Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2093 Flower Controversy (1)

In the Ring of the Nibelung written by Wagner, there is such a line:

Whoever can make these gold rings can rule the world, but he must give up love.

The relationship between the European wizarding world and the Muggle world is complicated. Before there was no country like Switzerland, there was no Swiss Ministry of Magic. As far as the current attitude of the British Muggle government is concerned, they do not want Switzerland to be independent. Because of the precedent of Piedmont, they were worried that Napoleon would annex Switzerland, which would not only destroy the natural boundary of the Treaty of Lunéville, but also that France would continue to encroach on expansion in this way. He had previously issued a statement not to intervene in Switzerland affairs, but later he not only sent people to dissolve the Swiss parliament, but also sent troops to participate in the Swiss civil war.

In fact, the United Kingdom also intervened behind the Swiss affairs, but they used money to pay for the military expenses of one of them, which was not as "obvious" as what Napoleon did.

European wars also have rules. For example, nobles in the Middle Ages could pay ransom so that they would not have to die. The kind of war waged for food is actually very primitive, just like barbarians fighting for food. Addington's cabinet order during the negotiation of the Treaty of Amiens to capture French fishing boats like warships was very primitive. Before Georgiana brought the prepared steak to the table, Lucien had negotiated with the "senators" that the French warships would not touch the French fishing boats, nor would they take retaliation, so the new British cabinet restored the French fishing boats fishing rights.

The tribute system in the East is very different from the treaty system in the West. For example, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, sent people to North Korea in the first year of Hongwu, and gave the King of Korea a seal and seal. The next year, the King of Korea sent people to pay tribute. Annan, which also belongs to the neighboring country, did not dare to go after hearing that Zhu Yuanzhang succeeded to the throne, because Yunnan was still ruled by the Mongols at that time, and it was too close to Annan.

In August of the first year of Hongwu, the Ming army invaded Shangdu of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty perished. This time, when Zhu Yuanzhang issued an edict to let the Annan Dynasty pay tribute to the capital, King Annan no longer hesitated, and immediately sent people to Nanjing to pay tribute.

Timur was a Turkic Mongolian aristocrat. It is said that his ancestors were of the same family as Genghis Khan Temujin. When the envoys of the Ming Dynasty asked him to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, he detained the envoys until Tiemuzhen. After Muir's death, Samarkand only began to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty on the surface.

Yuanshangdu is now Beiping, the residence of Zhu Di, the king of Yan. Zhu Di and Zhu Yuanzhang had serious differences in the handling of Annan during the Hongwu period. Zhu Yuanzhang did not intend to send troops, so when there was a war between Annan and Champo in the south, Zhu Yuanzhang wrote to reprimand both sides and let them return to peace, so they really stopped fighting.

Later, the Chen Dynasty in Annan was usurped by the powerful minister Hu Jishou. First, after Hu Jishen usurped power, he wiped out the clan of the previous dynasty. A man named Chen Tianping ran to Beiping to ask Zhu Di for help. Second, Annan beat Zhanpo again. King Po sent envoys to seek help from the Ming Dynasty.

It was the second year of Yongle, and only two years had passed since Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunwen set himself on fire in Nanjing. In that situation, Zhu Di might not have the idea of ​​sending troops immediately, but as the sovereign state, he sent an "envoy" led by a general to send Chen When Tian Ping returned to China, he probably meant to support Chen Tian Ping. However, Hu Jishou set up an ambush on the road and attacked the "envoys", Chen Tianping was killed, and the generals of the envoys were defeated and returned to the capital, so Zhu Di sent troops to Annan.

When the "Luneville Peace Treaty" was signed, Sweden originally wanted to be a mediator, but at this time Sweden was no longer the Sweden of Hustav's period, and it needed "recognized" strength to be a mediator. Before Zheng He went to the West, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di sent other "envoys" to the Western Regions and South Asia, such as Yin Qing, Ning Shan, Ma Bin, etc. They brought seals, seals, emperor's edicts, and rewards What, to avoid encountering pirates and bandits, would bring an army.

Zheng He carried a navy. Zheng He's ancestors came from the Western Regions. His great-grandfather used a Mongolian surname, which brought them a lot of convenience. During the Yuan Dynasty, they moved to Yunnan. In the early Ming Dynasty, the Ming army conquered Yunnan and searched for it. A group of young children entered the palace, and Zheng He was one of them.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang enforced the sea ban, the Ming Dynasty at that time had no more understanding of the "Western Ocean" than the understanding of the Great Wall in the early Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not send people to find out the customs and migration routes of the Huns, but only divided his troops into three groups to find the Huns in the desert. , except for Wei Qing who accidentally broke into Dragon City, the first expedition cost money but had no great results.

This is also the case when Zheng He led an army to the West for the first time. His first stop was Ceylon. The king of that small island didn’t pay attention to Daming at all, and tried to murder Zheng He, so Zheng He took 2,000 The people occupied the capital of Ceylon.

Ming Chengzu's order to Zheng He was that if the other party surrendered, he would read the imperial decree to reward the other party, allow the other party to pay tribute, and use force if he did not submit.

Then there was nothing, just like a well-dressed beauty who wants to attend a banquet, only to find that the banquet is not only deserted, but also the guests are very boring.

Until he found out about Chen Zuyi.

