Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1880 giant slayer (twenty-four)

Severus came to the Mont Chaumont Park in the northeast of Paris.

In the park there is a shield-shaped lake with an island in the center of the lake and a viewing pavilion on the island. It is called the "Witch Temple" and was built for the prophet Sybil.

There are 5 hills in the park, all left after artificial reshaping. Originally, Severus hoped that Goncey could hold the ceremony here, but the situation seems to have changed a bit now.

The Earl of Leroy would not know where the snow mountain hut is, who leaked the news?

For this reason, he had to be cautious, and deployed defensive magic in the pavilion, and he would look at this place after the arrangement was completed.

The Hill of Creation is the first piece of land built by the sun god. It is higher than the waters of Nunn. Sometimes when the Nile River floods, it will turn the bottom of the pyramid into a swamp. If a person does not know it, he will not feel it. into the artistic conception.

But so what? That's not true anyway.

Almost every myth has content about creation. Aztecs in South America also had pyramids. Are those pyramids imitating the hill of creation like the ones in Egypt?

People can't rely on their dreams and forget their lives. Many people spend their time in front of the Mirror of Erised. It can't give people knowledge or tell people the truth, it's just some illusions.


Severus looked down at the lake, which was as calm as a mirror, and it reminded him of the "game" he used to play in the dressing room.

At times like this, Pomona would become very obedient, not at all like she dared to confront him when she was sober.

He looked at the mirror, which was not the magical Mirror of Erised, but just an ordinary mirror. Was he wasting his time then?

There are people in this world who want to be leaders and "winners", and they work hard and do their best to get that position. Why bother a person who wants to live a family life?

The Prince's family definitely lacked the "prolific" conditions of the Weasley family. Fleur gave birth to the mixed-race Veela who was so difficult to conceive.

Snape was so upset that he lit his cigarette. Was he right or wrong for giving Pomona enough freedom?

If he puts her in the house, like Molly, she'll get into other troubles in no time, and she used to let the house kids paint on the walls when he was Headmaster at Hogwarts. The slogan has no intention of blocking it at all.

Her silent resistance, let her go out, it's okay if people outside don't know that there are such beauties. Hogwarts' school motto, Do Not Disturb the Sleeping Dragon, Muggle children persuaded Salazar Slytherin to wake up the sleeping dragon, which resulted in Mrs. Slytherin's death.

And then there's the story of Croaking Stump, a foolish Muggle king who is tricked into making a fool of himself by a charlatan.

Had Pomona lied to Severus? She didn't, she hardly took anything from him, she rarely even used the ring he gave her, she was "sensible" not to disturb his work.

The things that ordinary women like are not very attractive to her. This is the result of the white wizard's years of education, but Bonaparte can indeed give her some things that "little people" cannot give her.

Sometimes good intentions do not necessarily lead to good deeds. The free market policy of food formulated out of sympathy for farmers has exacerbated inequality. Severus does not think it is right to equate poverty and crime, but he does not agree with werewolves and Remus Lupine is innocent as well, and there are people like Fenrir. Muggles are not all good people, and there are also "vampires" who make adrenochrome in order to maintain their health, longevity and youth. Then there are people like Rohart, who wear the cloak of the Anti-Dark Arts League and do all the deceitful things.

If Slytherins were cannoning on werewolves like Napoleon and the rioters, sentimental Mr. Harry Potter might be thinking about Remus Lupine and his status as Teddy Lupine's godfather, Another inappropriate comment.

Slytherin, who was already suppressed, will be suppressed even more than it is now. Some people, such as his great father James Potter, are such people who demonstrate their justice by punishing evil.

Slytherin is not interested in being a stepping stone for others, Gellert Grindelwald sacrificed himself to achieve Albus Dumbledore's supreme reputation, Gryffindor is the best house in Hogwarts?

Severus sneered, he was curious how the "troll" savior would deal with such a situation? His emotional mind is prone to act impulsively. Fortunately, with Hermione's help, otherwise he would not be able to complete the task left by Albus with his knowledge base.

He was very lucky, whether he was chosen to be the "Boy Who Lived" or escaped the death curse, at least he didn't spend his life in mediocrity, with stories of ups and downs, unlike most ordinary people in this world, who are still alive Trifles and trifles are exhausted.

Not everyone has a rich father who can leave a handsome inheritance, even if Harry Potter thought he was a poor orphan before entering the wizarding world.

Napoleon said that the time in your hands is the most precious possession, don't waste it, but during the period when he was not prosperous, when the Jacobins fell and was frozen, and when he was a prisoner in Elba and St. Helena Sometimes, he also has a lot of time, so much that he has nothing to do.

There are many people who are broken down by life, who wants to be a mediocre person? Severus regretted that he had given in to the old fool's request on the spur of the moment, and he was cornered because he had to keep his word.

No matter how insignificant the straw that broke the camel's back was, it managed to kill the camel's back. Grindelwald almost destroyed Paris, he didn't destroy New York, it was Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts.

Now Severus also has the heart to ruin the city. If he had known that he would encounter these things, he would not have gone to the "romantic" Huadu to fix it.

Although there is a big difference between Britain and France across the Strait of Dover, at least the British will not think that lovers are a kind of "culture". Nelson's mistress Emma Hamilton can be scolded enough.

Even though Lucius reminded Whitehall to be careful that the French riots would spread to England, those bureaucrats were still unwilling to close the undersea tunnel.

They feel that there is no Corsican dwarf who wants to cross the strait all day long, land in England, occupy London, and complete the conquest of Britain like Caesar. Severus felt the same way, the bones of ordinary people are about to rot in two hundred years Nope, Bonaparte's body wasn't even ossified. Severus would rather believe that the British doctor who performed his autopsy had embalmed him than that he had gone to Bakar Hill and gained some kind of magical power.

But now Severus was about to go to the Underworld to find his wife who had been seduced by the "King". This was the price of miscalculation, negligence and letting down his vigilance.

This is the second time. The last time was because of Sirius Black. He couldn't help but get angry when he heard the name. As a result, he went out for a trip, and when he came back, he turned upside down.

Trelawney had prophesied that the Dark Lord would return when the "in the way" was killed, and Severus now felt he was in the way.

But it didn't matter, it wasn't the first day that he was a thorn in the side of others, and every time Potter was caught violating school rules, he felt that Slytherin's old bat was in the way.

Fortunately, the troll Potter still knows how to be the Minister of the Ministry of Magic. No matter how people recommend him, he will not accept it. How can it be so easy to be the "King"?

Drinking the potion of the Philosopher's Stone can make you immortal, but Nick LeMay's bones are all brittle. He is only suitable for desk work, doing experiments in the laboratory, and can't do the work of a battle mage. Grindelwald Once he took a big risk.

Seeing him like that made Severus not interested in the elixir.

Pretty girls are always a problem, and beautiful and smart ones are even more so. Albus is not interested in women. He thinks there is no difference between a smart half-race veela and a bad-looking girl like Hermione Granger.

Sometimes smart people make more mistakes than stupid people. Hufflepuff is not selfish, just like an honest badger. If you are too honest, you will suffer.

Severus pinched out his finished cigarette, and then it turned into black smoke and flew into the air, flying towards the direction of Vincennes Forest.

The "thunder" over there has not stopped, and he is going to see what happened.

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