Babylon was once the pinnacle of Mesopotamian civilization, just like all ancient civilizations, Babylon also has a lot of jewelry that fits its own characteristics.

According to legend, King Herod's stepdaughter Salome was good at dancing the seven-layer veil. Many people wondered how the seven-layer veil was worn. Lucius Malfoy found a very interesting costume in the previous tunnel. It was all made of gold and jewels, and there were several layers of tulle. As for whether it was as the legend said It's unknown if there are seven floors, because he was attacked by "a Muggle".

Even though the "hostage" had been released at this moment, he still felt aggrieved. Mrs. Loris lay motionless on the ground, as if she was resting. In fact, she was very nervous, as if she might jump up and roar at any time.

Severus didn't pay much attention to what Lucius had to say.

Lyle Meyer didn't seem to believe that anyone would take a risk for a woman, so he added another layer of restraint.

Because of the unbreakable oath signed with Narcissa Malfoy before, he had to take care of Draco for the rest of his life. Although this oath has no magic power, it is sworn in the name of God. When the plague broke out in Rome in the past, people sacrificed cattle to the devil, that is, the old god Jupiter. The difference between gods and devils is sometimes like this. The results of swearing in the name of which god are similar, but Lyle told the story of Troy before. , the heroes swore not to be an enemy of Helen's husband before the old Spartan king.

This can be understood as a covenant, and ordinary people don’t need to abide by it. For example, Hermione Granger’s husband, Ron Weasley, who is lying on the bed while reading comics and eating snacks, only needs it after he becomes an “extraordinary person”. Obedience, in "The Lord of the Rings", the Middle-earth world formed an alliance to destroy the Lord of the Rings, and the Fellowship of the Ring team swore an oath.

In addition, there is the covenant between Jehovah and the Israelites, which must be kept after the covenant is made, and punishment will be imposed for breaking the covenant.

When Napoleon was marching in the Gaza area, he didn't know whether it was to boost morale or just looking for trouble. Several veterans who had studied in seminaries sang "Lamentations of Jeremiah" loudly.

There are so many hymns that can be sung, and it is hard to choose this one, or the whole legion sing together, this will cause trouble.

Jeremiah was the prophet who predicted that Jerusalem would be destroyed and Solomon's Temple would be destroyed because the Israelites violated the commandments. Although the Lord still wanted them to repent, the Israelites were unmoved and did not believe in Jeremiah, even the Temple of God. The steward also ordered someone to beat Jeremiah severely.

When Jerusalem and the temple were really destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and the Israelites became prisoners, they sang lamentations to lament the destroyed temple.

Jeremiah is not the author of the Lamentations, the author is anonymous, so he named the Lamentations after Jeremiah, this song can be used for funerals and any occasion of great tragedy, especially some irreversible disasters .

At that time, Napoleon led the army and was already close to the Holy Sepulcher and Solomon's Temple. Many soldiers wanted to see it, but he forcibly ordered them to turn around.

The French army is not a crusader, and does not need religious fanaticism to inspire morale.

At that time, Moses led the Israelites who escaped from Egypt and wandered aimlessly in the desert for more than 40 years. Imagine how so many people's eating, drinking and lazards were solved.

Napoleon was not Moses. He didn't have a staff that could open a clear spring by hitting a stone. He still needed to lead a large team to find a well to drink.

Jeremiah was imprisoned in a well, but fortunately the well was almost dry, otherwise he would have drowned.

The place where the Ark of the Covenant was parked was not Solomon’s Temple at first. The most holy ark that was carried all the way from Egypt to Canaan was placed in a temple built by the Philistines. Samson demolished other people’s temples and crushed them to death. Killed the people in the temple and smashed himself to death. Later, the temple became the first place to be used to store the Ark of the Covenant.

Not long after, the stone statue enshrined in the temple was shattered by invisible hands. The Philistines were terrified and carried the ark to another place in extreme fear. Wherever the ark went, disasters followed. Finally, they had to find Two oxen, no matter where the oxen pulled the cart containing the ark of the covenant, the unmanned oxcart went east.

What did the Israelites do after they left the ark? At that time, Israel was ruled by judges and had no king. During his wanderings in the wilderness, Moses accepted the advice of his father-in-law and handed over some trivial matters to other people. These people not only judged cases, but also served as military leaders.

The Israelites actually wanted to build a great empire that could be as glorious as Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria, so they really wanted to have a king. Several Israeli farmers working in the fields saw the ark and immediately built an altar to worship, and later sent the ark to the home of a Levitical priest.

The Book of Radiance is a collection of commentaries on the Old Testament written by Kabbalistic scholars. This book cannot theoretically solve problems related to money.

In the "Book of Glory", God is the principle that it is impossible to recognize. Contact with God is just a process of gradually retreating from cognition and returning to the spiritual world. Adam Gadmon is the "first man", and Kabbalah believes that this is God's shadow "first creation".

There is a legend that after Adam's first wife Lilith gave birth to her first son, Lilith was no longer willing to obey Adam, so she escaped from the Garden of Eden and became a wicked female ghost. The angel went to capture her.

In the first chapter of Genesis, God said that there must be light, and when there is light, there will be darkness. Ordinary people will regard darkness as evil and chaotic. In fact, without the darkness of the abyss in the Kabbalah, it is impossible to reflect the brilliance of the "one" , Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. There is a little similarity between the two theories.

