Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1834 The Witch Association (10)

Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, but there are still many fans who go to cheer for the Quidditch World Cup, such as Harry Potter, the Weasley family, and Hermione Granger who doesn't understand Quidditch at all.

She didn't even know who Victor Krum was, and she went to the hard-to-get Quidditch World Cup, what a cute little fool.

Compared with the fierce competition on the field, she prefers various activities like festivals outside the field, which let her see another side of the magical world.

Similarly, she also allowed wizards to see another side of the Muggle world. The music at the third-class party on the Titanic was as cheerful as that at the Quidditch World Cup, which was Pomona's favorite part of the whole movie.

She likes Jack far more than Rose's fiancé Karl, the steel tycoon who has used the huge blue diamond Heart of the Ocean but can't get Rose's heart.

She was still nervous to see the boat go down, and she looked like she was about to cry when Jack died. As for the story about the sailor that Severus told Zhang Tao just now, it was told to him by Tobia Snape, although this Muggle was not a competent father most of the time.

The same movie, but they saw a different feeling. The Jack in the movie is like an adventurer who listened to the sailor and decided not to go back to bed. He went to Paris to try to be a painter, but he didn't find the success he longed for here, so he tried to raise money to return to the United States , bet against two Norwegians in Liverpool.

If he didn't win the boat ticket, he might lose everything, but he could keep his life, but in this way, he would never be able to meet Rose, a noble girl of his class.

Titanic is a dream ship, full of people who want to go to the United States to find their dreams. Each of them has their own dreams. Touch your hat before speaking as a sign of respect.

"Masters" are no different from "servants" except that they worked hard when they were born. What they need is a fair opportunity, and the United States can provide them. That's why they traveled thousands of miles, even risking a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean.

Everything is brand new, not only life, but also tableware and bed sheets. Perhaps only Ross who got off the car thinks that the dream ship is a slave ship.

No one can understand her, why a noble lady who is well-clothed and living a life that everyone admires wants to scream in her heart.

A woman's heart is as deep as the sea, and it is not just a diamond that Louis XVI brought to win her favor.

Maybe the world is full of inequalities, but as long as they think that there is still such a small inch of the world in Cupid's heart that is fair to them, there are foolish boys who will work hard for it.

How can Ron Weasley, who is not even the captain of the school team, defeat the world-class star Victor Krum and become Hermione's husband?

For some it will be a permanent mystery, or unsolved case.

Why did Jack the Ripper, the demon that appeared in the London fog, take away women's organs? Is it really because he ate it as written in the letter?

Maybe there was a funny reason, he was doing "dirty divination". At that time, London was holding a mayoral election. It was said that the battle was fierce. Who would be the final winner?

This kind of doubt and uncertainty can make people do some crazy things, especially when the other party is taking a big bet. The later glory of the Rothschild family was entirely due to a series of operations after Waterloo. The people in the entire exchange got information about him in advance, but it was impossible to know in advance about the mayoral election. That needs to be counted. The votes in each person's hands may not be important, but when they are gathered together, they will change from a trickle to a river, and finally into a vast ocean.

Malthus is right, the collective is of low IQ, no matter how high the IQ of a person who integrates into it will lose his original intelligence and do the same thing as the people around him.

It's just that his population theory didn't go smoothly, and people accepted that there was still a place for people to escape, and that place was the New World. Only as Camus said, people recognize the absurd world and give up the hope of nothingness will try to live in the present.

Life is unfair, some people are born with everything and some with nothing.

In order to climb up, the poor boy can easily do things that he will regret when he thinks about it later. This is what Severus Snape saw from the interaction between Jack and the "upstart" Molly through the eyes of Severus Snape who joined the Death Eaters conclusion.

Middle-aged, lonely and rich, she needs a partner, but Jack always thinks about Rose, who is bathed in the sunset and overlooks the sea from the upper deck.

Is she a person who likes the sea?

Tobia had also asked Irene this question. Irene Prince, who was born in a noble family, could marry a noble pureblood wizard, but she chose Tobias. When they still had money, Tobia did let her see a different world, but when they squandered it all, they had to go back to the house on Spinner's End, man, after all, it's not just dreams and romance. life.

This makes Tobia very irritable. He thinks that by marrying Erin, he can get rid of the working class, but he seems to have Erin ripped off.

Irene wasn't pretty, and she wasn't a good mother, but Severus still tried to find faces similar to hers among the ghosts who had heard the singing and walked through the fog.

