Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1840 Witches and Demons Association (16)

"Ding... Ding bell..."

Zhang Tao looked at Severus, and Severus looked at the deformed lizard skin pocket on his body, where the bell came from.

He quickly opened his pocket and found that it was the sound of the mass bell.

"I have an idea." Zhang Tao looked at the golden mass bell in Severus' hand and said, "Help."

"How to help?"

"Take off his clothes." After speaking, Zhang Tao went to the bathroom next door.

Severus didn't know why, but he did anyway.

There are many kinds of madness. If a "crazy" person foams at the mouth while convulsing, he is epileptic. There is another kind of madness, such as the girls in Salem, who can keep their faces rosy even when they are convulsed.

Usually a whip is enough. Zhang Tao's "magic wand" looks like a teaching tool called a ruler. Of course, it can also be called a Qiankun ruler, but Zhang did not use it to beat Alessandro.

Taiyi point is located in the center of the abdomen, which represents the middle palace in Hetu Luoshu, and gathers the wind of the sky. This point can also treat madness and sticking out the tongue.

The ancient Japanese doctors did not pay attention to the five movements and six qi in the "Huangdi Neijing". The relationship between "On" and "The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" does not study the deep meaning of the three yin and three yang in the "Huangdi's Internal Canon", but only studies the prescriptions and syndromes of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Therefore, the ancient Japanese prescriptions are largely The product of "Six classics can be discarded".

This is helpless, they only recognize the Great God Amaterasu, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of the Chinese people, and the origin of Chinese civilization is Hetu Luoshu. The five movements and six qi are basically said to be the operation of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the circulation of the six qi of yin, yang, wind, rain, darkness, and light, in order to infer the relationship between climate change and the occurrence of diseases. For example, in places with a lot of rain and humidity, the possibility of getting rheumatism is high, but the mechanism of this kind of judgment is still a little different from the five lucks and six climatic conditions of heaven and man.

The yin and yang of the air of heaven and earth are not judged according to the hot and cold. Every year, the negative yang rises in the first month. Although the weather is still a bit cold, it has already represented the warming of the earth. The Dragon Boat Festival on May 5 of the lunar calendar is the most prosperous day of the year. After a day, Yang Qi begins to decline. The Shangyuan Festival is celebrated on the first month of the first lunar month, and it is necessary to worship the God of Fire, so a grand lantern-laying ceremony is held. The Zhongyuan Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, which coincides with the Yulan Basin Festival, and river lanterns are to be released for worship. Ghosts and gods, there is also a Xiayuan Festival. In ancient times, not many people celebrated it. They worshiped Dayu, mainly on the day of eliminating disasters. Usually, rich and faithful men and women will give winter clothes to poor people.

These three festivals correspond to the upper, middle, and lower three elements of a person. The Shangyuan worships the heavenly officials, the Zhongyuan sacrifices the earth officials, and the Xiayuan worships the water officials. It is very cold outside before the sun rises, and it is impossible to do farm work. , this period of slack farming is the time when the government soldiers practice martial arts, and use the yang energy of the human body to fight against the yin energy of the outside world.

Today's politeness refers to humility and politeness. Among the five movements and six qi mentioned in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, the main qi is the unmovable qi. It should be arranged according to the relationship between the five elements. And finally the sun is cold. The politeness does not change, and it changes year by year. The main Qi does not change, which is called the earth's qi, and the politeness does not change, so it is called the weather.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: Be polite, have sympathy. Difficulty in defecation and defecation treats its symptoms, and convenience in defecation treats its root. It means that the cause of a person's illness is caused by politeness, but also by the same qi. Gentleness here can be interpreted as the invasion of external evils into the body.

If Alejandro is the owner of this shell, then the one who came back with him is "polite", although this guy is not polite at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Tao had protected his heart and brain before, so it couldn't get in, but Alejandro couldn't go back by himself, and Zhang Tao couldn't use the usual "rushing body" method to deal with it. Later, he drew A celestial talisman, with which the silver needle was wrapped and pierced into the Taiyi acupoint, thus playing the role of calming the mind, anyway, when Severus was undressing Alejandro, he was not noisy, very quiet. At the mercy of others.

Fulu is divided into Fulu and Fuzhuan. Fulu is the housekeeping skill of the Shangqing School. It appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Be as anxious as a law at every turn. This sentence is an official document term used in the Western Han Dynasty, meaning "this is an order", and it is used to drive little ghosts to use.

The talisman seal is the talisman letter that conveys the will of the gods. It can also be used to subdue demons and eliminate demons, but the magnitude is not the same.

Using a civilized way of explaining, when the Qi of middle luck and the Qi of Sitian are the same or coincident in the nature of the five elements, this assimilation relationship is called "Tianfu". There are 12 years in a Jiazi that conform to Tianfu. That is, Bingchen, Bingxu, Dingsi, Dinghai, Wuzi, Wuwu, Jichou, Jiwei, Wuyin, Wushen, Yimao, and Yiyou. The year 2005 happens to be the year of Yiyou, and the celestial spirit of the year of Yiyou is Yangming Dry gold. The air of Yangming and dry gold is similar to that of autumn. The air of autumn is high and refreshing without a trace of humidity, which is just enough to overcome the monsters and ghosts in the water.

