The bombardment of Copenhagen should have happened in 1807. In order to break the continental blockade of France, the British cabinet implemented an anti-blockade in the name of Britain abroad. Denmark is not only an important channel for trade in the Baltic Sea, but also a strategic location. Georgiana did not expect the British Copenhagen would have been bombarded in 1801.

This is said to be due to the treachery of Tsar Paul, who was the first to betray the covenant, causing the anti-French alliance to break down.

At that time, France was on the verge of dying. If it persisted a little longer, the excessive issuance of banknotes by the Directory and the empty treasury would cause financial collapse. It was also because of the breakdown of relations between Russia and the United Kingdom that Britain was unable to prevent France from obtaining Tuscany when the Treaty of Lunéville was signed, and Napoleon later exchanged Tuscany and Spain for Louisiana.

Russia's defection not only caused the "neutral countries" to sign peace treaties and reconcile with France, but also formed the Continental Anti-British Alliance with Paul's support. At the same time, Napoleon reorganized the navy and logistics, which made the British royal family feel threatened, so Nelson led his troops to exchange fire with the French small fleet led by Latouche-Treville in the Dutch waters, but suffered a disastrous defeat. Boom Copenhagen.

Nelson's flagship is called the Victory, and it needs victory to nourish it, but the "victory" of bombarding Copenhagen should not be done by him.

In fact, if Denmark can not insist on "neutrality" and hand over the command of the fleet to Britain, then they will not have to be bombarded, but Denmark hopes that Russia led by Tsar Alexander I can coordinate. Although Canning’s bombardment of Copenhagen was hasty, the British fleet could not enter the Baltic Sea in autumn and winter after the summer, not only because Georgiana said “be careful of the ice”, but also because Denmark is in the westerly belt, which is not suitable for late autumn and winter. Large-scale naval operations, they do not have time to spend with Denmark.

From the moment Denmark expelled George III's sister, Princess Caroline, the relationship between Denmark and the United Kingdom has been in a "frozen" state. What Christian VII has done is obvious to all, even schizophrenia, and serious violence Tendency, smashing furniture, beating citizens on the street for no reason, which normal woman can live with him?

The excuse of seeking justice for Princess Caroline barely makes sense, which is equivalent to a daughter marrying into someone else's house and being wronged, and her brother going to that house to "seek justice".

Denmark was originally a fairy tale kingdom, but the Danish King Christian VII made the girls' prince dreams fall to pieces.

Tacitus said, "Once the emperor becomes the object of people's hatred, his good deeds and bad deeds will arouse people's hatred of him equally."

If a man loves the woman at home in his heart, no matter where he is, he will always think of the woman at home in his heart, no matter how much he is tempted outside, he will not be moved.

Similarly, if a man thinks about women outside, even if he is imprisoned at home, he will always think about how to steal.

Louis XIV issued an amnesty to ban the import of British goods, as did the Directory, but there were still smugglers.

Famine has already begun in the mainland, and some people still smuggle food for profit.

When the heart is gone, the person is gone.

Even if Napoleon introduced policies to please wine growers, they may not necessarily appreciate it.

He introduced cider, and the wine merchants who entered the market felt that he not only brought fairness, but even brought them competition.

People who like him will help him find justice even if he makes a mistake. , who once gave Georgiana a bottle of champagne, participated in the Constituent Assembly, and Pierre-Louis Ludrer, who stayed in the Tuileries Palace with the royal family on August 10, is at this table .

Young people are prone to impulsiveness, and there is no old man like Portalis who accompanied Napoleon on his tour this time, and Portalis' physical strength was the first to be overwhelmed.

And this also created a problem, an Oxford student single-handedly broke into the banquet of these top French students.

There are many kinds of animal milk. Georgiana did not say that the Bretons drank wolf's milk just like the Romans.

But what Bonaparte said just now seemed to activate something, and Georgiana, who was in it, felt like she was in a pack of wolves.

Fortunately, she has also been to the spider nest in the Forbidden Forest, otherwise it would be difficult to keep calm in such a scene.

"I don't need to pay attention to the words of the chatterbox in the living room. History paints the human heart. It needs an objective writer, not a flatterer." Bonaparte said to Robert Peel with a charming smile " In the first book written by Tacitus, he described his father-in-law's military exploits and political achievements in the Battle of Mount Graupius in a large amount of space. He was written as a perfect character and spared no effort in his moral character Praise, he flatters the people, but he doesn't know how to abide by the laws of things. A person's behavior must adapt to the customs of his century and the customs of other countries. I want to hear how your country evaluates that period of history. "

"As Tacitus wrote in the chronicle, other peoples who have not experienced Roman rule have never experienced their punishment and blackmail." Robert Peale said, "Although he wrote about the Germans, the reason is the same. , if they love their country, their nation, their ancient independent life, and would not be ruled by a tyrant, and would not see their country enslaved, then they would follow Arminius to glory And freedom, and Tacitus does not think that all emperors are tyrants, he believes that Augustus brought order to Egypt, and what he opposes are emperors who do not obey the wishes of the people and act arbitrarily.”

"Augustus also built the Avenger Mars Temple on the Mars Square. Although most of the buildings have been destroyed, there are still a few columns that are nailed there like steel needles. I suggest that when you travel to Rome Go and have a look." Bonaparte sneered and said, "Tacitus also claimed that although Ilion boasted that Troy was the mother city of Rome, it is now unknown except for its glorious past. What he wrote It was the opinion of some Romans at that time, and some Romans believed that the builders of Rome were babies raised by two wolves. In this story, the city of Albalonga was built at the mouth of the Tiber River. Tell me Is that where Troy was built?"

Robert Peale suddenly glanced at Georgiana, then at Bonaparte and said, "Not all the facts are recorded in Homer's book."

"When I was in Syria, I found that many places recorded in the Bible still existed, and it was also full of legends and stories. Tacitus should not write the legends into history in the form of chronicles, and then act as he is biased. Arguments for evaluation. Judge, college student, whether it is confusing to confuse legend with historical fact."

"What do you think? Madame." Ludrell asked suddenly.

"I believe you have met your match, young man, and you have made the most of your knowledge," said Georgiana. "We will have a banquet in Le Havre. Will you come?"

"Can I take my friend with me?" asked Robert Peel.

Georgiana looked at Bonaparte.

"Take them with you," said Napoleon, smiling.

"I don't know if they dare or not." Marmont said to himself.

"I am waiting for your invitation," said Robert Peale to Georgiana, and he stood up. "Excuse me. I have other friends waiting for me."

Bonaparte smiled as he should, Robert Peel nodded politely, and then left the table, saving everyone's appetite.

"I met a priest last time, and he had a long talk with me," said Bonaparte, after Robert Peale had gone. "I thought he couldn't finish before dinner was over."

Everyone in the room laughed, but Georgiana didn't.

"The man just now is like a swordsman. If he comes, remember to entertain him well," Bonaparte said.

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison.

Then Bonaparte started to eat the mussels that were not completely cooled on the table, talking to the people around him while eating.

"Are you going there?" Menival asked.

Georgiana looked at the vacant seat, then at the man opposite her, but he didn't call her over.

So she pretended she didn't hear anything, and finished her lunch at that location without saying a word.

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