Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1949 queen of airu0026darkness (1)

There are many types of armor. For example, the Knights Templar, Hospital Knights, and Teutonic Knights wear chain mail, and they usually wear a cloak. The advantage of this armor is that it can prevent chopping, but the disadvantage is that it is very expensive, because It is composed of iron rings one after another, which are interlocking. It requires much more labor than plate armor, and only Templars can afford it.

The most popular in the 15th century was the Milanese armor, which is very common because it is the representative work of European armor. It was still slightly black during the Florence-Siena war in 1432, which is actually the result of the surface treatment of the original white armor. Joan of Arc later wore the same Milanese armor, but she wore it in white.

Craftsmen usually use the same craftsmanship when making armor, so to recognize their commander, they must have an identity mark. The king's helmet often has a crown, so that everyone can know that it is the king from a distance.

Other feudal lords would also carry flags and other symbols that could express their identity, while others would make a fuss about their armor. Gorgeous armor is not only a symbol of status but also a symbol of wealth. Some people would leave complex patterns on the plate armor, Others are wearing shoulder clips like the one on Georgiana's shoulder.

A lot of people get tattoos on their arms, but no matter what the tattoo is, it's invisible when it's covered by armor. This shoulder ornament does roughly that, but it's geometric. According to the rules of the Middle Ages, if a knight is deprived of the title of knight, the weapons and armor he or she used will be thrown into the mud and smashed.

Joan’s armor must have suffered the same fate. If the Rouen Museum gave Joan something from that era, Georgiana would not dare to wear it. She decided to wear it only after seeing the Celtic knot on the shoulder clip. superior.

Her flimsy skirt wouldn't be able to hold anything heavier than it, unless it was leather armor, but that would look nondescript.

She didn't know whose idea it was. With the shoulder clips, her shoulders didn't look empty anymore, but they also lacked femininity and looked a little rigid. Generally speaking, she thought it looked good.

When she was done, she put on the long gloves, planning to hide the wand in the gloves when no one noticed. At this time, the maid placed a tray in front of her, with several veils on the red velvet.

They were styles from Georgiana's afternoon shopping, with bronzing and diamonds on sheer gauze. The tailors had new inspirations so quickly. The veils in front of her can be worn in two ways, one is traditionally hung on the ears, and the other is worn on the top of the head, decorated around the veils with crystal clear The jewels are just enough to cover from nose to chin.

There is always a way to be extravagant, and she chose a dark blue, night-sky veil with bronzing birds on it.

This was mainly due to the fact that she wore a browpiece, and the jeweler recommended sapphires, saying they matched her eyes well.

She had two eyes herself, and another eye of the same color on her forehead would be three eyes. She ended up choosing a clear topaz, and as long as no one said it, no one thought it wasn't a diamond.

The first thing she looks at when buying jewelry is the design, and then the material. In her eyes, there is no difference between the "emerald" polished from the green beer bottle and the "pure natural" emerald.

Unless she intends to pawn and mortgage these jewels, she will only want the real ones. However, diamonds are usually taken to pawnshops, and the final valuation will be much cheaper than when they were bought. Just now when she made a request, Bonaparte tried to fool her with jewels.

She held back her breath, and now it was time to talk about ostentation, she reached out to let the maids help her up, and then took Alice to the art gallery.

The second floor of the library is connected to the art gallery. The floor is covered with marble, so even if the long dress almost drags the floor, there is no need to worry about getting dirty.

In the darkness and silence, the dazzling array of jewels and satins on the women made crisp or rustling sounds when they walked. When she came to the double doors leading to the art gallery, two women wearing gorgeous coats in the style of Versailles The servants were already waiting for her.

"Ready?" Georgiana asked.

"Yes," said Alice.

"Open the door." Georgiana said nervously, and then the two attendants opened the double doors.

The people in the atrium were talking in low voices, but suddenly they all stopped talking, and both men and women looked at the second floor together.

She tried to find Leon among these people, but the women all wore the same scarves as her, and the men wore masks. Even though the hall was brightly lit and thousands of candles were lit, she still couldn't distinguish.

Holding on to the handrail, she slowly descended the marble stairs. As a newly opened art museum, there are not many collections here, at least not comparable to the Louvre, but the decorations are all new, without gilding and murals , is just the true color of the stone, which can highlight the artwork itself.

For some reason, she thought of Merlin and Camelot. When King Arthur drew the sword in the stone from the stone, did it mean that he was the "chosen one"?

It was because he was special that Merlin chose to be his great sage.

The Corsican dwarf seemed to be playing a game with her, hoping she could find him among the crowd, and he didn't think about his height either.

But she soon found out that she was wrong, he had found some people around his height from somewhere, and they were also wearing masks.

She walked past these people. Bonaparte probably drank the perfume as mineral water, and the cologne smell on her body was particularly strong. She easily knew that these people were not him.

Later, in a corner near a potted plant, she saw the red inspection uniform. She walked over, but found that the smell was still not right.

She looked carefully at the eyes behind the mask again, they were not gray-blue, so she looked around again, and finally she found an "uncle" at the stairs she just walked down.

Bonaparte's clothes were generally simple, but this one was very luxurious, with a dark green coat embroidered with gold patterns, and a white belt wrapped around his waist. Fortunately, he didn't wear that terrible lace bow tie.

She walked towards him, this time she could smell his cologne from a long distance, and the color of the eyes behind the mask was also right, but she still looked him up and down.

The Corsican laughed, and the crowd began to applaud, as if to congratulate her on her guess.

She can't understand these people.

At this time, the music started, and the Corsican bent his arms, as if signaling her to hold them.

She wouldn't lose face to him at this time, she took his arm and walked towards the center.

"You are so beautiful." He said in admiration, "Like a goddess of the night."

"You've gained weight." She said cruelly, "Especially with that belt on, remember to keep your belly in."

He didn't mind being ridiculed for his figure at all, and pulled her to dance the minuet together.

Yesterday at the town hall they danced a waltz, now it's a masquerade, renaissance style, and of course a retro dance.

She has been trained by a dance teacher, and her minuet is not as clumsy as before, but she sometimes forgets where she is, or if she is dreaming.

"I love you, Pomona," her dance partner told her, though she wished he could keep calling her Georgiana.

"I love you too, Leon," she responded, and this time he gave him the most polite and charming smile.

Above the atrium of the art museum is a glass and steel frame structure, which looks a lot like a greenhouse, so you can see the sky.

The moon is not full, and it is still in the clouds, and the stars are not visible.

But she seemed to hear the howling of wolves.

The voice was so bleak that it made her feel very sad. It seemed lonely and pitiful, so did it call for its companions?

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