During the Orange War, Leclerc entered Portugal from Salamanca, but Louis went to a hot spring to recuperate because of illness. Salamanca, like Leuven, is a university town.

There is a local custom that university students go to a bullfight to celebrate after they get their degrees, and then write the word "victory" on the wall with the blood of the bull, which is not the same as the students of the University of Padua who get their degrees and are publicly joked. Same.

Severus also received birth control from a female college student in Padua.

She returned to calm after a short laugh, and used the army to suppress the students. She can almost imagine how disgusted the residents are with the French. It is easier to rebuild a new French-friendly city in Mechelen, which is not so prosperous. a lot of.

Compared with Nantes, Rouen's biggest advantage is that the Seine River flows through Paris. From sea transportation to inland waterway shipping requires a transshipment process, which must involve handling. It would be great if a crane that is easy to load can be designed.

She also doesn't know what's going on in France's seaports now. Havre is a port city. If there is no loading machine and manpower is still needed, then a reward will be issued again.

The Jenny textile machine was not rejected by people at the beginning. Many people are still very happy to replace labor with machines.

However, there are only so many orders, and there is no need for so much labor after the machine is produced. What Luddites hate is that the machine has taken away their job opportunities, just like some casual workers who rely on the autumn harvest to do odd jobs because of the thresher. And forced to go to the city.

Many young men were conscripted during the Revolutionary War, and when they left they were reaped, and the wheat could not be threshed or made into flour or bread.

What's more, the threshing machine is now a lease. After several families discuss together, each of them will pay a little money to rent the machine from the local municipal department. Buying one is too burdensome for ordinary farmers.

Napoleon now wants to promote employment, and almost all major grain provinces have been assigned, and they must purchase at least one thresher.

Victory can bring confidence to people, but it can also restore low morale. The loser lost confidence, and at the same time morale became low. The Portuguese were caught off guard by multiple French troops. In fact, many of the responsibilities of the Portuguese army were borne by the United Kingdom. If Nelson chose to avoid the war at that time, the confidence and morale of the British Navy would also be affected in the future.

There are too many uncertainties in this. If the British navy is frozen by ice, or if Nelson is captured alive, then the morale and confidence will be hit even harder, not to mention that the British are basically recruits. The Prince of Wales then went to see for himself whether Napoleon Bonaparte was as handsome as he was.

Bankers know no borders, and Swiss bankers also invest in DuPont, the American gunpowder factory, but this blood is not the same as the blood that Perrier objected to.

What they value is credit. In the future, when French bankers invest in foreign countries, others will worry about whether they have ulterior motives, especially since steel and coal mines are so close.

Stretching to death is different from starving to death. People who are about to starve to death will find ways to find food, while those who are starved to death are difficult to spit out, and if there is poison in the swallowed, it will be even more difficult to save.

Although child laborers were not students, they were also young people. During the Battle of Hogwarts, the main force was underage students of sufficient age. It was not her wish to bring these children to the battlefield, but who made the adults outside surrender.

Those "little supermen" can kill people when they are mischievous, but watching children die in battle is even more uncomfortable. Colin Creevey's father is a Muggle milkman, and his two sons are wizards.

This is a very bold move. After all, she knows a silent parent who didn't let their children go to a magic school because they didn't believe in magic.

Creevey's father may not have thought that his child would lose his life in school.

Churchill launched the Dunkirk retreat so recklessly and withdrew the army to avoid letting a group of children guard the British Isles. On that day, England will not be far from surrendering.

It is obviously a defeat but it is a victory. It is impossible not to say that, otherwise the confusion and panic will lead to a low morale.

People's emotions are like this, and they need motivation to generate morale. She estimated that Bonaparte might say something that was not convenient for her to listen to during the military parade, such as "England is eyeing a tiger, and the princes must fulfill their duties and protect the territory" or something. He could not say that he followed the example of Henry IV's landing in Normandy as he did in Rouen before, and it would be good if he had a general like Suchet next to him.

Once the peace is broken, the matter of shipping grain to Belgium can basically be said. Although Bonaparte did not go into detail, how the British intend to restore the 1786 agreement, but the yarn is a bait, and he bothers the British. This attitude, what is "allowing" the French to modify the treaty to protect their own industry, who won the Anti-French Alliance War?

But businessmen will fight for their reasons, or send people like high-ranking officials to speak up for themselves. Some anger in the face of actual interests is tolerable.

If the United States succeeds in purchasing Louisiana, it will also lose the results of its War of Independence. Their purpose is to maintain the representative parliamentary rule in the North American colonies. It will take a long time for them to swallow such a large territory.

After the Great Revolution, the French administrative department was much more streamlined than before. It was like an army that had thrown away its supplies and could march with high mobility. But people are not machines after all, they need nourishment.

During the Civil War, the southerners believed that Britain could not lack their cotton, but they forgot that India could produce cotton.

She really didn't know whether William Pitt Jr. was a reminder or a trap. Anyway, Napoleon had been plotting India, even the merchants in Rouen thought so.

After talking for a long time, I returned to the Mediterranean Sea and the origin of everything - Malta. If Britain hadn't occupied that place while Russia and the French were fighting in full swing in Belgium, the Tsar would not have torn up the alliance.

That was a minefield. If the business cooperation could not continue, someone would have to bring up the matter of renewing the contract with Malta, luring Napoleon who could not control his temper and take the initiative to tear up the treaty.

It's like teasing a cat with a cat teasing stick. Even a lion is a big cat like Zou Wu.

Georgiana feels like Daniel in the lion's den, who may die at any time without a burial. Does the "senator" really care about her life or death?

"Look, ma'am."

Margaret held a tulle flower in front of her.

That's the craft they learned from Beldan, and they learned it well in just a few days.

Georgiana took the flower, which reminded her of a lotus leaf, whose petals were also transparent, and the veins were clearly visible.

This kind of flower is Tom Riddle's birthday flower, and its flower language is family affection.

In the mythology of Brittany, Ankou, the god of death, was changed by the soul of the last person who died on this day, and Tom was just born that day, as if the god of death, which belongs to the spirit body, had a concrete form.

He did bring blood and death, but it was because of him that Muggleborns and half-blood wizards decided to rebel against the pure-bloods and waged a kind of revolutionary war.

Wizards can't wishful thinking that breaking the International Law of Wizarding Secrecy, all Muggles will accept them, not all Muggles are like the Dudleys, and not all Muggles are like the Evans and Grangers.

Not all soldiers are like Jacob. After the First World War, they didn’t grab any spoils, so that they had no collateral to give to the bank. If it weren’t for Newt Scamander’s shell like bird snake protein silver, he would open a bakery Dreams are also shattered.

He had a fiancée and hoped that he would get the loan and they could start a new life.

It's a pity that he failed. Everything in the magical world was like a dream to him. The cruel thing is that the amnestics will erase his memory, but he still remembers some things, and he will knead those magical things out of flour. animal.

Becoming a wizard is an earth-shaking change, and Napoleon said that he is happy to be able to give full play to his talent.

Is it like this?

"Put it on the invitation." Georgiana gave the silk flower to Margaret. "There are no purple roses here."

"Why don't you use it for class distinction," said Mrs. Barrillon. "I've heard it's the rule of Versailles."

Georgiana didn't like rank, she wanted to eliminate the distinctions between classes.

"You think Leon will be happy?" Georgiana asked Mrs. Barryon.

"You need to do better than Josephine," said Mrs. Barrillon. "It's not fair, but it's really different to be favored."

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