Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2054 Drink of Victory (4)

Machiavelli, Napoleon's favorite author, wrote a history of Florence in addition to the Prince, beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and ending with the return of the Medici family to power and ending with the death of Lorenzo de' Medici.

The fifth volume of it is about the internal strife in Florence and the intervention of the Pope. In the opening sentence of the book, he wrote:

It can be seen that under the dominance of the law of rise and fall, various regions often go from governance to chaos, and then from chaos to governance. For the nature of human affairs does not permit regions to go on in a straight line; When it is impossible to go down, it will inevitably start to rise. That's it, from good to bad, and then from bad to good. The reason is that heroic deeds create peace, peace makes people feel peaceful, tranquility creates chaos, and chaos leads to destruction, so chaos leads to order, order leads to virtue, and virtue leads to honor and luck. Therefore, sages have realized that the era of excellent works follows military achievements, and the great soldiers in each city-state and region must appear before the great philosophers.

If this sentence is replaced by Eastern philosophy, it can be understood that the world will be divided for a long time, and it will be united for a long time. Of course, this sentence was not written by any philosopher, but by a novelist who wrote "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". If it is changed to Zhouyi, it can be understood that the monthly profit will lead to a loss, and when it is extremely good, it will start to go downhill.

If it was the "before" Napoleon, he only needed to ask the soldiers waiting for his review: "Soldiers, how many victories can you bring me?"

I have to admit that the appearance of the French cavalry is much higher than that of European countries.

And those gorgeous uniforms, which were no longer the crudely made clothes worn by soldiers in the old days or even the Directory.

When crossing the Alps, there were people who mutinied because they didn’t have boots to wear. It was a difficult process for them to be strong enough to expand their surroundings from being so embarrassed that it was difficult for them to protect themselves. Georgiana would not be like Des Madame Tull denounced Napoleon so publicly.

In the second chapter of the history of Florence written by Machiavelli, it is written that on the great day of St. John, the Genoese, led by Francesco Spinola, attacked their new doge, who was Duke Filippo, who was sent by the pope to govern Naples, was appointed by Alfonso of Aragon, who was also competing for the right to rule Naples at that time, and the heir appointed by the dead Queen Joanna II of Naples was Rene of Anjou.

If Rene of Anjou had been king of Naples, he would have invited the French to Milan, so that in case of emergency they would have support at hand, without waiting for reinforcements to cross the Alps, or pass elsewhere.

It would be the opposite if Alfonso of Aragon became king of Naples, because Alfonso feared only the power of the French.

Duke Filippo's approach supported by the Pope is to support Rene and oppose Alfonso, which is completely against the interests of the Duke, because Alfonso will choose to ally with Duke Filippo because he is afraid of the power of the French, even on the surface Occupying Naples, the actual control is in the hands of Duke Filippo, not himself.

This is quite messy, so the position of the Genoese for and against the new Doge is whether he protects the interests of the Genoese. At the beginning, the Neapolitans asked the Genoese to undertake their defense. In order to protect their merchant ships and goods, the Genoese equipped a powerful fleet of warships.

Then Duke Filippo repented, released Alfonso of Aragon, and sent him with dignity to Genoa, and then to Naples, where the nobles belonging to his party immediately seized the power.

During the period when the Genoese were enjoying their freedom and independence, an officer was elected by the common people. This "governor" was Francesco Spinola. I resigned myself, and later joined the navy, and won several battles.

In other words, Spinola felt that he had made great contributions to Duke Filippo, but the Duke did not give him the position of governor, and also sent a new governor, so the St. John's Day rebellion occurred.

At first the new governor intended to flee to the duke's fortified castle, but he was killed on the way, and his body was chopped up into small pieces and thrown about the city.

This incident shocked many Italian monarchs, and at the same time, they felt an opportunity, because Duke Filippo has the support of the Pope, and other Italian monarchs were afraid that he would be too powerful. Now that they see the development of the world, they feel hopeful and can restrain the Duke. , so Florence and Venice disregarded the covenant with Duke Filippo, and made an alliance with Genoa, and the exiled people in Florence thought that there was now hope to induce Duke Filippo to attack Florence. Among them was Rina, an important figure in Florence. Cordo de Albizzi addressed Duke Filippo in Milan as follows:

Is there any disease more harmful to a republic than slavery? Is there any other treatment that can effectively eradicate this disease? Wars are unjust, but wars fought when necessary are just; violence itself is merciful when only violence can offer hope of salvation. I know of no country that needs this more than ours, nor any greater sympathy than the deliverance of our country from slavery. Therefore our cause is just, our purpose benevolent, and if our just cause does not inspire Ning to attack them, your own righteous indignation should motivate you to do so.

