Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1841: Witch and Demon Association (17)

The Lantern Festival is also called the Lantern Festival. In addition to viewing lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, and setting off fireworks, there is also the custom of eating Lantern Festival.

The outside of the Lantern Festival is made of glutinous rice, and the inside is stuffed with sesame seeds, peanuts and Cheng Cheng. It not only tastes sweet, but also symbolizes reunion.

Fire dragons are usually danced in the streets, and water dragons do not always represent auspiciousness. It was Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who made trouble in the sea and caused disasters in Chentangguan. Nezha killed the demon dragon in a fit of righteous indignation, and made his tendons into a whip.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was furious when he heard the news, and immediately made waves, intending to flood Chentang Pass, but Nezha didn't want to implicate others, so he committed suicide. There is a lot of trouble in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

This is of course a folk story. Nezha was originally an ancient Persian god, but later became a Buddhist protector. Nazha Kuvara was the third son of King Bishamon among the Four Heavenly Kings. Later, in Journey to the West, the third prince fought with Monkey King again.

Children's conflicts should not involve adults, but sometimes children go too far, and adults sometimes wish to teach the child instead of the other's parents. But if the lord, like Nezha, has a blood feud without knowing it, then it will be an endless situation.

At this time, a young man named Newt Scamander brought back a Zouwu. This Zouwu liked him very much, and seemed unwilling to go back to its birthplace at all.

That introverted brunette-haired Englishman was definitely a weirdo, but it was through him that Zhang Tao received the letter from Hogwarts.

Of course it wasn't an admission letter, he was already past the age for admission. But after reading the letter, he still decided to ride the Zouwu who still wanted to play outside for a while, to meet the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"This kind of parasite only likes an unclean environment. I think the water just now was too clean, and it felt unable to adapt, so it left its body." Zhang Tao pulled out Alejandro's left eye, and now his The eyes returned to normal, not as bloodshot as before.

"What are you going to do? Surgery?" Severus asked.

"This parasite contains a very strong toxin, and even a wizard will be severely stunned by it. I am worried that the other worm will be taken away. This young gentleman will not live long."

"How do you know?" Severus asked.

Zhang Tao smiled and said, "Do you have a strong antidote?"

"Of course." Severus said, then took out a bottle of antidote and poured it down for Alejandro.

About two or three seconds later, Alejandro coughed and seemed to be waking up.

Seeing that he was swallowing, Zhang Tao took another pill the size of Yuanxiao, poured it into Alejandro's mouth together with the water in the gourd.

"This is ebony pill, which is a good insect repellent." Zhang Tao said.

"Plums seem to be the ingredients for sour plum soup," Severus said.

"That's right, do you want to drink sour plum soup?" Zhang Tao asked.

Severus frowned, Zhang Tao's smiling face was exactly the same as Albus Dumbledore's at the moment.

"You should smile more, Mr. Smith, the drooping corners of your mouth will make you encounter some bad luck, and make yourself very upset. By the way, where is Mrs. Smith?"

"It's none of your business." Severus replied coldly.

"What about the heirs?" Zhang Tao asked.


"We believe that luck can be undone, not like Felicia."

"You can manipulate fate?" Severus asked.

Zhang Tao was silent for a while.

"We have done a lot of experiments, and many people with wealth and resources hope that they can go higher by changing their luck."

Severus smiled "You don't need to test me."

"I gave some books to Principal Dumbledore, have you read them?" Zhang Tao asked.

"I haven't seen it, but my wife has," Severus said.

"Have you seen her use it?" Zhang Tao asked.

Severus didn't answer.

"Most people will use it to divination fate..."

"She laid out a maze," Severus said. "I encountered a maze infinitely more complex than that one."

"Many people now think that Qimen Dunjia is a mechanical technique." Zhang Taoping said peacefully, "The most important thing about Dunjia is to hide. Jia is not the armor of armor, but the head of heavenly stems and earthly branches."

"Are you going to teach me?"

"Life is like a river. When I feel right, I will stop." Zhang Tao sat on a chair. "Now I want to talk to you about this topic."

"Next time." Severus declined politely, "I have other urgent matters."

"You have already realized that when we need to avoid something difficult, we will find an excuse. When Xiang Yu held a grand banquet, Liu Bang used the toilet as an excuse. This is called 'piss escape'."

Severus smiled and shook his head.

"A is the head of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, representing the supreme position, that is, the so-called emperor. Are you not interested in the throne at all?"

Severus stared at the Oriental.

"You're crazy," Severus said.

"I told you, don't think that everyone is crazy, but you are not crazy, otherwise you are the crazy one."

"I told you that Dumbledore was gay and Grindelwald was his lover."

"Longyang's kindness is not uncommon, I'm asking you a question now, don't drag it on others."

