Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2130 Flower Controversy (38)

When Nick returned to the hospital, he found many officers and soldiers with lanterns standing at the door. He walked past the door like a person who had nothing to do with him.

When he got to a place where no one was around, he blew out the lantern, and then poked his head around to look at the hospital.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind, and Nick almost pulled out the jackknife.

"It's me." Juren walked to the bright place, pointed to his nose, "Follow me."

After speaking, he walked into another alley first.

Nick followed Juren and left. After walking for about two minutes, they came to the second floor of a building, from where they could see part of the situation in the hospital.

Cao Xi walked around in the yard with his hands behind his back, while the priest stood motionless with a serious expression on his face.

"He's waiting for me." Nick looked at Cao Xi and said.

"Cao Zuoling is searching for all suspicious foreigners." Juren said, "Have you heard of the 'Empress of China'?"

In 1784, in order to break through the British economic blockade, the Americans who had just completed the War of Independence took Philadelphia businessmen Robert Morris and Daniel Parker on the ocean-going sailing ship "Empress of China" jointly equipped with the New York Company on Washington's birthday. More than 40 tons of American ginseng left New York Harbor and arrived in Guangzhou via the Cape of Good Hope.

After more than half a year of rough seas, the "Empress of China" arrived in Macau first. The excited Americans once fired thirteen cannons to pay tribute to the city on behalf of the thirteen states of the United States. It arrived at the final destination a week later. The destination, Guangzhou, repeated the same trick. This time, the people of Guangzhou who were celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival were taken aback, thinking that pirates were coming, or that a war was about to start, which resulted in many casualties.

In fact, the Americans just wanted to avoid paying the "first trade tax". After the incident, they immediately lied that they were British, and when they found out that the officials who boarded the ship hated the British, they hurriedly explained that they were from the United States. Emerging country ruled by the British.

Many Chinese people do not understand the outside world, and although the United States has succeeded in independence, its government has not been recognized by all countries in the world. Coupled with the fact that the Americans behaved very law-abiding after they landed, the officials of the "Heavenly Kingdom" finally reported the incident without courtesy.

Could it be that another emerging country that came out of nowhere came to Guangzhou and "fired a salute" like the Americans?

Nick looked at the officers and soldiers who were fighting openly. They didn't seem to come to ask questions, but to arrest him.

Last time the admiral helped him, this time he might not be so lucky.

"I can't go back now." Nick looked at Juren and lowered his voice and said, "I don't have any merit, Cao Zuolin will torture me."

"Hey, that's right, the 'scholar' is the right way to get fame." Juren plausibly said, "Those Shaoxing masters, who think they can keep accounts and manage documents, treat themselves as assistants. What a joke."

Here it is necessary to explain the difference between the Chinese-style shogunate and the Japanese-style shogunate. Japan used to have a dualistic politics for quite a long time, divided into the public and the samurai. Establish the shogunate and manage the whole of Japan. The samurai government founded by Ashikaga Takashi was called the Muromachi Shogunate, and the samurai government started by Tokugawa Ieyasu was called the Edo Shogunate.

There is no dual rule in China. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao had many advisers such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu, and Sima Yi, as well as Sun Quan and Liu Bei, but neither the Shu Han nor the Eastern Wu had as many advisers as Cao Cao, so Cao Cao's shogunate was the most effective in managing the country. practical experience.

It is said that Shaoxing masters not only keep accounts, but also advise their "masters" like counselors in the Three Kingdoms period, but these "masters" do not have high official positions like counselors, they are just subordinates in the yamen. Not even subordinate staff, because subordinate staff may be a fixed number of people in the government office, and the term of office of officials is usually three years. They also do some behind-the-scenes work for the host.

In the late Ming Dynasty, Muyou were basically born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, so they were called Shaoxing masters. They exchanged information with the friendship of their fellow countrymen. As for the road of imperial examinations, they almost never took the road, but relied on the recommendation of their masters, just like Fang Guancheng, the governor of Zhili, or took advantage of the incompetence of their masters to make money in his posts. Just leave with one stroke, similar to Wang Danwang.

Nick feels that his trip around the world may have to change a bit, such as not continuing his next trip in China, but he will avoid tonight's raids before leaving.

He asked Juren to take him in, and Juren easily agreed, and said with a smile that as long as he was not afraid of a hanged ghost.

In the end they went to Juren's residence together, a place not much better than the ruins. Although Juren said he was not afraid of ghosts, he still put "sword coins" by his bedside, which are said to have the effect of exorcising ghosts.