From this point, we can see the "flexibility" and "tact" of the Italians, but the Italians understood by Georgiana will avenge their blood debts.

The victories brought by the smoke of the cannon will soon be wiped out, and the new conqueror will make them his own people.

Bonaparte himself knew this, there were many who wished him dead, and at the same time the French were more welcome and accepted in Milan than in their own country, and they were even willing to stay in Milan and never return.

In the era of Charlemagne, the boundaries of civilization and geography were being destroyed with the last batch of Roman legions, and at the same time, the mechanisms that maintained society, such as science and law, were gradually moving away from the barbarians. When the Franks seized and settled the wilderness between the Loire and the Rhine by force, they were always haunted by witches and Satan, who lived in the forest at night.

The arrival of Dominican missionaries such as St. Columbine gave them hope. The previous confession was public. Columbine brought the Irish penance regulations to Europe, including private confession. If the public speaks out, the priest will forgive his sins, and he does not need to be buried with his back up and down like Pepin to die. The sacrament of confession has become one of the seven sacraments. As long as a sinner confesses with a repentant heart, he will still go to heaven like other people who have done good deeds all their lives after being pardoned.

For some people in the extremely dark 7th century, even if they knew that Pepin's divine right of kings was "legal" to steal the crown from the Merovingian royal family, they would not say anything. Because once Charlemagne died, they could continue to play according to this rule. As long as the Pope anoints him with his coronation, they can kick the puppet king down, and "righteously" have to consolidate his rule.

All "European monarchs" need the support of the Pope, and Duke Filippo's power is so powerful that he is feared by other Italian monarchs. Unfortunately, as Napoleon said, indecision makes many people face misfortune. It will make people disappointed in some things, and then impose punishment on themselves.

At present, Napoleon wants to "pierce through" the throat of the Strait of Dover. With the whole of Europe expecting peace, the British navy does not allow the leaders of France to sail through its territorial waters. This is not to tear up the treaty, but to break the rules of the game.

One day force will be subordinated to morality, and those who wear swords will bow down at the feet of those with knowledge and talent.

The Tsar will also hold a coronation ceremony, but it is not the Pope who crowns him, but the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, and the King of England is crowned by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church.

Britain does not border on the European continent, and it is the English Channel that blocks the French Army. Similarly, Russia does not border Europe, separated by the Bosporus Strait. The purpose of the Crusades was to cross this strait, and the Count of Champagne in France needed Venetian warships.

Napoleon asked Georgiana a question, why in the chronicle written by Tacitus, the Romans claimed to be descendants of Troy.

Georgiana's answer was that no one wants to be a savage.

She could regard the "Big Moore Diamond" as some kind of reward, similar to the Legion of Honor Medal and official annuity he gave to soldiers. There are so many big diamonds in the world, it may not be the Big Moore Diamond Well, Bonaparte is a storyteller, don't take what he says too seriously.

In fact, she didn't want to see the Taj Mahal that much. She had already seen it in the promotional video, and many places were very different from the photos, but was there a way for her to say "no" under the circumstances?

Josephine had a big diamond too, and maybe he told her the same story, and Georgiana wasn't going to wear a diamond necklace that big to a party.

She was a little afraid of the short Muggle, although she was a witch, and she didn't feel that scary when she saw giants.

But after thinking about it, she was relieved again, because he was the one who made Europe tremble, and Egypt might be added, and now he was just like Alexander in Asia.

How was she going to explain to him that she didn't want to wear that necklace to the prom? Tell him directly, is his aesthetics of looking at the size of gems very vulgar?

After thinking about it, she got to where she is today because she was misled.

She lay on the bed, hugged the pillow and cried, she regretted it too much, she didn't want to be Merlin anymore.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, otherwise she really wants to drink as much as she wants.


Just when she was crying heartbroken, Matilda knocked on her door.

"What?" she choked out.

"Mr. Farron asked you to go for a walk." Matilda said outside the door.

Georgiana would have liked to refuse.

"Come right away." After she finished speaking, she wiped away her tears, put on her fur coat, and left the room filled with the scent of roses.

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