Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1835: Witch and Demon Association (11)

For those steeped in heartache and sorrow, psychicism is a sweet placebo, and spiritualism is sacred in their eyes, yet even in an era when many celebrities, such as Arthur Conan Doyle, supported spiritualism, The use of seances was still ridiculed as stupid, and psychics were equated with charlatans. They were considered to use magic tricks and tricks to deceive, and the church in Baltimore banned the use of spiritualism.

If it is not a liar, then the psychic will also be regarded as having too close contacts with demons and ghosts and be rejected. , People who exposed their deception also appeared.

The "weapon" they often use is science. With the development of photography technology, they are equipped with more and more cameras, video cameras and other equipment, and even special cryogenic cameras, which were originally used in polar scientific research.

People are obsessed with the experience of supernatural phenomena, but they are unwilling to believe it, thinking that it is a hoax set up by humans, and only people with no logic and simple thinking will be fooled.

Around the 1970s, superpowers became popular again on TV, and some children could bend spoons with their own thoughts.

Some of this is true and some of it is false, kids tend to do what their parents tell them to do, get a decent amount of money when they're on tv, pretend even if they don't have so-called "superpowers", people get excited when they're exposed: wow , another liar.

Druids only allowed women to join at the beginning, and later there were male members. The same is true for psychics. Men who are born with extraordinary psychic abilities are not excluded, but most of them are women.

People like Margaret are lucky, except that she brings bad luck to her husband, who is ostracized by society unless he divorces her.

The situation is even worse for Katie, a poor hopeless creature who often has to self-mutilate to make sure that her flesh and blood are real, that she has not become "non-existent". No matter how benign the ghosts were before they died, they would still hurt her.

At that time, séances were very popular not only in Britain and the United States, but also in France. Napoleon III invited the notorious psychic Homme to the Tuileries Palace for a spiritual summoning ceremony. Only this fellow was expelled from France afterward for trying to touch Empress Eugenie's arm with his bare feet, pretending it was the little hand of a child who was about to fully reveal himself or something.

This power must be used with care, it is very draining on the psychic's energy, and a very strong Neapolitan young man, because he wanted to make more money, overused his psychic abilities and looked half dead at a young age.

It was a cursed power. Katie, who was once a smash hit, disappeared into the sea of ​​people. No one knew what happened to her in the end, and no one knew where her grave was.

If the magical society fully lifts the International Statute of Secrecy and allows wizards and Muggles to freely contact each other, they will encounter such problems sooner or later. Even if some people accept witchcraft out of boredom and curiosity, wizards cannot be fully understood and accepted. Not only will they be chased by people like Petunia and called "freaks", others will also be cautious, worried that they will be cursed, and weird things will happen around them. Not everyone thinks that the white mist under the dome at this moment It sounds holy.

Muggles can't see anything, Squibs can't see dementors, wizards can't see things, Slytherin's ghost blood man Baron can't see, thestrals can't see until wizards who have seen death, even cats with humanoid form Draco with Tanuki skills couldn't see it either.

Undead on their next journey will not be as pearly white as ghosts. They are invisible and can only show their bodies when attached to substances such as fire and fog.

They look like angels, but the real angels are not necessarily the same as the sculptures outside the church. They have beautiful appearance and wings. Sometimes they even look like monsters, while demons will disguise themselves as human beings. His appearance is as handsome as an archangel.

The Sorting Hat sang, don't judge people by their appearance, and it is also not advisable to judge a soul by its appearance, although the dementor does look like a god of death.

The ruined land of Azkaban was full of black magic and various negative emotions. The Muggle sailors who sailed towards it in the mist according to the lighthouse did not reach a safe harbor, but instead became the material for breeding this environment.

You can't expect cacti that thrive in the desert to flourish in the wet rainforest.

The Brocade pendulum, which was moving regularly under the influence of inertia and the earth's rotation, began to write on the ice. Severus took pictures of these letters with a camera, and then observed them carefully. These "graffiti" were chaotic and very It is difficult to say whether it is consistent with the Enochian alphabet left by Edward Kelly.

Zhang Tao took a handful of ashes, put it in the palm of his hand, and blew gently on it, a small whirlwind blew up in the exhibition hall, and soon the mist disappeared.

At the same time, the crazy Brocade pendulum also returned to normal, leaving a petal-like shape on the ice according to its usual trajectory. At this time, the water overflowing from the plate flowed around in a liquid form, and it seemed that it was about to touch the candle that was about to be blown out by the wind.

"Put away the magic weapon." Zhang Tao said to Severus.

Severus ignored him.

Zhang Tao had no choice but to let the candle float up, and at the same time found a gourd to collect all the water on the ground.

"I remember you seem to make amulets out of straw dogs," Severus said. "Can you make me one?"

"Of course." Zhang Tao said happily, "Should I go?"

Severus pointed his wand at the ice, breaking it apart, and the water stopped spilling from the plate.

"You adopted your sister, why not your brother?" Severus asked.

"I didn't see him in the orphanage." Zhang Tao replied, "I found out that she has an older brother after checking Qingchen's birth records."

"Does Ma Youxuan know that she has a younger sister?"

"No." Zhang Tao sighed, "His parents told him to run away first with the family heirloom, and Qingchen was born when his parents fled."

"Does this happen in your country?"

"We're human too, didn't you almost die because of that Elder Wand?"

Severus didn't answer.

"I took her abroad to avoid those who are still planning to hunt for treasure. Maybe she won't be able to go back in her life." Zhang Tao said with some melancholy, "Her life is rough. As long as I live, I will protect her. If she If my brother can correct his evil ways..."

"Cho Chang is married to a Muggle, why can't Miss Ma?" Severus asked.

"You don't hate them?" Zhang Tao asked.

"Why should I hate it?" Severus asked cautiously.

"You're a Death Eater."

"Everyone joins the Death Eaters for their own reasons, not necessarily for the pleasure of torturing Muggles."

Zhang Tao observed Severus' expression by the flickering candlelight.

"Can you tell me what do you think of Grindelwald?" Zhang Tao asked.

Severus tugged at his cloak, wrapped himself up like a bat, and said with a smile "He's an idiot, if wizards rule the world in place of Muggles as he says, they'll have an excuse when the world sucks Putting the blame on us is like when the witch hunts blamed both the Black Death and the apocalypse on witches."

"Why don't you think the wizard's rule won't be so bad?"

Severus laughed.

"What's so funny?" Zhang Tao asked.

"I've been a headmaster, and I know what they'll do when the day comes, and they'll keep resisting, and take pride in it. They've tried to get into the headmaster's room several times to steal the sword of Gryffindor, so as not to hurt them." , I didn’t put a ban on the door, which allowed them to get the copy smoothly, I don’t have any nostalgia for the rule of those days, and now there is only one thing I want to do.”

"What is it?"

"Find out the name of this angel." Severus raised the camera in his hand, "Wait for me to develop the photo."

"Where's the Pensieve?" Zhang Tao asked.

"You know it?"

"I know some secrets of Hogwarts." Zhang Tao looked at the gold plate on the glass table, "but I don't seem to know enough, it is really a castle full of secrets."

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