grandsons" and "adopted sons." After the fire broke out, people panicked. People thought that Emperor Tianqi wanted to wipe out the so-called "eunuchs" in order to appease the wrath of heaven and the dead prince.

But Wei Zhongxian is deeply loved and trusted by Emperor Tianqi, and the prince's biological mother, Concubine Rong, is rumored to be Wei Zhongxian's "righteous daughter". Wei Zhongxian and the emperor's nurse Hakka were very powerful in the palace, and they had already killed Empress Zhang and other concubines in the harem.

Besides, Nurhachi was developing rapidly at that time and had already posed a threat to Daming. Wei Zhongxian promoted Yuan Chonghuan to supervise Liaodong, and gave Yuan Chonghuan great support in politics, materials, military pay, armaments and other aspects. During the years when Wei Zhongxian was in power, the cities from Ningyuan to Jinzhou were rebuilt, and Mingjun Shoubian was equipped with firecrackers, chariots, mines, bombs, and even red cannons were moved to the cities of Ningyuan and Jinzhou. It was because the red cannon injured Nurhachi.

Wang Gong Factory is a place that specializes in making gunpowder. Although it caused a huge explosion, it is not a disaster from the heavens. It may also be caused by workers' operating errors.

The final result was that the big explosion was nothing. Not only did Wei Zhongxian not restrain himself, but he set off a second wrongful prison. This time, seven people were arrested, but not all of them were brought to justice. When Jin Yiwei rode to Gao Panlong's house, He committed suicide by throwing himself into a well, and the other six people were tortured to death in prison, and their families were destroyed.

It is said that there was a lot of snow in the north including Hunan that year, while Guangdong and other places experienced severe drought in spring and flood in summer. Suddenly, the forces of "mountain bandits" surged, and Liu Xiang's pirates also took the opportunity to land and plunder.

A few months after the big bang, Wang Wei, who had served as a pusher in Yangzhou, published "Qi Qi Tu Shuo Lu" instead of the German missionary Deng Yuhan. He came together with 22 missionaries including Tang Ruowang and Luo Yagu, and only 8 of them arrived alive. People, but Deng Yuhan did not go to BJ, but stayed in Macau. When pirates began to appear, Deng Yuhan went to Hangzhou to seek refuge. Later, he was recruited to BJ Qintianjian to participate in the compilation of "Chongzhen Almanac". At this time, Tang Ruowang was still there. Missionary in Xi'an.

The "Chongzhen Almanac" lasted for five years. After Deng Yuhan passed away in 1630, Tang Ruowang was responsible for the next work. Bi Gongchen, an official of the Ming Dynasty, found "A Brief Introduction to Qin Xi's Personality" in Tang Ruowang's manuscripts, which described in detail the principles and principles of bones, nerves, body fat, skin, blood, sensation, vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. It was formed, and after Runding, this book was published. It was already the sixteenth year of Chongzhen at that time.

In the seventh year of the Apocalypse, Ming Xizong fell into the water while swimming in the lake. Although he was not drowned, he fell into a serious illness and died after taking the "fairy medicine". Ming Sizong came to the throne. The first thing he did was to clean up Wei Zhongxian is one party.

It is said that Wei Zhongxian and the Hakka family were lovers. After the Manchu Dynasty settled in the Forbidden City, court ladies and eunuchs were strictly forbidden to eat each other, and eunuchs were prohibited from speaking and interfering in politics. Court ladies can also leave the palace to marry when they are twenty-five years old. It does not need to be like that in the Ming Dynasty In the palace of death.

Unless there is an amnesty, or the so-called astronomical anomalies, the Ming Dynasty will let a group of palace people out. People believe that too many women in the harem will cause yin and depression. The story of Zhenguan comes from the palace ladies.

The little girls who entered the palace at the age of ten were almost fifty years old when they were released. If they did not join relatives and friends, they could only rely on their own vitality to survive the day, or beg along the street.

The miserable situation of the palace ladies made the emperor feel pity, but he did not reform. This led to the early engagement of folk parents in order to avoid their children being selected into the palace.

The maids who were forced to enter the palace couldn't bear to resist, so that Emperor Jiajing was strangled to death by more than a dozen court ladies, that is, the Renyin Palace Change.

European women are not allowed to come to the Qing Dynasty, and the door is closed to our lovely female compatriots.

According to the scriptures, a female body cannot be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss unless it becomes a male body. The Avalokitesvara who looks like the Sistine Madonna enshrined in a rural temple is actually a male.

However, the seated statue of Avalokitesvara in white jade and gold in Ming Dynasty that Nick saw in Faxing Temple looks like a woman no matter how you look at it.

After all, women look more benevolent than men with beards and rough faces, so it is easy to think of the compassionate Guanyin.

Nick also saw Maitreya Buddha in Faxing Temple. This time it was all golden. Although he also opened his eyes, it seemed that the white Maitreya Buddha was not as scary.

It's just that his smile was very stiff, like a very happy person who saw some horrible scene, and the smile froze on his face.

"The sedan chair is here." Juren said behind Nick.

Nick withdrew his gaze and walked to the gate of the Buddhist temple, where a beautiful sedan chair was parked, and four strong men were about to carry him away.

So Nick stepped into this sedan chair made of bamboo, canvas and oiled paper. It felt very comfortable to be carried away. troublesome collision.

Just like what the admiral is doing now, he didn't dare to continue to blatantly protect Nick, so he sent a small sedan chair to pick him up.

Compared with the pleasant feeling of sliding along the street, Nick is in a fearful mood, because the sedan chair will pass through the bustling crowd, and he may encounter a reckless man who is walking in a hurry at any time.

The bearers shouted "Give way" as they walked. After all, he is not an official of the imperial court, so he can use gongs and guards of honor to clear the way.

But even so, passers-by still gave way one after another, because they couldn't see the person in the sedan chair, and they regarded him as wearing a hat or a rich man.

They arrived at the Admiral's Mansion soon, and the sedan chair was carried directly into the yard. When Nick got off the sedan chair, the bearers were smelling of sweat, and the way they looked at Nick made him feel uncomfortable.

At this time Cao Xi appeared, he was as polite as when he greeted Nick for the first time, and led him to the living room where the admiral was still sitting on the rosewood chair, smoking a cigarette with a sad face.

"Cao Zuoling is the admiral's right-hand man, and he is also a prospective son-in-law. If you say that he framed you for his fiancée, the admiral will not believe you. Then you will lose your only support." Before leaving, Juren said in the temple, " Don’t talk nonsense, and answer whatever others ask you.”

"Adventures are bold, novel and seductive, which makes many young people think about it. If possible, it is necessary to create a kind of influence, a kind of trust, which is beneficial to the European family." The priest once said to Nick That's the role he pushed for Nick to play, he said.

Before leaving, Nick left a letter to his friends in France. If he did not hear from him for a long time after receiving the letter, please come to the Faxing Temple in Guangzhou, and someone there will know the exact news about him.

From now on, Nick will be transformed into a Chinese scholar with a Chinese name like those missionaries.

His current name is Pingxi. That's right, a smart person wouldn't call him such a name that makes people have rich associations, but isn't this what a foreigner with little knowledge, stupid and clumsy, and who doesn't understand this country should behave?

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