Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1757 The Queen of Hell (28)

Verse 2 of Chapter 10 of "Luke's Gospel" once wrote: The seventy disciples were sent out, and they should be like "workers of the crops, not the owners of the crops." They were sent out to announce that "the kingdom of heaven is drawing near."

Although there are few pedestrians on the rough road, there is a kind of practitioner who still roams the wilderness in a horse-drawn cart, and that is the missionary.

Not only Puritans, but also Quaker and Anglican priests were active in this virgin land, but not all of them came to preach.

Some people simply used their status as priests to engage in the fur trade, and some were not priests at all, and they could sell a little things to country folk who didn't have contact with outsiders.

Indulgences are no longer bought, but scriptures that can exorcise demons and holy water that cures all diseases are still bought, and Incris Mather is selling charters, which were bought at first, and later bought There are fewer and fewer people, and buyers are not blind. Look at the current situation in Massachusetts.

Churches began to empty as parishes and homes descended into chaos, and outside churches, more and more people questioned the trial. As much as they want wizards to be wiped out as soon as possible, those maniacs are wantonly misrepresenting their innocent friends and neighbors.

They knew the people who were accused, because it was the country, people in the city didn't know each other, maybe they just got acquainted, and the one next door moved out for some reason, and then a stranger came in.

Maybe there will be a day when a female police officer who is exhausted from work pressure comes home from duty and pushes open the door of her apartment, only to find a stranger sitting on the sofa beside her. She smirked while eating ice cream, so she took out her gun without hesitation and shot the intruder to death.

When she even regained consciousness in a trance, she found that she should live on the fifth floor instead of the sixth floor, that is to say, she mistakenly took someone else's apartment as her own. Killed.

If the court doesn't think about changing the way the trial is done, the troubles will continue unabated. When the judges let those children accuse people with a clean reputation, have they considered that it is not the defendant who is affected by the demon, and whether the girls who are victimized are themselves Devil's messenger?

Some of these women were in their late 80s, some were pregnant, others were nursing a nine-week-old baby. There was a Chelmsford father whose daughter had been captured and son-in-law had run away, and he had to raise his grandson, two and five, alone, without food or clothing himself.

A young man from Ipswich dropped the charges against Elizabeth Proctor in May, a risky and radical move that has many supporters. People from Ipswich and Reading have joined the protest to save the wretched relatives and wives who share a bed with their husbands, how did they get those marks, didn't they They are well aware of what the devil or wizard left behind.

In the ears of the husbands they heard another version of the story. These prisoners did not sign the bond, did not attend the demon assembly, did not submit to the demon baptism, but they were scared out of their wits.

The old and frail "witches" were not only neglected, but also imprisoned for a long time in a smelly prison. Finally, some of them surrendered. They pleaded guilty under duress, and the prisoners cried bitterly because they implicated others , past friends and interrogators also attacked them.

These gathered protesters were talking, does the new governor really want to protect the innocent people of the king? Rather, he wants to defend his unstable political status. The relationship between the colony and the United Kingdom is like elephants multiplying, almost every two years.

Can't the Governor see it? The girls who claimed to be tortured were all radiant and looked healthy, but the prisoners were all out of shape. It is said that there is a healer who can pull out the devil in a person's body through a beating. Why not How about giving those girls such a "treatment"?

Phipps and the council had decided to make Thursday, February 23, a colony-wide Thanksgiving, hoping to deflect the focus by celebrating the merriment and throwing the source of "all our misfortunes" on the French.

But the people are more concerned about when their wives will be able to go home than they are about the governor's public affairs. And the ever-increasing taxes that are said to be used to pay the bills of hotel owners, police officers, prison guards and blacksmiths, why should they pay people who torture their family and friends to live comfortably ?

What's more, they heard that the judges condoned the law enforcement officials to illegally confiscate the inheritance, and the king Burroughs and queen Martha Khalil promised by the devil were all executed. Shouldn't it be normal to return to normal? Why are you still arresting people? All kinds of rumors and doubts forced Governor Phipps to dissolve the court in mid-September or let others think that he dissolved the court.

Whatever the future fate of the witchcraft courts, social order must not suffer, let alone the sale of charters. In that dark and mysterious season, no matter how freely people accused people, there was one situation that never came up, and that was the son accusing the father.

