Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2065 house of lord (3)

"The fourth Duke of Gordon is the Great Seal of Scotland." During a buffet lunch in a seaside restaurant, Ludrell found an opportunity to say to Georgiana, "Not only that, but he is said to be the most handsome man in England. "

Georgiana glanced at Miss Gordon, perhaps she had inherited his appearance, she was not only very beautiful but also heroic, surrounded by several handsome young officers talking around her.

The Duke of Bedford didn't seem to care at all, as Georgiana had told Bonaparte that he was not at all nervous when Julien Ufralle ventured to express his love to her.

What are men thinking these days?

She took a sip of red wine and glanced at Francis Russell, who was with the children of other French officers. He was the tallest, and he didn't look like a child. And the other kids are really just kids, still playing kid's games, unattractive to "teenagers".

"Why did the duke bring out only one son? What about the other two?" Georgiana asked.

"The Duchess of the previous generation liked the youngest son John the most. It is said that he is the most intelligent, but his body has been very thin since birth."

"What about the second son?"

"George, you say? No one knows what he's doing," said Luderer. "Besides, a son is enough for this occasion."

Georgiana knew that George Russell was probably the neglected child in the family. After all, the eldest son would inherit the family business, and the Duchess preferred the smart and thin youngest son.

At this moment, she suddenly found Robert Peel Jr., who was chatting with Francis Russell.

She didn't know what these two "little guys" were going to do, but her intuition from being the dean for many years made her decide to follow them.

"Hey, lady in red!" cried Georgiana Gordon suddenly. "Can you play the piano?"

Georgiana looked at the piano in the corner of the dining room, then at Francis and Robert Peel, Jr., who had left the room in a few moments.

"Get someone to watch them both." Georgiana handed her glass to Ludrell, and then went to deal with Miss Gordon "from Scotland".

How should I put it, sending this couple to the "armistice banquet" is really suitable. The nickname "woman in red" has not been used for a long time, but Miss Gordon mentioned at this time that those French officers The look in her eyes is wrong.

They seemed to ask silently if she had bewitched Napoleon Bonaparte.

"What are you going to do?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"It's just boring, so I want to play some music." Miss Gordon said "naughtily"

"I don't know how to play the piano, or anything else," said Georgiana, smiling to Miss Gordon. "Besides, if you want to hear music, there are musicians here to play for us."

"You're bored," said Miss Gordon. "And your usual entertainment?"

"Reading." Georgiana said coldly.

She froze for a moment.

Maybe she didn't expect that someone would use reading as entertainment.

"Or on a broomstick," Georgiana smirked.

"I think you mean riding," said Bonaparte aside.

"You know you're a good player," said the Duke of Bedford. "Like your mother, she's no match for her when she starts playing. How about a piece?"

"The lady just said that there are many musicians here, how dare I show off my petty skills in front of them?" Miss Gordon stared at Georgiana and smirked, "How about we play something else?"

"What do you want to play?" Georgiana asked.

"Ride and see which of us gets to the finish line first," said Miss Gordon.

Georgiana looked at the long dress worn by the duke's fiancée.

"Are you going to side ride or change clothes?"

"Do you think you can beat me if you know how to ride across the saddle?"

"I'm only thinking of your safety, Duchess," said Georgiana falsely.

"No need, I'm a member of the Jockey Club."

"So you think your riding skills are superb?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do? You don't know how to play an instrument."

Georgiana was so angry that she lost her ability to express herself.

Why do so many nobles send their children to learn musical instruments? Just for this time! If Georgiana can play the piano, it can be a "reversal" to impress those who are waiting to see her make a fool of herself.

Princess Marie Antoinette of Austria also went to learn how to play the piano near the Place de la Concorde because she was asked to play an instrument in public by Mrs. Du Barry.

Is there a way to avoid going to the guillotine after learning those things?

She might as well learn more about geography, so that at least she will find out about the route when she escapes, so that she won't be found out about their true identities because the destination on the pass is different from the direction they are going.

She glanced at Luderer. According to the person who protected the royal family until the last moment, the queen actually had a chance to say something, but she chose to remain silent. Then, the Swiss mercenaries followed the king's order and were not allowed to open fire on civilians. gun.

Justinian chose to let the army suppress the Nika riots, but the 18th century was not ancient after all, but Napoleon chose to fire during the Portuguese riots.

"Only when they feel that they are not safe will they quit the game." Lucian once said to the "woman in red".

"What bet?" asked Georgiana.

