When 24-year-old William Pitt Jr. became Prime Minister and faced with the huge national debt left by the Seven Years War, he, like many young people, had no idea what the stakes were.

His original proposal was to impose a tax on raw materials, especially dyed cotton and linen, to require manufacturers to obtain new licenses, to provide detailed information on raw materials, to confiscate machinery if taxes were not owed, and so on.

Cotton interests were appalled by this "flashy tax" and called for support from other industries. An angry Bolton yelled at the mine owners who supported William Pitt, Jr.: "Let the tax be based on luxuries, vices, if you Like, build on property instead of taxing the means of wealth, never try to cut open the hen that lays the golden egg."

When the end comes, children are often the first to be eliminated. Anyone who has seen lions hunting knows that their prey are generally old, weak, sick and disabled. Calves and zebras must learn to run when they are born, otherwise they will be eaten.

Animals that act alone will hide their children, while animals that live in groups will have a certain degree of organization. The young bulls of the herd will drive the lions away and hide the cows and calves in a relatively safe location.

However, orphans who have lost their parents are not included. Even if it is not the end, they will either be sent to the factory as "apprentices" by the stewards who manage the orphanage in the diocese, or they may be "leased" by magic performers to assist in "performances". Who knows what day it will be When it really comes, what will happen to these children without parental protection.

In the animal world, not all cubs will grow up. Diseases, accidents, etc., high mortality rate leads to high birth rate. Whether it is Catholicism or Protestantism, there are more than a dozen children in the family. Letizia can give birth to many children. , As a result, Napoleon and his generation suddenly failed.

Maria Edgeworth was not married, she was already a 33-year-old girl, and Letizia gave birth to Napoleon Bonaparte when she was 16 years old.

If it wasn't for Severus's sudden "enlightenment" one day, Georgiana might not be as good as Maria. At least Maria has a Swiss banker "boyfriend" James Moilliet who has been dating for many years. Under the introduction of Bolton, he settled in Birmingham and gradually came into contact with Maria.

"Civilized people" will take into account the woman's feelings, and will be patient enough to have a "long" relationship with her.

Napoleon would not "consume" with her like this, and now she is a "celebrity" known throughout Europe and even the United States. But most people judge her age by the age of her appearance, at most she is in her 20s, much younger than Napoleon in her 30s, no one will believe that she is "old" enough to be a His mother is gone.

The "legendary" British Cleopatra is very coquettish and plump, which is in line with Napoleon's usual "taste". He likes the kind of slender and curvy blonde.

If he saw the portrait of Georgiana that people imagined, he didn't know what to do, anyway, Georgiana would be laughed to death. As Maria said, it has nothing to do with the real her. Although her breasts in the portrait are far less towering than the French goddess of liberty, Marianne, they are relatively plump.

She was almost sure that if she went out on the street without makeup, she would not be recognized, so the armistice dinner was not held in the form of a masquerade ball.

The next step is to determine what wine to use for the banquet. In this piece of Saint-Merry, he is still very reliable. He selected five from more than a dozen wine merchants for Georgiana to decide, mainly champagne. In addition, he still invited some actresses to add to the fun. After all, many theater prop masters were used to paint the tent like a castle, and the owners of these theaters also hoped to have their "pillars" present.

Georgiana would not refuse anyone, and she took bribes to cover the expenses of holding the banquet.

She tried to cheer herself up, and for most women shopping is joy, Georgiana's pleasure is food magic.

It is very important for her to maintain an optimistic attitude now. Alchemy comes from the kitchen, and farming is actually a kind of alchemy. If the yield per mu can be increased, the total amount of grain will still increase. In this way, not only will there be enough grain to make wine, but there will also be enough grain to ensure food security.

It needs fertilizer. She remembered seeing an explorer from Germany when she was in Paris. He showed her the guano mine discovered in Peru, and the fertility was indeed pretty good.

At present, manure is mainly used in the surrounding areas of the city, and it is difficult to popularize it in rural areas further away. If the rural cooperatives are established, they can start by buying manure.

Rotting corpses can also fertilize the land, but she can't accept it.

Stock competition means fighting. If each family wants to develop better, they must rob others. Even if you don’t rob yourself, you may be robbed at any time, so why not act first?

The kind of opportunity to resell at a high price is actually quite good. Napoleon was cut off the supply line in Egypt before. When he was hungry outside the city, the defenders in the city accepted the supplies brought by the British warship.

This is how siege warfare is like this. Even if the defenders can withstand the enemy's artillery fire, it is difficult to resist hunger. When the hunger is unbearable, some people will always surrender. During the siege of Attila, Saint Geneviève, the patron saint of Paris, led some people out to find food.

Her body was carried out and burned during the French Revolution, and it was the priests who tried their best to protect the few bones.

Regarding the "Crown of Thorns" that Napoleon took her to see last time, many people have rumored that it is a fake, and it is really hidden elsewhere, and may even have been transported to the Vatican.

