Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1783 twist zone (2)

In the descriptions of alchemists, the Philosopher’s Stone has a ruby-like shape, it may also be a red powder, or even a red tincture. In short, it has no fixed form, but this mythical substance still makes people feel fascinated.

When humans choose to believe in alchemy, they invest a lot of money in researching this elixir.

When human beings choose to believe in technology, human beings invest money in famous schools like Harvard University to study the technology of immortality.

As long as the technology can be explained and sounds reasonable, people are willing to try it, such as freezing technology. People with terminal illness freeze their bodies extremely quickly while they are alive, waiting for the day when technology advances, not only can cure their terminal illness, but also wake them up again.

This cold storage technology is essentially the same as mummification, except that the internal organs have not been taken out, and they are still placed in the original body.

When you choose to believe, even if it is false, it will become true.

Some may think they are foolish, but for the desperate it is a way out.

When you pass the age of complacency for wealth, you will know how important good sleep and good health are, or to put it another way, you want to re-experience the feeling of youth, and many people are young to avoid When they get old, they live without a fixed place and work hard. They don't have the capital to enjoy their youth wantonly with those born and rich "princes and princesses".

And when you are old, you lose the right to complain, because there are many people living a much worse life than you, unless you don't want your own privileges, donate all your wealth to the church like St. Francis, Let them engage in charity and get peace of mind for yourself, otherwise you can only shut up.

It is difficult for you to get happiness from anything. Maybe you wake up in the middle of the night, and you see yourself in the mirror, but you feel dissociated. Who is this fat middle-aged man with thinning hair? Shouldn't I be only 27 years old?

Human consciousness is complicated. It has left the stage where animals see their own reflections and understands that it is themselves, and has entered the consciousness composed of core consciousness and autobiographical memory, just like the long distance between the Priestess School and the Chamber of Secrets. The Sphinx corridor has many different scales.

Autobiographical memory is a person's complex life memory. This memory is closely related to self-experience. Many patients are trapped in the memory. Don't think about what you look like when you are 27 years old. Come back to reality, your wife has it Cancer needs companionship, and you are the only one she can rely on.

When a couple reaches a certain age, their love will turn into a family relationship. The passion of love belongs to young people, such as your son who ran away from home on a motorcycle, and your daughter who seems to be very obedient but seems to like bad boys.

There is nothing special to remember about everyday life, only special memories, such as how your cousin got drunk and harassed the bridesmaids at your wedding, and how your father kicked him out. And the death of your father, how you felt when you became the head of the family and carried all the responsibilities.

None of that was managed by the 27-year-old.

These experiences have been sweet and painful, but they are part of who you are now. You need to integrate the fragments in these mirrors, and then you can face the person in that mirror.

Self-identity adjustment is not limited to teenagers, but middle-aged people also have it. If you confuse it, you will have the problem of role confusion. When your wife needs someone to take care of you, you are chasing young girls like a 27-year-old boy. This kind of Misbehavior will cause you to be condemned by society and form a role that society does not recognize and accept. This is the so-called disorientation. What you do does not conform to your proper role, and it turns into depravity.

There is a saying in English called "hold it together", you can't collapse at this time. Life is sometimes more tormenting than war. There will always be an end to war. Many couples who were originally in love ended up getting divorced because they couldn’t stand the test. It is very enviable.

You and your wife don't have a problem with that, she's still as pretty as she was when you first dated, in the parking lot, in the car, watching an open air movie, she just lost weight and her hair fell out from chemo , she needs a new wig, finally one day you can help her choose a hairstyle, women's fashion is confusing.

If she doesn't like the hairstyle you've chosen, take her to a wig shop to pick it out, and in general, give her something to do.

Death makes everyone a philosopher, and death happens to be a topic that philosophers like to discuss, or in Plato's words, philosophy is the practice of dying.

The Philosopher's Stone can prolong a person's lifespan, but the condition for its cultivation is definitely not to sacrifice multiple lives, otherwise the Philosopher's Stone will be black magic among black magic, worse than Horcruxes.

People like Albus Dumbledore will arrange their own death into a performance for greater good, so that Harry can be safe, so that Severus can regain Voldemort's trust, and will not live for himself at the expense of young lives.

Whether you are a Muggle or a wizard, you have to go down this road in the end.

The last enemy we must defeat is death.

The young Harry couldn't understand the epitaph on his parents' tombstone, thinking it meant the same thing as Voldemort.

Some things have been practiced a lot, and when you become proficient, you will be indifferent, and you will not have the uneasy feeling when you are a novice.

For old bats, Sphinx is not uncommon. There are several in Hogwarts, although the Sphinx that jumped out of the "tunnel" is much bigger and has a male face.

"I thought it was a manticore," Severus said to the sphinx.

"He'll come from there," said the Sphinx in a man's voice, looking up at the mirror overhead, which also had a tunnel.

"Because I chose Athens?" Severus asked.

"The last person chose Athens just like you." Sphinx said, "He left you a message?"

"Oh, so it is!" said Conseil, suddenly realizing.

"You can try other options," Sphinx said.

"No thanks," Severus said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"I thought I should be the one asking you." Sphinx raised his eyebrows.

"Who was the last one?" Severus asked.

"I can't describe him," said the Sphinx, tilting his head, "but he was very polite and gave me presents."

"What gift?" asked Conseil.

"Another human being," said the Sphinx.

Gonseil gasped and looked at Severus, who was unmoved and continued to look up at the Sphinx "What should I call you?"

"Sand," said the Sphinx.

"You're guarding a wizard's treasure?" Severus asked.

"No wizard instructed me," Sand said.

"Who do you work for?" Severus asked.

"I just remember my mission." Sha growled in a low voice, "If you can't answer my question, I can eat you."

"I know some females of your kind who don't eat people," Severus teased, "otherwise their parents would have taken them home."

"Are you ready, human?" Sand asked.

"I have something else here," said Conseil. "How about some wine?"

After speaking, he took out boxes of wine from that gorgeous medieval wallet.

Sand hesitated for a moment, lowered his head, and Goncei immediately opened the wine and poured it into the mouth of the Sphinx with a levitation spell.

After drinking about three boxes, the Sphinx closed its mouth. It shook its head, looking a little dazed. Taking advantage of this moment, Goncei asked, "What's your problem?"

"There are two sisters in the world. The elder sister gave birth to the younger sister, and the younger sister gave birth to the older sister. Who are they?" Sphinx said in a daze.

"Would you like another drink?" asked Conseil.

The Sphinx nodded, and Gonceil continued to pour him the drink.

And now, it was Severus' turn to guess the riddle.

He frowned and thought about it, as if he was recalling the answer to this question, did the "senior" leave any hints.

"Day and night," Susannah said aloud.

"Correct answer," said the Sphinx. "I will give you your reward."

As he spoke, he scratched the collars around his neck and took one of them off. This huge collar quickly became smaller after landing, as big as a bracelet.

"What's that?" Susannah asked.

"Standard," said the Sphinx, "that used to measure the depth of the Nile."

"Give it to me quickly," ordered Suzanne to Conseil.

"It's that simple?" Conseil asked in disbelief.

"Otherwise, how complicated do you think?" Sphinx asked back.

Conseil was tongue-tied and seemed speechless.

"Is there anything else?" Severus asked. "I mean something else?"

"Don't be greedy, human," the Sphinx warned. "Don't touch what doesn't belong to you."

"I've heard enough of that," Severus said darkly. "I'm going to get my wife back. Tell me what to do, Sand."

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