Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2142 Flower Controversy (Fifty)

After midnight, Nick heard someone blowing a hole flute in the yard.

Even if it is a very beautiful tune, it is very disturbing to play it so late. He got up from the bed, opened the door and walked into the yard. He remembered that there was only one linden tree in the yard during the day, but now it turned into a wisteria The tree is full of wisteria flowers.

There was a beautiful woman under the tree, and it was she who was playing the hole flute. The anger of being woken up suddenly dissipated, and Nick stood at the door of his room enjoying her playing.

After a while, a monk came over, maybe he was also woken up, and he and Nick enjoyed the woman's performance together.

"Where does the benefactor come from?" the monk suddenly asked.

"West side." Nick said in unfamiliar Chinese.

"But the West Paradise where the Great Leiyin Temple is located?" the monk asked.

Nick smiled. The name of Daleiyin Temple in India is Nalanda Temple. In Journey to the West, Tang Monk obtained the scriptures from there under the protection of his apprentices. In real history, Xuanzang did study in Nalanda Temple.

"Yes." Nick replied not very seriously, he had indeed been to India.

"Is the starry sky there the same as that here?" the monk asked.

Nick froze for a moment, he thought the monk wanted to ask him if he had seen what the Tathagata looked like.

He subconsciously raised his head.

"Do you know why the place where the emperor lives is called the Forbidden City?" the monk asked, then pointed to the sky and said, "The ancients divided the stars in the sky into three walls, Taiweiyuan, Tianshiyuan and Ziweiyuan. Weiyuan lives in the center, Tianshiyuan and Taiweiyuan live on both sides, the north is where the Star King is located, and the North Pole is the pole of heaven. All the souls in the Three Worlds and Ten Worlds belong to the North Pole, so it is regarded as the "Supreme". The place where the Emperor of Heaven lives is called the "Purple Palace". The emperor is the son of Heaven, so his residence on the ground should also be called the "Purple Palace". The "Purple Palace" also became a Forbidden City, and together it is the Forbidden City. "Government is based on virtue, such as Beichen, a place of residence, and the stars are arched", people believe that the ministers who assist the emperor are all descended from the stars, The No. 1 Scholar represents Wenquxing. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a scholar recorded that there was a snake demon who had cultivated for thousands of years by the West Lake in Hangzhou. After she transformed into a human form, she met a scholar named Xu Xian and married him. A Zen master named Fa Hai saw that Xu Xian was haunted by evil spirits, so he rescued Xu Xian. He put the white snake in a bowl and suppressed it under the Leifeng Pagoda. After practicing for several years, he sat down overnight, and the monks built a bone pagoda for him. When he died, Xu Xian left eight lines of poems to warn the world. Transformation, life-to-life transformation and rebirth. If you want to know that there is form, you must also look for form. You must recognize formlessness but form. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form, and emptiness, form and form must be distinct."

"What does this have to do with Wenquxing?" Nick asked.

"According to the folklore, this white snake repayed Xu Xian for saving his life in his previous life. After marriage, they had a son. When the child grew up, he won the first prize in the examination, rescued his mother from the Leifeng Pagoda, and reunited with his father."

Nick realizes that "that child is Wenquxing."

"Don't you think it's strange?" the monk asked.


"How can a man and a snake give birth to a child?" said the monk.

"Didn't she take human form?" Nick said.

"But she is still a snake," said the monk.

"It is impossible for a man to become a snake, and it is impossible for a snake to become a man."

"Are you sure?" the monk asked.

Nick didn't answer.

"Look at her." The monk gestured to Nick to look at the woman playing the dilute under the wisteria tree. "Is she beautiful?"

Nick stared at her, his eyes gradually blurred.

"There is a scholar surnamed Wang in Taiyuan. Like you, he sees a beautiful woman and doesn't believe that she is a monster. He didn't realize it until one day when he saw a woman 'changing clothes'. Unfortunately, it was too late. That monster soon took his life."

The woman under the tree suddenly turned into Wanning's appearance. Nick was about to argue with the monk, but the monk disappeared.

