Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1933 Under the Lion's Claw (15)

Although wizards don't have as many red tapes as nobles, there are some etiquette that must be followed.

If Muggles like to bury gold, silver and jewelry and other funeral objects in the coffin, then the wand will be buried with the wizard.

Even for black wizards, it is very rude to open their coffins casually, and dark magical creatures such as yin corpses have to dig their graves. Sometimes black wizards will place some vicious restrictions on their graves to avoid being killed after death. Revenge against family enemies, etc. All in all, digging graves is a kind of taboo, and only dark wizards who have no taboo do it.

Surgery is already common in Muggle medicine, and the scene of disembowelling has long been commonplace, but in St. Mungo's, the introduction of Muggle medicine has only just begun. Many wizards, including Ron, who has two friends from the Muggle world, cannot accept the "treatment" method of Muggles. In addition, there is the problem of test-tube babies. The population problem faced by wizards is even more severe than that of Muggles, but The wizards led by Dumbledore forbade the use of this technology among wizards. If time travel makes some children who should be born unborn, then IVF will give birth to children who should not have been born. It is not just Harry and Neville who are born at the end of July.

The customs of wizards are confusing, even pedantic and dogmatic to some Muggles and Muggleborns, but that's where the closure comes from.

There is no widespread slavery in the Muggle world in the 20th century, at least not in Britain. Hermione saw the existence of house elves among wizards, and couldn't believe it. With her kindness and compassion, she wanted to liberate these House-elves, but the house-elves don't appreciate it and don't even clean the Gryffindor common room, only Dobby the "free" house-elf helps clean it up.

There are many places where the culture and customs are completely different from the environment you grew up in. If you rashly use "liberation" to break the social structure of the other party, even if you think you represent an advanced civilization, it will still attract resistance.

Napoleon tore down the city walls in Cairo, which affected the interests of the local people. This is difficult for modern people to understand. Now that the city is so open that the city entry tax is exempted, tourist cities like Venice have to restore the city entry tax. It is unacceptable that there is a charge for crossing districts in a big city? However, this was a very common phenomenon in medieval or feudal society.

Class barriers are not just invisible barriers to wealth. Rich areas and poor areas are obviously very different. Why would a poor ghost go to a rich area if he has nothing to do?

Similarly, the rich will not go to places where the poor gather. The signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty" means the end of the French Revolution, but many problems still remain unresolved. The Château de Chantilly, where Severus is at the moment, used to be the largest horse farm in France. It used to belong to the Condé family. In the 20th century, it belonged to the French Institution, and its collection of art is no less than that of the Louvre.

During the Great Revolution, the Great Castle was looted and destroyed, and it was not rebuilt until 1870. When Cardinal Richelieu demolished the castle of the nobles, they also demolished their stud farms, but the Condé family was not demolished because of their privileges. There is a large stable in the Château de Chantilly, where many of the horses for the Saint-Germain-en-Laye cavalry school are bred.

The château has a geometric garden, designed by the same man as the gardens of Versailles, and those water systems are also fountains.

Its wide lawn and terrain are very suitable for horse racing. You don’t need tens of thousands of horses. When hundreds of horses run, the sound of hooves is like thunder. It takes courage for the soldiers in the phalanx to keep themselves in order.

Napoleon was the kind of commander who climbed up from the grassroots little by little, and did not obtain official positions by heredity. Similarly, he is not the kind of hereditary monarch. No one has doubted their authority, even though King George once stood for the South Sea Company and deceived countless shareholders into bankruptcy.

He can't make mistakes, and the end of making mistakes is terrible. Look at the main castle, it used to be quite large, and it has turned into ruins.

The Church is not just corrupt priests or books burned in Florence. First of all, Christianity is a spiritual sect. They have to get up before the rooster crows, and the assistants have to get up earlier to prepare the altar for early practice. Take St. Xubiers Theological Seminary as an example. They receive Holy Communion 5 times a day, while ordinary people only receive it once a week, and they have to stop and pray for a minute or half an hour. Strict discipline is a kind of practice. If the training in the military academy is body, then seminary is the training of willpower.

Talleyrand couldn't stand that kind of life at all, and started to go out to hunt for sex early, and the priests couldn't help him.

Even the greenhouse has a little gap to let the outside wind blow in. The nephew of the archbishop and the noble son who is destined to be a high-ranking church official brought the privileges of laxity and freedom into the seminary. Dancing, the priests can't just turn a blind eye.

