Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1952 queen of airu0026darkness (4)

The Black Prince is said to have this nickname for two reasons.

One, because they often wear black armor.

Second, because he looted the Principality of Aquitaine and fought illegally, he was considered black-hearted by the French, so he was called the "Black Prince".

Blackening is a common surface treatment to keep ironwork from rusting, and armor produced in Siena is blackened.

In 1330, Edward III overthrew the rule of his mother, Queen Isabella of France, and her lover Modemo, and gained real power. In 1328, the French Capet dynasty died out. Edward III claimed to inherit the French throne because he was the grandson of Philip IV, the handsome man of the French king. In 1346, he sent troops to France, and the 16-year-old Black Prince fought side by side with his father. During the famous Battle of Crecy, the French cavalry organized 15 charges, all of which were repelled by the longbowmen commanded by the Black Prince, and the British army won a big victory. In the process of cleaning up the battlefield after the war, Edward III and his son discovered the body of John of Luxembourg, the old king of Bohemia, the French Allied Forces. This man was blind, but he fought extremely bravely. The prince was moved by his spirit, took off the feathers from his helmet and put them on his own, and took his motto "Ich dien" as his slogan.

It's German for I serve, and it became a catchphrase for the Prince of Wales.

The Prince of Wales is no longer built for armor and horseback riding, even though he is only seven years older than Napoleon. But because George III's condition has been ups and downs, he has rich experience as a regency. He also read the French trade treaty, and his first reaction was that there was a conspiracy.

Napoleon would really be so confused, he would be so confused for a woman.

Not only Britain produces steel, Sweden also sells pure iron bars, and Antwerp is close to the Baltic Sea.

If the canal is built in accordance with the British method, it is to dig the canal deeply so that ocean-going ships can come in and reduce the extra cost of midway transshipment.

The French did the opposite. Lana sank many stones into the sea and artificially formed a reef. After the fortifications were built in Antwerp, warships and merchant ships with deep drafts could not pass through. Only flat-bottomed boats could pass. In this way, the flat-bottomed cargo ships of Rouenxiu can pass through, and from a certain point of view, the French have monopolized Belgium's inland waterway shipping.

The ship inspection organization established by Henry Petty, a good commercial port cannot be destroyed for military use, this organization can prevent the French from continuing to do such nonsense. Even if it is really impossible to stop them, they can also use the excuse of building lighthouses and floating to find out the location of those reefs.

Peace means that the two sides can send spies to each other to find out each other's situation, and businessmen are sometimes spies. In a place called Surrey near London, when Liverpool's canal company was still obstructing the construction of the railway, they had quietly repaired the tracks.

Coal transport was the dominant reason for building canals, Birmingham also has canals, and Surrey is not a canal country. No one noticed it at first, it was a relatively closed town, with lime, chalk, flint, fulling earth and agricultural products as the main products, coal and fertilizer as the main products, but the railroad track became popular in France. The merchant, who wanted to show off his knowledge to the bumpkin, suddenly heard from the bumpkin that they had already laid the track.

He didn't believe it at first, but when he went to the place, he saw that there was indeed a public road with two horses and a transport line for commercial goods, which were approved by the parliament.

Ordinary railways, even those with wooden tracks wrapped in iron sheets, are only available in coal mines and metallurgical cities, or they are related to canals like Liverpool, which may not necessarily be a competitive relationship, but may also be for the convenience of connecting cities and canals.

Steel used to be mainly used in weapons, knives and toys, and Bolton, one of the founders of the Soho Company, was a toy dealer. In the story of The Wizard of Oz, the Tin Woodman hoped to find his heart, the Scarecrow hoped to find his brain, and the Lion hoped to regain his courage, so they embarked on an adventure with Dorothy. Because the tin woodman often rusts, it needs to be lubricated with oil.

Roads paved with iron are not like machines, they are placed indoors, especially in England where the rain is continuous and the iron is easy to rust.

