Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1932 Under the Lion's Claw (14)

"I-killed Sirius Black, I-killed Sirius Black!"

While running, Severus heard the singing again.

He couldn't help thinking of the so-called death of Padfoot, falling backwards through the curtain over the archway, his body curled up in a graceful arch, and as he fell into the ancient corridor and disappeared behind the curtain, There was an expression of both surprise and fear on his face, the curtain fluttered for a while, as if blown by a gust of wind, and then returned to calm.

First of all, even if there is a strong wind, the curtain will not flutter so violently, perhaps only when new life enters it.

Second, the only people who could hear the whispers in the door were people who had seen death, that is, people who could see thestrals, Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood both heard it.

Third, none of the ghosts at Hogwarts sensed his presence, and they thought Sirius Black was on his next journey.

In the Well of Despair in the Alps, Severus collected a lot of artificial tears of the phoenix, and he exchanged them for a lot of things. However, in Yargetta, he exchanged them for the tears in the pool. Red liquid, this is what Albus Dumbledore said.

His eyes hurt just now because he brought a vision-enhancing prop, which was considered cheating.

What are the criteria for cheating? Didn't Albus Dumbledore cheat when it came to the Elder Wand?

Severus stopped running, he summoned the yarn-like substance, and blocked it in front of the Aurors, and they all stopped chasing.

For a wizard like Hermione Granger who has never seen death, she can't see that layer of black veil, also in her eyes there is an empty corridor behind the arch, just like what they saw in the Louvre last time The Tuileries Palace behind the cabinet, which was supposed to burn down, but when the cabinet was opened there was a long corridor.

Perhaps this was the reason why Sirius Black showed a surprised expression. He saw a long corridor, and he could continue walking, but the entrance back to the original world was closed.

He wanted to go back, to see his godson, Harry Potter was in danger after all.

Yet he was trapped in that world.

The principle of that power is also easy to say-missing, Grindelwald should miss the White Wizard very much, but before reading those letters, Snape would not have believed that the two of them were actually lovers.

He felt sick, which Albus probably shared his perception of.

Dumbledore has been loyal to Grindelwald all his life, and he has no other lover, male or female.

In contrast, Severus Snape loved Lily spiritually, but had another lover physically, which was unforgivable in the eyes of the white wizard.

In this regard, Dumbledore is a bit like a woman. Women generally believe that love and sex go together, and that love is more important than sex.

Men don't necessarily think so.

Love is a kind of pain for Dumbledore, just like the waves of the sea, it is not sweet, but it is precisely because of this that it can be engraved on his chest until his soul returns to the harbor.

Voldemort doesn't love anyone, or he doesn't love anyone to the point that he hopes to see each other after death. It is most appropriate to entrust the Resurrection Stone to him for safekeeping, just like entrusting the Philosopher's Stone to Harry Potter, an absolute People who won't use it.

The hallucinations produced by the Mirror of Erised sometimes have a placebo effect. Sybill Trelawney prefers sherry wine, and other teachers in the school occasionally stop in front of the mirror. What they see in the mirror is personal privacy . Later, Harry Potter saw the mirror and talked to his parents in the mirror. He often stayed in front of it for a long time, so that the other teachers couldn't look at it. Later, someone notified Dumbledore, and Dumbledore came forward. Persuaded him away.

Who would drive away a pure child just because of the filth in his heart? What's more, he missed it out of family affection.

But the "desire" was so strong that people put on a sanctimonious mask, and told the principal their real purpose under the guise of not letting Harry Potter become addicted to it.

It's not so easy to act in the dark lord and the white wizard, neither of them are such gullible people, he has to convince the white wizard that what he said at the time was true.

Lily was always like a shield, standing in front of everyone. He was scared at that time, because he couldn't let the White Wizard get more handles.

Bone, blood, muscle, soul, the unity of matter and spirit, this is what wizards of their level think about.

The leap is beyond ordinary imagination, and they cannot understand it. Just like many people hoped to break the Elder Wand after the Battle of Hogwarts, that was the Muggle's practice—it was over, and he didn't want to experience it again, so he destroyed the source of evil.