In addition to showing off its force, the navy finally had a practical effect. Chen Zuyi was the largest pirate force in Sumatra at that time, and the Guangda Ming Navy wiped out more than 5,000 pirates. After capturing Chen Zuyi alive, Zheng He offered him as a prisoner to Ming Chengzu like the cattle and sheep brought back by Wei Qing from the Huns.

Chen Zuyi can be regarded as the greatest contribution to Zheng He's first voyage to the West, and also the founder of Zheng He's great achievements in the future, but many people know Zheng He, but few people know who Chen Zuyi is.

There is a saying: one will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up.

Wanting to be promoted by peaceful means often requires seniority. Yin Qing is also a eunuch, and his qualifications are much older than Zheng He, but military merit is really a shortcut to fame. Not everyone is like what Princess Medea sang. When a girl is a girl, what she longs for most is to meet a satisfactory husband. After marriage, she can stay with her lover for a long time. Love is more important than life.

In fact, as early as the signing of the "Luneville Peace Treaty", Napoleon used strong means to get countries to recognize the independence of the Helvetia Republic, and the Helvetia Republic is part of the Swiss Confederation.

There were constant internal conflicts in this country. Once France withdrew its troops, European countries intervened again, falling into a near-anarchic state of cannibalism. It happened that the opposite of Belgium was the Netherlands, and they also demanded that France withdraw its troops.

This was almost impossible before Napoleon rebuilt the credit of the franc. The issue of Switzerland also involved the Marquis of Baden. In addition to the young heir who was in love with Stephanie Beauharnet, Baden also had an envoy Dar Baron Berg, he is the man who negotiates these negotiations. In the 20th century, it took 20 minutes to take a train from Zurich, Switzerland to Baden.

She had heard that the British representative had to agree to the conditions proposed by Napoleon if he wanted to be on the negotiation table of the Treaty of Lunéville. Let "Charlemagne" hang the flag of a neutral country, but it does not specify which country it belongs to, even if the fleet is going to sail on the high seas.

Because Louis XVI intervened in the "American War", the United States succeeded in becoming independent, and North's cabinet also collapsed.

Although Lord North was no longer Prime Minister at that time, he still had many "disciples", just like the fifth Duke of Bedford, even though he had been dead for 10 years, the Lord of the Admiralty still acted according to his characteristics.

William Pitt Jr. also had many "disciples". The American war caused Britain to suffer heavy losses. In order to reduce the deficit, Pitt Jr. reformed the tax system and made diplomatic alliances with Prussia and the Netherlands to restrain the power of France.

Real gold and silver must be used for military pay. There is no paper currency. Using gold and silver as currency often encounters deflation, and the tokens minted by merchants themselves have an exchange rate with the sovereign currency pound and shilling. Although it can solve the temporary problem, it will not last long. way.

It’s like that kind of pinch doll game machine on the street. To use that kind of machine, you need some kind of game currency. It only recognizes that. If you want to play, you can go to the boss and exchange it for a lot, and then he can play pinch dolls. Or casino chips, as long as everyone in a city recognizes the chips, then sovereign currency is not necessary.

The current British wizarding world is separated from the International Federation of Wizards. If the French Ministry of Magic recognizes the establishment of the Swiss Ministry of Magic, it will be difficult for the Ministry of Magic of other countries to oppose it. After all, Britain has not yet defeated the Dark Lord Grindelwald. Lido, it's hard to find anyone else besides her ugly one.

When Lord North was the Prime Minister, he secretly summoned the Minister of Magic Porteous Nazibo to treat King George’s mental illness, but the news leaked out. It was recorded in history that Lord North thought it was the leaked news from the wizard’s side. Finally, the parliament launched A motion of no confidence forced him to resign.

Georgiana did not doubt that some of Lord North's competitors also knew wizards, especially people like Malfoy.

"ding ding ding"

With a burst of crisp bells, the cruise ship "Pomona" with the Swiss flag set sail.

Although her mind was hot for a while, because Napoleon said that "the whole of Europe" could not prevent him from getting Valais, so she wanted to challenge her wishful thinking.


She looked back at the Rambouillet merino sheep. Although it was also a sheep, it looked completely different from Xiao En, the black-faced Wallai sheep.

"Shh, shh, go away," she said fiercely to the sheep.

"Why are you not afraid of it?" Bonaparte looked at the merino sheep and asked with a smile showing his white teeth.

"Aren't you afraid?" Georgiana asked.

"Why are lions afraid of sheep?" He didn't know whether he really didn't understand or was just pretending, and said vigorously.

"Beware of wolves disguised as sheep," she reminded.

He still didn't take it seriously, and Georgiana stopped warning, and stood at the bow of the ship with him looking at the sea under the sun, even though what they saw at the moment was not Rose and Jack seeing the afterglow of the setting sun on the bow of the Titanic. The magnificent scenery, but when the sun shines on the blue sea of ​​Normandy, it still shines like gold, showing a different beauty.

Legend has it that three fairies lived at the bottom of the Rhine River, and they protected the magical piece of gold that could rule the world by making a ring. The protagonist of the story, Albelich, chose to rule the world and gave up love.

Did he end well?

She didn't remember much, after all, she didn't pay much attention to Wagner's works, and she only knew about it after asking him because there was such a sentence on the "Lord of the Rings" that Albus lent her.

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