Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1951 queen of airu0026darkness (three)

The Ferronier headdress was spread throughout Europe as a gift from the monarch and as a dowry for women.

The northern part of France is dominated by Germanic people, while the southern part is influenced by Roman and Italian cultures.

After drinking all the champagne in her hand, Georgiana took another glass from the passing waiter's tray. The fruity wine made her feel better, but she had to be careful, even champagne would make people feel uncomfortable. drunk.

After the opening dance the young people began to dance in pairs on the dance floor, and Alice, who was in charge of her jewels, was dancing with Henry Petty.

Of course, there will be "foreign friends" at the party held by the merchants. Although Henry Petty is the heir to the Marquis, he is still a Lord now, and it is not surprising to appear at such a "civilian" ball.

Just looking at the surface, it is indeed the appearance of prosperity and peace.

She took another sip of her drink.

Peace, no matter how bad it is, is good for women, but it doesn't last long, and it doesn't depend on the will of women, or the will of individual men.

If shipping is unprofitable, it doesn't matter if France keeps peace with Britain.

Maybe men don't like to cook, but once they decide to cook as a profession, they focus more than women, and most of the top chefs who cook French meals are also men.

Needlework is for women, but once men decide to take tailoring as a profession, most of the top tailors are also men.

Anyway, their attitude of sincerely doing something is completely different from half-hearted. Who says men are always careless, they are very careful when they are serious, and the blueprint that Luke showed her just now is very delicate.

A person who speaks harshly on such occasions is often unpopular, and Dussel is a little like Georgiana before, but she keeps her words in her heart and doesn't say them.

Louis XV once said that Jean Jacques Rousseau was one of the discordant voices in his kingdom, and Rousseau was indeed thrown out of high society, and his meager income could not pay for tickets to the opera, which he used to be free Admission is because of his status as a literati.

As long as you don't see him in social situations, everyone will be quiet, but now Georgiana has the ability to drive Dussel out of the social circle in Rouen?

Don't be silly, she's a rootless duckweed, she's essentially no different from Madame du Barry.

What's worse is that she is not French, and she is not blond. I don't know how many people are waiting to see her good show. When the powerful Napoleon gets tired of her, he "handles" her like Pauline.

If Georgiana is a Muggle woman, she should really consider saving money or her own career. It is realistic to buy as much jewelry as possible.

But she wouldn't leave Severus if she wanted to do this, she just needs to close her eyes to live the life of Narcissa, does she deserve to be like this?

If the wizards in 1692 failed to find William III and Mary II to recognize wizards and give them protection, then it is also futile for Georgiana to find Napoleon to legislate now. On the issue of dowry, the Civil Code stipulates that it belongs to the woman's property, but having a code to follow does not mean that it must be implemented in accordance with the law.

The basis of common law is customary law, which is a publicly recognized code of conduct for judging right and wrong in "folk customs". It is not right for a man to help a woman manage property to prevent her from spending money indiscriminately and to use a woman's dowry to pay off a family's debts. Take it for granted?

The ancestors of the Gunter family married the princess of the Spanish tyrant, and the princess's dowry became the wealth of the Gunter family, which allowed them to live decently and spend money during the War of the Roses and exile in France.

John of Gaunt was born in Gaunt in Flanders, which is now Ghent in Belgium, so he was called John of Gaunt.

Merlin hopes that wizards can coexist peacefully with Muggles, and Georgiana thinks so too, but it is useless for wizards to think so unilaterally, just like a relationship, one person pays, but the other does not respond, so sooner or later it will be painful and die.

Unlike the last few successors of the family, John of Gaunt tried to mediate between the king and the nobles, but after his death his castle was still occupied by Richard II, the Plantagenet of the White Hart coat of arms. Confiscated, the Gaunt family completely lost their roots in the Muggle world, so they transferred to the wizarding world.

And Richard II was born in Bordeaux, the son of the black prince Edward, and there was no such nickname in the books that Georgiana read in the library before, after all, the recorder was in the 13th century. The name of the Black Prince first appeared in the 16th century. He was usually called Edward of Woodstark when he was alive. John of Gaunt used Edward III's mistress to repel his elder brother Edward of Woodstark, also known as the Black Prince. John was also challenged by opposition led by his brother Thomas, also of Woodstock.

"one person?"

She turned her head and saw that it was Mr. Dumont.

