The French drink Ou Lai coffee for breakfast. In fact, it is a French latte with a lot of milk, and it is a good companion for croissants.

Georgiana flipped through the Times, which was not new, despite Brittany's proximity to England.

Napoleon went to review early in the morning, and the rest of the entourage, including non-military personnel, all went, leaving Georgiana alone, who could read the newspaper while drinking coffee leisurely.

Before Wellington appeared, the combat effectiveness of the British Army was also a headache.

The army needs to endure hardships. The navy was the best-paid arm before the air force appeared, but that was relatively speaking. The food of the British navy was very poor, far inferior to that of the French navy.

The newspaper in her hand still carried an advertisement for the railway company to recruit boxers. It was because of the obstruction of the canal company that the survey of the Liverpool railway was so difficult.

In the textile industry, the steam engine was originally only an auxiliary tool for hydraulic power, and the canal was also convenient for transportation. Building a canal required a lot of money, so "canal speculation" appeared. There are canals near cities such as Manchester and Birmingham. The golden age of canals came to an end when solid railways came along, but with it came air pollution, not just because of perennial fog, but also because of untreated soot from burning coal.

There was also a toxic smog incident in 1952, which caused thousands of deaths. In fact, the Clean Air Act has long been in place. Queen Elizabeth banned the destruction of trees and the establishment of factories in the suburbs of London, but no one listened at all.

If this agreement is signed, British Steel will not only receive orders from France, but also orders from Brussels, Italy, Portugal and even Poland. Even if British banks cannot provide them with financing, French banks can also provide them.

When the stock market hears the news, it will react accordingly, thus completing the first round of tulip bubble creation.

Even if the French withdraw their capital, or the peace between Britain and France breaks down, these steels will be used in the country's railway construction. Compared with the powerful sea transportation, the British land road is very bad. After leaving London, there are undulating roads along small hills and small canyons, or roof-like sloping slope roads, and the road conditions are also muddy.

This is what ordinary people think, but substandard iron paved roads will rust, and maintenance requires a lot of money. Of course, Napoleon doesn’t feel bad about building roads between Brussels and Mechelen. Anyway, the Belgians want to buy from France. Buy steel here.

Germany is also an option, but the Campo Formio peace treaty ceded Belgium to France. This road can be used by civilians in peacetime, and can be used as part of the transportation network in wartime.

This river is not as small as the Borbeck River and is navigable. At the same time, Mechelen is not on the main stream of the Scheldt River like Ghent, but on the tributary Dele River. This river is also navigable.

In fact, there is a city of Leuven along the Dale River that is more suitable for building railways. The beer industry there is much bigger than that of Mechelen. It has been a university city since the Middle Ages and is the most important city in the Principality of Brabant. trading center. It's just that in 1797, the French disbanded all the universities and monasteries in the city, and auctioned off, demolished or reused the buildings. At that time, a student movement occurred, which was later suppressed by the army.

He said that the new beer city was built in Mechelen. There is a Times Beer Company in Leuven. .

The freezing of British warships happened near Amsterdam, where a freshwater river exits the sea. The solid ice allows French cavalry to ride horses and accept the surrender of the British Navy. This is why Georgiana reminded "be careful of ice".

Does sea water freeze? That's because you don't know how cold the sea is.

What's more, making ice with saltpeter is just a basic chemistry. There are so many chemists in France, who knows if they have invented a more efficient way to make ice.

Nelson decided to take a gamble and see how much gold was transported by the legendary gold ship.

Gabriel Ufral's indiscriminate licensing and intention to monopolize the Spanish colonial trade made many people want to hang him, but everyone also knew that he would not be able to do it for long, even if he was drawn to the United States.

The company's business requires a huge amount of capital. The United States may have that strength after the discovery of gold mines, but it is by no means what Spain and the United States have now.

The French Grain and Grass Company also needs a lot of working capital, which is not what the current Bank of France can provide.

One of the directors of the Banque de France, the Marais Brothers Bank is a century-old shop. They have survived the Seven Years War, the War of Independence and the French Revolution.

At the same time, they are also the directors of the grain and grass company. They are able to do this mainly because their style is stable, or they are conservative. Similarly, their shares in the Bank of France are not many, only a few million.

And Barryon is the captain of Nantes, the bankers in Lyon are silk merchants, and the bankers in Nevers are almost all local pottery merchants. They generally lend money in the field they are familiar with, and they will not be like British bankers. Those who dared to take risks were also firm enough to believe that money should not be invested in industry to avoid overproduction, which would lead to dangerous expansion.

Georgiana wants to engage in "pastoral pastoral" in Brittany, but she must also be wary of those who get loans and invest in the textile industry, and then those people slap away with both hands after liquidation and settlement.

The so-called passionate people they like may be similar to the kind of people who forget about work and abandon their personal and family life. "Little Corporal Chief" is that kind of person. He didn't spend the night in her bedroom yesterday. Knowing when the work is over, how can another man be like him?

She was not at all competent as an English Cleopatra.

He was actually worried that what would she do if he died? He is the only reason for her to stay in this world, all this is just a dream.

He had died two hundred years ago, and she didn't know whether it was a ghost or something else that wanted to occupy all her time, but she felt that she had learned something.

The real estate boom caused by the "American Dream" did not happen in the UK, mainly because of legal constraints, although that law was not the "Bubble Act", which restricted bank loans, and real estate could not "expand" like those factories .

This kind of expansion is different from the emperor's greed for territory, but the greed of wealth and capital pools. She really doubts whether Henry Petty can succeed in restraining those factory owners with an agreement.

British businessmen are used to letting parliament or members speak out for their interests, will they still be as obedient as French businessmen?

The legislative power in France is held by the Bill Review Committee and the Legislative Group. The Legislative Group only has the power to vote "Yes" and "No" by show of hands. They will not have the third reading like the British Parliament, and there will be a debate on the second reading.

Hobbes wrote in Leviathan that the laws of a country are just like the rules of the game, and that what all players in the game agree on is not unfair to everyone. As long as the debater can get the consent of the majority of citizens with voting rights in the UK, then it is legal to continue to exploit child labor. In the UK, those who have the right to vote are basically people with fixed residence and certain assets. This is decided by the parliamentary reform after the Glorious Revolution , even if they are not factory owners, they are also rich peasants.

Irish immigrants would first go to England to find work, and when they had no choice, they would be organized by the state and sent to the New World to flee famine.

Low-end workers are discriminated against and exploited, but without these people, the city will be paralyzed, no one will deliver milk, no one will deliver newspapers, there will be no goods on the shelves, and the farms will be full of ripe wheat. No one is harvesting and threshing.

Georgiana couldn't understand why Washington didn't take a fancy to the threshing machine. Anyway, the Scottish engineer was now a French pensioner, and he donated his patents so that anyone could use them.

She couldn't let him continue to be idle like that, just as machines were needed to dig canals, he designed that to go.

"Philil!" she yelled.

"Here we come, ma'am!" Phillier said as she ran.

"I'm going to write a letter and help me with the wax." She drank the last of her coffee and stood up.

A new day begins.

This refers to the Legislative Yuan after 1799

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