Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2053 Drink of Victory (3)

After Napoleon signed the "Treaty of Lunéville" in which Austria ceded Belgium to France, French newspapers talked about the benefits brought to France by the peace treaty. Of course, no one could be expected to realize that this was a war of aggression. .

The French and the Austrians fought in Italy and Belgium more than once. Relatively speaking, the history of the New World is not so complicated, that is under the premise of "deleting" the history of the aborigines. During the French Revolution, Jacobin sent a "sharp knife to cut the mess". The history of 300 years ago is no longer traced, that is, the owner of the land 300 years ago is no longer traced.

In Napoleon's words, from the 17th to the 18th of Brumaire, he erected a wall of copper through which no one can look back, and all memories will be smashed on this wall.

Of course some people will be unconvinced, but there are very few families that can last for three hundred years without decline, even the royal family.

Future generations are unable to recover the land of their ancestors, but Napoleon named those new countries with ancient place names, such as the Kingdom of Truria, and Mrs. Destal made an astonishing statement that he used the king's descendants as an experiment. It is a pity But she was no longer in Paris, that is to say, she had lost the pulpit from which she could speak, and, except for a few, she had been forgotten.

She needs Paris very much, because it is full of people with quick thinking like her; but Paris does not need her that much, because Paris is never short of new topics.

Apart from the fashionable Mrs. Recamier, the most fashionable topic in Paris at the moment is Napoleon's trip to Egypt and the book he brought back about "Oriental Civilization". As the Egyptian God of Love Hathor said, he used a A beautifully framed and brilliantly written book belied the failed expedition.

When he was fighting in Gaza, so many people in the army wanted to see the holy site, but he ordered to turn around. Although Germany was the first to take part in the Crusade, the French were also very famous.

At that time, the scholars who went to Egypt with Napoleon not only moved cultural relics, but also studied Egypt and used French civilization to spread free thought. Before the French Expeditionary Force landed in Alexandria, Egypt just experienced the Wahhabi movement. Sufis have many mystical things, such as spinning dance. In the 21st century, it is regarded as a tourism item, and it is often advertised in tourism promotional videos. .

This is forbidden in the eyes of Wahhabi movement, in addition to the worship of saints, holy tombs, holy trees, there are annual pilgrimages in the Arab world, from the disciples of the prophets to the lesser village saints have their own annual commemorations , destroying the Holy Tree and the Holy Sepulcher is considered an act of disrespect.

Wahhabists regarded a large part of the Ottoman Empire as a polytheistic cult. When Napoleon's army landed in Alexandria, the Ottoman Empire and the Wahhabists fought. Later, as Napoleon's army advanced, the two sides had to agree Ceasefire negotiations.

Ali Bey, the leader of the Mamluks, has many nicknames, such as "Ali the Elf", as he can use magic to achieve incredible things, and his Turkish nickname is Brut Kapan, which means "cloud catcher". He is the first person to regain the domination of Egypt by himself after the fall of the Mamluk Empire.

Napoleon solved these spells with a Leiden jar, and he also studied chemistry in Egypt, which of course was not for killing time. He is like a magician, holding two flasks filled with a liquid like distilled water, when the two are mixed, they boil and emit colorful smoke, until the smoke disappears, the liquid in both flasks is dry , into a yellow stone.

The Egyptians were stunned. After they took the stone and examined it, he demonstrated the experiment of burning pure sodium in water. The sodium made a carbine-like bang, which frightened the audience dumbfounded.

When experimenting with the Leiden bottle, he asked more than a thousand people to touch the wire hand in hand, and those people were so shocked that their skeletons trembled.

After a show, actually performing for the Hersheys, similar performances were left to the assistants. The first two years of the French occupation of Egypt were indeed a fascinating period from a human point of view. While accepting European science and technology, the Egyptians also accepted the ideas of the French Enlightenment, all the way to Napoleon's flagship "Oriental " was blown up by Nelson and Sidney Smith.

Napoleon unified Upper and Lower Egypt, as well as Palestine, Syria and a series of brilliant achievements. Although the pilgrimage to Mecca was not restored, it allowed him to interfere in Egypt's internal affairs, including land issues. This made the Mamluk family The power became fragmented, and the Ottoman Empire saw an opportunity, but they dared not act after Napoleon left Egypt to return to France.

War and disease and the lack of relief from the native land for several years depressed the soldiers. Many French converted to Islam and married Egyptian wives. General Menou also married Egyptian women under such circumstances.

The departure of the French left a power vacuum in Egypt, and the Ottomans stopped at all costs to prevent the rebuilding of the Mamluk family. This is the perfect time for them to regain their authority. The British, worried that Napoleon would retake Egypt, had more confidence in the Mamluks than in the Ottomans, so they worked hard to revive the powerful Mamluk family and put pressure on the Ottomans.

Once the British leave and the power behind the Mamluk family is gone, the Ottomans will use their own plan to solve the Egyptian problem-get rid of the Mamluk family in Cairo and fill their wealth into the treasury. However, the Mamluks will not sit still, and will inevitably launch a fierce power struggle with the Ottomans.

They have lived in Cairo for six hundred years, they have survived Selim the Grim, they have survived Napoleon, and there are Wahhabists who are ready to go, who will become the master of Egypt? Certainly.

"Before" Georgiana thought that the Suez Canal could not be repaired because the French survey engineer had an inner ghost and reported false data to mislead Napoleon.

"Now" she knows the reason. As long as Britain still occupies Malta and has command over the sea, it will be difficult to achieve the goal Napoleon envisioned after the Suez Canal is completed.

These belonged to state secrets, but Bonaparte told her as a story, and it was quite a challenge for her to accept bad things about Britain in front of British women.