If it were only blackened like armor, the wheels and horseshoes would have quickly worn away that protective film, and people have found other problems when observing the road in Surrey.

If the load is too large, the roadbed will collapse, and because of the different materials of the roadbed, it will cause different shades, and a railway that should be flat and reduce friction and bumps will become rough.

There are also problems such as derailment, wheels, etc. In short, it is unrealistic to build roads with iron on a large scale now, and the Carmarthen Railway Company has obtained the right to build a 16-mile railway from Llanelli to the interior. In addition And Monmury, Glamorgan, South Wales, and even the Kings Forest.

Not all woods are acceptable to naval standards, yew, oak, poplar, and American acacia are excellent materials for masts, but the forests in North Wales are almost extinct, although they were densely wooded in the early eighteenth century.

With the expansion of British maritime hegemony, the forests on land are also decreasing, and the trees in the imperial forest are also cut down. Using this kind of rail will not only facilitate transportation, but also connect the mines and forges scattered in the imperial forest. How about calling a stop?

What a person can do and what a person is willing to do are two completely different things. For example, three people have a loan of 100 pounds. One person with 10% interest, lent out 100 pounds, 110 pounds back, the third 5% monthly interest, 100 pounds loaned out, 160 pounds a year back, most people will choose the last loan, But which one is the borrower willing to choose?

The mining industry in France is probably like this. There are some professional miners who do not have land, and some farmers who have land. They have to go back to their own homes to do their own farm work, which greatly affects the work efficiency of professional miners. Moreover, farmers can also earn money by producing land, which has caused conflicts among workers.

And farmers are sometimes very short of money, but they would rather go to usury to borrow money than mine owners who offer loans.

If France is the center of feudalism in Western Europe, the north is the center of the center. The feudal system has been adopted since the split of the Frankish Kingdom to the outbreak of the Great Revolution.

The clause that piggybacks industrial products on loans is a bit like a tax rebate, encouraging bankers to lend to industries in mainland France. If the subsidy is given by taxation, then all taxpayers will pay the bill, and the British will not have to bear this part of the loss if the subsidy is given by the British.

Will it be that simple?

Not only in France, but British joint-stock companies are also illegal, and this is caused by the "South Sea Bubble". At that time, Newton lost a sum of money, and others went bankrupt. After the South China Sea incident, Britain promulgated the Bubble Act to establish a company A special authorization had to be obtained, either by Act of Parliament or a charter from the King, prohibiting the formation of associations like corporate entities without the authorization of Parliament or the King.

Bank loans need collateral. If there is no collateral, the loan model of the wool textile industry must be followed. The bank must see the factory within a radius of 1.5 miles. If there is no factory, the loan will not be granted.

Financing is difficult and business is difficult. France's provision of loans can be said to have solved the urgent need.

Just to disrupt the market?

Based on Georgiana's understanding of Bonaparte, he valued knowledge more, and the most direct way to realize knowledge is patents. If the British factory goes bankrupt, sell the patent to him, so that France can save a sum of money for research and development.

Companies that want to lend to the UK are definitely not free, they need something like a charter, and then the banker buys it according to his intentions. John Wilkinson, the factory owner who sent a British landscape painting to Georgiana, has Patent for hydraulic blower, which can improve the quality of iron products while increasing production.

What's more, iron is not like pure gold. The purer the better, rich minerals and trace elements should be added. There is a kind of "soaking steel", which is to put hot steel on charcoal and let it carburize, making the iron surface hardness and durability. The abrasiveness is improved, while still retaining the toughness and plasticity of mild steel in the middle.

The alchemist's laboratory is not necessarily a chemical experiment. Georgiana also drew a curve, which is the curve of the hardness and toughness of the metal caused by the high temperature generated by magic.

She didn't pay attention to it, and now she regrets it.

If there is no Britain in the "goddess space", there will be no herself. This is also a kind of paradox, but this paradox is different from the paradox of time travel, and she herself does not understand what she is doing.

