Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 183 The Flower of Scotland

Every time there is a sorting ceremony, there will always be the first freshman. Hannah Albert is the first student of Harry Potter's class, and is also the first freshman assigned to Hufflepuff College. De Brown was the first freshman assigned to Gryffindor. Pomona never dreamed that they would become rivals one day. You must know the scene where Lavender De Brown and Ron Weasley kissed everywhere. Many people have seen that a noble lady like Hannah despises her frivolous behavior, not to mention that they are fighting for land with Neville Longbottom, a boy who is mediocre in all aspects.

Many people want to be a teacher at Hogwarts, especially the dean. The main reason is that he can gain the respect of the students. This respect will last for a lifetime, and then gain influence. Voldemort wants to be a teacher of the Dark Arts class Also for this reason. Although Hannah Albert was full of disgust for her fiancé candidate after listening to Pomona's words, it was not completely difficult to accept. Apart from the days when DA lived together, she also agreed with the dean's vision. What Ryffindor did to the head of Slytherin was to take away that influence, and even when he returned to the Death Eaters he was a joke and everyone thought he was a coward.

The dean's succession is a very formal matter. Pomona got Billy's dean position because he almost burned Hogwarts. Dumbledore's succession, even after he became the headmaster, his influence on Gryffindor is still there, and Fei Liwei became the headmaster through a duel. When he was in the sorting house in the early years, he was almost sorted into Gryffindor. And Minerva almost got assigned to Ravenclaw, which was a common joke between the two of them at parties.

In comparison, Slytherin's succession is much crueler. Pomona at least has old Gryffindor, and the fire mage helps her set a fire, but Severus completely depends on his own strength. After defeating the former mentor Slughorn, they held a potion duel. At that time, many potion masters came to watch. The youngest dean of Slytherin was not only because he was really young, but He has such strength at such a young age, that battle can be said to be his fame battle, if he loses, he will lose face, even if he succeeds in the challenge, he will not be able to generate enough influence in the social world.

When Pomona passed the throne to Neville, there was also a challenger. His name was Tilden Toots. He was not only a famous herbalist, pharmacist, but also a radio personality. The Toots Sprouting and Rooting Show radio show, he produces his own line of botanical potions, such as his Rejuvenation Potion and Green Rejuvenation Potion, which is a potion that forces plants to take root, when Pomona was planting Whomping Willow Just a few drops, he is a married man, married a best-selling author as his wife, but Pomona doesn't like this man, she doesn't want to hand over her greenhouse to him, but she introduced Neville as her own The heir to the professor of herbal medicine left this sad place, and she left without even appointing the dean. Everything was left to Minerva. She has always avoided being different from other Hufflepuff deans. In the end, she was still irresponsible and eloped with a man like a stupid woman.

Minerva McGonagall's mother Isabel Ross did it before, and Irene Price did it too, women are like this, they can drop everything for love, Minerva is also a half-breed, her mother Isabel is a witch, Her father, Robert, was a Muggle priest. Fortunately, they met in the 20th century. If a witch and a priest fell in love in the Middle Ages, they would be burned together. Isabel's parents are pure-bloods, they will not accept Robert of Muggle blood, Isabel ran away with Robert without hesitation, and the two lived on Robert's meager pastor's allowance, Isabel surprisingly showed her housekeeping skills , the birth of their first child, Minerva, plunged the family into joy and crisis, because Isabel missed her original family and the magical world she gave up for love, and she insisted on naming her newborn daughter Minerva. Minerva came to honor her own grandmother, a powerful witch, and Isabelle suffered from postpartum depression and became increasingly withdrawn, often disappearing for days with Minerva and moody, Mi Leva has a very close relationship with her father, so she is more like him in character.

