Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 182 The Fountain of Good Luck

"You're going to use the Malfoy's owl as a gift to the Weasleys' Hermione?"

Just as Pomona was about to tie the package and letter to the owl's lap, Hannah Albert said suddenly.

"Any questions?"

"Have you ever seen a cat give a mouse a present? I think the Weasleys saw the gift and thought it was cursed."

Pomona thought of the long-standing conflict between the Weasley family and the Malfoy family, and felt that this was really not a good idea.

"Is the owl recognizable?"

"Professor Graplan said it is possible. Every owl has its own physical characteristics. Harry Potter's owl Hedwig is very conspicuous. It is a snowy owl that lives in the Arctic snow, which is rare in England. "

Pomona looked at Malfoy's little eagle owl, she was good at herbal medicine, and she didn't know as well as Graplando about magical animals. Narcissa often brought him big and small bags of candy from home, and he was always at the Slytherin table Take them apart triumphantly, it's hard not to recognize them.

"I can help you," said Hannah like a sly fox, "if you would answer my question, Pomona."

Why is everyone having trouble with her?

"That's privacy, Hannah Albert!"

"Come on, Pomona, you love hearing our love story, why don't you want to share it when it's your turn?"

The old dean of Hufflepuff is like a sweetheart, she will not stop the students from falling in love, but she will remind the girls to make careful choices, not to take off their clothes just because of the boy's rhetoric, and even more so. You can't accept other people's gifts casually, just like a fish that bites the bait and is slaughtered at will.

The result of tasting the forbidden fruit is finally borne by women. Men can leave at any time. Finding a responsible man is more important than his appearance and ability. There are some failures in this world who are capable of taking responsibility but are unwilling to take responsibility By.

"My office." Pomona finally relented, and Hannah tried to scream but held back.

"Which one? The one Herbert Beerley left you?"

Herbert Beerley is Pomona's predecessor. He was a professor of herbalism at Hogwarts when Dumbledore was a professor of transfiguration. Pomona is good at gourmet cubes, and he is a very enthusiastic dramatist Lovers, unlike Severus Snape who is always against the headmaster, Herbert Beerly is a very good flatterer. Dumbledore likes the story collection of Beedle the poet very much. There is a story called the Fountain of Luck , Herbert Beerley staged a Christmas pantomime, but unfortunately the performance sparked a fire and a duel between the two girls, and he later left Hogwarts to attend the School of Magic and Drama to teach.

Professor of Herbology and Professor of Magical Beasts are Hufflepuff's recognized dean courses, just like Transfiguration is to Dean Gryffindor, Potions is to Dean Slytherin, Charms is to Dean Ravenclaw Likewise, Pomona always felt that Dumbledore was responsible for the fire that caused Herbert Beerly to leave, because he was so into drama that he forgot his own job.

He once wrote a script about the Voldebat attacking humans, which was used for Wilmina's class. Many of the previous deans of Hufflepuff were not responsible, otherwise there would not be outstanding figures for hundreds of years. Characters appear.

"The greenhouse." Pomona compromised again.

"That's where you guys kissed for the first time?" Hannah became even more excited.

"No, it's in the office in the castle." She said a little tiredly. She was too tired to dance after setting up the venue that day. At that time, she felt like a house elf.

Because I was too tired, I didn’t know how it ended. They woke up the next day with their clothes on, but they all knew that they couldn’t go back. She moved to the office in the greenhouse. Even if she wanted to deliver herbs, she was a domestic child The elf and Neville went as if nothing had happened.

"It's Christmas, right? Professor Snape hasn't given Cedric a good look since Christmas." Hannah said with a smirk, "He's worse than Harry Potter. To be ridiculed."

"Oh, he didn't tell me that," said Pomona in surprise.

"He also wondered what he did wrong to make Professor Snape hate him so much."

Cedric is not like Harry, he learns things quickly, including black magic, curses and curses are all black magic, but curses can be classified as pranks, and curses are "evil", Cedric Blind the eyes of the Norwegian short-nosed dragon for a while, because the dragon's magic resistance is also high, and the strength of a student is not enough to blind a dragon's eyes. He still liked Cedric very much at that time, and then he became that annoying look again. She felt sweet while being angry. It would be great if time could stay at that time.

