Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2064 house of lord (2)

It is difficult to see that the Duke of Bedford has experienced the pain of losing his brother and then his wife in two years.

He looked all right, even cheerful, and as Miss Gordon had said earlier, he was lucky. Georgiana had heard it said that it was good luck to lose a wife in middle age. However, Francis Russell looked very different from his father. He seemed to be still immersed in the pain of losing his mother. He was the eldest of the three sons left by the previous Duchess of Bedford. He was not friendly to the young stepmother, but he was just rude, and he did not intentionally make trouble like in some stories. , trying to drive her away.

The British seem to have a natural melancholy, and Francis is at a "dire green" age, so the whole person is gloomy.

When he greeted Bonaparte, he was very polite, with a kind of aristocratic reserve, and Bonaparte was very flat to him, anyway, it was just a "show".

Little William Pitt's elder brother, the Earl of Chatham, is now in the Navy, but not in the front line. He works in the Ordnance Bureau, which is the department that the new First Minister of the Navy, the Earl of St. Vincent, wants to rectify.

Peter once told Georgiana to pay attention to what he was doing in India. He was rectifying the corruption of the East India Company at that time.

If Earl St. Vincent's method of cleaning up all crimes is followed, it will not only have a major impact on the navy, but may also become a "snowball", and the case will get bigger and bigger. It's just that compared with his talented younger brother, it is said that the Earl of Chatham is pitifully mediocre, so it is not known how much he can control. Anyway, those "lords" in the parliament sometimes form alliances and sometimes break up. One moment they are still joining forces to deal with one person, and the next moment they become enemies.

St. Vincent's vote to let Fox out was also related to Fox's political views on America. Fox felt that it was impossible for the thirteen North American states to recover.

He fought in the War of Independence, and so did Miss Gordon's father, and this Gordon family was the Gordons of Scotland.

The British are notoriously arrogant, but that doesn't mean they don't understand diplomacy. Just now, with swords drawn secretly, it doesn't look like an "armistice banquet".

The owner of a brewery also came with the boat. The name of this brewery was also called Crossbow. He was also introduced by Arthur Young.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

Even the Tories were courted by an independent Whig prime minister in opposition, given the opportunity. Although the Tories were opposed to technological progress, did not William Pitt Jr. prohibit the general promotion of the water-powered loom.

Even if they weren't Luddites, weavers smashed machines when they took their jobs.

This has nothing to do with blindness or ignorance. It is purely a matter of survival or destruction. If you ask a person who has worked in the accounting industry for more than 20 years to become a mechanical engineer, can he do that job?

Anyway, Georgiana thinks that William Pitt Jr. has great hope of returning to the position of prime minister. As for whether he will be like this after he becomes prime minister again, he doesn't know.

During the French Revolution, that is, in 1792, Britain also imposed a blockade on France. Knowing that France was short of food, it prohibited neutral countries from sending food to France for sale. dealt with.

Neutral countries such as Hanseatic suffered serious losses due to this ban. Fortunately, in this era of sails, the blockade is not airtight, and the Anti-French Alliance is not enthusiastic about the blockade. Sweden, Denmark, and the United States only use it as a last resort. will be embargoed.

After the disbandment of the Second Anti-French Coalition, the Danish navy was destroyed. If Sweden fell to the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom would be able to win the trade in the Baltic Sea, and it would be cost-effective to bombard Copenhagen.

Similarly, Bonaparte controlled other countries, and the continental blockade against the United Kingdom would not be very effective. An absolute blockade is impossible to achieve.

Regardless of how South America will be developed in the future, anyway, Mexican silver coins can flow into the British market and continue to circulate after they are cast into British pounds at the Bolton Mint.

Although William Pitt Jr. was a politician who obeyed the will of the people most of the time and was sometimes ruthless, compared with France, the anti-French alliance ruled the people in a more tolerant way. At least they did not create a reign of terror, nor did they mobilize the people to actively participate war.

The factory owners in Manchester organized riots to fight against taxes, and they touched a lot of bottom lines that shouldn't be touched, especially when Pete's carriage was attacked by the Whigs. Of course, this may also be Georgiana's wishful thinking.

Both she and Bonaparte had to accompany the guests, and some things were not left to them to preside over.

Like many aristocrats of old, the Duke of Bedford was interested in art, but he preferred sculpture, and he was eager to meet Canova.

No one expected this scene today, and Kanova was not on the accompanying list.

The Duke of Bedford expressed regret that he might have to find another opportunity to meet the master.

In other words, the Duke of Bedford's family will not continue to follow, and even return to Paris with them.

Even if the Duke of Bedford is no longer in an actual position, if something happens to him, France will also be held responsible.

Men also have their own age. When they are in their 20s, they are young and energetic, and dare to think and do things. Ten years later, the boys in their 20s will become 30 years old, mature and stable, and they don’t want to live like before. up.

But the Duke of Bedford was getting old, and a young woman could arouse his enthusiasm and vigor, as if he had become younger. This was what Georgiana saw.

"How did you know it was going to freeze?" asked Mrs. Gordon suddenly.

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"Be careful of the ice." Miss Gordon said in a low voice, "My father established the 92nd Highland Division in 1794. They were stationed in Gibraltar for the first year. Later, they heard about the surrender of the Amsterdam navy to the French army."

"I heard it was a particularly cold year," replied Georgiana in a low voice.

"That's right, it was the worst winter in 50 years." The Duke of Bedford said suddenly, "It was so cold that the milk was frozen in the milk bucket."

"Just a guess," said Georgiana dryly.

"Can you 'guess' for me?" asked Miss Gordon eagerly.

Georgiana didn't want to answer the question of how many children she would have in the future.

"She was joking," Bonaparte said now, laughing. "She's not a witch at all."

Miss Gordon glanced at Bonaparte, then tilted her head at Georgiana, "Really?"

As a wizard, you can see ghosts, but Muggles can't, and only the insane will take it seriously.

"No, I'm a witch." She deliberately said to Miss Gordon with a smile.

Miss Gordon froze for a moment, as if trying to decide whether she was telling the truth or not.

"Naughty boy," said Bonaparte, smiling happily.

"Halloween is over." The Duke of Bedford also smiled and said, "Have you brought candy? My dear."

Miss Gordon hastily fumbled for a candy from her pocket and handed it to Georgiana.

"Trick or treat, I give sugar, you can't trick or treat." Miss Gordon said.

"How old do you think I am?" Georgiana complained deliberately.

Now Bonaparte and the Duke of Bedford laughed together, as if they had been friends at first sight.

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