Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 210 Blackout

Ariotte leaves, a magical tree also known as the hyena tree, are used in the Laughter Potion.

The leaves of this plant can induce hysterics and uncontrollable laughter. The laughter-inducing effect in the chopped ariotte leaves will be destroyed if the potion is stirred too vigorously, so it must be stirred very gently.

What he thinks in his heart is sometimes completely different from what he expresses on the outside. Who would have thought that the vicious-looking head of Slytherin would be as easily frightened as a deer, and the first thing he thought of when encountering a situation beyond his control was to run away. Bullido always forced him to do things he didn't want to do, and now that Pomona didn't force him, he wanted to run away even more like a coward.

"I've always wondered what Kingsley has been up to since he took office. I didn't care why the Department of Legal Enforcement was in such a mess. I didn't get the news until just now that he was dealing with the bird crisis." Severus lay on her lap , very carefree and smoking a cigarette, but the tone of speech is as acerbic as ever, "Do you know the 1965 blackout in New York?"

"Yeah," Pomona said with a smile. "That blackout caused a baby boom."

"This is what Muggles are good at. Giving birth to a child is like a mouse, but they never thought that if the child is born without the ability to protect itself, it will be torn to pieces by various creatures soon like a piece of meat in the wild, so They built castles and lived under the protection of high walls. With castles came cities. Now Muggle cities rely on electricity to keep the city running. Once they lose electricity, they will return to the dark middle ages. It will destroy the world."

Pomona gasped.

"There has been a rumor in the magical world for a long time that things such as telegraphs and electricity that use electricity will affect the function of the wand. Black uses gas lamps at home, and you also use gas lamps in your greenhouse. The walkie-talkie at his door is more annoying than Sissy."

"I know that rumor, I remember there was a Minister of Magic..."

"Josephine Flint, she is one of the Holy Twenty-Eight Families, the current patriarch Marcus Flint is my student, that kid used to be the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, he is an anti- Muggleists, I hear he got a Thunderbird out of nowhere, that damn bird can cause thunder and rain with a flap of its wings, imagine what happens when the Muggle power grid is attacked."

"Can Marcus come up with such a clever idea?" Pomona recalled, as a senior in seventh grade, he and Draco pretended to be dementors to scare Harry Potter.

"He can't be, but he's definitely involved. Aurors are following him. There was a Thunderbird smuggling case seventy years ago, when Dumbledore put Newt Scamander in charge of it. The Thunderbird that was smuggled into Egypt was sent back to his hometown by him. Later, it was the Thunderbird that caused the blackout in New York. During the process of dealing with the Thunderbird, Newt Scamander almost exposed the entire wizarding world. Kingsley Pro-Muggle, but not crazy enough to expose the entire wizarding world, or he'd be the new Grindelwald of the International Federation of Wizards, he's an Auror-born, and he's pretty good at tracking things down, Ministry stuff He lost it to his cousin Roble Shacklebolt, he is a peripheral member of the Order of the Phoenix, I remember he has been to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix a few times, wearing a deerstalker, he is Shacklebolt The head of the family, he had asked Dumbledore to support him to replace Fudge as Minister of Magic, but as you saw, the person who took over was Stringer, the head of the Auror Office."

"It seems that every family has its own problems." Pomona looked at the man who was not handsome at all. Now her heart was beating very fast, but it was different from the uncontrolled heartbeat just now.

"There are not many people in the Order of the Phoenix who can really relieve Dumbledore's worries. Alastor is dead, Arthur Weasley is not capable of loyalty, and Sirius Black..."

"Don't talk about Sirius, insulting a dead person is not good for you, and it will damage your upbringing." Pomona pressed her finger to his lips.

"Siris Black has been isolated from normal people for twelve years. His mind has not yet fully developed, and he is dead. No one can share his worries. The current head of the Auror office, Calvin, wants to replace him. Kingsley used Dealing with Azkaban in a humane way, but did not think about what would happen to the dementors without a fixed source of food. The people live in fear of the dementors, and there are many people who oppose him. Fear can make people do There are so many unexpected things, that's why I hate losing control of my emotions so much." He stared into her eyes, let her fingers rest on her lips and whispered softly, his voice passing through her eardrum like silk.