But beyond this state there is "infinity," all unknown or unconditioned states. Light and darkness need to depend on each other to exist. This is a kind of restriction. Beyond this state, the human eye cannot observe. The characteristic of "infinity" is that it has no gender characteristics. Its symbol is a closed eye. .

If you open your eyes and there is no light, you will not be able to see anything, and what you can see does not belong to the category of "infinity". ".

The nature of God is "infinite", and Adam Gardmon's shadow is not the figure seen on the ground, nor the image seen in the mirror, but created by the vitality of "infinity" in the process of life creation The first limited form that comes out, human beings are not created in the likeness of God, but in the likeness of Adam Gardmon, is the shadow of the shadow.

The original man Adam is immortal, and Cain is the eldest son of him and Eve, who is also the ancestor of the legendary vampire. Assuming Lilith didn't let Adam eat the forbidden fruit, and he didn't touch the taboo, then he could stay in the Garden of Eden and continue to live forever. However, Eve made him eat the fruit, and Adam lost the ability to live forever. The Bible says that he lived to be 930 years old and died.

Lilith didn't eat the forbidden fruit, she just left Eden, theoretically she could live forever.

Whether Lilith created humans as bait for vampires is unknown, but the unique status of vampires is now in jeopardy.

There are some rich people who have been researching blood magic, and later they researched something. A substance called adrenochrome was discovered.

Young men should be very clear about what it feels like to have adrenal glands soaring, with a rapid heartbeat and endless energy, as if they can break through their limits.

This feeling can be understood as life force.

However, there are special conditions to produce adrenaline, such as intense exercise, or extreme fear. People's desire to survive will make people secrete this hormone quickly.

But this kind of fear cannot be produced by watching two horror movies, so some people put some children in the underground to "play games".

Children are easy to control, and they also secrete hormones that adults do not have, which can make the skin of the elderly become tight again.

In the past, it was through blood sucking and bathing, and later it became extraction. When Paris was still the center, many admirers in this area gathered.

These organizations will not collect tithes like the Catholic Church, and the funds they operate need to find another way. This "rejuvenation vaccine" is sold very well in the upper class, especially in Hollywood. Once those actors, especially actresses lose their young and beautiful It is very difficult to get a job with a face. Apart from being inhumane, it is a very good business.

I don't know if there are crocodiles underground in New York, but the underground pipes in New York can accommodate people, just like Paris before, and now it is a "farm".

The curative effect of this "vaccine" will soon expire, and it must be injected as soon as possible. There are also "farms" in the deep mountains and old forests, but they are inconvenient to get in and out, and they are easy to attract attention. Once the "farms" are taken by human trafficking organizations, " "Vaccines" cannot be produced, because long-term dependence on "vaccines" stops the secretion of the human body itself, which will form very serious dark circles, which are more serious than those who indulge in excesses.

Children who have been homeless for a long time will hear some news. They don't believe adults at all. The disappearance of children with parents often becomes big news.

Compared to pleasing vampires and begging them to give them eternal life, some people would rather choose another way, it is always easier to oppress the weak.

The United States is a place where the law of the jungle and social Darwinism are practiced. The weak have no way out, and the strong can survive. Even if the weak die like a little match girl, they will not cause a single tear of sympathy. Others will even say "that It's your own fault, who made you not want to work hard to become a strong person."

There is a Kabbalah tree of life on the planning map of Washington DC. This is what Lyle Meyer told them. Although Lyle is about to "die", he doesn't want to use that kind of "rejuvenation vaccine" at all, just like Voldemort doesn't want to use it. Using the Philosopher's Stone to maintain immortality, he just wants to use him to create a perfect body.

Lyle took another way. When the Lord came, Ezekiel fell to his knees, and the Lord said to him, "O mortal man, stand up, I have something to tell you." Then the Lord entered Ezekiel body, and lifted him up.

The Lord sent Ezekiel to the rebellious Israelites, telling the Israelites that they and their ancestors had sinned and would be punished. These people were as dangerous as scorpions. The Lord told Ezekiel not to be afraid. To pass the word on to them.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost. The King of Hebrews later lifted Jeremiah from the well. This time, Jeremiah persuaded King Zede to submit to Babylon, so that he could avoid the torment of war, plague and famine. King Zede How could he be willing, and then Jerusalem was completely destroyed.

Jeremiah's closest companion was his faithful scribe Baruch, who took down the dictation of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah once advised Baruch not to succumb to the temptation of personal ambition, but to keep his own place. Baruch also kept a land deed for Jeremiah, and accompanied the prophet to Egypt for a long distance.

The Hebrews lost the right to dominate, and let mermaid be eaten, even if they lived long enough, what's the point?

Gaza is next to the sea. The veteran who had followed Napoleon once led an expedition to the ruins of the scorpion-infested city, which was half submerged in the sea. None of those people returned, as if they had disappeared.

Although he didn't know what Lyle was going to do, Severus just swore to give him the map and didn't say he wouldn't stop him...

"You won't tell others!" Lucius asked.

Severus recovered himself.

"Of course not," he said with a smile. "I'm not going to tell anyone you've been attacked by a Muggle."

"I'm not going to tell anyone about you, either," Lucius said seriously. "Pomona suggested naming my grandson Scorpius, I think..."

"You should use that name," Severus interrupted. "I know you want to name your grandson something that brings good luck, but you'd better accept it, even if the kid will cause you pain later on."

"Why!" Lucius asked seriously.

"Fate," Severus said, "Fate is unfair, Lucius, you should get used to it sooner."

There is a sense of sight of EVA, I like the episode of Sea of ​​Dirac the most

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