Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2051 Drink of Victory (1)

Such a thing happened to Gustav II of Sweden during the Thirty Years' War.

At the beginning of the war, Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony supported the Habsburgs and Catholicism, while his own kingdom was hardly affected by the war. However, after Sweden participated in the exhibition, he allied with Sweden and supported Protestantism, so the flames of war burned to Saxony.

At that time, the people killed by the enemy were not as good as those who died of illness. Even if the corpses were buried, the rotting corpse water would pollute the groundwater, thus polluting the well water.

A typical European medieval village often has a public well. You can imagine what would happen if people in a village drank the water from this well.

However, brewing beer is very important to the water source, and any impurity will bring obvious and easily detectable odor to the beer. And very clean utensils are used for brewing, so beer is a harmless drink compared to raw water.

Strategists of that era would plan beer reserves when deploying wars, and soldiers would just let their horses drink water when they arrived in an area, and they would go to the local brewery and warehouse to drink beer to quench their thirst, and if not, they would go to the farm and They searched the building, and they didn't go to drink water until the beer was gone.

Of all the misfortunes of war, it's fine to just take property, especially when the streets are full of drunken soldiers.

However, when Gustav's Swedish army crossed Krosti in Saxony, the local residents faced an amazing army. The Nordics are generally tall and majestic. The key is that they observe discipline, do not rob or snatch, and Clinking gold coins were also paid when begging food from the inhabitants.

There was still unharvested grain in the local fields, which was the hope of the local residents for the winter. When the Catholic Allies retreated, they took all the grain, including those that had just been harvested and had not been threshed. In fact, they could have set fire to the mature ears of wheat, but if they did so, all the farmers would starve to death. In order not to starve to death, they had to flee their homes. This is the method of scorched earth warfare.

Gustav's army did not harvest the grain left in the fields themselves, but bought the grain with money and hired farmers and grain trucks.

If the farmers don't agree, who knows if these Swedes will suddenly turn their faces.

They agreed, but they were terrified. One morning, the food delivery team on a country road encountered a single knight. They were very nervous because the knight had spotted them and was walking towards them.

People in a state of peace will be very strange, old photos will see a heavily armed guard guarding thousands of captives.

Even though the grain transport team was at the entrance of their farm and the knight was alone, the people in the grain transport team were still afraid that the knight would kill them. When the red-faced knight stopped in front of these people with his nostrils smoking white horse, the peasants were also looking him up and down. The comer was a nobleman, dressed in court clothes, and the horse was a noble breed.

The young knight started asking, "Is beer usually brewed in this house?"

"Yes." The farmer didn't dare to lie and replied repeatedly.

"Are you the owner of the house?"

"Yes." The farmer agreed again in a low voice.

"Do you have a beer now?"

The farmer felt his heart jumping out of his throat, and saying no now would only make matters worse, so he replied cautiously, "There is only a little bit, which is the beer I saved to celebrate the harvest."

"Wonderful! The King of Sweden is about to fall over here. Please give us a little drink for our hunger. We have drunk everything along the way. Now I beg you in the name of the king to use the best beer jug, which can be filled with water." Filled with craft beer, put it on the side of the country road as a tribute to the noble monarch."

After the knight turned and left, the farmer filled a jug of beer and put it on the side of the road as he said, just begging them to leave early.

It was not long before the king's army came, the dusty infantry followed by half a squadron of dragoons, and then the cavalry with blue and yellow banners, but they didn't touch the flagon.

When Gustav passed by, he reined in the horse, bent down and picked up the flagon from the ground, and drank the beer in the flagon in one gulp.

"It's delicious!" Gustav wiped his beard after drinking the beer. "It's so comfortable. Who brewed this wine?"

The hiding peasants were brought before the king, and Gustav returned the flagon to him.

"God will bless you, please accept this." After speaking, Gustav took off the sapphire ring on his hand, threw it into the empty wine jug, made a clanging sound, and then led the army Dust away.

At noon, the farmer heard the cannon fire, and in the afternoon came the news of victory. It was Gustav’s Swedish army that won, and the source of the clear water used by the farmer to make wine—the well, hence the name “Swedish Spring”. The brewed wine is also famous.

The farmer became the owner of the winery, and the trademark of the wine he brewed was a ring, which was said to be an "authentic replica" of the ring given by Gustav.

Georgiana shifted her attention from the fire opal ring to the banquet venue that had begun to take shape. She had collected money from the opera house bosses, but the reason she gave was to prevent the Grassini incident from happening again, and she was allowed to present it on stage. Not many actresses will sing, this is controlled by Saint-Merry, and Georgiana does not care. Anyway, if this dinner is on the front pages of The Times and the French Gazette, the cost paid by the bosses will be recovered. Who is so rich and powerful, using the front pages of newspapers to advertise the opera house? Unless it's an accident like the crystal chandelier falling from the Paris Opera House.