She suddenly realized that she didn't understand this world enough, except what Lyle Meyer said, people in this world are neither really alive nor really dead.

Compared with industry, agriculture is what she is good at. Investors want to invest now, but the fluctuation of shipping is daunting. Just like the British canal, it is not always profitable, unless it is as busy as Liverpool.

Loans to farmers are very safe. They don’t need to look for usury when they are short of money. Similarly, interest eaters also have interest income. That is, the interest rate must be well controlled, otherwise it will become a state usury.

There is a proverb that the four generations of wealth and honor come in circles. A failed investment is sometimes faster than a squandering prodigal, so spending money is a technical job, and many truly rich people find it difficult to spend money. For the people at the bottom, earning money is much more difficult than spending it. They agree that earning money is difficult and spending money is quick.

Napoleon believed that the best defense was offense. Instead of racking his brains to perfect the "Corn Law" for "defense", taking the initiative to attack North America is also a way. After all, the king who signed the "Paris Peace Treaty" died, although Louis XVI died in a different way from Henry V and Charles.

But whether it was Bonaparte or someone else who came up with this strategy, they still don’t understand the British enough. In order to get rid of the bubble bill, they came up with a trust. The same, it is based on the "Use System" (Use).

The creation of Us system can be traced back to the British feudal society in the 13th century. At that time, religious believers used to donate their land to the church after death, which made the land of the church continue to increase. However, according to the British law at that time, the land of the church was exempt from taxation. The proliferation of ecclesiastical lands meant a gradual decline in state tax revenue. This undoubtedly affected the interests of the king and the feudal nobles. So at the beginning of the 13th century, King Henry III of England promulgated a "Confiscation Ordinance", stipulating that those who donate land to church groups must obtain the king's permission, and those who transfer or donate without authorization will have their land confiscated. In response to this new rule, religious believers have modified their giving behavior. They bequeath the land to third parties in their wills. But at the same time, it is stipulated that the church has the actual right to use the land and the right to benefit, which is the "Us system".

This is part of "history", and Georgiana didn't study it carefully, so she didn't quite understand how those factory owners escaped legal loopholes and established joint-stock companies. Anyway, France's abacus would fail, and Henry Petty was not in a hurry .

Now Georgiana was worried about Alice, who had a good time dancing with the boy, the lord who had been so arrogant and inconsiderate in Annecy looking very "ordinary" at this moment.

According to the custom, if two families are in the relationship of rivals, the eldest son will inherit the family business, and the younger son will marry the rival and become the door-to-door son-in-law. They will not change each other's surnames, but add a bar between the two surnames. , such as Justin Finch-Finley, and their parents would join forces to build a business for them, which would provide each family with financial independence.

"You're terrible." Georgiana murmured, "You actually calculated the girl's marriage like Bonaparte. Don't you know how difficult the marriage between England and France is?"

She was about to go find another glass of champagne when she was met head-on by an angry Bonaparte.

He seemed to be controlling his temper as he dragged her behind a curtain.

"Who was that person just now?" He asked as if accusing.


"Just that Brit who was talking to you just now."

Georgiana thought for a while, and he probably wasn't talking about Henry Becker, whose hair was all white.

"You mean Mr. Dumont?" she asked.

He seemed to be waiting for her to confess.

"He's a gentleman, you don't need to worry." She pinched his nose "Don't act like you're jealous."

"Won't you be jealous when I'm with someone else?" he asked back.

"You'd better not experiment and see if I get jealous." She sneered. "I won't kill you, Leon, but I will kill your new love, just like Medea."

He didn't feel terrible when he heard it, but his eyes lit up.

"Will you be jealous for me?" He pinched her arm happily and said.

"People's hearts are untestable." She said indifferently, wanting to leave him to find a drink.

He grabbed her hand and wouldn't let her go.

"Do you still want to continue playing?"

"What do you want to do?"

"How about we go out?"

She glanced at the party guests, what would they think if they found out they were both gone?

"Let's go," she said eagerly, and they sneaked out of the gallery together.

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