Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 209 Black Root Grass

Some black magic is to use negative emotions, and some black magic is completely used for bloody killings. In the Middle Ages, there was a time when the gut-ejecting curse was popular. As the name suggests, it is to pull out the intestines. Medical treatment is to take out the intestines and clean them, and later it became one of the killing curses, and all the wizards and Muggles who were gutted were ugly.

Voldemort is an "old school" style. Although some black magic spread in pure-blood families is terrifying and deterrent, he prefers to use the Unforgivable Curse. Being killed by Avada is much better than guts leaking all over the place, or all the muscles in the whole body have not melted away, leaving only a skeleton that can walk around.

In the first game, Victor used the Eye Sickness Charm, while Cedric used the Transfiguration Charm to conjure up several puppies running around the field, cleverly attracting the fire dragon, and Fleur cast a Magic hoped that the fire dragon would enter a hypnotic state, and it fell asleep, but when the fire dragon snored, a flame spewed out and set her skirt on fire, and she immediately extinguished the fire with clear water like a spring.

She used a silent method to isolate the human voice to prevent the audience from waking up the dragon, and then quietly took away the golden egg. Veela is naturally good at spiritual charm magic, and ordinary people may not be effective against dragon sleeping spells. Well, Cedric's eye sickness spell is not as good as Victor's, he learns fast but not as good as Victor, who told him to study at Hogwarts.

Fleur is only a quarter of Veela blood. She has never liked Hogwarts Castle. She dislikes its cold, dark and outdated decoration, and the food tastes too greasy. Get the attention of a lot of boys. The Beauxbaton students who came to the competition with her did not show much support when they learned that she was selected as a representative. It can be seen that she is not very popular in her school. The girls are jealous of her, and Ginny even took her A nickname, but she doesn't care what others think.

The dance partner she most wanted to invite was Cedric, but he was also a contestant, so she picked a boy from Hogwarts to participate in the Yule Ball. She picked someone else instead of waiting to be picked. This is Bo The biggest difference between Mona and Fleur.

Fleur has a bad relationship with the students, but has a good relationship with Madam Maxim. Except for meals, she lives with Madam Maxim in the carriage most of the time. Madame Maxime is also a brutal giant hybrid, she looks "very, very" tall, even if she is very elegant and full of wisdom, most male humans cannot be her partner.

She was very lonely, and she envied Fleur surrounded by boys, which was the feeling Pomona wanted to be watched, but unfortunately there was only one man beside her, the greasy-haired snotty Severus Snape, and he also It's pathetic to invite her to prom with "Don't be so wasteful".

She was actually invited by someone, and that person was Albus Dumbledore, but she finally returned to the office early under the pretense of being too tired from setting up the venue.

Just when she was so lonely and ready to cry and eat Christmas dinner alone, he knocked on her door. After experiencing that romantic and magical night, she was in a trance for two days, and it was only on the third day that she realized that her college was deducted ten points in one breath, and Ravenclaw also suffered.

Felicity has never been interested in the Academy Cup, and Pomona's mind is not on this at all. The sleepwalking state lasted until the end of the holiday. Cedric asked her how to stay underwater for an hour. She gave him the Bubble Curse, and then Cedric taught it to the mixed-race Veela Fleur.

Her brain just stopped thinking about anything, and then hid in the office of the greenhouse, but she didn't see the old bat, and told him that everything had never happened.

She mediated the relationship between Neville and the fake Moody, invited them to drink tea, and gave Neville the book that recorded the fish gill grass, and he really started to read it seriously. The Audio-Technica has been looking for water. Trying to hold his breath, Moody kept turning around. His face full of scars and magic eyes was very scary, and Neville was also frightened by him. The book marked the page with the idiod, and then asked Alastor to remind Neville to read the book, and it was only at the last moment that the idiod was delivered to Harry Potter.

It was a chaotic time, and it was even more chaotic after that, Snape, who had always been more logical and controlled than her, was out of control, from the time he blew up the rosebushes, he screwed up everything, just like a grid Like Lanffindor, the school is like a playground. But during that time, he was very happy, he didn't care about anything, he felt great, he was as impulsive, reckless, and reckless as young people, and the end result was that he was almost sent to Azkaban, enjoying the dementor passionate kiss. Fortunately, Dumbledore cleaned up the mess for him at that time, just like their teachers cleaned up the mess for Harry and the three of them.

"I hate Gryffindor." Pomona sat on the steps, holding a cup of hot tea and looking at the snowy scene outside the greenhouse. Severus sat next to her, smoking a cigarette while looking at the snowy scene in a daze. For those who like silence, Lily likes the phonograph. She always feels that when she is working, she will be motivated by music.

"Should I apologize to him?" Pomona asked. "I was rough on him just now."

"He can control himself." Severus said with a puff of smoke. "You're better than Lupine."

"Usually the veela leaves after having a baby with a human, just like Hagrid's mother." Pomona really felt that curse now.

"I'll go with you." He said without hesitation.

"What about Draco?"

"He's an adult, he can handle his own affairs."

"Your oath..."

"I don't care." He said irresponsibly, "If you want to die, I will die with you. I am ready."

"Don't talk like that!" She glared at him.

"17 years old." Severus said, "Harry Potter was ready when he was 17 years old. I have lived so many years longer than him. I have almost done everything I want to do. There is nothing worth my attachment."

"You're being silly again."

"It's worth it, isn't it?" he grinned at her triumphantly. "I'm dating the prettiest girl in school, me, Snape the Snotty."

"Then what if I'm not pretty?"

"Then I'm also dating the smartest girl in the school, I'm just like Victor Krum." He still smiled proudly and said, "Now I have many admirers like him, do you want to be Fleur or Hermione?" ?”

"You're crazy, Severus." Pomona looked at him. "What are you thinking right now?"

"I didn't think about anything." He tucked her hair behind her ears. "I always wanted to have fun before I died like Bella, but I kept thinking about the consequences. No wonder she thought I was boring."

"Don't break that chain, Severus."

"It's too painful, I want to be relieved..."

"Do you believe that redemption will go to heaven? For the mistakes you have made!" Pomona held his face before he completely lost control and said, "You said you were going to hell, but I don't think you are a person who really People who deserve to go to hell are so bad, you still have a chance to go to heaven with me!"

"Why didn't you fall with me this time, you did that last time." He said dryly.

"That's different, I feel very happy, but I don't like killing, especially when killing life at will like a game, I can't forgive it!"

His blurred eyes gradually began to wake up.

"You're a good man, Severus, even though you're not in the eyes of most people." She pressed her forehead against his, cooling his overheated mind with her own cool body heat. "Relax, honey, If there is something unpleasant to sleep on, it will be fine.”

"Sing to me." He said coquettishly just like when he was a child.

"No problem." Pomona put him to sleep on her lap, and began to sing.

The song got the hellhounds snoring back and the blackroots in the greenhouse dancing.

This powerful plant, capable of counteracting spells when eaten, is a plant with black stems and white flowers.

It is rare and only the rich can afford it, although I don't know where he got it, but Pomona intends to take good care of it, he is a top potions master, there will always be something useful, although she can't Turning ordinary plants into magic plants like Lily, but taking care of plants is her talent, and this is her greatest role.

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