Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1784 twist zone (3)

The gold cubit is engraved with the inscription of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs: future generations, I wish you happiness and well-being.

It looks like a very fine bracelet when it is rolled up, which is very suitable for girls.

Suzanne seemed very happy to get the "new toy" and couldn't wait to put it on her hand and play with it.

The priests of ancient Egypt measured the depth of the Nile River and did not really run to the river, but built a long canal to lead the river water to the "Lotus Pond" on the high ground. This pool in the temple will not The lotus is really planted, and the bottom of the pool is paved with lotus-shaped tiles.

When the flood season comes, water from the Nile River will pour into it. The bowl ruler measures this depth. If the flood floods too little or too much, it will cause disasters. When the flood recedes, the "Lotus Pond" will dry up, just enough. Used for dredging.

Religious sacrificial ceremonies will also be held around the lotus pond. The flood is a matter of life and death for many people, and there must be no mistakes.

This is a very important job. The status of the lotus is higher than that of papyrus. It symbolizes the cycle of life, implying eternal life and resurrection. It is decorated with cubits, but in this way it looks very feminine. It is more suitable for men to wear. Gong Saiyi gave it to her as a favor, conditional.

Of course, it is much easier to have seniors to guide the way. If you start from the beginning to find out everything, then the time in your life is not enough. It's just that this senior doesn't seem to be a good person, and he betrayed his accomplice at the last moment.

Whether it is the one in the Alps or this one, they are not good men and women, just get used to it, just like a novice policeman, at first I thought drunk driving was a big deal, but later I saw someone being pointed at the head in the street and I became calmer up.

At this time, the young juniors have also become the seniors, and they have become the objects of the younger generations to follow and learn from.

Animals in mythology have strange "weaknesses". Hagrid's three-headed dog, Lu Wei, loves to listen to music, and he can fall asleep with music.

Not only giants like to drink wine, but sphinxes also like to drink it. The drunk "big cat" is not smart, but it can't make him completely drunk. What they want is answers, not drunk nonsense.

Although Severus was a little excited at the end, they still wanted the answer, and Gonseil took out a roll of parchment, wrote the music score of "Washing the Face with Tears" on it, and threw it together with the gold bracelet to Get Suzanne and put her in the pneumatic teleporter.

But the two of them can only stay in this "delivery room" until the eldest lady has had enough fun.

The Egyptians also wrote poems to the lotus:

I am the pure lotus,

The breath of Ra nourished me,

Sprout brilliantly.

I rise from the dark ground,

Into the world of sunshine,

Blossoms in the field.

The realm of Osiris is in the cemetery. That place cannot be understood as the resting place of the dead, but the "delivery room", which contains the two basic elements of life-the sun and water. This red fog can be understood as the amniotic fluid of Isis. The process of resurrection and regeneration takes place here.

The female womb can give birth to a complete life, and the most difficult part of the entire soul regeneration cycle is to realize the connection between the soul and the body.

Egyptian priestesses do not advocate infertility. They have to perceive how the whole process is produced during the pregnancy process. Pharaoh will also specially select wives from the priestesses. After they die, they will not be buried in the burial place of the concubine , but close to the pharaoh, just like those generals and ministers.

Pregnant mothers will soon feel the heartbeat of the child, as for Ba-personality, and Suter-reflection, Lang-name is only after birth, Ka-ling is everything, But it does not mean that they are all conscious, or that the expression of their consciousness is currently incomprehensible to humans.

The foundation of Horus alchemy is the spine. Two snakes, one black and one gold, are entwined. They go up the spine and enter each buried wheel, just like the entanglement of light and darkness. The golden snake represents the sun, and the black snake represents endless darkness. , both attract and repel each other.

The vitality sekhem means to make objects stand upright, and it is also the enlightenment for the improvement of the power of the Jiede Pillar.

"How do you know that the bracelet is not what we were looking for?" asked Conseil, sitting on a chair.

"He wouldn't give me such a 'gentle' gift," Severus said as he puffed on a cigarette.

"Okay." Conseil said after thinking for a moment, "he drank all the wine I prepared for the fountain, what should I do?"

