Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2129 Flower Controversy (37)

The generous host gave Nick a pair of cloth shoes, so that he was "fully dressed" except for the braids.

While the factory owners supplied the common man with a great deal of manufactured goods, they themselves adored handicrafts. People will spend more time on these products, such as the pair of cloth shoes on Nick’s feet. It has a thick sole, and it takes a craftsman several days to make a pair, and it is also very comfortable to wear.

After changing his shoes, Nick and Haoguan went to the living room together. These businessmen from Guangzhou Shisanhang also had the habit of gathering together to smoke like the British. This living room was decorated as luxuriously as the banquet hall, with a lot of porcelain placed there.

They are produced in Fujian Dehua Kiln, which is famous for its white porcelain Buddha statues, just like Europeans love to place ancient Roman sculptures, and the porcelain produced by JDZ is famous for its rich colors. The sculptures placed in the owner's house are not only Buddha statues, but also flowers made of white porcelain, and butterflies are placed on them so vividly.

There are many paintings on the wall, some in Chinese style and some in Western style, one of which is obviously painted by Lin Gua. It may be influenced by the Western Baroque style. The furniture in the living room has a large area of ​​carvings, and the style tends to be Western-style, not as Chinese-style as the rosewood furniture in the Admiral's house.

They allow little boys to appear on such occasions. In order for the children to master English as soon as possible, the "elders" will act as tutors, and each word will be marked in Cantonese. For example, "man" is marked as "mantle", and "today" is marked for "land". Not only the younger generation, but even the guys have to master English as much as possible. These guys are not very literate, and they can't remember English words.

This method quietly became popular, and then the troublesome Cantonese English was also popularized. Nick didn't speak English well, he was French, but these peddlers still talked to him in Cantonese.

They didn't know how they knew that Nick had hired a Juren as a tutor, and they were curious to test him on some content. For example, someone asked him if he knew what Empress Xiao meant when he recited "Ten Fragrance Poems"?

There are many empresses surnamed Xiao in history, such as Empress Xiao of Emperor Sui Yang. This unfortunate empress who was born in the south of the Yangtze River went to the cold and desolate Turkic after the death of Emperor Sui Yang, and stayed there until Tang Taizong Li Shimin conquered Turkic. Only then did the capital return to Chang'an, and he lived a noble life as a prisoner ever since.

But she did not recite "Poems of Ten Fragrances". The empress Xiao related to "Poems of Ten Fragrances" is Xiao Guanyin, the empress of Daozong in Liao Kingdom. He had an affair, so he was stabbed to death.

"Ten Fragrance Poems" describes the fragrance of ten parts: hair fragrance, frankincense, cheek fragrance, neck fragrance, breath fragrance, mouth fat fragrance, jade hands fragrance, golden lotus fragrance, skirt fragrance, body fragrance,

If this erotic poem is sung by a graceful and graceful woman of ice and jade like a white porcelain Guanyin, seeing her beauty from a distance will indeed disturb people's minds and make people melancholy and fascinated.

But this chaotic poem was not made by Xiao Guanyin, but framed by the courtier who framed her.

Although the Liao Kingdom began to order the ministers to produce Khitan script since the founding of the monarch Yelu Abaoji, it is still relatively barbaric compared to the Central Plains. The Liao Kingdom court still maintains some nomadic customs. A ruler can inherit the former wife.

Jurchen also inherited this system of adoptive marriage. Huang Taiji married the two widows of Lin Danhan, mainly to inherit the property of the Namuzhong tribe.

The queens of the Liao Kingdom are generally more heroic than gentle, and can even command thousands of troops to charge into battle, while Xiao Guanyin understands poetry and calligraphy, and she plays a good pipa in terms of rhythm. Xidong, she once fascinated Daozong.

However, there are very few ethnic groups who do not hunt. Daozong maintained a relatively good relationship with the Song Dynasty during the Tongzhi period, and he became very interested in hunting.

Some prey were very dangerous, so Empress Xiao asked him not to risk his life so much, and to focus on state affairs, but Daozong didn't listen to it at all. In order to keep out of sight, he simply distanced himself from Empress Xiao.