To put it more vulgarly, Zhang recruited the Qi of Heaven and Earth to be his thug, and even if the one who competed with Alejandro for the body was once a god, it would have to weigh it if it wanted to fight, and if it couldn't beat it, it could only stay honest.

What if it is not the year of the talisman?

That is Alessandro's good luck, "Feng Shui turns around, come to my house today", luck will change, and the combination of luck means merger, that is, from the strong, it often happens in the year when the five luck is less than , Unsatisfactory luck, encountering unbearable restraint, it will be transformed from restraint. At this time, because my own strength is too weak, and the intrusion is restrained, I have no choice but to subdue him.

For example, in the year of Yiyou, the gold luck is not good, and the fire can overcome the gold, and the lack of gold luck encounters fire again, so the weather will be hot and dry for a long time.

The victory of fire qi will incur the cold of "recovery qi", and the "golden luck" will be weaker for one's own constraints and ambitions.

Water can produce wood, and wood can produce fire. This monster who doesn't know where it came from can only consider himself unlucky in this situation. If it came out in another year, it wouldn't be like this.

According to the five lucks and six qi, the "climate" we face every moment is actually a mixture of changes in luck and qi. The assimilation, conversion, and alienation of luck will not only affect the climate, but also affect the relationship between people and people. All things grow and grow old. In the relationship between people on this day, some people have too much luck, some people have less luck, who would dislike their bad luck? But the pies falling from the sky can also kill people. When the Nika uprising happened, a nobleman Hibatius who was doing nothing at home was caught by the civilians and forced to wear a crown on him. As a result, this democratically elected The emperor was quickly suppressed by Belisarius along with the populace.

At that time, Hibatius' wife dragged his robe and begged the surrounding people not to take him, but how could she, a woman, stop that scene?

Excessive luck needs to be resolved. When Meng Changjun escaped from Tongguan, he was helped by "chicken and dog thief". It is precisely because of the many followers of Lord Mengchang that King Qin Zhao wanted him to be the prime minister, and King Qi Min was afraid of him, so he blamed Lord Mengchang on the pretext of the rebellion of the nobleman Tian Jia.

Misfortunes depend on blessings, and blessings lie on misfortunes.

The potion called Felicity brought good luck, allowing Harry to get the information that Voldemort had created seven Horcruxes, but he did not expect that Dumbledore counted Harry as one of the Horcruxes, otherwise How to explain his snake tongue and the induction of Horcruxes?

In fact, being the son of a gondola boatman has a hobby of playing football. There is nothing wrong with living a healthy and sunny life. Gondola rowing in Venice is also hereditary. It is easier and more profitable than working as an engineer after studying hard. And tall.

But Venice is in danger of sinking as the sea level rises, that moses plan will not work, it will make the lagoon lose the tidal change, make the water quality bad, no tourists going to a stinking city Tourism.

After becoming a fairy, you can jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, and no longer be at the mercy of changes in luck, and you can be at ease from now on.

How could it be so easy as thought.

After Zhang Tao went to the bathroom, he poured all the water from the gourd he had collected at the Institute of Technology into the bathtub. After he had finished with it, Severus also used Zombie Drift to bring Alejandro into the bathroom. .

"Put him in." Zhang Tao said.

"You want to bathe him?" Severus asked.

"Let go!" Zhang Tao said loudly, and Severus slowly put Alejandro into the bathtub.

As soon as he sank into the water, Alejandro, who was still very quiet at the beginning, began to twitch all over his body. The silver needle on the Taiyi point emitted green smoke like quenched iron, and the water in the entire bathtub kept churning like boiling.

At this moment, Alejandro opened his eyes, which were bloodshot, and his mouth was opened wide, as if screaming, but the sound was only a slight "hehe".

"What are you doing?" Severus looked at Alejandro with horror and asked Zhang Tao.

"I've heard a story." Zhang Tao looked at Alejandro and said, "Someone exorcised demons through baptism and holy water."

"How do you know it's holy water?" Severus asked.

"Experiment is the only criterion for testing the truth." Zhang Tao said indifferently.

Severus looked at Zhang Tao, "Are you a priest?"

"Look!" Zhang Tao said.

Severus looked at Alejandro again, and saw a small thing that looked like an octopus crawling out of the lower lid of his right eye. It was waving its tentacles, as if it was going to crawl to Severus and Zhang Tao. face.

"It's the parasite on the water dragon." Zhang Tao said, then took a pair of chopsticks and grabbed it with them.

"His eyes, they're back to normal," Severus said.

"One eye recovered, but the other didn't." Zhang Tao held the parasite with his chopsticks and looked at it. "I know how to deal with it."

"Need help?" Severus asked.

Zhang Tao looked back at him, "Do you know where he got the infection?"

"No." Severus replied, "I don't know any more than you do."

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