Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2101 Flower Controversy (9)

Orientals believe that there are four great happy events in life: rain after a long drought, meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land, wedding night in the bridal chamber, and getting a title on the gold list.

In the 33rd year of Qianlong's reign, Heshen was blessed with double happiness. First, the 18-year-old Heshen graduated with honors from Xian'an Palace Official School. Xian'an Palace was the place where the children of Manchurian officials and eunuchs studied in the Qing Dynasty. Unlike the Guozijian, the places can not be bought by "donations". They must be handsome and handsome children of the Eight Banners and the children of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are about 80 students out, and their studies not only include classics and history, but also teach riding and archery and firearms at the same time. Graduating from such a school with excellent grades can basically guarantee a job in the capital or beside the emperor. In addition, He Shen is born smart , soon stood out among the students and became Feng Yinglian's grandson-in-law.

Although He Shen's family is in decline, he is still full of people, and his path is different from that of Juren. It may be that the succession of happy events made him full of confidence, so he participated in the thirty-fourth year of Qianlong's Chunwei, and as expected, he was named Sun Shan. The guard at the pole, and then became Qianlong's guard of honor.

Jinyiwei was also the emperor's guard of honor at the beginning. Anyway, Juren did not become Jinshi, nor did he become a student of the Imperial College, but he reached the real core of power, and the children did not shy away from chatting with others. It took only three days to intervene in the soul-calling case, and his attitude completely changed.

At that time, there was a sentimental monk named Juexing in Hunan. In Huguang area, there were not so many people who cut their braids automatically to avoid being harmed by witchcraft. Guan Guan stopped him and found a red silk bag from his body, which contained a lock of hair and two copper coins of the Ming Dynasty.

This is actually not surprising. The copper coins circulating among the people are not only from the Ming Dynasty, but also from the Yuan Dynasty and even the Song Dynasty. However, Jue Xing happened to meet at that time. So he quickly recruited under torture to extract a confession. He confessed that a monk named Maoyuan taught him black magic, how to use copper coins and hair to cast magic power to lure women.

Due to "the seriousness of the case", the governor of Huguang decided to "joint trial" with the governor of Hunan, the inspector, and Daotai, but Juexing surprised everyone when he came to the court. He retracted his confession and admitted that he had quarreled with Shimen, He was expelled from the Buddhist monastery, and then wandered in Hunan. When he stayed in Hengyang and stayed in an inn opened by Liu Sanyuan, he flirted with the proprietress Mrs. Chen, who cut the lock of hair for him.

The judges were skeptical, took out the evidence for comparison, and found that there were two white hairs in the hair, which did not belong to young women. However, after Chen was brought to the hall, he knelt in front of the governor and untied his hair. The strands were shortened, and there were still two white hairs in them.

The officials figured out what was going on, but Liu Sanyuan was like a bolt from the blue. He didn't know what was going on beforehand, and was taken from the hotel to the lobby by the officials inexplicably, and then he was given a "green cap". Relating to Juexing’s confession about using magic to seduce women, the officials asked Chen whether it was because Juexing drugged her. After repeated questioning, Chen insisted that Juexing had never drugged her. Commitment to him is sympathetic.

The servants did not shy away from the children when they knocked their teeth, and told vividly how the Chen family disliked Liu Sanyuan, and also said that the one-day happiness between the Chen family and Juexing was better than being with Liu Sanyuan for so many years, Qianlong was so angry that he couldn't get angry . According to the government's verdict, none of the suspects are real braid-cutting monsters. Monk Juexing followed the law of "adultery with a married woman" for a hundred years and three years in prison. Chen was sentenced to shackles for one month, but he was allowed to redeem , my husband Liu Sanyuan has the right to decide whether Chen will stay or stay, and Juexing's companions are all acquitted.

When he was a teacher in Xilinjueluo's family, some people talked to Juren about matchmaking, but Juren didn't agree. Is he a "scholar"? How can a scholar marry a servant's daughter? He still did not give up his dream of being named on the gold list, riding a tall horse with a big red flower on his chest, followed by a sedan chair with the daughter of a university scholar sitting inside.

Time was wasted day after day like this, Juren held his braid in his hand, the braid already had a lot of gray hair, even if he was named on the gold list, it is estimated that no university scholar would marry his daughter to him.

After a short period of melancholy, Juren told Nick some of the privileges enjoyed by literati. If Juren commits a crime, the county government must go through a set of procedures to remove Juren's meritorious service if he wants to punish Juren, and he is not required to kneel when he sees county officials.

Nick is not very interested in this. He doesn't plan to stay in China for too long. He doesn't think he can get "fame" in such a short period of time. In contrast, he thinks it is more practical to get the protection of the admiral. After all, the admiral is a Manchu. noble.

The French Revolution had not yet begun when Nick began to travel the world, but feudal privileges were loathed in France more than anywhere else, at least at the time the Agricultural Society had expressed dissatisfaction with the excessive division of land. After the division of the children, these children and their families cannot live off the land alone.

To put it another way, the father died and the brothers separated. Originally, everyone worked together and no one was hungry. After one person divided a little, everyone starved. Every heir wanted a piece of the pie, and every small piece of land was endlessly consumed. Scored and scored. This is also the unrealistic part of the "Napoleonic Code". At least many places in the countryside still implement the primogeniture system. Most of the father's land is given to the eldest son, which does not divide the land "equally" as stipulated in the code.

Parents, especially the "family" is still a family when the father is alive. After the father dies, the relationship between the brothers will become indifferent. Everyone has their own family. The Eastern "patriarchal society" has formed an ultra-stable social structure. The family is an enlarged form of the family. Its core is composed of male descendants of the same ancestor. In such a social structure, the family belongs to the family, and the state is an enlarged family.

Such a social structure will form a huge network, and people without a home are "outsiders", belonging to the category of unorthodox and excluded by society.

However, Chen's actions may cause her to lose the protection of her family. She can falsely accuse Monk Jue that she cut her hair, and even said that he was drugged. Even if she didn't say those words that belittled Liu Sanyuan in the lobby, she admitted She almost put herself in a desperate situation, even if Liu Sanyuan wrote a letter of divorce to drive her away, she would have nothing to say.

Even her natal family would be ashamed of her and would not accept her back home. Where in the world is her shelter?

Unless she abandons everything and follows Juexing in prison for three years, but Juexing himself is also kicked out of the teacher's school, living on a vagabond, how can he support his family when he can't take care of himself?

Juren has a sense of superiority, even though he is miserable, living in a hanged man's house.

People are so strange sometimes, shouldn't you be anxious if you don't have money? What do you do when you are old? how can you sleep

Juren may be waiting for this day, He Zhongtang, after doing so much to thank you, how can you sleep?

Maybe it was because of her conscience that Chen admitted it, or maybe she was truly moved by Jue Xing.

The difference in one thought, the life situation is so different.

Georgiana continued to flip through the book. There was an illustration on this page, which showed a thousand-armed Avalokitesvara.

She looked stunning, every arm was so round and elegant, no one thought she was a monster.

People who have this kind of thinking are strange, who would think that Bodhisattvas are monsters?

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