Juren gave up the "bed" to Nick, while he laid out the mats and the floor. This time, he did not tell stories to Nick as before.

Nick looked at the beam above his head, even though he knew there was no body hanging there, he still couldn't sleep with his eyes open.

There are two main ways to leave China. The first is to take a merchant ship of the East India Company, and the second is to go to Japan first, and then find a way to take a ship from Japan to other countries.

Since the decline of the Central Plains Dynasty established by the Han nationality, especially after the Manchus entered the customs, the surrounding tributary states, including Korea, only recognized the culture of the Celestial Dynasty, but did not recognize the Central Plains regime.

They call themselves "Little China". Toyotomi Hideyoshi's demand for North Korea to pay tribute to him is tantamount to ending the "Great China" system. Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty won that war.

Since the Ming Dynasty closed the country, Japanese merchants spread all over Southeast Asia, and they produced silver and copper mines. The Sea of ​​Japan has basically become the main trade artery of the entire Northeast Asia.

Vietnam was almost entirely dependent on Japanese trade, and their ports fully accepted Japanese Shuin ships to provide a place for "joint trade".

During this process, Vietnamese white sandalwood and raw silk were also imported to Japan, while Japanese copper coins flowed to Vietnam.

With the depletion of copper mines in Japan, the Edo shogunate promulgated the "Masantoku New Regulations" to curb the export of copper. As a result, the Vietnamese raw silk business that relied on Japan began to decline, and businessmen from Britain and other countries stopped going to Vietnam.

At that time, Vietnam was in a state of division, and the Trinh clan in Hanoi and the Nguyen clan in Quang Nam had to shift their economic base from occupying the South China Sea trade to plundering the countryside in order to fight.

At that time, the Hanoi Trinh family was weak and incompetent, but relied on the support of the Qing government to continue to rule, and the plundering of the countryside by the Quang Nam Ruan clan finally triggered a peasant riot. This peasant riot was named after the birthplace of the three Ruan brothers, so it was called Xishan Ruan clan , The Xishan Ruan clan quickly defeated the Guangnan Ruan clan, and also defeated the Hanoi Zheng clan, and finally faced the Qing army. In 1788, the Qing army entered Vietnam, defeated the Qing army in the outskirts of Hanoi the following year, and dealt the final blow to the Le Dynasty, and then Xishan Nguyen became the first regime to unify Vietnam.

Their victory was supported by the Chinese pirates. The newly established regime not only gave the pirates official positions, but also provided them with venues. In order to further strengthen the naval power, the pirates were equipped with warships, cannons and other weapons.

At this time, the Qing government used a method to grant an edict to King Annan, the third son of the three Ruan brothers. The eldest son who actually commanded Xishan Ruan was left out, and the conflict between the brothers intensified. One has returned to the country with the support of the United Kingdom and other countries.

There are three main trade lines between Japan and China. The first is the Nagasaki line, from Nagasaki, Japan to Zhapu, Zhejiang; the second is the Korean Busan-Japan Tsushima route; the third is from Fuzhou to Ryukyu, and then from Ryukyu to Satsuma , but the last time Nick asked Captain Yao to go to Xiamen, at first it was because Captain Yao was worried about pirates, but later because Captain Yao was warned, he failed to make the trip.

Since the East India Company assembled large ships of the country ship class, pirates rarely attacked British ships. The "Empress of China" is already an ocean-going ship with a capacity of 380 tons. The country ship-level East India Company special ship is 1,200 tons. sailor.

Unless you plan to sink it and then salvage the sunken ship, the country ship is almost unimpeded in the South China Sea. This sense of powerlessness makes some pirates feel that it is time to "wash their hands in the golden basin".

But even so, the East India Company did not dare to use real money when sending money to the country, unless the British Navy was dispatched, so the East India Company had to pay for the funds required for the army and military supplies sent by the country.

The last time the Macartney mission surveyed a route going north from Guangdong, they also met the Ryukyu tributary mission in Fuzhou. It was precisely because they collected information and discovered how inaccurate the original map was that Harrock hired Nick. Mapping.

If you want to escape, you need to plan your route, not like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

However, the conclusion Nick got was not so good. It would be very difficult for him to run, unless he went to Southeast Asia, which meant that he had to go back to the hospital to get the map hanging on the wall.

Nick took out his pocket watch, it was already midnight, and Juren had fallen into a deep sleep.

He tiptoed up from the bed, opened the door, and just before he was about to step out of the door, he put 300 silver dollars on the table, which was enough for a person to enter Beijing again.

Then he left this "house".

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