What Robert Peel, Jr. said just now is taken from the third volume of the History of Tacitus. AD 68-69 was a rare era in Roman history where civil wars and turmoil alternately plagued the empire. In one year, the Roman Empire changed four emperors, the so-called "year of the four emperors".

The first direct consequence of Nero's death was that the lineage of the Julio-Claudian dynasty was broken, leaving room for those pretenders to the throne, which was manifested through civil wars. And "in the years of civil war and melee, no one person can hope to hold the kingship alone."

Regarding this history, Tacitus commented: "The history I am about to write is a history full of disasters. There are terrible wars and fierce internal strife. These internal strife are terrible even if they do not go to war. Four emperors were killed; there were three internal strife, and many more foreign wars, often both at home and abroad."

Bonnio, a senior official in Rouen, once served as Lucien's adviser. People of his generation thought that he looked smooth and easy-going, but he was actually timid and cowardly. Georgiana didn't know where he suddenly got the courage to argue with Napoleon, but it was already obvious that the internal strife was caused by the trade agreement.

The English are good at creating internal strife, and they are also good at offshore mediation. Anyway, they use an invisible baton to direct everyone to follow them. When Napoleon was a soldier, he was famous for not obeying orders. He had to wait until the European Gendarmerie Tsar Alexander I came forward... I haven't seen how he corrected it.

Mercantilism is a kind of trade protectionism. It can be said that it is the earliest trade protectionism, restricting imports and encouraging exports.

Free trade means that the country cancels restrictions and obstacles on import and export trade, cancels all kinds of privileges and privileges for import and export commodities in the country, and does not interfere with and restrict import and export commodities.

Free trade is the symmetry of trade protection, but this does not mean completely abandoning the management of import and export trade and the tariff system, but to abide by relevant trade treaties and agreements.

Originally, commerce was a matter of peace and friendship. The 1786 agreement was a key step in the transition from mercantilism to free trade. This time the signing of the agreement, Britain lifted the ban on the abolition of the Governor-General and returned to the 1786 agreement. When the British cheered for this peace treaty, Lyon, Tours, the silk industry area, and Normandy, the cotton industry area, first strongly opposed it.

Not only was the treaty prohibiting the import of French silk, but at the same time the Normans were also complaining that Britain was competing at a price 15% cheaper than them.

The tariff on metal products is 10%, and wool, cotton, porcelain, glass, and linen and fine cloth do not exceed 12%. The British receive a 12% tariff on French cotton products, and the French also receive a 12% tariff from Britain.

The UK uses high-count yarn, while France also uses high-count yarn, so where does the 15% price difference come from?

Whether time is money or galleons, high efficiency is competitive. Those old low-efficiency handicraft workshops are the first to be eliminated. Britain has also experienced this period of pain. Luddites hate machines for taking away their job opportunities. .

The treaty was signed in 1786, revised and implemented in 1787, and then British goods continued to be dumped into France, causing France to rapidly expand its consumption of British industrial products. With the outbreak of the French Revolution, the treaty was abolished by the National Trade Union in 1793.

The women in the shelter run by Georgiana are basically dead husbands, or have no male relatives to rely on. Their income is very low, and low income also means saving food and money, let alone cheap Britain. They can buy second-hand clothes from pawnshops, so why do they buy French clothes that are neither cheap nor of good quality?

If the consumption of French goods decreases, the orders will decrease. If the orders decrease, the factories will not need so many people. A large number of unemployed people without income, coupled with the skyrocketing food prices caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the extravagance of the "Queen", will The national treasury is exhausted." The nobles had nothing to do all day long, so they couldn't bear it anymore and chose to explode in silence.

If there is no winemaking and animal husbandry, and the production capacity is upgraded after the introduction of Italian twisting machines, it is still a problem for those workers who are engaged in low-end manual work.

There is a huge market demand for milk in Paris. It is another industry to find a way to sterilize the milk, transport it in iron drums at low temperature, and deliver it to Parisian cafes before it goes bad.

As for the introduction of cider, aren't winegrowers complaining that they are being treated differently? At least cider can still enter the market. At present, rum made from grain and cane sugar is not eligible to enter the market, and they are all taxed equally under the condition of fruit wine.

There are also high-end and low-end wines. The demand for sucrose is so high that vintners add sugar to the wine to let it ferment quickly, so that even grapes in bad years can be made into wine.

Wine is not grain wine, and the longer it is stored, the better. In a good year, the climate and sunshine will not only affect the flavor substances in the grapes, but also affect the acidity and sugar content. If you don’t meet the requirements, it’s better to be jealous than to drink sour taste. As for the kind of added sugar, it’s basically for consumers who drink purely.