At this time, there was already a telegraph system, although it was very crude. The British applied the telegraph system to horse races and sent news from the racecourse to London. Now this telegraph system is fully utilized by these people. At first St. Mery looked for the circus everywhere, and later all kinds of people went to St. Mery with their own letters of introduction. That's how Georgiana knew that there were people in the 19th century. How many "juggling" can be seen, such as hypnotism, animal magnetism, magic lamp, escape show.

Georgiana had planned to have a horse race betting on the beach, but the "show" was canceled because Napoleoni only allowed "pure games" and no gambling.

In addition to his accent, Napoleon was most often laughed at by the third consulate, as well as his age. Most "old guys" thought he was a "boy".

William Pitt Jr. has encountered a similar situation before, after all, he was only 24 years old when he became Prime Minister.

Many young people are like this when they first come into contact with the society. Employers want them to be a journeyman right out of school.

In fact, Georgiana learned something from Wedgwood. He hired the Duke's daughter as a designer, even though the utensils she designed were almost all chubby child Dionysus or angels.

The key is the network. Wedgwood wants to sell his products to the upper class, and many manufacturers of upper class porcelain have already "shared their food". If he wants to get the market, he has to find another way. The Duke's daughter will at least introduce the products she designed to her friends, or she will give them a few, which can also expand her influence a little bit.

You know a lot of people and broaden the boss's channels. The boss thinks this is okay. Even if you don't have any sales experience, he will hire you.

Don't think that you are fighting alone. It is impossible for one person to fight against the whole world.

If a woman wants to gain a greater advantage over a man it is to have a lower salary. This is the case in the textile industry. Male weavers are not competitive at all because their salary is higher than that of female and child labor.

The so-called vicious competition is like this. Even if you don't necessarily get more benefits, it is enough to drive the other party out of the competition.

Under this premise, women do not need to demand equal pay for equal work with men, but what if men lose their jobs? Men who have a family and children will have scruples to some extent, and will not be as open-minded as those who do not have a family. This is why starting a family was the primary goal of various countries in ancient times.

Even real estate and the American Dream are so popular because people need to start a family. If a person no longer has the need to start a family, does he still need to buy such a big house? Not afraid to cry in such a big house, only his echo?

The British made brilliant achievements in the first industrial revolution, but the British did not catch up with the second industrial revolution. The thinking of the old industrialists could not keep up with the new era, and the young people had the thinking, acceptance and adaptability of young people. Unfortunately, there was no Moonlight Club in England at that time, and the education in Britain was also lagging behind that of Germany.

The universal education system had already been implemented in the era of Frederick the Great, and it became universal compulsory education in Prussia.

For Georgiana, eradicating ignorance is more important than making a fortune by studying, at least to avoid the kind of panic that someone used a tearful Madonna in Italy to create.

This was very destabilizing to the morale of the army and the people. Fortunately, there were French academicians there at the time, who deciphered their tricks, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

She is going to write a report on military discipline and popular science education, which will include the story of Gustav. In the past, scholars and soldiers went to Egypt together. Although they had differences at first, they later became happy to cooperate.

These things should have been done by a French woman, why would she, an English woman, do that? What good does it do for the British if France becomes a strong army?

Oh, how pissed off she was.

She stomped her feet hard, stepping on the soft grass.

"Who messed with you again?"

She stared back at the speaker.

"Why are you here?" she asked Napoleon's aide-de-camp, Polyfonta.

"There is someone, please make arrangements." He took a fragrant letter to her, "Miss Rocour is going to perform on the night of the banquet."

"What does she do?"

"In the future she will replace Grassini in the French opera in Italy." Polifonta replied, "You met last time in Lyon."

She recalled such a person.

"She was in Merope with Talma," said Polifonta.

"Isn't she in Italy? How did she come here?"

"Are you well informed?" Polyfonta shrugged irresponsibly, and then turned to leave.

"Wait, who gave this note?"

"You can tell by the handwriting." Polyfonta said and left, looking very busy.

Georgiana opened the note and quickly found the iconic "n" in Napoleon's signature, but when she opened the note more, she found that the content inside was completely different from what Polyfonta had just said.

She glanced at the back of Polyfonta leaving in a hurry, and immediately became more angry.

She burned the paper to ashes with flames, so that even if Polyfonta peeked at the contents, there would be no evidence.

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