Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1948 willow and mermaid

There will inevitably be traces left by others in everyone's life. Virginia means virgin, probably because the New World is like a virgin land to Europeans.

However, even a virgin can't avoid a little past. For Bonaparte, he was used to waiting for Josephine to dress up. This may be the habit of noble women. Naxisha also spends a lot of time on dressing up, but the education Albus Dumbledore gave Pomona is to let her not care about her appearance so much. On reading, not grooming in front of the mirror.

If it wasn't so difficult for Severus, she wouldn't find it easier for the short Feliway, and indirectly it wouldn't be so difficult for the short.

Although Bonaparte was taller than her, it was not her ideal height. Why did he think she was abnormal?

It's not without reason that he is so annoying to women, although it is not to the extent that he hates women, yes, he likes women very much, how can a normal man not like women?

He is not a person living in this era at all, he is an ancient person, in other words, his views on women are still in the middle ages, men are trained to be brave knights, women are trained to be weak ladies, knights desire to be with The lady establishes a romantic, unrealistic "elegant love".

This kind of picture can be seen in oil paintings, a blonde princess, queen or other noble lady wearing gorgeous silk and embroidered shoes on her feet, reluctant to send a knight in armor to the battlefield. The knight looked at her affectionately, but resolutely left because he had to fight for it, leaving the woman in fear. When she washed her face with tears all day long and felt that it was impossible for him to survive, the knight fell from the sky again, and he came back alive.

Merlin's beard!

Why doesn't he write the script? Oh, yes, he used to want to be a writer, hell!

The library echoed with the sound of a harp and a woman's voice, very ethereal, but she recognized it as Philier's voice. She followed the singing to a room. Instead of books, there were many sculptures and a golden harp. Phillier was playing and singing, while Margaret and a group of maids were listening. They noticed The footsteps are all looking at the door, and the expression is very strange.

Georgiana felt that she might have seen Paulina's expression in St. Luke's Palace back then, the expression that tried to conceal, but it was still obvious at a glance that they had already guessed what she had just done.

"What were you singing just now?" She asked pretending to be calm.

"Three mermaids." Ferril said, "What the ocean told you, you must engrave it on your chest until your soul returns to the harbor. How wide and how wide the beach is, how strong my longing is, so strong that my frivolous joy is irresistible."

"Come and help me." She said indifferently, "Also, I need to take a shower."

"The library probably doesn't have a bath," said Margaret.

"I know there's a place," Phil said. "Let's go, ma'am."

With the help of the maids, she came to the atrium between the library and the art gallery, where there was a fountain, or a pool similar to a fountain, but there was no water in it.

"Where is this place for a bath?" said Margaret.

"That's what a hammam is like," says Ferrier.

"How can that be done? It's a public place." Margaret said disgustedly.

"There's no one else in the library except us now." Ferrier said, "And why don't we go back now?"

"Go get some curtains." Georgiana stopped the quarreling of the maids. "We just need to move quickly."

Margaret turned her head and led the other maids to find the curtain.

"What do you want?" Georgiana said, looking at the excited Philier.

"Can you perform the magic trick just now?" Ferrier asked with bright eyes.

She shook her head and looked at the clean pool without a drain. She used a spring of clear water, and the pool was quickly filled with water.

She looked at the exquisite sculptures around her. Although it was different from the Hogwarts bathroom with its exquisite stained windows, it really looked like the bathroom in ancient Rome, or the bathroom of the Spanish merchant they once lived in Venice temporarily.

At this moment, two of the maids who had left with Margaret came back, carrying a screen, and after a while Margaret also came back, holding the curtains in their hands, and they used the screen and the curtains so simply The pool was enclosed, and Georgiana went in at once and began to undress.

Even in late autumn, when the indoor temperature was relatively high, she was still so cold that she shrank into a ball, and she quickly stepped into the pool.

The water in the pool was not as cold as she thought. She scooped up a handful of water and washed away the centuries-old dust accumulated in the books on her body.

Later, she simply held her breath and sank to the bottom of the pool. The pool was too shallow for her to swim like in the black lake, and of course there were no mermaids in it.

She wanted to go back to her girlhood, to be protected by Albus, to keep her body and soul pure.

Lily died at a young age, she may have missed Harry's growth, but she was very clean, and she became an eternally pure part of Severus' heart.

Naxisha had wanted to kill her, to be precise, to untie the bracelet on her wrist, so that Bella's curse could continue to work.

'I want to be a little girl forever. '

That was the wish Naxisha said at the time, and now she has the same wish.

She stood up slowly from the water, and now she felt much cleaner, and after washing for a while, she left the pool, anyway, this water is not the fountain of youth, no matter how much she washes, she can't wash away her age, and Restore virginity.

The maids surrounded her and walked to other rooms. There was a large mirror on the wall, and she began to dress up in front of the mirror.

She chose a black dress, with a golden rope tied under the chest, it is more for decoration, and an emerald brooch is used at the intersection of the rope, which is still a Renaissance design. The shoes are black and gold embroidered shoes, the earrings are the long earrings she bought in the mother-of-pearl furniture store, and the necklace is the Etrusian gold necklace that Bonaparte gave in the morning. Niye's forehead was on.

"What's the matter?" Margaret asked, noticing her expression.

"Why don't I have black hair." Georgiana said in disgust, this silver-gray hair didn't look like a black witch at all.

"It's too late now," Margaret reminded her.

"Ma'am." A maid said suddenly, "Mrs. Barryon is here."

"What is she here for?"

"He said he was here to give you jewelry."

Georgiana didn't think it was necessary, she had enough jewelry, and she didn't want to be covered in gems like Grassini.

Yet she let in Mrs. Barryon, a professional woman with a black briefcase in her hand.

"You are so beautiful." Madam Barryon praised with a look of astonishment.

"Thank you." She smiled subtly, "Who asked you to send the jewelry?"

"It's the Rouen Museum. They will lend you a pair of shoulder clips." Mrs. Barryon said and put the briefcase on the table. After opening it, there was a wood-grained jewelry box.

Barry Rong took out the jewelry box and opened it. This is indeed a pair of decorations, made of garnet and gold, but the workmanship is a bit rough.

"These shoulder clips are from the seventh century and were once worn on knight's armor," Mrs. Barryon said.

"I'm not wearing armor," Georgiana said, laughing.

"It's okay, let's find a way together." Mrs. Barry Rong said with a smile, "No one will blame you for being late."

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