"Gambling?" asked Miss Gordon, startled. "Just for fun."

Georgiana hates a sentence: Can't you afford it?

Too much of a joke would attract enemies, and she tricked a devil into a glass bottle, which is probably why she was cursed.

"How about a bet?" said Bonaparte at this moment.

All eyes turned to him.

He brought a dagger from the lieutenant, which was also very ornate and studded with precious stones.

"This was given as a gift when I customized the 'Regent' sword. Whoever wins it will belong to him."

Georgiana turned her eyes from the dagger to Miss Gordon.

She smiled at Georgiana and left first.

As soon as she left, various voices rang out in the restaurant, including whistles and discussions. Georgiana glanced at Bonaparte. He was lowering his head and placing the "bet" on a tray.

So Georgiana left the restaurant with Miss Gordon, who was choosing the horses tied at the door by the "Jockey Girls' Club Member."

Anyone who often watches horse races knows that the jockey should choose a small jockey, so that the horse will have a lighter burden, and then run faster than a big jockey.

Georgiana was rather short, and Miss Gordon was much taller, though she was slender.

If Georgiana won, she would get the limelight herself, but what good would that do her? Does she represent France?

The French do not understand the relationship between England, Scotland and Ireland, just as the British do not understand the three-level parliament in France...

Georgiana suddenly remembered.

Robert Peel Jr. was deposed because he failed to manage the Irish famine well. The prime minister who succeeded him happened to be named John Russell, who was the first Earl Russell.

The eldest son would inherit everything from his father, just as William Pitt Jr.'s elder brother John had inherited the Earl of Chatham, while his second son had nothing but an annuity of a few hundred pounds.

But William Pitt Jr. won the title of Earl of Aberdeen, just like John Russell, who himself became the first Earl Russell.

But the Prime Minister's handling of the Irish famine was just as bad, so which generation of the Duke of Bedford was this "John Russell"?

The family took their names arbitrarily, with both the fourth and sixth dukes named "John Russell".

At this time, Miss Gordon chose a bay red thoroughbred horse. Unfortunately, the saddle of this horse was straddled, and she couldn't ride sideways while wearing a skirt.

"How about you get someone to replace you?" Georgiana asked, looking back at the British soldiers in their bright red uniforms.

"You worry about yourself," said Miss Gordon indignantly.

"Worried? Why should I worry?" Georgiana said with a smile, "It's just a dagger, and I can't afford it."

Miss Gordon looked at her strangely.

"You're also a botanist, so you should know the lethal dose of foxglove, right? Do you think it can be fatal just based on the amount mixed in the tea leaves?"

Georgiana stopped smiling.

"You directed and acted yourself?"

"Why do you think that?"

"We all thought you would accuse Josephine, but you didn't, and Bonaparte loved you even more." Miss Gordon smiled. "Well done."

"I don't……"

Miss Gordon ignored her, blew a whistle, and waved towards the British army. A handsome soldier came out of the line. His appearance reminded her of Williamham.

"You, go." Miss Gordon said to the soldier arrogantly, and the man didn't hesitate at all, and went directly to the horse that Miss Gordon had chosen, and then looked at Georgiana with a strange smile.

"Please allow me to fight in your place." A guard member said to Georgiana.

Georgiana ignored him.

Miss Gordon had been replaced because she was wearing a skirt, what excuse would Georgiana have?

Originally it was just "for fun", but if it was replaced by French cavalry, it would be a "competition".

She glanced at Napoleon. He was talking and laughing with the Duke of Bedford. Does he have confidence in her, or is he not worried about her life, and is not afraid of her falling off the horse and breaking her neck?

Sometimes she felt that her life was miserable, and if Severus had been silently mourning his love for Lily, then all those years she had given meant nothing to him.

And what caused them to part ways was precisely because of the "joke" that James Potter made under the beech in the fifth grade.

He was so mad that he called Lily a "mudblood".

However, "Joking" Potter ended up being Harry's father.

Fate is unjust.

Sirius Black, who was "affordable" before, also complained about the unfair fate after returning from Azkaban.

"What exactly do you want?" After riding the horse, she whispered, as if she was asking herself or her fate.

At this time, "Williamham" had already reined in and turned the horse around and ran towards the starting line. Georgiana could only pinch the horse's belly to follow closely behind.

The Harry Potter commemoration event did not invite the original author

I support Rowling's point that even a gay man like Albus identifies himself as a man

Voltaire said, I disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to speak

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