"No!" Severus said reluctantly, "I just want to get my wife back."

"Where did she go?"

Severus didn't answer.

"Is it where he went?" Zhang Tao pointed to Alejandro and asked.

"I don't know where he's gone until I ask him when he wakes up." Severus said, looking away.

"Is her soul lost too?" Zhang Tao asked.

"Yes." Severus replied reluctantly again.

"how long?"

"More than two days."

"Do you know who hooked the soul?"

Severus looked like he was about to turn around and leave.

"Napoleon Bonaparte."

Zhang Tao was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect it to be him." Severus said depressedly, "At that time I asked him to borrow troops..."

"Did you sign something with him?" Zhang Tao asked quickly.

"No." Severus looked at him strangely.

"That's good." Zhang Tao heaved a sigh of relief, "In the words of you Westerners, don't sign a contract with the devil casually."

Severus laughed. "I don't think he thinks he's a devil at all."

"He is a strange loser." Zhang Tao said thoughtfully, "After the second abdication, the volcano in Indonesia erupted."

"Don't forget the comet of 1812, which was visible from all of Europe at the time," Severus reminded.

"You mean...the year he attacked Russia?" Zhang Tao asked.

Severus didn't answer the obvious question.

"Your enemy is an emperor, are you sure you don't need the same power as him?"

"I've heard a story about the East." Severus said, "There was a man named Jing Ke who also found an excuse to assassinate Qin Shihuang in the name of offering a map."

"You intend to emulate him?"

Severus gritted his teeth and grinned.

"You said I was crazy." Zhang Tao smiled funnyly, "Do you know what happened to Jing Ke in the end?"

"I know." Severus replied.

"You can find an easy way for yourself." Zhang Tao said, "Your wife, with all due respect, is a troublesome woman."

Severus seemed lost in thought.

"I think that's why Albus gave her Polyjuice Potion, to make her look ordinary, to save trouble."

"If she wasn't so pretty, would you still love her?" Zhang Tao asked.

"There is no such assumption, it has already happened." Severus saw the photo that was just casually placed on the table, it was taken when they were traveling, and they were in the Alps at that time, a man named Grindelwald Small town, Pomona was as stupid as a pair of scissorhands, and standing next to her was Severus Snape - in his own person.

He was smiling too, and when the photo was taken he kissed that stupid Hufflepuff, which a Muggle camera wouldn't have caught.

Like Lily and James dancing in the red autumn forest.

"Please cherish life, professor." Zhang Tao said, "It's not easy to regain a new life, don't waste it."

"You all have reasons to hate, why did you choose to forgive?" Severus said, staring into Zhang Tao's black eyes.

"There is no understanding." Zhang Tao also looked into Severus' black eyes and said, "For Dumbledore, it is for the greater good, but for me, I just want to exercise myself and find a way (find my way)."

"You want to go down in history?" Severus asked.

"When I was young, yes, but now, no." Zhang Tao said frankly, "If there are no successors, the stories and legends left by the predecessors will be forgotten, just like those ancient gods who are forgotten , being a teacher is a very happy thing.”

Severus sneered.

"I know how difficult those children are." Zhang Tao said with a smile, "But when I saw Hogwarts, I only had one thought."

"what idea?"

"It's a very good school. It doesn't seem like an Englishman can run it. I heard that Slytherin, one of the four founders, met his parents in Paris. When it comes to comets, I remember the school in 1097. There was one in England on Michaelmas and it was there almost all week when your king was building the Tower of London, bad weather and heavy taxes were hard work and the king ordered troops Scotland, because the old Scottish king Malcolm is dead, you want Duncan, the proton you have imprisoned for decades, instead of the king's brother, and by Michaelmas 1098, the sky looks like it is burning all night , It rained heavily all year, even so, you still defeated Scotland and let Duncan take the throne. Our country also has a proton, he is called Yiren. When the king of Qin State died, Zhao State did not send him to Qin State to succeed him. Instead, a businessman named Lu Buwei assisted him."

"I still don't understand…" Severus said confused.

Zhang Tao smiled, "Now you understand what I said, why Hogwarts doesn't look like a school run by the British?"

Just as Severus was about to speak, Alejandro groaned, apparently waking up.

"Then what do you think..."

Severus turned his head while talking, and found that Zhang Tao who was sitting on the chair just now was gone.

"Who said it was going to help me resolve it just now." Severus muttered, putting those photos in his pocket.

Now he is much more proficient in taking care of people than before, after all, he took care of Pomona who was in a deep coma for a long time.

Going from being a caring child to being a caring adult takes a lot of practice.

Snotluck has also changed, but he can be more mature in the future, don't deliberately boil a terrible potion for James' son Harry like he did in school.

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