At that time, sons should not use "daddy" to address their fathers, but "sir". No matter what the chaos outside, patriarchal power cannot be shaken, even if there are obvious differences between father and son on certain things. differences.

Regardless, publishing bans remain in the hands of the authorities, where the Golden Age of Witchcraft gave rise to Witchcraft literature, Incris writes The Case of Conscience deals with the abstract and pleads for the innocent, Cotton Mather The "Wonders of the Invisible World" he wrote showed that he was intoxicated with supernatural affairs, and the sales of the latter far exceeded the former.

While Cotton Mather continued to search for evidence of witchcraft between villages and towns on horseback, Incris Mather embarked on the road of investigation in a rumbling carriage.

A man caught up in a witch-hunting frenzy is like a fire that burns everything up. This furious, wanton state must be contained, which is why the publishing ban prohibits the printing of non-Mothers and Sons publications.

The new Massachusetts government was brought about by Incris Mather, the judges turned to him when they needed help, Cotton Mather was more active in the first scene, and the demonic baptisms in Andover were a lot like Baptists ceremonies, would a Baptist preacher preach equality for all?

People aren't born equal and won't die so why should we pretend to be equal while we're alive?

Maybe someone will yell, shut up, shut up, get the hell out, satan, you're a lying liar, God will show up one day.

Here's a new question: Father, tell me, do we get what we deserve? (do we got what we deserve?)

On the way you may meet a preacher with a melodious voice and an indefatigable spirit who will tell you something, but he will not promise you a country, for he has grown more cunning.

Don't forget, the serpent in the Garden of Eden also tempted Eve with his melodious voice.

The full text of that chapter is that Jesus chose seventy disciples, and he sent them like lambs among wolves, asking them not to take money purses, bag bags, sandals, and talk to anyone on the way, no matter what. When you enter a house, you must first say: May this house be safe. If there is a son of peace there, your peace will rest on him.

If people accept you, eat whatever is offered to you, heal the sick in the city, and say to them, "The kingdom of God is at hand."

Probably except in the courtroom or the pulpit of the church, those "respectable people" will have intersections with farmers and beggars who are less intelligent and educated than they are. In fact, when they were young, they used to be with those people, and those farmers knew and accepted them, so they handed over the power to them.

There is no shortage of people who want to be leaders in this world. Who will be after Governor Phipps steps down? Stoughton or Andros?

But no matter who sits in that position, the first thing to do is to liquidate all crimes in the witchcraft court. This sign has already appeared. Those husbands who want to save their wives have united and protested. Phipps wants to dissolve the witchcraft court. So easy, unless he passes a bill removing all judges from responsibility.

Phipps can't do it, his counselors are eager to see the priests to determine the course of action, and the priest's suggestion is to implement a colony-wide penitential fast, stop all work, and ask God to forgive his servants and people. mistake.

This means that judges cannot be pardoned only, and even those false accusers must be pardoned, even if some of them did not accuse others for their own lives, otherwise the bill will not pass, so why should judges who made mistakes be pardoned?

For the bill to be voted on, there was a huge controversy at the meeting, which split the colonial assembly in two. After fierce debate, the bill was passed by 33 to 29 votes.

Samuel Sewell voted against, arguing that the court should have been dissolved immediately instead of dealing with the issue behind the scenes as everyone thought. Even without the immunity bill, Sewell, one of the judges, would have been punished for it.

Everyone should get what they deserve.

Whether it is good or bad, God has his own arrangements.

Stoughton also voted against it, but he did not approve of the dissolution of the court. This seasoned politician was surrounded by many literati. Cotton Mather encouraged everyone to continue, which was regarded as supporting the trial. Mather stood with the Governor.

After the vote, Stoughton, unwilling to let his early efforts go to waste, began commuting regularly to Boston to see if Phipps had changed his mind amid the hype.

On 28 October, Stoughton was out in heavy rain from Dorchester when the levee flooded as he tried to approach the road and he had to turn around, causing him to miss the next day's vote , in his absence Phipps formally dissolved the hearing and sentencing court.

Maybe the flood was the "sign" and it was time for Stoughton to find another "calling".

Demons exist, to the extent that they sometimes roam the wilderness disguised as priests.

Be careful, passer-by, and don't strike up a conversation because you don't know who you're dealing with.

Bgm: way down we go

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