The newly established French Republic is very unstable, and there are still many people who are unwilling to accept the return of the church. At this time, the real holy relics are taken out. What if the same turmoil occurs again and the holy relics are destroyed?

Georgiana tried to rediscover that happy self, or rather, to keep his mind from wasting.

The "permanent peace" in Europe that St. Pierre hoped for might not be possible in the 19th or even 20th century. Let's see if future generations can achieve this goal in the 21st century or even later.

Even if it is a short, false peace, it is peace. Almost every week, Napoleon will bring no more than 10 people to Robert’s restaurant for dinner. Josephine is not the one who presides over this kind of dinner. Georgiana regards this banquet as a similar It's dinner, and she is the woman who hosts the banquet.

The way Josephine wins over the people around Napoleon is to introduce women to them, or to match them up, or to approach those women who show up at dinner parties.

Georgiana's method is to spend money. This style is very "British". She didn't find out how she was tricked by Napoleon until she was about to appoint Parma's State Counselor, even though Napoleon seemed to trust her so much that she could manage Sevres Earnings of ceramic factory.

She didn't even know anyone, so how could she arrange for someone to be a state counselor like Josephine?

Human resources are also a kind of resource, waiting to be dug like a mine. In addition to "a bad book is equal to a robber", there is also a famous Italian saying, "not all gold shines".

She agrees with this, that gold can only reflect light, and when light shines on it, it will emit the same light as gold.

Parma would not have placed an Englishman as State Counselor, but Edgeworth was in politics in Ireland, and he and his second wife were in France.

Like Bolton, he married his ex-wife's younger sister. Bolton has been criticized in the UK, and Edgeworth is in Ireland, where there is no precedent. Even if he doesn't care about the outside world, the outside world will still criticize him.

What's more, he and his ex-wife have children. Not every stepmother can poison her stepson like Snow White's stepmother, and not every stepmother will deny her beautiful clothes and prevent her from participating in the competition like Cinderella's stepmother. The ball held by the prince, but many parents have to take into account the feelings of their children when they remarry.

Josephine's ex-husband was indeed a failure. In comparison, Napoleon was much better than him. No wonder both Hortans and Eugene liked this stepfather.

In fact, if Bonaparte wants to win over her and let her do things for him, he does not necessarily have to use this method. Not all women turn to him after sleeping with a man. Artemisia's "Judith Beheaded" Killing Holofernes is an example.

In her spare time, she also designed a birthday present for Napoleon. She decided to give him a table with a map on it. There should be a compass on the table, so that he can point the map along the direction of the compass. The direction is placed.

When doing these things, she can forget some things for a short time, which makes her feel a lot more relaxed, but she dare not try to use the summoning guard.

She was afraid that she would not be able to summon the Patronus, which would be a bad thing, because she was very good at it before.

Why is there no compass to guide the way of life?

Gellert Grindelwald, a seer, is also a liar.

Georgiana temporarily planned not to tell Napoleon about Cassandra's "prophecy" because Erasmus Darwin supported the conversion of cattle pastures to farmland.

This is related to the corn law and the interests of many parties. The price of meat is too high, and only rich people can afford it.

Wolves also like to eat, but werewolves are too poor, they are excluded by the magic society, Remus Lupine is so destitute before going back to school, he looks much older than the pampered head Slytherin of the same age.

They could have had a whole family if he hadn't been out drinking that night.

Since Napoleon is dead, is she also dead in the same world as him?

"Where am I?" she said to herself, stroking the compass on the drawing.

Then he glanced at the pocket watch that was running backwards.

How can she be carefree and happy during the "countdown"?

This may be difficult for some people to understand, what kind of feeling it is for a person to even try to be happy.

This kind of emotion seems to be attacked by a dementor and loses all happiness. It is like a quagmire that will engulf people. Even if you know you want to break free, it is difficult to break free, and you want to ask for help but you don’t know how to ask for help.

She ate a bar of chocolate to ease the mood.

She chose to forget for a moment that this sweet bliss had anything to do with slavery.

She once said that food brings happiness.

Perhaps this is what she needs more urgently than happiness at the moment.


She heard someone calling herself outside, so she looked out of the window and found that someone was flying colorful kites, which formed an artificial rainbow in the clear sky.

She looked at the people flying kites on the beach. She didn't know many of them, but they were all waving at her.

"Like it?"

asked Bonaparte at the door.

She turned her head and turned her gaze from "Rainbow" to him.

"You arranged it?"

"You don't accuse me of abusing my power?"

She looked back and found that it was a lot of manpower to find so many people to fly kites.

But she ran over and hugged him.

"I was dreaming?" she asked.

"I thought you should say thank you," he said.

"You expect me to be so polite?" she retorted.

He didn't say anything more, patted her on the back, then took her hand and left the small farm, and went to the beach with others to fly a kite.

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