Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2100 Flower Controversy (8)

Chaplin acted in a movie called Modern Times, in which he once played a worker on an assembly line, repeating the same job every day.

Although the meaning expressed by the movie is to ignore the value of workers and be used like tools, it is undeniable that the production method of the assembly line is indeed very efficient.

However, the products produced by the assembly line are repetitive, but the shipyard is not. Anyway, according to the information Matilda inquired, Napoleon found "many" unreasonable arrangements after inspecting the work of the shipyard, and then got angry No, it's not the "huge" corruption that occurred in the British Navy's shipyards.

England's factory model is kept secret, which is where they led the world in the first industrial revolution. For example, in the case of the canning factory, the French never thought about the assembly line. Production was not only inefficient, but also lacked a "sense of rhythm" called "production beat", despite their efforts.

Georgiana hopes to send a group of students to study in the UK, but it is almost impossible to learn anything useful. Only by sending industrial spies can they learn other people's production models.

After understanding the general situation of the matter, she was relieved. There was really no other way but to catch up. After losing her temper, she still had to sit down and continue studying. Knowledge would not be stuffed into her mind because of anger.

So when the whole boat was feeling uneasy because of Bonaparte's anger, she started reading again. There were quite a few Yellow Turban soldiers approaching the city, and Kong Rong was still reading "calmly" with a book.

The old Juren told Nick the general process of his learning English, but the result was not as smooth as he expected. When he failed the exam for the first time, he took the greeting card in both Chinese and English and no one paid attention to him. Once felt what is called frustration.

He had no relatives and no reason in Peiping, and it would not be enough to continue living in the hotel. At this time, the priest who taught him English told him that he could try to be a private teacher, so under the introduction of the priest, he became Xianglan Banner man Xilin Jueluo's tutor.

The Xilinjueluo family is a big family, the most famous being Ertai, a minister during the Yongzheng period. When Yongzheng died, he served as auxiliary ministers with Zhang Tingyu and others. His son E Ningguan went to governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, but was demoted to governor of Fujian after only one year.

Yunnan is at war, and there are many chieftains at the junction of northern Myanmar and the Manchu Qing. Some of them surrendered to Myanmar, some surrendered to the Manchus, and the more timid ones surrendered to both sides at the same time.

At that time, there was a king in Burma who was particularly capable of conquering wars. Most of the chieftains were subdued, and there were still chieftains who ignored the threats from Burma and turned to Qianlong for help. Then the Qing-Myanmar War broke out. The reason why E Ning was demoted was because he wrote to the emperor that he should not continue to fight, but should surrender. Qianlong transferred him away and replaced him with another governor to continue fighting.

There is an E Chang in the palace, who has not had children for many years, and she herself is in her thirties. Even when she was young, she lost her charm to Qianlong, but the younger generation behaved well. Anyway, this family did not give Juren a sense of prosperity. , I resigned after teaching for a year, to see if I could make a name for myself with the relationship between the governor of Fujian and my hometown.

The governor of Fujian is based in Fuzhou, not Xiamen, where Nick is going. At this time, Nick and Lao Juren have established a certain relationship of trust, and then Nick asked about the pirate Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi is a "principled" pirate, he is mainly looking for money, as long as the women are not particularly beautiful, men and children will be released after paying the ransom, and these beautiful women are not kept for himself, but distributed. For his subordinates, he has a very powerful wife, everyone calls her Longsao, she can even command operations in place of her husband.

At this time, the servant invited Nick to the parlor, where he saw Zuo Ling who took him to the admiral's parlor last time.

This person came to tell Nick that the admiral was going back to report on his duties soon, and he wanted to hold a farewell banquet with his friends before leaving.

Nick accepted the invitation, when the handsome leader asked Nick what gift he planned to give?

Nick felt that he could learn more about Eastern customs from his private teacher at this time. He thanked Zuo Ling for his reminder, and after sending Zuo Ling away, he went back to find Juren.

But it was strange that when Nick asked Juren where to buy gifts, Juren "declined". He told Nick that he and Zhongtang were in the same imperial examination (he repeated this sentence more than once during the ensuing journey), and had the same name, but their circumstances were very different.

He once felt that fate was unfair, but later he realized that a person's character is very important.

Nick couldn't figure out how a person who could be a "gun replacement" and take the exam for others would think he was virtuous, and then Juren told him a strange moral concept. If he accidentally killed a person, he could Erase these evil deed points by saving another person, or make up for it by accumulating virtue and doing good deeds. Every time you do a good deed, you will erase the evil deed points. When he was sick, someone rescued him for free.

Nick felt that what he said was absurd. It was obviously God and the priest who saved him, but Nick didn't laugh at this kind of doctrine. Isn't the Christian doctrine of atonement similar to it?

Then the old Juren began to tell his "story" when he was young.

Yang Tingzhang, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, succeeded Fang Guancheng as Governor of Zhili. He had participated in the Qing-Burmese War and was transferred back to Beiping and given him a horse to ride in the Forbidden City. The strange thing is that it didn’t rain all summer. In autumn, it suddenly rained heavily and the Hutuo River swelled. Yang Tingzhang had to build embankments to prevent floods. In fact, Liu Tongxun and Liu Lun, the ministers of military aircraft, were responsible for the defense of the capital.

It was almost impossible to suppress the news in a densely populated area, and the rumor quickly spread to the villages, and some rural people cut their braids to avoid being harmed by the sorcery. Doing so does not constitute a violation of the hair-shaving order, but it makes it difficult to identify monks because there are so many bald heads.

Asha wanted to fool the past, saying that there was no braid-cutting demon party in Henan, but Aixinjueluo Hongli told him that this was not true, implying that the emperor had other sources of information besides the bureaucracy.

When Yongzheng was a prince, there were often cicadas who kept chirping and disturbing his study, so he set up a sticky place to catch those annoying cicadas.

Even Dongchang has an office. Old BJ knew it was near Dong'anmen, and he usually detoured there.

As for the office location of the "sticky pole", the folklore is that it is in Lama Temple. Every year, the emperor allocates so much money for sesame oil and does not fully support lamas. Buddhist temples are full of incense, and frequent personnel exchanges will not easily attract attention, but if you want to find definite evidence that there is no office at the sticky pole, and the government does not recognize the existence of "blood drops".

Rumors stop at wise men, no matter what, with the end of summer, cicadas will stop screaming. Aixinjueluo Hongli also returned to BJ before the snow began to fall on November 1. Two days later, he decreed to stop the ghost screaming case It seems that everything has returned to calm.

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