Empress Xiao has been lonely in the palace since then. She hopes to write a poem to win back her husband's heart and regain the joy of the past. The name of this poem is "Huixinyuan Ci", which describes a luxurious, comfortable and warm place Waiting for Daozong to arrive.

But in the whole court of the Liao Kingdom, only Zhao Weiwei could compose and sing this song. He and Empress Xiao played the flute and the pipa in ensemble, so it was widely rumored in the palace that the two fell in love with each other.

Liao Daozong ignored the government, and gradually there were people who wanted to usurp power in the court. After the emperor's uncle's rebellion was put down, Yelu Yixin was named the crown prince and Taifu, and gradually monopolized the power. .

It's not that easy to kill the crown prince, Xiao Guanyin's son Yelurui is quite wise and vigilant, he can guard against his "Teacher".

But someone in Yelu Yixin's account had an idea, why not use Xiao Guanyin and Zhao Weiwei's rumors to attack, you must know that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty suspected that Wei Zifu had implicated the prince in the disaster of witchcraft, Yelu Yixin accepted this strategy, And the person who came up with this idea wove "Poems of Ten Fragrances".

This poem was obviously written by a man. Men write "flesh and blood" only when they write erotic poems. Xiao Guanyin's "Huixinyuan Poem" writes suggestive things such as gums and incense pillows, which are for Daozong to read. Yes, but "Ten Fragrance Poems" is for "everyone". This poem describes Empress Xiao as a woman who everyone can imagine as her guest of honor. Is this about Empress Xiao or Empress Hu?

Liao Daozong didn't understand these things. Although he himself wrote poems and poems, he was always a stupid king who loved hunting and didn't argue about loyalty and traitors. Maybe he was too angry. Given the opportunity to explain, he was given to death, and the crown prince lost his position as expected.

However, the crown prince left a son, Yelu Yixin, who wanted to kill the weeds. Fortunately, this young man was rescued by a loyal servant, but he liked hunting like his grandfather, and he did not revitalize the court like Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.

In the fourth year of Tianqing, the Jurchen rebelled against the Liao Dynasty. The Liao army was defeated in repeated battles, and finally the country fell. This young man who survived by luck became the last emperor of the Liao Kingdom.

Maybe those people wanted to talk about sexy content with Nick, so they came up with this question. After all, they just had a big meal.

But their eyes are clear.

The food you eat, whether it is salty, sweet, sour, spicy, or bitter, is mixed together in the stomach and becomes a mixture of five flavors.

If you drink too much wine, you will always feel like throwing up, and the taste of the delicacies you spit out is different from the taste when you eat it.

However, this is the real thinking of the stomach. If you can't drink so much, you should stop in time. Drinking too much alcohol will also hurt your body. These guests felt that they were too strong to drink when they toasted, and they refused directly, and did not force themselves to drink because of the contest.

These distinguished guests were still very prudent and did not get confused after drinking and harass the artists who played the pipa. Otherwise, according to the content of the folk stories they played and sang, some knights would appear "seeing injustice on the road".

The big storage hexagram also has the virtue of animal husbandry, which can cultivate the next generation to have a stable and prudent character.

In front of kids, Nick doesn't think they're going to talk about "not suitable for kids", so they want to hear about nomadic savagery? Even if the Emperor Jiaqing stopped practicing literary inquisition, it would still be a dangerous topic.

So what exactly did they want to hear from Nick?

Maybe it was because Nick couldn’t answer the question. The person who wrote the question smiled and said that this question was taken during his imperial examination. Because he failed the examination repeatedly, he gave up the imperial examination and turned back to become a businessman.

The host also said politely, "Come back to enjoy the honor in the future." They were very polite, but they didn't talk about the real content.

It's time to end.

Nick found an excuse to leave, thanked the host for his hospitality, and left the living room.

Besides, he didn't like the smell of the smoke either.

Before going out, the servant gave Nick a lantern, but he still couldn't figure it out, why not fix the street lights? But he still accepted other people's kindness, and took advantage of this light to go back to the hospital in the dark.

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