Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1909 en tremblant

In a palace-style pavilion by the lake, Severus took the Pensieve from seven locked chests and placed it on a wooden table.

The dry basin was soon filled with water, which was not poured in like a spring, but seeped from the stone. He threw the memories he had just collected into the Pensieve, and as soon as it melted, he put his head in his hands. Buried in.

It was the scene of the reception, which was located in the botanical garden, and the soft sunlight came in through the transparent glass, which also brightened the slightly dark greenhouse due to the dense vegetation.

Napoleon worshiped Frederick the Great, and Frederick the Great paid great attention to the overall development of the country, and all children of the right age should go to school. When he learned that many parents asked their children to stay with their cattle in the summer instead of sending them to school, Frederick the Great asked towns to hire special shepherds so that children would not drop out of school.

It may be for this reason that there is a band performing in the botanical garden, and now it is a flute solo, and the soothing and elegant "pipe" sound echoes throughout the greenhouse.

There are old teachers and immature students in the shed, and they all wear uniforms.

Different from Hogwarts' wizard robes, this style of uniform is very crisp. Napoleon demanded uniformity in many places, not to mention that he himself graduated from a military academy. The school not only implements militarized management but also supervises students. Both local middle schools and private schools are the targets of inspection, and the school buildings, teachers, students, and discipline are all the contents of their supervision.

This has sparked debate in educational and political circles over whether to strengthen control over schools or liberalize education.

London is very interested in whether the French centralized education management system is effective, and teaching has always been controlled by the church. Based on the needs of social development, Viscount Castlereagh at least had a high-sounding excuse to visit France as an official.

On this occasion, the First Consul came but didn't seem to come, he only gave a speech at the beginning of the reception and then disappeared.

While chatting, Viscount Castlele learned that Bonaparte's sister Pauline had returned from Santo Domingo. In addition to bringing back the body of her husband Leclerc, she also brought back many local people. Animals and plants, these are collected by her, and now they are placed in the Paris Zoological and Botanical Garden.

Viscount Castlele found an excuse to leave the reception.

There are also botanical gardens in London, and the greenhouses used to cultivate Wang Lian are the most humid and hot.

There are also water lilies in the same pond, which usually bloom at night, and lights of various shapes are often hung on the trees around the pond, so that people who watch the water lilies bloom at night can also enjoy the lights by the way.

There is a greenhouse in the Paris Botanical Garden. It is like a green box. The outside of the cast iron is painted with a layer of light green paint to prevent rust. The inside is dotted with colorful orchids and other tropical vegetation, and some water scenery is also arranged inside. Next to it is the Desert Botanical Garden, where the temperature is similar to that of the tropics, but there is no water, and prickly cacti are planted.

Castler looked into the greenhouse through the glass, and it didn't take long to find the ruling guard on the tropical side. While trying not to disturb anyone, he moved a few steps and saw a short figure in a colonel's uniform.

He had seen this person before, that is, the First Consul of France who hurriedly left after his speech. He was walking towards the pool cautiously and tiptoeing with his hands behind his back.

There were two girls by the pool. They took off their shoes and soaked their feet in the water. One was wearing a heliotrope ancient Greek dress and the other was wearing a cardamom pink gauze dress.

The two were very close, and a cherry pie was placed in the middle. Castlele seemed to smell the sweet breath through the glass. Beside them was a weird bird that looked like it had no tail feathers, so it was round all over, but it had bright yellow and black feathers.

In fact, if you look carefully, you can still see that there are sparse tail feathers on its tail, which look like a few hairs left on the bald man's head. As it flaps its wings, Castlele seems to hear the wind blowing through the strings of the harp. the sound of.

There is a bracelet on the wrist of the girl in the cardamom gauze dress, which is in the shape of a wheat ear and inlaid with golden gemstones. The wind generated by the flapping of the round bird's wings actually makes the wheat ear move.

The girl in the cardamom gauze dress turned her back to Bonaparte and Castler, revealing a swan-like neck with nothing on.

"Wow!" Bonaparte exclaimed suddenly.