"Buy again."

"At this time, many shops are closed."

"Don't you have many friends? And your brother..."

"Oh, I forgot." Gong Saiyi patted his forehead, "I even asked him to meet."

"I told you not to come in." Severus smiled meanly.

"This is the God's Domain you mentioned?" Gong Saiyi looked at the red mist above his head and said.

"It's different from the one I met last time." Severus took a puff on his cigarette. "This one is just a part of Osiris' domain, but last time, the entire burrow was his domain. The difference in power is too great."


"The number of believers, the wind god I met last time, the entire civilization that worshiped him has disappeared, and no one remembers him."

"I don't think there are many people who believe in Osiris these days," Gonceil said.

"Jehovah used to be a tribal god, and now we replace the tribes that signed a contract with him before. The Egyptian heat in Europe brought back the past to the Egyptians who had forgotten their ancient civilization, and some customs are being revived." Severus said. Another puff of cigarette "And we're going back to the Middle Ages."

Conseil did not answer, while Suzanne left with the bracelet and the parchment.

"Do you think she can be trusted?" Conseil asked, watching her back.

"You've been alone with her for a while, what do you think of her?" Severus asked.

"She knows something, but not much," asked Conseil. "Why did the answer just now say day and night?"

"I remember Déesse means goddess in French," Severus said. "In Greek, day and night are feminine, like sisters."

"You know Greek?" said Conseil, surprised.

"No, Pomona was studying, I heard her recite." Severus said quietly.

"You're a good guy, why are you always so unlucky?"

Severus smiled wryly and continued smoking.

"What use do you think these fogs are?" said Conseil, looking around.

"I think that scene alone is shocking enough," Severus said.

Conseil stood up and began to chant in ancient Egyptian.

"What are you doing?" Sergeant Severus asked.

"Hator, god under the tree, I stepped on the stars and climbed up to the sun's rays, just to be your servant." Goncey said without turning his head.

"You're crazy!" Severus yelled.

But Gonseil ignored it and continued to chant in ancient Egyptian.

Just as Severus stood up, there was a wind blowing in the "delivery room", and the wind was obviously not blowing from the vents.

The difference between them may be that this newly blowing wind is more "natural" and more "tempered".

In the strong wind, a woman's figure appeared faintly. She seemed to have walked out of a pool of blood. She was covered in blood red, but she had dark blue tattoos on her body, which seemed to be glowing.

"Hanging out again?" Severus teased Sirius Black, who had returned to human form, in the corridor of the Order of the Phoenix headquarters in Black's old mansion.

"Go away." The bony school prince wrapped his coat tightly, but revealed a corner of the tattoo on his chest.

"Stop." Severus warned Goncey, grabbing his arm, who helped him stand as if limp.

As his spell ceased, the terrifying red demon disappeared, replaced by a beautiful woman shrouded in golden light, holding a forked bell in her hand, and dancing while ringing the bell.

"The singer is chanting," said Conseil wearily. "It is good that the heart dances with it, to light up our festivities in the hour of sleep, and to dance all night long. This is the song of the golden goddess."

"It's the devil singing." Severus helped Goncey sit down. "Don't be so stupid next time."

"Look," said Conseil, looking ahead.

I saw something slowly being erected.

At first it looked like a spine, but it turned out to be a fig tree, laden with smoky-red figs.

This rare material was rare and attracted Severus to pick it like a forbidden fruit.

As if this kind of temptation was not enough, there was a strong smell of perfume in the air, which smelled very attractive.

God created man and let him manage the Garden of Eden he created. You can eat all kinds of fruits in the garden at will, but you are not allowed to eat or touch the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, lest you die.

The snake said to Eve, you may not die, because God knows that the day you eat the fruit, your eyes will be opened, and you will know good and evil like God.

That is to say, eating the fruit can be pleasing to the eyes and make her wise, just like Helena wore Ravenclaude's crown in order to gain wisdom.

If people only know happiness but not worry, only know good and not evil, maybe they will be much happier.

If only we were always children who couldn't resist reaching for candy when they saw it.

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