The cider industry in Brittany has not yet formed the same industry as the wine region. If you win a game, you will have all the funds and equipment.

Georgiana thought it would be announced after they returned to Paris, and she did not expect Bonaparte to speak of it on such an occasion.

The Italians are so secretive about their twisters, are they willing to sell them to Brittany?

Of course, there will be differences between twisting silk and twisting cotton, but they can be practically applied with a little adjustment. In the beginning, many things were monopolized, such as silk, tea, and coffee beans. The Ottoman Empire once monopolized it. All coffee beans leaving the country from the port of Mocha had to be roasted or boiled to make the seeds lose their vitality. Later, someone The coffee seeds were smuggled out under the belly, and then there are now coffee-producing areas all over the world.

Georgiana borrowed Napoleon's law to deduce the layout, but he didn't seem to listen to it. What she said was to find a balance between Belgium, Lombardy and the United Kingdom, and to find a new stable balance in the unequal multilateral relations. Why did he wrestle with Britain again?

Tax exemption for steel sounds like nonsense, but in the trade treaty, if you ask for a loan from the French bank, you must buy a certain amount of French industrial products. This is like steel buckles made in the UK installed on French boots, and then sold at a higher price. If the UK wants to restrict exports, it can also set up export tariffs, but those factory owners will not be happy.

Expanding steel production capacity not only requires machines, but also strong labor. These people are suitable for serving as soldiers. At the same time, these men with heavy physical labor are not as easy to bully as apprentices. Breaking machines, strikes, commotions, etc., then Conscription is needed to suppress it. Here comes the problem. All the able-bodied men have gone to work in the steel industry. Who will be the soldier?

The protagonist in the story just now was John Lombe. Although he died a few years after returning to England, his son Thomas Lombe took over his property and made a fortune of 120,000 pounds in 15 years. He transformed the twisting machine into twisting cotton thread.

He successively worked as a city senator, sheriff, and was knighted. Later, he wanted to extend the time limit of the patent. The British patent law only has a protection period of 14 years. The parliament rejected his request based on the requests of other manufacturers, but Others gave him £14,000 in compensation and rewards. The reason why his father John knew about the twisting machine was because he learned about it from a book about the machine in Padua in 1621.

Did Napoleon have the ability to persuade Italy to give up the silk fabric industry and engage in machinery manufacturing instead, exporting twisting machines?

If it works, then setting up high tariffs on silk fabrics to Italy will have no effect on protecting Lyon's silk fabric industry, and the export of machines has nothing to do with silk fabrics. What Italian mechanical designers have to consider is how to encrypt, so that others cannot imitate their own machines, or how to improve the competitiveness of their own equipment.

There are many kinds of Tarot cards. The more common ones are Waite Tarot and Marseille Tarot. Take the Three of Swords card as an example. The Three of Swords in Waite Tarot is three swords inserted into a heart. What you see is a state of sadness and separation, while Marseille Taro has a sword standing high in the middle, and the other two swords look like tree branches surrounding it, seemingly closing themselves, but actually relying on their own Inner strength to heal yourself.

Marseille Tarot originated in Marseille and is very popular in France and Italy, while Wetter Tarot is more popular in the UK. In the Marseille Tarot the Goddess of the "World" card is facing away, while in the Wetter Tarot the Goddess is facing away.

Although the garland around the goddess is the same, it is the difference between a beautiful woman standing in front of you with no clothes on, and a woman who doesn't know what she looks like from the front, but looks beautiful from the back. Just looking at her back makes me want her to turn her head. Maybe she is beautiful, or she may be ugly.

The Waite world represents the known and stable, while the Marseille world represents the unknown and chaos. Maybe Napoleon was like a man looking at his back when he sailed from Marseilles to Egypt. The Egyptian beauty he imagined was very beautiful, but she turned around and was very disappointed.

Le Havre is the second largest port in France after Marseille, and Saint-Romain is very close to Le Havre. In the 16th century, Giovanni da Verrazanno and his fleet set off from Le Havre for the first time and arrived at what is now New York. In homage to François I, he named the new land "Nouvelle-Angoulême/New-Angouleme". Angoulême was a patrilineal fief of Francis I.

Also in the 16th century, Le Havre started urbanization. The architects invited by François I from Italy came to this small Normandy city with the latest Renaissance style.

If it weren't for the bombing of World War II, people in the 21st century should have seen Le Havre roughly as it was built in the 16th to 18th centuries.