"Are you tempting me, Severus?" She looked into his black eyes fascinated, as if looking through them to the pale blue glowing soul hidden deep in the spiral maze.

"Yeah, do you like it?" he said with a smile.

Pomona felt that she had become Cedric, or Fleur, but what she really wanted to be was a Hufflepuff female player participating in the Triwizard Tournament, and the reward was the Goblet of Fire placed in the center of the maze, It's right in front of you, just run towards it to get it.

"Are you hungry, Pomona?" His voice seemed to come from the void.

"Stop..." she begged, she didn't want to be a monster like a dementor.

"This is your nature. The human soul is food for you. Why should you care about other people's lives? During the war, many people were doing experiments that they would not dare to do in peacetime. Everyone knows that." He coaxed The same whispered, "Giants are evil and like to kill, but they are about to become extinct. Those killed by kind humans are not many in the UK, only abroad, and they are all hiding in the mountains. Last time When we went to Ireland, we saw the Giant’s Road. In fact, giants can also use magic. Just look at Hagrid and Maxim. Their high magic resistance doesn’t mean they don’t have any magic power. Their power is what you want most. Earth magic, it’s just that their stupid brains have forgotten how to use it, you can teach them how to re-pave a Titan road.”

"Then attack Britain and end up with genocide, right?" Pomona was furious, and she couldn't bear to hit him again. "I hate you, Severus."

"Think about before, there were not so many people in the world, everyone could keep a distance from each other, and they wouldn't feel crowded and noisy, and everyone's anger was not as great as it is now. After the blackout in New York, you know that the first reaction of all Muggles in the subway is What? Not panic and screaming, but everyone fell asleep together, as if they hadn't rested for a long time, and those poor people were exhausted trying to live, but at the end of their lives they didn't know what they were living for, I don't want to go back and live among them, I want to stay in the wizarding world, from the beginning, the first time I saw Lily was like Hagrid met Madame Maxime, I met my kind, the Dark Lord knew me Been friends with her since childhood and ordered me to take him to the house where Lily's parents lived, the Evans' house in Cokeworth, where he thought Lily would hide, but when we got there they had been washed away They didn't remember that they had Lily as a daughter at all. The Dark Lord said that he had never seen such a perfect oblivion that he didn't want to kill the two Muggles, but he knew Lily from their memories. There is a sister, you really didn't handle this beautifully, why don't you erase her too?"

"They had two daughters and couldn't..." Pomona cried.

"You can't let them never exist, can you?" He reached out and wiped away her tears, and continued to whisper, "Sometimes I really feel that human nature is useless. After knowing that I can't find clues in Mr. and Mrs. Evans." The Lord tortured me, he thought I knew where Petunia lived, I was in a coma for two days, when I woke up, all the Death Eaters were gone, and the street was full of rumors that the Dark Lord was dead, Harry Potter Became a boy who survived, his mother Lily died to protect him, I don't believe those rumors, because I believe Dumbledore will protect them, so I went to Hogwarts to ask him, he actually told me Said that James and Lily believed in the wrong person, look what a perfect excuse he made for himself, I am a Death Eater, if no one protects me, I will be caught in Azkaban like everyone else, When he asked me to protect Lily's son, I only hesitated and said yes. I owe Lily a lot, and I want to live, and I have so much left to do, and eleven years later he reappeared in my In front of me, I recognized that kid at a glance. He is easy to recognize, isn't he? He has a face of James Potter and Lily's eyes. The moment he looked at me, the scar on his forehead began to hurt. Now Tell me, who did you hear that Harry Potter's scar disappeared after the Battle of Hogwarts?"

Pomona began to recall, but the memory at that time was only darkness and chaos, there were many people talking, and she couldn't remember who said that Harry Potter's scar had disappeared.