Before the duel between General Remier and General Destin in Lyon, Napoleon had mediated. He hoped that the past would be let go, but how can some things pass so easily?

She asked about the scene of the balloon flying on the Prophet's Day on Monge, and it is said that the effect was not as good as expected. The flying Montgolfier balloon lost its fuel and had no hot air, and finally fell to the ground. The Egyptian audience recovered. Contempt for European civilization, comparing it to the kites made by servants for festivals and weddings, the locals were not as impressed as the previous experiments in chemistry and electricity.

Many of these French soldiers stationed in Boulogne-sur-Mer have seen the world, and they will not make a fuss over a Leiden bottle.

In other words, she needs a "pillar", the kind that can create a big scene, making the crowd gasp in amazement, similar to disappearing the Statue of Liberty. The question is, where can she find the Statue of Liberty?

The scene where the audience didn't buy it and booed her was so ugly, she had no doubt that someone would boo her, it would be too easy to get on stage and difficult to get off stage.


Just as Georgiana was looking at the program list and frowning, Philier hurried in, holding a jewelry box in her hand.

Georgiana didn't feel much about these things now, and smiled as she ran towards her.

"Look." Fei Lier couldn't wait to open the jewelry box.

Inside are a pair of teardrop earrings set on a dark blue velvet that almost blends in with it.

The jewelry she usually sees is contrasted with the base, and this is the first time she has seen this combination.

"Look carefully." Fei Lier shook the jewelry box cautiously. The pair of earrings are like round water droplets, but there are many "impurities" inside, which look colorful.

"What's this?" Georgiana asked.

"The star-stone is said to be the glass body produced when the meteorite in the sky fell to the ground." Philier explained, "Mr. Watt made it into an earring and gave it to you."

She just felt a buzzing in her head.

"Is it good?" Phillip asked.

There was only one thought in Georgiana's mind—whether the pair of earrings were radioactive, and whether wearing them would change her, such as growing an extra pair of ears.

"Nice." She smirked.

"Then, shall we accept it?" Feilier asked cautiously.

"Of course." Georgiana continued to smirk, even if there was radiation, it was from Watt, and she couldn't refuse it.

"Then put it on and have a look." Fei Lier said excitedly.

Georgiana looked at the pair of earrings. They were really good-looking, but cosmic rays were uncertain.

"Put it on on the day of the party." She pushed and said.

"Oh." Fei Lier said with some disappointment, reluctantly looking at the earrings in the box.

You have taken photos of solar-gold, but are you still afraid of this?

Georgiana put the two star stone earrings on her ears.

"Does it look good?" She asked Ferri after putting it on.

Ferri nodded. She looked at Georgiana with anticipation in her eyes, as if wishing she could wear it herself.

"Go to Alice and tell her that my pair of mother-of-pearl earrings..."

"It still belongs to you."

She looked up at the man who had interrupted her.

"Get out," said Bonaparte, and Ferri stood up, but kept her head down, and walked away backwards.

Georgiana looked at him calmly, because he also had a jewelry box in his hand.

"Come here." He stood by the dressing table and said, and she was obedient.

After she sat down on the dressing stool, he opened the jewelry box and "lifted" the necklace out in an almost rude manner, similar to how he reined in a horse.

Although she didn't see it clearly, judging from her experience, it should be a diamond necklace. The sunlight outside the window was refracted by it, changing into a bright light.

"Have you ever heard of the Taj Mahal?" asked Bonaparte, behind her, working on the necklace clasp.

"Yes." She said arrogantly.

"anything else?"

"That is the mausoleum built by Emperor Damore for his beloved Persian princess, and it is the pearl of India." Georgiana said.

"So have you ever heard of the Big Mole Diamond?"


Before she could react, he had already put that huge diamond necklace around her neck.

"A French traveler had seen this diamond while serving in India, but it has since disappeared, like the Regent diamond."

"Did he steal it? Like 'Diamond Pete'?" Georgiana asked.

"Why don't you think that it might be given by Da Mole to his concubine?" Bonaparte said.

Because he won't do that.

The diamond was too large to fit in the queen's tiara.

It was only when she touched it that she remembered that there was a Koh-i-Noor diamond in Queen Victoria's crown, and it is said that it and the Tsar's Orlov diamond were both split from a single diamond, which happened to be around her neck.

"Tell me what's on your mind?" he asked.

She was thinking of Rose on the Titanic. Carl gave her a blue diamond, the heart of the ocean, in an attempt to win her heart. The heart of the ocean was not as big as the diamond on her neck at the moment.

"I'm thinking of the Taj Mahal at sunset, it's made of white marble, it's dyed the color of the sunset, it looks like a rose."

He lowered his head and kissed her neck, leaving a rosy hickey.

"Like this?" he asked defiantly.

She silently looked at the extremely stupid woman in the mirror.

"Do you want to go to India and see the real Taj Mahal?" he asked.

She stood up and kissed him with joy like a normal woman.

Although this diamond is very heavy, it is like a chain with a stone ball hanging around her neck.

"I like you wearing these earrings, like the stars in the night sky." Bonaparte smiled happily, "I remember wearing that black dress that night."

"But I've worn it once."

"Wear it again, I love it." He scratched her nose with his finger. "My queen of the night."

She found herself unable to refuse.

"Yes, Sultan," she said softly.

He seemed very satisfied with her attitude, and led her to dance the waltz in the humble house, with his tone-deaf singing as the soundtrack.

He looked extremely happy, as if he had won something, not only his footsteps were light, but his whole body seemed to be still shining, like fire or the sun, so dazzling.

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