"Ah!!" The two girls who were concentrating on chatting shouted.

Napoleon, who succeeded in the prank, laughed triumphantly. He didn't look like he was able to support the scene in front of people just now.

Seeing him laughing so happily, Castler felt very angry, and the girl in the cardamom pink gauze dress probably felt the same way, she had gray hair.

She looked around for a long time, but couldn't find anything suitable, and finally, furious, she picked up the uneaten cherry pie and threw it at Bonaparte, who quickly avoided it.

"Bad thing!" She yelled, Bonaparte smiled indifferently, and then muttered something, the distance was too far, and there was glass blocking it, Castlele couldn't hear clearly, but he Probably know who they are.

The one in heliotrope was supposed to be the widowed Pauline, Napoleon's favorite sister, and the other was Georgiana.

She was very angry, put her hands on her waist, and "reasoned" with Bonaparte while standing in the water. As she spoke, the "ears of wheat" on her wrists trembled.

This kind of jewelry is called trembling flower. It must be very light. There will be a part like a clock's internal spring on the base of the jewelry, so that it will tremble when the wind blows.

"Sir." Someone suddenly shouted, and Castlele came back to his senses, and found that it was a member of the guard team. "Now this greenhouse is not open to the public."

"No, I just couldn't find my way back to the reception," Castler said.

"Can I have a look at your invitation letter?" a guard member asked Castlele.

Kaserle took out the invitation letter written on "Armenian paper" from his jacket pocket.

This is a new trick played by the French. It was invented by the perfumer who used to serve Marie Antoinette. The resin of benzoin is melted in alcohol, and then soaked in it with blotting paper. This fragrant letter paper is ready.

The reason why it is called Armenian paper is said to be because the Armenians used to burn benzoin. In fact, people of other ethnic groups also use benzoin, but the Armenians make people think of Heraclius, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, who "also" came from Africa. Run to Constantinople to save the Byzantine Empire, which was in internal and external troubles because of Foscar's mutiny and rule.

Why the emphasis on "also"?

Isn't there "also" a "Heraclius" who ran back to Paris from Egypt to save the country from danger? Although he did not carry the true cross like Heraclius, he also erected the fallen "cross".

The flattery of cultural people is indeed different from those of military origin. Anyway, those who receive this kind of "Armenian paper" invitation letter know what kind of banquet they will participate in. The soldiers of the Guards handed the invitation letter to Ka Sille, and then took him out of the "green box".

Before he left, he looked back at the small pool. The three of them were gone, as well as the chubby yellow-and-black "bald-tailed" bird.

Normal birds of paradise have gorgeous and fluffy tail feathers, which are breathtakingly beautiful. When they dance to court, the long tail feathers are like a goddess' ribbon, gorgeous and elegant.

That "Fat Chirp" just now is so ugly, a bird is so round, how did it survive in the forest?

Perhaps it is because of this that it survives, because many people like to use the feathers of the bird of paradise to decorate their hats and hair accessories.

Severus looked up, he was still in Bagatelle's garden, but it was dark now.

Kreacher stood aside, and it was he who opened the entrance to the other world and led them away from the garden full of roses.

It's just that the Bagatelle Garden in "reality" is also full of roses. Haji has gone to the forest to find his son, and only Lucius Malfoy is watching silently.

"How does she look?" Lucius asked.

Severus turned away from him and didn't answer.

"Do you think she is beautiful? King of Sparta." Lucius asked again.

"Still the same." Severus said slowly, "She hasn't changed."

"I'll see what's going on over there." Lucius leaned forward and left the pavilion.

Heraclius revived a chaotic Byzantium but lost Syria, and Seleucus I was Alexander the Great's successor.

He also has a title - the winner.

So it's really different for literati to flatter. Didn't Dodan earn a lot of money with that bird, and repay the debt of the failed book sale.

Napoleon, like many aristocrats at the time, loved being a patron of artists.

Troubled people often have amazing potential.

Kreacher also disappeared after seeing Lucius go, so there was only Severus left in the dark and ornate pavilion, with the colorful Pensieve in front of him.

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