"He told the people in the Ministry that his scar was starting to hurt again, almost when you were attacked last year, Pomona, Lucius has a saying that I agree with him, Harry Potter is from the Malfoy family Calamity, I hate the boy who survived."

He said the last sentence word by word, but Pomona remembered Karkaroff who followed him closely at Christmas, so she said with a smile.

"How did you get rid of Karkaroff on the day of the Yule Ball?"

"I poisoned him, two fingers of whiskey and death water, and he was in close contact with the floor for one night just like I am now."

She felt embarrassed again.

"Aren't you curious why someone like Karkaroff became the principal of Durmstrang? He is different from me. He is a very interesting person. After the fall of Grindelwald, many teachers in Durmstrang left. Yes, it once fell into a slump. Later, Karkaroff recruited many former Death Eaters into the school. These people taught black magic. They hid in that hidden school with their names hidden, and then pushed him into the school together. The position of the principal, how could you be so stupid as to go to such a dangerous place by yourself?"

"What's delicious in Scandinavia?" She answered honestly.

He immediately narrowed his eyes and laughed, "Is the honey of the sad bug delicious?"

"No!" she screamed at once. "Why would anyone drink wine made from heartworm honey?"

He immediately put away his smirk, pinched her nose, "Think about it, use your smart head!"

Pomona remembered when he found himself enjoying the dog sledding, and the glass of mead he bought her next, which made her cry, and she suddenly realized something.

"You gave Neville Longbottom the pot of rice buds?" He asked while she was still confused.

"No, it was from his uncle."

"Why did he send such a disgusting thing." Severus found a more comfortable position on her lap.

"It didn't mess with you." Pomona complained about the pot of Mibu Mibao. Neville raised it for a year. This desert plant grew very strong in the gloomy weather in England. Peng can also sing, which looks very fun.

"It brought back bad memories for me, and my pot of medicine was all in vain."

There are expansion spells in magic spells, and expansion potions in potions. They all work to make people inflated, but the principles are completely different.

The main ingredients of the swelling potion are bat liver, dried nettles, and puffer fish eyes. Puffer fish can swell up, but it cannot fly in the air. If you want to make people who drink the swelling potion fly, you need to add bat liver. Combining the two animal forms requires the waving of a magic wand.

"How about we make some herbicides and get rid of those magical plants? We can't keep Malfoy Manor entangled in knotty vines."

"I don't want to touch that thing, it stinks to death." He said with disgust on his face.

"Don't you still have Draco? You teach him!" She pushed his head. "Draco didn't go to Slughorn's Advanced Potions class, and you know why."

"Draco!" he yelled.

It wasn't long before Draco Malfoy trotted over.

"Where's your potions tool?"

"In my room."

"Bring it here, and some extra Flobber's slime and lionfish spine meal, we'll get rid of those vines."

"Now?" Draco grimaced.

"It's housecleaning, and you don't know it, it has to be done every term before school starts." She looked at the man who couldn't get up on her lap. "Can we call Astonia?"

"If she can't keep the secret, you can forget about her, and break the engagement with her, Draco."

"Yes, Godfather." Draco said overjoyed, and then ran away excitedly.

"I knew it would be fun for you to find me." He stopped her neck and kissed her lips. "Prepare Horakop's juice, I'm going back there."

"Go and save the world, hero." After he jumped up with agility, Pomona rubbed her numb thigh, unable to stand up for a while.

"I'm not a hero." He corrected seriously, "Don't call me that next time."

"Understood, Professor." She replied immediately.

"I wish you could think of something more intimate, like Arthur said to Molly," he said softly. "You know I'm not good at that."

"Is it more intimate than calling you by name?"

"Yes, that's right." He demanded outrageously, "This is what I wanted for my birthday."

"You sound like you're giving homework." She looked down at the shoes.

"Then do it seriously, don't be perfunctory like those stupid kids." He said through gritted teeth, and left in a rage again.

Looking at his dark back in the snow, Pomona couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and when her legs were no longer numb, she got up and prepared the standard potion ingredients.

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