This is why the Dark Lord said, "It is very important for Muggles not to believe in magic". The fear brought about by the eye of God watching is different from the fear brought about by the unknown. The unknown represents darkness, just like a blind man in a downtown area, he can hear and feel many things, but he can't see anything.

The known is not terrible, but the world you see is not just flowers and palaces, but also evil and ugly things, it will not bring joy to people, and you will not be happy like a child forever.

This is the result of choosing truth instead of happiness. Human beings who walked out of the Garden of Eden gained freedom, but lost their comfortable life. Of course, you can also choose to go back, provided that you can go back.

The ultimate research goal of so many religions and academic schools is to go to heaven. If you are sure that your method is effective, many people will follow you, and you may become the spiritual leader of the largest religion in the world.

"It's ridiculous." Severus sneered, turned away from the Aurors, and walked towards the Fountain of Innocence.

Felix was right next to the waterway at this time. He was curled up on the ground with black smoke rising from his body, crying alone, looking like a lost child.

"How do you..."

"I'm the Obscure, am I?" Felix asked Severus. "I'm dying, so you want to use me before I die?"

"Who told you?" Severus asked.

"Those vampires, they told me everything," said Felix, through tears.

Severus was silent.

"They call you Grindelwald, is it because there was a silent man named Credence beside him? Are you imitating him?" Felix asked.

"No." Severus said.

"Then why are you looking for me!" Felix asked a little excitedly.

"Do you remember Harry Potter? He was raised happily like a pig until he was slaughtered for the right opportunity." Severus gritted his teeth and said, "I let you choose, Do you continue to live your old life, or do you live a different life? Let me tell you one thing. Being treated as useless, thrown aside, and not needed feels worse than being useful now. It came to me when I met Napoleon Bonaparte, I don't know why I said it..."

"You told him he was useless?" Felix asked in surprise as if choking.

"Soldiers need war. In peacetime, they are like bows and arrows. They are useless without prey, and they need to find a place to store them." Severus said, "It is a blessing to be able to give full play to your talents."

Felix was lost in thought.

"When this is over, I'll take you to someone who has been studying Obscurity." Severus gasped, "Maybe he has a way to help you."

"Did you just want to ask, why don't I stay with other people?" Felix whispered, "You gave us gold bars, but the smoke only takes away our souls, but the gold bars don't. I've been thinking, if...if human beings can't save me, I'll go with you, maybe there will be another turning point."

"Then come with me." Severus beckoned to Felix. "Come on, kid."

Felix was obedient.

Not only that, but he threw his arms around Snape, who stood still like a log.

"Does your dad know?" Severus asked dryly.

"No." Felix said angrily, "I don't want him to feel guilty."

Severus sighed, looking at the female relief not far away, the eyes made of amber looked piercing.

"Get out of the way, I have to..."


Severus looked over and saw that it was Gonçeil Leroy.

"He has the guts to do it," said Felix in disgust.

"Are you going to stop me too?" Severus asked, looking at Gonseil.

"I will go with you," said Conseil.

"Why should I say yes to you?" Severus asked.

"Do you think they are fools?" asked Conseil.

Severus didn't speak, nor did he smile tartly.

"I told them, I thought you were Snape, but you could be Grindelwald in disguise, I don't know who you are." Gonseil said, "They went to check Grindelwald's grave, and he In Nurmengard, with the prisoners he tortured to death."

"Is his tomb empty?" Severus asked.

"It would be impolite for no one to dig a grave."

"So they're assuming Grindelwald isn't dead?" Severus sneered. "What a brilliant mind."

"I said I was going with you, so here I am..."

"He can't be trusted," said Felix, staring at Gonseil. "Besides, we've also found a specialist in ancient Egyptian."

"What do you think, Snape, of hearing from a child?" Conseil asked.

Severus stared at Goncey nonchalantly.

"I want you to stay here," Severus said. "When I need you, my house-elf will open the door for you."

"You mean the house-elf who killed his master? You trust him more than me?" said Conseil incredulously.

"I'm not its owner, it's Regulus Black, and I'm not Sirius Black, always yelling at him." Severus said calmly, "Kreacher is a sensible man , do you think you are?"

Conseil was stunned.