She's so ashamed of what she did in the castle that the memories in her dreams are skewed, someone else will live in that office after she's gone, if anyone knows what she's been doing in there How embarrassing.

"You are like acting in a drama." Hannah said fascinatedly, "Depressed romance, tragic beauty, really medieval."

It was only then that Pomona discovered that Hannah was really a nobleman, just as she said, that peppermint-flavored kiss was out of control from the moment their lips touched, and before that moment came, no matter how close they were As close as you can say it was a misunderstanding, you can pretend to be friends.

"We are not a tragedy." She corrected Hannah sternly, "Although we narrowly escaped death several times, we are still alive."

"Where did you go after the Battle of Hogwarts?"

"We live in seclusion." She whispered, in that hut in the wilderness, she didn't have to hide herself anymore, she could do whatever she wanted, even if she kissed every now and then, no one judged them, it was a world that only belonged to the two of them, It's a pity that that kind of life only lasted six years and ended. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm in a dream. He's dead. Everything I'm going through now is a dream, Hannah."

"Is that gown you're planning to wear for Christmas?" Hannah asked. "What's the gown inside?"

"It's not Christmas, but earlier, he was nominated for the Prince Award for the Wolfsbane Potion."

"However, I remember that it was Marcus Belby's uncle who got the honor."

"This is the world of adults. Dumbledore is not as perfect as in the legend." Pomona said coldly, "The dragon's blood is already a bit dirty."

"Can I see you in that dress?" Hannah said wistfully. "You must have been beautiful then."

"I kissed him under Sherbet after the ball. Have you ever kissed a boy under Sherbet, Hannah?"

"No, I heard about that party, it was before Christmas." Hannah came to her senses, "You lied to me!"

"I kid you not, do you remember that night when you and Mrs. Malfoy dressed me up? It happened after I went to the appointment. Ten years ago I was like a good obedient kid, guarding the door and coming back immediately after the dance." Home, I missed a lot of things, I grafted what happened that night onto the story that happened before, like a magic wand."

"I don't understand." Hannah shook her head in confusion.

"I gave this gift to Hermione in the hope that she could rewrite her dream and change Victor into Ron Weasley, so that she would also have the perfect dance in her dream."

"Which way is that Ron worthy of Victor?" Hannah said unconvinced.

"Others say it's good, but you don't necessarily think it's good. Ron is also the hero who destroyed the Horcrux with the sword of Gryffindor. He fought for Hermione, to protect important people. I think this That’s why Dumbledore changed the Art of the Dark Arts class to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He’s really a wise old man, and he’s not a wizard with a hairy heart. He’s stupid and kind. I respect and love him. Like my father, who gave me this robe." She stroked the plain velvet robe, which without the silver button had become ordinary, like an ordinary work robe. .

"How could you give Hermione such an important thing?" Hannah said with some jealousy.

"She is different from you. A Muggle girl suddenly received a letter from an owl, informing her to go to Hogwarts to study, and to report to the school by train at platform nine and three quarters. Here Before that, she had to go to Diagon Alley to buy the things that need to be prepared in the freshman shopping list. I think she has undergone earth-shaking changes in the world she knows, but she has adapted very well and still remembers Hufflepuff's rules..."

"Adaptation is also a kind of conquest." Hannah Albert said a little arrogantly, "She must not memorize the college rules as well as me."

"Maybe after the holidays, she will go to the Ministry of Magic to work in the new year. The Weasley family is not rich. How about you send her a dress robe?"

"No problem," Hannah said boldly, "but what's my Christmas present?"

"I'll send it to you tomorrow with Malfoy's owl. Your family won't think it's a curse item when they receive something from his owl."

"Mrs. Malfoy told me that you have found a fiancé for me. May I know who he is?" Hannah asked Pomona in the eyes.

"He's a big challenge, Hannah, because you have a tough rival." Despite Lavender's pity, Pomona couldn't help but favor her student.

"Tell me who it is," Hannah said convincingly.

"Neville Longbottom." Pomona said coldly, and Hannah opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"The Squib that Malfoy cast the Leg-lock Curse on and jumped back into Gryffindor Tower like a rabbit?"

"He's been living with you in the Room of Requirement for a while, and he's not that clumsy toad anymore." Pomona looked at Hannah and shook her head, "Don't judge people by their cover, dear, he's a Gryffindor warrior too .”

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