Except at school, it was difficult for him to eat a decent meal. It wasn't that Irene didn't prepare it, but that she would cater to Tobia's appetite and ignore her son's preferences.

Many young wizards will have this experience. After boarding the Hogwarts Express, they gained "freedom". They can skip lunch and eat candy instead. You can eat as much as you want.

Snape's freshman journey was not pleasant, where he met Sirius Black and James Potter, and this bad mood didn't improve even after he put on the sorting hat and scored into Slytherin House as he wished, As a result, he sat next to the male prefect, Lucius Malfoy, completely disregarding his rank.

He had heard from Irene about Hogwarts' sumptuous opening banquet, but there was only an empty gold plate in front of him, no food at all.

Until the principal announced the start of the banquet, a "magic" scene appeared, and the food appeared on the plate out of thin air.

This scene was miraculous, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Magic is omnipotent, and it's not surprising that food can be conjured.

Later, when he learned a lot, he realized that food cannot be conjured by a magic wand. He was very curious, and it happened that he knew a senior from Hufflepuff, and the school had always prepared the start-of-term banquet.

She took him to the Hogwarts kitchen and saw the furnishings inside. In the kitchen below the chapel, there were four long tables that were exactly the same as the college tables above. After the food is "teleported" away, there is no food on the kitchen plate, and the food appears on the table of the college.

Now the gold plate he placed under Brocade was the one he took from Hogwarts. The Dark Lord got Hufflepuff's gold cup and wanted a gold plate to go with it, but no one knew about that plate Where the hell is it.

There's a lot of dishes in the kitchen, maybe it's been duplicated with a duplication spell, and then there's that defensive spell in the Lestranges' family vault.

He can actually use clear water like a spring, but this magic needs his own magic power to support it. Judging from the current "evaporation capacity", it is easy to overdraw the magic power. It is much more "convenient".

Maybe the well in some people's hearts is about to dry up, but there are also people here who are about to starve to death. Animals can fight to the death for survival materials. Animals like poison horned beasts are almost extinct for robbing their mates. When you "look away", you will be greeted with a new world, and what you will breathe at that time is the free air.

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Tao asked.

"Hogwarts already has a pair of ghost couples who died of murder. There is no need to add another pair." He replied calmly, and Zhang Tao didn't make a fuss.

"You told me a story just now, how about I tell you one?"

"Whatever you want," Severus said nonchalantly.

"In 1848, a family named Fox lived in New York State. The family members included parents and two daughters named Margaret and Katie. The family was often disturbed by knocking and footsteps inside the wall. Unable to fall asleep, the children imitated this sound and knocked on the wall when they were playing, and what was unexpected was that there was an echo from the wall, and they found that the other party knocked once for yes, and knocked three times for yes."

"Boring," Severus said.

"Guided by ghosts, they found the body in the basement. A peddler was murdered by his two daughters. The body was buried in the basement. Public curiosity haunted the family. They moved elsewhere after a while, but Wherever they go, the whole city becomes restless, with many people trying to pass the news to their deceased relatives through them. The two girls held regular seances and made a lot of money at first, but then they were kidnapped by a group of people. Raided, stoned and shot at their windows, men and women called them unclean witches. There was a Ph. She rescued her from harmful circumstances, brought her to Philadelphia to be educated, and married her against the objections of family and friends."

"Where's Katie?" Severus asked.

"She's lost, and it's not just alcoholism that's caused by excessive drinking."

"What's the meaning?"

"Frequent séances made her insane, she had a strong sense of illusion, people longed to hear the voices and faces of the deceased family members, but were ashamed to deal with her in social situations, and her mother ignored her, she Became emaciated, both mental and physical." Zhang Tao said calmly, "Qingchen also has talent in this area, but I don't want her to be famous, to avoid the mistakes of those sisters, but she has a talent. Famous brother, I think you know him."

Severus laughed silently.

"You said just now that you would not let me help in vain, so I do have a request."

"Go ahead."

"To stop Roswell Company from continuing to tear down shops in Chinatown and build department stores, I know you have friends from the government," Zhang Tao said.

"Britain is not like your country," Severus said.

Zhang Tao smiled, "I only have one request. If you really can't do it, you can owe me a favor."

Severus watched him anxiously, and after a while looked up at the "angels" in the cloud.

"Do you think there is any difference between them and the dragon summoned by Grindelwald seventy years ago?"

"Of course there is a difference." Zhang Tao also looked at the clouds and said, "They don't have any ill intentions towards you, and they don't intend to ruin Paris. Isn't that a difference?"

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