As far as Castler can remember, Pomona wore no earrings.

Severus still remembered how much she resisted when he put the snowflake earrings on her, because they had cast black magic on them, and whenever he was close to her ears, they would heat up.

The mimosa plant not only has an interesting reaction, it will close the leaves with a little movement, it also has a unique characteristic, it is non-toxic and harmless during the day, and it becomes poisonous at night , although the toxicity is not as strong as aconitum and foxglove, it can also cause respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

The way to detoxify is gastric lavage, or vomiting with emetics.

Ipeca is a plant discovered by early Portuguese settlers as an emetic. In addition to quinine, Perettier also discovered emetine from ipecac, which can be used to treat scorpion stings.

Ordinary people don't need to know this, but as a Potions Scientist, and often assists the school doctor to deal with students who like to bring exotic pets, and teachers who don't know how to deal with poisoning, he needs to know this.

In addition to Newt Scamander, there are also magical animal scholars in France, and François Marie Dodan is one of them, but his legs suffer from diseases and cannot be the same as Newt Scamander. Traveling around, his research materials are only specimens. The book that made him bankrupt and the most magnificent book in his life was called "The Life History of Reptiles". In the book, he described 517 species of reptiles. The genus and grass lizard are still in use today.

But compared to those reptiles, people still prefer birds, snakes, and moon monsters. At least they have a gorgeous or furry appearance. In addition to being disgusting, snakes also represent evil. They are the chief culprit who tempted Eve to swallow the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. .

Severus stayed on the recliner in the villa for a while, and besides the strong smell of cologne and wine, he also smelled a scent of tropical fruits.

Not all colorful fruits are as delicious as mangoes, and some will be poisoned if eaten, and even be punished as severely as stealing the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden.

Salazar Slytherin said that the veela is not allowed to enter the school, but Albus Dumbledore not only refused to listen, but also let the werewolf in.

If he didn't go to the orphanage and brought Tom Riddle to the wizarding world, then there might be one more silence and one less Voldemort in this world.

A wrong man who teaches knowledge will do more harm than a man with bad intentions but no strength.

Dumbledore was generous, and his generosity was not the same as Fudge's.

Bonaparte commented on the monarchy he had read: If it is not for profit and vanity, what is the use of generosity?

He was an old fool, and a "saint" like him was of course respected, it was a pity that Severus was not a saint like him.

Pomona had indeed grown more beautiful after some time at the court of France, and the old fool hid her, and left her in the earth like a rough stone, looking inconspicuous.

Severus sculpted her rough, but it was still not as good as he had seen just now, the French did have a way of dealing with luxury goods.

Just imagining the trembling flower trembling in his arms is enough to incapacitate thinking, not to mention to enhance her allure, they also perfumed the court that once served Marie Antoinette The teacher found it.

Since the 14th century, there has been the technology of extracting flower fragrance with ethanol. Perhaps Napoleon eradicated the iris in Bagatelle Garden, but he could not eradicate the iris in Florence.

On the day of Napoleon's death, a doctor from Florence was responsible for dissecting him on the pool table, and several other British doctors were in charge of watching and recording the autopsy results. They also knew how much they would bring if they "cooked" the French emperor. heavy consequences.

Of course there would be no freedom when he was a prisoner, and he would never see "Georgiana" again, so his dream of a tropical island vacation was over.

Those days would be hard, he would forget how much he liked astronomy and how much he liked science.

Time is abundant for him at this time, and he will no longer feel that 24 hours a day is not enough as he did when he was in power.

Severus summoned a snake, which loomed out of the sweet rococo interior.

The twelve-stringed bird of paradise that looks like a living thing is not real life, it should be a specimen, just like the fossils of bones of ancient creatures that Gong Saiyi encountered in another museum, because the magic "comes to life" up.

The bird of paradise has no legs, so it has to keep flying until the day it can't fly and dies.

He would be happy to see it happen, and it was an aesthetic way to die, much more beautiful than being kissed by a dementor.

He summoned the Patronus Charm with the same wand that had summoned the snake, and the swan Patronus appeared easily.

This is very miraculous, just like he was able to summon a deer-shaped patron saint that day by the frozen lake, the difference is that no little boy wearing glasses would be attracted by it, and then jumped into the lake without thinking about his own life.

There are still similarities between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald as a couple, and Snape dying a hero at dawn sounds great.

Maybe it was something the White Wizard liked - "great reputation", but being a nasty teacher, Snape didn't care about that.

Just as the goblins had asked the Gryffindors for the sword, the lions thought they could get it away with whatever was in the Lestrange family vault. It's like when they see beggars at the door, give them something casually, and then tell them to get out of here quickly, and don't appear in front of their eyes again.

According to the contract, Griphook provided services under the premise of agreeing to use the sword of Gryffindor in exchange, and the Potter trio felt that breaking the contract was no big deal.

The Ten Commandments of Moses said not to kill, and the Death Eaters felt that killing was not a big deal.

Leaving these "no big deal" people to deal with tough issues can end up being as utterly disastrous as the Alfreda Cragg session on "defining people" or worse.

It was the same with Pomona sometimes, when she thought he could marry any woman who would bear him children.

Is he a horse waiting to be bred? Or some kind of endangered magical animal?

"My love for you has become poisonous, look at what you have made me, and what you have destroyed." Severus said in the empty room, putting colorful memories and pensieves Together with the water, he threw it out of the window with the Levitation Charm, then put the Pensieve back into the box, put the box back into the pocket of the shapeshifting lizard skin, and turned to leave.

He thought that in the story of the Decameron, Girolamo swallowed poison and died beside Salvetra, but now he understands that people really die because of a broken heart.

As for the Salvetra who refused before and died of a broken heart at Girolamo's funeral, she was a woman who followed the rules. Didn't she think of running away with him and leaving Florence?

Some people say that you will lose the most important thing when you come to Paris. Girolamo lost his lover.

Yes, Florence, that's where they're going next.

No matter how prosperous London, Paris, and New York are, it is Florence, and everything will start from there. This time, he must protect her well, so that the same thing will not happen again.

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