Severus and Lucius followed a knee-high water tunnel that Lyle Meyer had shown them.

"Look." Lucius said, pointing not far away.

There was a little light in the darkness, which looked like a lighted torch.

So they picked up speed in that direction.

When they got closer, they found that it was a small room, which was also flooded. The walls were covered with vines that looked like devil's nets. There was a bulge in the center of the vines, and an almost translucent hole could be seen through the gap between the vines. The glowing red "egg" in which Alejandro is lying.

The time in that world is different from that of the normal world. If a normal person stays there for too long, the body will age quickly, so those "observation ports" are all temporary.

What goes in is usually consciousness, like a human lying in a bio-basket in The Matrix, except Alejandro doesn't have a port behind his neck.

In the "Song of the Saints" of the "Dead Sea Scrolls", a series of monsters are listed, including Lilith, the "Queen of the Night". In the reliefs left by the early Sumerians, the image of Lilith is a woman who has not fully spread her wings. Angels also have wings, but angels do not have any gender characteristics.

Goddess worship itself is related to reproduction. Lilith was originally the handmaiden of Ishtar, the Venus goddess representing beauty, harvest and war in Mesopotamian mythology.

Adam in the material world is a representative of the Fall because he put on the appearance of "skin" and abandoned his spiritual nature and became less perfect. Both men and women in the material world are flawed and cannot rely on the body. Combine Completion. But their combination can produce children. In the "Declaration of Independence", it is mentioned that "created equal" is equal to all people. This "created" is now broken by surrogacy and test-tube babies.

Who is the Creator? Is it the Creator or man?

Originally, normal people would not think about these issues, but some lunatics who have money and leisure are thinking about "Humanity is god"-the problem that man is God.

Normal people might think, how can a man be a god?

Customers are God, and they do everything right.

Even though Yahweh destroyed Jerusalem, the Israelites still worship him, which means that God is allowed to do anything to his creations, and "dominate" focuses more on dominance and advantages than "rule" and "control", because I created You, so I can destroy you.

Of course, this kind of destruction is not the "destruction" of customers complaining to the manager and making the waiter lose his job. In ancient Rome, the mother found that the child she gave birth was not strong enough and would throw it to the baby dump. The father felt that he had given birth to a "deformed" baby. The child felt ashamed and didn't plan to raise him, leaving him to fend for himself, or maybe Voldemort's mother was too ugly, old Tom Riddle didn't want to admit this marriage relationship and illegitimate child at all, so he gave birth to him in an orphanage.

Furthermore, just like Oedipus' father Laius, he heard the prophecy that he would be killed by his son. In order to prevent the prophecy from coming true, he threw the newborn baby into the barren hills, obviously to kill a child he did not have. Kill the son for whom he was named.

In Roman mythology, Cronus was not the god of agriculture, but the king of gods. Because he was afraid of the prophecy, he would be overthrown by his son in the future, just as he himself overthrew his father Uranus, so as soon as the child was born, Cronus Just eat the child.

Among the many paintings of Saturnalia, the version painted by Goya is the most bloody and terrifying. Saturn doesn't look like a god, but a mental patient.

Madmen have their own logic. It is impossible for a logically consistent madman to understand that their world view is delusional. They will never believe it, nor can they face the fact that they are madmen.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

When fighting monsters, be careful not to become a monster yourself.

There are many Aurists who have become more and more extreme themselves because of their dealings with extreme bloodism and Death Eaters, and are almost indistinguishable from the people they attack.

During the café encounter, Ron offered to kill Anthony Dolokhov.

Hermione used forget-me-nots on them, as if she thought it would be okay if they just forgot about it.

If Hermione had listened to Ron at that time, then Remus Lupine might not have died, Teddy Lupine still had a father, and although Harry Potter had lost his godfather, he still had someone he could trust. His elders guide him.

Flitwick did not kill him, and Dolokhov was sent to Azkaban to be imprisoned again. This is where "white wizards" are regarded as weak by goblins and werewolves. They will not be like Death Eaters and pure The bloodists usually kill as soon as they say it, because the pure bloodists don't treat them as human beings at all.

Fear will not benefit the people, or even harm the people, but it can make the ambitious and plotters submissive. Without this terrifying power, wizards will face goblins and werewolves rebelling.

Although there are many good people in the world, people will always encounter bad people and dangers. We must distinguish right from wrong, distinguish objects, help those who should be helped, and be vigilant when dealing with vicious people.

In the "Dead Sea Documents", the angels sent by Jehovah to capture Lilith found her on the "Red Sea". This Red Sea is not the Red Sea that Moses led the Hebrews to leave Egypt. Lima's "Sea of ​​​​Blood" has the same origin.

There are 5 guidelines for reading the Book of Radiance:

First, understand with your heart, not your head.

Second, man is a small universe.

Third, look for the light of correction.

Fourth, get rid of egoism and discover the "infinity" left by the creator in the world.

Fifth, when one person reads the book of glory, he can only attract a little light of correction, but when a group of people read the book of glory, they can attract more light.

Those egoists who don't care about other people's lives for their own glamorous living can't understand the "Book of Glory".

In "Book of Glory", Lilith tempts humans to hunt and kill young children in order to feed the sea of ​​blood.

Where there is creation, there is destruction, and life can also be bred in the sea of ​​blood. Down's syndrome screening can detect whether the fetus in the mother's body has congenital mental retardation or other diseases. It is beneficial for everyone to prevent such a child from being born.

Even finely crafted products have the risk of being defective. Quasimodo has a soul but no good-looking appearance. His life is almost doomed to miss love between men and women. After all, there are very few people in the world who are not greedy for appearance. And he himself liked the pretty Asmeralda.

He has nothing but a kind heart, but even the job of the bell ringer is given by the vicar. How will he support his family after getting married? Will his children have the same problems as him?

A man must at least have a craft to support himself. Jesus’ adoptive father, Joseph, was a carpenter. He chose to believe in Maria and raised Jesus. This is not something ordinary people can do.

The American scholar who described yin and yang in terms of negative and positive emotions once wrote: If you love someone, then you will be disappointed that you cannot spend time with them, and you will mourn their disability or terminal illness. Saying that being loved is a very important thing, then you will be happy if you are loved.

It was a deeper instinct, but not derived from the needs of body tissue.

Just like climbing the Matt Front of the Alps, someone climbs it not to conquer it and prove his success, but he is eager to do it. Even if he fails, he will challenge again next time, and will not be disappointed and frustrated by failure. frustrated.

This kind of emotion can make people warm up, which is the so-called yang.

Although he got many things wrong, he still figured out some things, which he felt with his heart.

In this dark, cold, dank catacomb, some light and heat were needed, and that was what the living needed, and Lucius and Severus weren't corpses.


Just as Severus was about to wade in, Lucius suddenly yelled.

There was a sound of "嗙" from underwater.

It was the buckler that helped Severus fight off the creatures in the water.

The two immediately ran to a piece of land with higher ground.

"See what that is?" Severus asked.

"I don't know." Lucius said in panic, "Let's go and leave him alone."

Severus gritted his teeth.

"Dumbledore's pet phoenix still works, at least under its protection, Pomona's body won't be cocooned..."

"I'm leaving!" Lucius said firmly, "Sissy is still waiting for me!"

Severus stared at Lucius.

"You're not the Dark Lord, Godfather." Lucius said, staring at Severus. "If you want me to stay, you have to give me a reason I can't refuse."

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