Seminary students are very concerned about their hairstyles. In Talleyrand’s time, priests don’t wear hairstyles with a missing piece in the middle of the Middle Ages. They often find first-class hairstylists to take care of their hair. It is the only place in the drab, lifeless monastery where they can make their own decisions about how they dress.

Since the signing of the new political-religious agreement, the seminary is no longer a school for learning knowledge, but a school for training. The purpose is not to cultivate scholars, but pious priests. Compared with other schools that cultivate practical talents, meditation and prayer can make money what? What good is mastery of rhetoric?

Someone posted a sign on the door of the Tuileries Palace, the people's silence is a lesson for the king.

Later, some people posted such slogans on the street lamps: Don't think that years of slavery have made us timid and tame people. Our blood, our youth and the beauty of our women belong to us.

Shakespeare, in Troilus and Cressida, has Ulysses utter these words:

There is a mystery in the soul of the nation, whose workings are divinely greater than any words can express.

Liberty, equality, and fraternity have been integrated into the soul of France. Even the king cannot completely ignore public opinion and act according to his own will. James II, known as the tyrant, went into exile in France and was received by Louis XIV. , "Poor King" heard the choir singing "our inheritance to strangers, and the crown falls from our heads" during a mass, so James II fell motionless to the ground, but he did not die , just had a stroke, and Louis XIV arranged for him to be treated.

Wizards served the king to obtain the title of duke and marquis, and the king also gave them some benefits. Although France bans witch hunting due to the monarchy, but...

James II suffered another stroke shortly after his return to Saint-Germain-en-Laye, leaving him almost unconscious and marking the beginning of the end.

He has two children who can inherit the throne, one is a 13-year-old tyrant and the other is Princess Louise who was born in France. Many British people are interested in that boy, hoping that he can inherit William III instead of the mediocre Anne and Her undisputed husband.

Of course, the king can interfere with the succession rights of other kings, provided that he has sufficient prestige and strength, Louis XIV can "deal with" the Prince of Wales, support the children of James II, and become a puppet of the French court. However, Louis XIV had signed the "Treaty of Riswick" before and recognized that William of Orange was the king of England. William III's later performance stabilized his rule. Why did Louis XIV violate this treaty?

The Vienna Conference tried to restore the old order in Europe, but apparently there was no going back.

Most of the land that Louis XIV expanded came from the Habsburg family. Although the rulers of the Habsburg family were close to the limit of their tolerance for France at that time, they did not dare to openly reject France's request due to limited national power.

There was a cartoon of a plump Englishwoman being kissed by a French soldier, and she couldn't refuse, even though she knew he didn't mean it.

Louis XIV once said: I am the country.

Napoleon Bonaparte also said a sentence when he was imprisoned in St. Hena Island. It is no longer possible to verify whether it was made up by the entourage, or it was said when he was conscious, or it was said to relieve the distress of being detained. Yes, what he said was: I am the revolution.

Severus refused to board the ship because the ship could only carry two people. Although Kreacher was an experiment in Voldemort's eyes, before the rules of magic, he was equal to Voldemort.

Maybe even higher, because Kreacher's soul is whole.

The boat probably wouldn't be able to hold three people, and keeping Conseil ashore would serve another purpose.

Sometimes it is believed that a person cannot be trusted with what he says, or even what he does.

This may be the reason for Santo Domingo's declaration of independence after establishing a constitution. Europeans have broken their promises so many times that they dare not believe it casually.

Curiosity is the driving force for human progress, but didn't Pandora open the magic box because of curiosity?

Although Napoleon was dead, his thought remained and became a kind of doctrine.

Similarly, Grindelwald is dead, and some of his ideas are still recognized. These Grindelwald followers will not allow the Wizarding Union to dig his grave.

Even an outdated idol like Elvis Presley is liked by people.

Severus knew that Pomona had never given up on abolition of slavery and inequality, even though she seemed to be compromising.

Being a pioneer of the times is not always the same as George Washington, but it may also be the paw of the lion.

A woman, what is she doing with that problem?

Severus took a sip of the Firewhiskey he had brought from another world to fight off the cold, and stood up again.

He wanted to save her before she finished playing with her own life. She almost died once, and she didn't know if she would be so lucky next time.

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