Georgiana didn't know what the consequences of Bonaparte's adventure would be. It might end up as disastrous as the Egyptian expedition, but it was better to increase the connection between Brittany and the inland than those factory owners who turned their hearts to the other side of the strait.

Marengo was originally a small town that was hard to find on the map, but later it became famous because of a big war.

The original name of St. Romanus was St. Romanus. During the Revolution, it was renamed St. Roman. In order to distinguish it from the St. Roman production area in Burgundy, the surname of the former lord was added, de colbosc (de colbosc).

This name is perfunctory enough, just like Robert Peel Sr. and Robert Peale Jr., William Pitt Sr. and William Pitt Jr., but using what Tacitus wrote to answer those who questioned him, he really defended Tacitus?

Vitellius was originally appointed as the governor of the Lower Germanic province by Galba, the eleventh of the four emperors, and was later supported by the soldiers as emperor. After Vitellius settled the affairs of Germania, he marched towards Rome.

He went to Rome as a victor, passing through every city he passed with triumphal pomp, sailing the river in a magnificent ship adorned with various garlands.

Vitellius was particularly greedy for food. He took an emetic and vomited it out after eating the food, so he could continue to let himself enjoy every luxurious feast.

The profession of sommelier usually does not really drink the wine. The Prince of Wales used to be so thin, and he would gain weight if he drank too much wine.

So the tasters spit out the wine after tasting it.

If you don't tell the winemakers about this rule first, they will think that the wine tasters think that the wine they brew is so bad that they want to vomit, which will arouse the other party's dissatisfaction. Tani must communicate and prepare well in advance, so that the other party has a psychological preparation.

Vespasianus, the tenth emperor of the Roman Empire and the second of the Flavian dynasty, largely ended the Jewish War that had erupted since the end of Nero's reign.

During his short two-year reign, several serious disasters occurred in Rome one after another: in 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted, destroying Pompeii and nearby cities; in 80 AD, severe fire and plague occurred in Rome, and Titus was everywhere. Running around to resettle the displaced victims.

In the previous civil war, the general Aulus Kecina, who had defected from the enemy camp, was invited by Vespasianus in the name of a banquet, but was stabbed to death by him; although Vespasianus Nu Si publicized and cracked the evidence of Kechina's rebellion, but because of this fierce method, he also attracted unprecedented hatred and fear from the people. Suetonius declared: "Never was an emperor ascended to the throne so unpopular and against the will of the people."

But later people discovered his virtue and gave him higher praise.

In Tacitus's book, because of the civil war, Rome was devastated by fire, and even the oldest temple of Cappirium was burned by the citizens, and no one defended it, and no one ransacked it.

On the top of Mount Capitolinus there are two peaks of about the same height. Ancient writers called the northern peak Arks, and the southwest peak Capi Urim. At the top of the mountain is the Temple of Capriium, which is used for divination rituals.

Tacitus said that even the Persenes, whom Rome surrendered to, and the Gauls who occupied Rome dared not destroy the temple, but it was destroyed by the crazy emperors.

Here Pulinius differs from Tacitus. In his "Natural History", the Polsians did not enter Rome in 507 BC, but removed the encircling army after taking hostages.

Napoleon said that Tacitus could not evaluate history based on facts, but he believed in Homer's epics, especially the Iliad. After all, who doesn't believe in historical facts?

Although Georgiana said not to waste food, not many people really listened to it, and they didn't pay attention to eating at all.

It is said that there was a "golden eagle" on the top of the Temple of Capitolium. Because it was made of old wood, it also caught fire and was burned together in the fire.

The ancient Roman legions did not use eagle flags in the classical era, and there were goddesses of victory holding wreaths. Which "hero" doesn't like wreaths and triumphs?

Because Caesar used the golden eagle, the Roman legion was considered to be the eagle flag as a logo.

It was Caesar who ended the civil war, but did he restore Cappi Urim the way Vespasianus restored the Colosseum?

Logically speaking, the tavern should be cleared, but the boss will not drive away the tenants who have lived for almost a month in order to entertain the First Consul and his entourage. Robert Peel Jr. only needs to be silent next door.

It really corresponds to the old Germanic proverb that mountains never meet, but people always meet.

You can meet every meal.

Does this count as her meeting with Jin Jinyuan?

Georgiana, who had been concentrating on eating, couldn't help but also listened distractedly to their "chat", which was full of gunpowder. She worried that the British Navy would bombard Le Havre like it bombarded Copenhagen, destroying the city before World War II. This beautiful Renaissance-style city.

What a pity that would be.

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