Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1881 giant slayer (twenty-five)

"Da da da da..."

Before the bullets ejected from the machine gun could even get close to the person, they lost their kinetic energy and fell to the ground.

There is an invisible protective layer around the seemingly motionless giant, reminiscent of the protective layer of alien warships. Neither bullets nor grenades have any effect on it. Heavier weapons are about to be called in. , but received an order to stop the fire, and then a van drove over.

Radar and sonar didn't work on it, as if it had encountered some invisible interference. At this time, the crowd who had calmed down held up their cameras to shoot at the giant.

With a sound of "hum", with a tinnitus-like sound, all the screens of those electronic devices went black, and the street lights of the whole street began to flicker, as if everything related to electricity went crazy.

The giant stayed there and did not attack, but people were still full of fear when they saw his big belly and huge palms.

Severus, who turned into black smoke, saw this scene in the air, but he didn't stay there for long, and flew towards the barracks, where a truck was speeding towards the "pyramid" in the barracks go.

Severus recognized the car, it was owned by a hacker who claimed to be named Baldwin, and at the bottom of the "pyramid", Monica was riding a small motorcycle, and she had to dodge a Durrahan On the other side, Alejandro is holding a flagpole and fighting another Durrahan, who has lost his horse.

As soon as he landed, he took out his wand from his sleeve and cast a binding spell on Durrahan who was fighting with Alessandro. The snake-like rope quickly tied Durrahan tightly. , unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, he walked towards another Durrahan, who ran away as soon as he saw him appear, Severus pointed at his wand, and the cars parked on both sides flew across, forming a roadblock, blocking the opponent's way up.

"What happened?" Severus asked Alejandro now.

Alejandro looked bewildered.

He became a little impatient, and at this moment there was an exclamation from the direction of the giant, he disappeared, just like the Statue of Liberty disappeared in front of the audience, it was just a magic trick.

Just at this moment of distraction, Dullahan on the horse picked up the tightly bound Dullahan who had fallen to the ground, followed by his own horse, and the horse neighed loudly. It seemed that they were planning to run away. up.

"Catch them," Monica said from the side.

Severus ignored her.

"Leave immediately." Severus said to the two, "If you are caught by the army, you will not be in a prison with human rights."

The two were stunned together, when the horn sounded.

Baldwin's afro poked out the window of the car "Come on, I'm here to save you."

"Go." Severus said impatiently, looking at Mrs. Loris on Monica's motorcycle. "Is there anyone else?"

"Who?" Alejandro asked.

"The kid," Severus said.

"He said he went to the Bois de Boulogne," said Monica. "He went to see his father."

"Leave, now." Severus ordered, and then turned into black smoke and soared into the air.

"Where are we going?" Baldwin asked.

"Luxembourg." Alejandro wanted to lose the flagpole, but was worried about leaving fingerprints, so he took it into Baldwin's car.

"What about me?" Monica asked.

"You go home," said Alejandro.

"Don't forget who saved you!" Monica shook her fist at Alessandro.

Alejandro stared at Monica, his eyes were serious, and Monica's arrogance suddenly disappeared.

"Take care of yourself," Alejandro said.

"Do you know why I came here?" Baldwin said aside, "Your boyfriend asked me for help."

"I'm worried that if I go back to the hotel, I'll be taken away." Monica said, "I'll go with you."

"Okay, you come up." Baldwin gestured to the trunk of his car, "Hurry up, I'm afraid the military police will be back soon."

Monica started the little motorcycle directly and left with the kitten. Her little motorcycle just fit through the gap in the car.

Baldwin had no choice but to follow behind her and drove away from the "scene of the crime" together.

==================================================== ================


Felix yelled in the darkness.

He saw a lot of strange people in mid-air just now, but he didn't see his father Haji, yelling in the park like a lost child.

This got a few people's attention, most of them dismissed him, but there were also three teenagers who looked good in some well-known sports brands, some fake jewelry, and dressed like rappers.

"Tell me what your father looks like, I may have seen it." A young man in white said in English.


"It's true." The young man in white said, "Have you brought any money?"

Felix froze.

"I'll give you news, and you give me money. This is a fair deal." The young man in white said.

"I thought you'd help me," said Felix, like an innocent child.

The three young people laughed together.

"Do you really know where my father is?" Felix asked again.

"Of course." The young man in white waved to Felix, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

==================================================== ===================

"Do you need help?" a gray-haired middle-aged woman said to Haji in French-sounding English.

"Uh~ what is this place?" Haji asked after thinking about it.

"As you can see, this is a ballet school." The middle-aged woman smiled and said to Haji, "Do you want to send your daughter here too?"

"Do you take boys?" Haji asked.

"What?" the woman asked confusedly.

"Don't worry." Haji said dryly, looking around, this ballet school is full of artistic atmosphere everywhere, the girls are wearing ballet shoes and dancing to the sound of music, looking like elegant swan princesses .

"I can show you around." The middle-aged woman said with a gentle smile.

"I...I still want to know what is this place?" Haji stammered.

"This is the ballet school," the woman said in a slightly raised voice.

"I... I was in the Rose Garden just now." Haji said, pointing outside the house.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The woman said with a smile, "Mr. Belanger designed it in one night. It is an English-style courtyard full of natural flavor."

"It looks like a geometric figure to me," Haji said, pointing ahead.

"There is also a hillside behind the school, which is in English style." The middle-aged woman pointed to the rear. "In the next ten years, it has been remodeled by an Irish gardener."

"Is this built by Bonaparte?" Hadji asked.

"Are you talking about the first ruler or his relatives?" asked the middle-aged lady.

"Let me put it this way, who built this yard?" Haji asked.

"If you mean its original owner, it used to belong to Marie Antoinette, it was originally a royal garden, but it was destroyed in the Revolution, the First Consul rebuilt it, and now Madame Sevres makes it As a ballet school, our principal is Ms. Chevigny, the first dancer of the Paris Opera House." The middle-aged woman said, "We are very happy that she lent us this clean place, so we don't have to practice in such a noisy place."

"That's right, it's really clean here." Haji took out the phone and found it "dead".

He still remembered Gianluca's eager voice before. Time was running out, and it would be bad if he missed the opportunity. Now he still has the mind to watch the ballet.

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