When he looked at the woman under the wisteria tree again, she was gone. He just wanted to leave the room to find out what happened, but he stepped on the ground and fell to the ground. When he got up, he was still in the meditation room. It was already dawn, and the monks were doing morning lessons, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came from the Buddhist hall in front.

And the tree in the yard is still the thousand-year-old bodhi tree, and has not turned into a thousand-year-old wisteria tree.

Nick immediately ran to Juren's room, woke him up, and told Juren what he had just seen.

Juren didn't quite believe what Nick said. This critical literati didn't believe that Dai Yupei could ward off evil spirits, but he believed that Zhang Gong could ward off evil dragons. He also told Nick how Zhang Gong killed that terrible monster with a rice ball.

"There are monks everywhere in this temple. It may be that you really heard the sound of the flute in the middle of the night, and you really had a conversation with a monk. It's just that you were sleepy and confused, and you couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream."

Nick felt that what he said was reasonable, so he carefully identified the monks when they gathered together to chant scriptures, trying to find the monk, but none of them matched.

Nick returned to Juren's room, when Juren took out a book, saw Nick coming back, and gave the book to him.

"Lanruo means 'temple' in Sanskrit, and Lanruo Temple means 'temple'. Didn't the monk you just mentioned recite a poem? Transforming samsara and transforming, transforming and regenerating, and that A scholar with the surname of Wang in Taiyuan is also included in this book."

Nick looked at the title of the book, it was "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" written by Pu Songling.

"A story about a scholar surnamed Wang in Taiyuan, whose name is 'Painted Skin'." Juren said in a low voice mysteriously.

After reading the story, Nick found it unbelievable. It is possible for a person to lose some utensils, such as a snuff bottle, but it is impossible to lose his own skin. Where did the ghost get this human skin?

This was originally a story made up by Mr. Liao Zhai. Although it was terrifying, it had been circulated for many years but no one took it seriously. Nick's question seemed to remind others.

"Pichang Temple!" Juren shouted, "It stole the human skin from Pichang Temple."

Then he told a creepy history.

The Pichang Temple actually existed in the Song Dynasty. The Pichang Temple is a part of the Earth Temple, where it is mainly used to skin livestock for sacrifice.

There are similar places in the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth, and the Altar of Mountains and Rivers. At the beginning of the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven, a clean ground calf should be found and placed on the burnt wood stove, and burned to welcome the god of heaven.

刳, in Shuowen Jiezi, means to break open, hollow out, and pick clean, that is to say, burn a calf with its internal organs and skin removed, and only bones and meat left.

The earth temple is local, and the skins of livestock can be used for sacrifices. Later, this kind of leather temple was used by Zhu Yuanzhang to skin people.

But compared with his son Zhu Di, Zhu Yuanzhang was skinned after the death of corrupt officials, Zhu Di was skinned alive, and he hung the "bags" of peeled grass in Chang'an Gate, not in the Earth Temple like Zhu Yuanzhang Sacrifice the land.

Regardless of whether they are riding horses, cars, or sedan chairs, officials going to court must stop at Chang'an Gate, and then walk into the Forbidden City. There is also a dismounting stele in front of the door, where officials and others must dismount, which means that those high-ranking "officials" can see the "bag" as soon as they look up.

The whole Ming Dynasty does not know how many people died from this torture, especially during the reign of Wei Zhongxian, this torture was used extensively.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were also Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Xichang. These spies performed these tortures on behalf of the emperors. After all, the emperor only needed to move his mouth, and ordinary people could not do this kind of thing.

In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, who still remember how these human skins were disposed of? The best way was to burn them. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, many fires broke out in the capital.

But did it really burn?

Bonaparte snorted.

"Don't you believe it?" Georgiana asked.

"When the fortune-teller wants to eat the chicken used for fortune-telling, you'd better cooperate with him."

Georgiana made no attempt to persuade him.

She thought of Nagini, a circus performer who was doomed to transform from a man into a snake under a blood spell.

She hoped that the big snake that Voldemort used to make Horcruxes in the end and was destroyed by Neville with the sword of Gryffindor was not her.

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