"I regretted it many times. When Isabel revealed her true identity to Robert, their love continued, but their trust was crumbling. Before I met you, Hannah, I stayed in the hospital intermittently. Nine months, pregnant witches are going to be very weak, and a Death Eater came to our house and went out of nowhere when I needed him, and I really feel like it's getting harder and harder to trust him " Pomona touched the black swan necklace on her neck and wept silently, "Dumbledore likes to match people up. I think he matched Hermione and Ron, as well as Tonks and Lupine. He also tried Match me and Sirius Black, Severus once dueled with Sirius for this, and later I planned to match you and Neville without telling you, but he strongly objected, so I decided to tell you directly, if You can find someone else if you feel inappropriate, but don't elope like me, Isabel, and Irene. Sirius' mother who ran away from home was also very angry. She would rather let her soul never rest in peace. I want to curse Sirius, now that her son is gone, but she is still wandering in the world, please don't say that tragedy is beautiful in the future."

"You and Professor McGonagall are very close?" Hannah was concerned about another matter.

"There will always be a few followers who flatter the teacher. I used to be one. Later, I became the dean. Felix didn't care. Dumbledore and Severus were in the same group, and Minerva and I were Always keep in agreement, you said you are good at memorizing the academy rules, so tell me you can keep it a secret?"

"Okay, I'll forget about it soon after you finish talking." Hannah Albert replied firmly.

"Minerva had a short-lived marriage, and when she was eighteen she was exactly the same as her mother Isabel when she fell in love with the son of a Muggle farmer, Doug McGregor. , she was working at the Ministry of Magic at the time, and it used to be against the International Statute of Secrecy for wizards and Muggles to marry, and if she married Doug that would be her married life too, and all her ambitions would be over. And that would Meaning locked wands and teaching children to lie, even to their fathers, she ultimately chose to dump Doug, three days after she said yes to his marriage proposal, she couldn't even give Doug a reason for breaking up, in Magic After two years at the Ministry, she was offered a big promotion and turned it down. She sent a letter to Hogwarts asking if she could be considered qualified as a teacher, and within a few hours she replied. Come, offer her a job in the Transfiguration Department, and write back from the head of that department, Albus Dumbledore."

"I've heard a lot of people say that she has an affair with Dumbledore," Hannah said.

"No." Pomona said with a smile. "In the first few years of her teaching at Hogwarts, Minerva maintained a friendship with her former boss at the Ministry of Magic, Elphstone Uquil. During the holidays, he would Leaving London to visit her in Scotland, he proposed to her several times, but was still rejected. Later, Doug died unexpectedly due to trauma, which gave Minerva some emotional liberation. After Voldemort's first loss of power, he was The white-haired Elphinestone proposes to Minerva again on a midsummer walk by the lake at Hogwarts. This time Minerva accepts, and Elphinestone presents them at Hogsmeade The two bought a villa so that Minerva could go to school and work every day very conveniently. Minerva was already fifty years old when they got married, and the two had no children. Only three years after their marriage, Elfi Stone died unexpectedly from a poisonous tentacle bite, and Minerva, unable to bear to be alone in their cottage, packed up after Elphin Stone's funeral and returned to her modest stone house at Hogwarts Castle. In the room on the floor, she is very brave and very private, men will never understand, this secret is only known to women, you must never say what I said, you know?"

"Yes, Dean."

"Good girl." Pomona kissed her on the forehead. "Do you remember the guy in our college who liked to flatter me?"

"You mean Justin Fletcher?"

"It's him, the badge he made to humiliate Harry Potter under my instruction, but Cedric asked everyone not to wear it. He is still wondering why he is not my favorite student." Pomona smiled Shaking his head, "I don't want to do that, but if I don't, Severus won't forgive Neville. He still hated that Boggart in Neville's third year."

"Why is he so vengeful?" Hannah frowned.

"You should really see the way he laughs when he sees Harry being isolated by the whole school and having a miserable life, that's so stupid." Pomona smiled and shook her head, "torturing enemies is one of the rare things in his life Fun, remember that Moaning Myrtle? She was moved to the fifth-floor prefect bathroom, and she saw all of Cedric and Harry."

"Oh, my God!" Hannah opened her mouth wide. "That's what Professor Snape did too."

"That's right, it's him. Even at an old age, he still looks like a child. After staying in school for a long time, he himself has become a child who can't grow up."

Pomona looked at the cheerful Hannah, and suddenly felt that she was very suitable to be her follower.

To be honest, it is really convenient to have such a person around, and it feels so good to be behind the scenes.

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