"Obviously not," she said tartly. "Are you alone?"

"Obviously not." Dumont looked at Henry Petty on the dance floor, "What were you thinking just now, so serious."

"The Hundred Years' War." She said carelessly, "there is also the Black Prince and Edward III."

Dumont looked at her with strange eyes.

"You know that John of Gaunt used Edward III's mistress to drive a wedge between him and the Black Prince." Georgiana added, "After John of Gaunt died, his estate was confiscated, and his descendants have nowhere to go. "

"You think the Lord is John of Gaunt, and you Edward III's mistress?" said Dumont.

"I hate this," she grumbled.

"It's a complicated game. Sometimes there will be one or two very talented girls who do things according to their own intentions, but have unexpected results." Dumont said, "How should I put it, it's like being good at fighting theory. For those who are good at fighting and those who are good at fighting, sometimes what the theoretical school says is simply unrealistic, while those who are good at fighting can only focus on one field and cannot see in the longer term."

"Will England and France never achieve real peace?" she said helplessly.

"I can't give you a definite answer." Dumont sighed, "Like France's new trade policy, do you think it's beneficial for us to dump steel?"

"Is not it?"

Dumont didn't answer right away.

"Although I am the Lord's tutor, my work does not involve finances. The Marquis has his own team." Dumont said slowly, "But I know one thing. If the dumped product is not produced after being dumped, and it is a kind of If the dumping does not lead to price fixing or prevents the dumped country from establishing its own new industry, then dumping is beneficial to the importing country, but if the dumped goods compete with the domestic product of the importing country, the domestic manufacturers will suffer. The loss has to be offset by the benefit to the consumer, and the lord didn't tell you that he was against Napoleon importing British steel without duty, did he?"

"He really didn't tell me," said Georgiana, surprised.

"If the dumping is only for the full start of production, regardless of the price of domestic and foreign products, or the total output and profit, but just for the operation of the machine, then there is no need to consider practical issues. That is to say, there is probably a curve, which is about profit and production and sales. When the output is too large, it will affect the price. Only when the production and sales reach the maximum profit point of the entire industry will there be no vicious competition caused by overcapacity, that is, Now that the textile industry is facing problems, the lord hopes to stipulate that each manufacturer voluntarily limits its output and price through an agreement, but the terms of the French loan to us listed in the trade treaty will mess up his plan, and some people will expand disorderly. "

"Wow." Georgiana exclaimed.

"You can't see him at a young age. Napoleon didn't break out of his career when he was in his 20s." Dumont said with a smile, "Napoleon's prejudice against Britain is irrational. If he likes someone, he will spare no effort to protect him. Hating a person is also straight-forward rejection."

"I understand that Leo people are like this, they have a clear distinction between likes and hates." She said with a smile.

"The methods used by the old Marquis to obtain property and titles are disgraceful. According to the rules of the British publishing industry, there must be a biography of the author in order to write a book, but if the biography of the old Marquis is written, I am afraid that no one will read his works. , Lord hopes to establish the reputation of the family and become a true nobleman."

"Didn't those lands come from the king?" asked Georgiana.

Dumont didn't answer.

"Do you think those factory owners will agree? I'm talking about signing the agreement." Georgiana asked.

"The lord didn't let you come forward to discuss the cancellation clause. Do you still feel that he is using you like the Duke of Lancaster?" Dumont asked.

"It's so complicated." She wailed.

"You just need to let him love you, and leave the complicated issues to us." Dumont sighed, "I really don't understand Mr. Smith, how can he be willing?"

Her mind went blank.

The last thing she could think of was him playing that very dangerous board game in order to get her to submit and leave Muggle affairs alone, even threatening his own life.

She took a sip of her wine.

At this time, a question involuntarily appeared in her heart: Is there anyone who really loves her?

Everyone likes beautiful women, but this reason is too reasonable.

At this time, she looked at the people in the field, and not everyone was dressed gorgeously.

Rouen welcomes Napoleon, regardless of what clothes he wears.

Halloween is the Celtic New Year, and she feels the heavy Celtic shoulder pads on her shoulders. Is this a coincidence or a hint?

"Take it easy," Dumont said. "Why are you so serious about the holidays?"

"Can you country dance?" Georgiana asked.

Dumont gasped.

"That was too much fun."

Georgiana curled her lips, it seems that the third-class party can only go to the third-class cabin.

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