"It's started, Prince." Severus took out the communication crystal and said to it, then raised his bow, shot one of the eyes on the sculpture, and then grabbed Felix and jumped onto the bones in the blood pool Boat.

The moment the amber shattered, the Cyclops' closed eyes opened, and a strong light shot out from his one eye, illuminating a part of the pool.

Severus took the material from his pocket and turned it into a pole, but it couldn't reach the bottom, and at this moment the Aurors hidden by the black veil had appeared.

They pointed their wands at the people on the bone ship, but lightning bolts appeared around the waterway of the fountain, blocking their attacks.

At this time, bursts of women's singing came from the bottom of the pool.

The song was light and ethereal, like a mermaid, and a golden cubit protruded from the bottom of the pool, slowly forming a circle around the area illuminated by the eyes of the Cyclops, from which the blue sky could be seen.

"Wind!" Severus yelled towards the shore, spreading the cloak as if it were a sailing ship.

Conseil, who was hiding in the shadows, understood and drew a gust of wind with his magic wand, which blew the ship towards the circle of light.

"Don't even think about it!" Victor Leroy also drew a gust of wind in the opposite direction to Conseil's, and the two winds merged into a whirlwind.

More Aurors blew the wind in, creating a turbulent current, and Severus had to put away his cloak, and the boat spun forward by inertia.

He saw a lot of people's faces, and a lot of people saw his face, maybe they were comparing him to that 100-year-old man, maybe they were trying to remember what another Dark Lord looked like, in short he came in a daze into the aperture.

Susannah's singing became clearer.

Chell' cò mare te rice,

Te l'ha sapè arricurdà,

E a ’stu puort ce turnarrai


ρχονταινα, να


Cuan grande es el mar y las arenas,

Tan grandes so***** ansias y mis penas,

Que no basta mi dicha a defenderlas.

What the ocean tells you, engrave it on your chest,

Until your soul returns to the harbor,

Waves, waves, come one after another, without hesitation,

Like my endless pain and sorrow,

As wide as the sea, as wide as the beach, my longing is so strong,

So strong that my frivolous joy was irresistible.

Do you feel very strange, why not high-level spells?

Severus looked mockingly at the people on the shore, accompanied by a strong falling force, like a waterfall at the end of the world, watching the starry sky above his head fall rapidly.

He seemed to hear the Elvis Presley song to which they were still dancing after the after-party in the auditorium:

Wise men say only fools rush in, wise men say only fools rush in,

But I can't help falling in love with you,

Shall I stay would it be a sin,

If I can't help falling in love with you,

Like a river flows, Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes, Some things are meant to be, so darling, some things are meant to be,

Take my hand, take my whole life too, take my hand, take my whole life too,

For I can't help falling in love with you, because I can't help falling in love with you.

When singing this song, there is no need to play with singing skills and skills, the most important thing is sincerity.

True love doesn't need so many tricks.

The water at the bottom of the pool is not red, but it looks very clear, just like the water of the Black Lake.

There was once a girl who dived into the water with a bubble head spell, and with a group of mermaids, watched the humans in the Slytherin lounge through the glass window.

They didn't realize that they were like fish in a goldfish bowl, being observed by the merfolk.

Now it's his turn to swim in the water.

Severus took Felix's arm and floated up, and when their heads emerged from the water, there was a dawn sky with Venus twinkling in the sky.

In fact, the scenery of the sunset is the same as it is, but there is no one around, and there is no evening prayer bell, and the air is very fresh and cool. Except in the early morning when everyone has not woken up?

Severus and Felix swam to the shore together, and they found themselves in a castle with a ruined main keep surrounded by artificial pools.

At this moment, a rooster crowed in the distance.

Le oqs' oyt par foists sabbats sonnatle retracte aux sorciesrs.

The rooster crows, the witching session ends, and the wizards disperse and disappear.

When the dawn comes, will these irreverent people really disappear?

Severus cast a spell on Felix, and his clothes dried quickly before Severus dried himself.

I have been a teacher for nearly 20 years, and this has become a habit.

Felix looked at his hands, as if feeling something different.

Severus ignored him, he found a place to sit down, looking out at the beautiful fields, feeling the tranquility of this paradise.

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