Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1756: Queen of Hell (27)

People like to think of themselves as caring people, full of benevolence, and often help those in need.

In the Gospel of Matthew, there is a kingdom of hills, which is an ideal world and a place full of the best in the world. The townspeople of Salem also hoped to build their hometown into a livable paradise at the beginning. They also accepted the orphans in King Philip's war, but that was conditional, and the authorities wanted to reduce their road construction costs.

The city was originally a defensive fortress set up by the princes, and later developed into an industrial and commercial center. Around the 14th century, France and the United Kingdom diverged. France mainly fell on farmers, while the United Kingdom collected commodity trade taxes and customs duties. The common principle of feudal lords in Western Europe is "there is no land without a lord". If a city is not on the lord's land but on the king's land, the king's jurisdiction over it is the same as that of the lord.

In order to eliminate the excessive exploitation of lordship and the interference of lordship to industry and commerce, some cities obtained certain freedom rights from lords and kings through redemption, and affirmed them with charter certificates, including personal freedom, land freedom, judicial independence, and financial independence. Although these cities obtained privileges, they did not break away from the feudal system, and they still had to pay taxes to the feudal lords.

This money is not a tax, but it is similar to a "redemption fee". It means that the king and the lord will no longer collect taxes after giving this money, and don't care about the general civil trials in the municipality. Major criminal cases are still handled by the king. . When the royal power was still strong, for example, before the 13th century, there were no autonomous cities in England. After the 13th century, the number of autonomous cities gradually increased. London was self-governing in the 12th century, but Paris has never been self-governing.

It's hard to understand for someone from a unified country, how can a capital of a country be self-governing, free from interference from the king?

The problem of road construction can be seen. If anyone has a map of Massachusetts in 1692, he will find that every town and village is far apart. They have little contact with each other, because each farm can basically be self-sufficient and does not need commodity exchange, and each town is almost a complete urban system, and can even train militias by itself. Money, interfere with the speed of the enemy's advance.

No matter how much French farmers complained when they built roads, they were still willing to build them. The French were willing to contact outsiders and heard stories from them. Louis XVI stopped building roads but aroused public resentment.

When New Englanders needed manufactured goods they bought them from Europe, and it was the city of New York that seized on the political slant of the British Parliament in exchange for a province-wide monopoly on flour sifting and milling, although this It hurt the interests of farmers on Long Island and the Hudson River, but it continued to consolidate its position while hitting Albany. It became the "granary of the West Indies" when the fur business was not doing well, and it was developing towards diversification. Full of "grocery store" character. Albany is Fort Orange ruled by the Dutch in the past. In the 1665 naval battle, the Dutch were not reconciled after losing their status as the overlord of the sea. In the 1673 Anglo-Dutch War, they once again occupied New York and renamed it Xinao. Lange, and later the United Kingdom took back New York through the "Westminster Peace Treaty". goods, sugar, salt, vats of lemon juice, pipes, canvas, hats, etc.

If the British want to solve the activities of the Dutch in North America, they must first squeeze them out. However, the chances of another war between Britain and the Netherlands are low, and New York has no interest in the expedition plans of Arcadia and Canada launched by Massachusetts successively. Business development accumulates wealth.

Originally, the British pirates and navy were basically a "family". While New York provided supplies for the fleet stationed in the Caribbean, it also allowed pirate ships to dock and accommodate pirates to hide. Colonial Governor Benjamin Fletcher also issued them a privateer charter, making it easier for these pirates to engage in plundering activities in the name of privateers.

With the navigation technology at that time, many merchant ships were likely to never return. Some people would be stranded on deserted islands due to shipwrecks, and some would encounter pirates. These pirates turned into merchants and brought the looted Europeans The goods are sold.

Legal or not, this was the style of New York under a governor with strong Old World ties. Originally, Boston was the largest city in North America, thanks to its long history of city building, excellent ports and intensive trade links with England and the Caribbean. Now the name of this "First City" seems to be replaced by New York, which came from behind. Those merchant ships enthusiastically sent supplies to the British fleet in the Caribbean. Driven to Boston.

For Boston, the war promoted the development of the shipbuilding industry, but it also led to a serious tax overdraft. If the new sailboat designed by Nathaniel Cary can be installed in the Massachusetts Navy in the next war, it will bring Come to great advantage. However, the patents and drawings are in the hands of Charleston. Charleston is currently the fourth largest city, after Boston, Philadelphia, and New York, and before Newport in Rhode Island. Its shipbuilding industry is also developed, and its Geography also sees it oscillating between New York and Massachusetts.

Montreal and Albany, the two newly incorporated British colonies, are very ambiguous. They maintain neutrality between the Iroquois League and the "loose" British colonies. Stoughton's plan to unite New York to fight Montreal is also beating Albany not to maintain this Attitudes, New Yorkers and Bostonians are the opposite. They will try to avoid getting involved in the complicated situation brought about by military operations. Stoughton’s lobbying plan failed, and New York and Albany still maintain a strange friendship with a smile hidden in a knife.

Every small town looks like an isolated island. The intersections between townspeople and residents of neighboring towns are often land disputes, and even relatives seldom communicate with each other. This is a part of "American culture". The feelings between relatives are indifferent, and they are keen to "observe the neighbors". In every community, there will always be a few men and women who like to pry into other people's privacy. They are very familiar with other people's affairs, and they will be highly vigilant if there is a slight abnormality. If an outsider shows up, "everyone" in town will know about it in no time.

At this time, what outsiders usually receive is not a warm greeting, but a question from a law enforcement officer. Are you from a local, were you brought up by the locals, or did you get married with the locals?

If neither, law enforcement officers automatically consider you not legally resident. Even if you need help, the official will not provide it. Similar to Sarah Goode, who lives in the house of Law Enforcement Hector, no other townspeople are willing to take her in, and she belongs to the scope of charity assistance—with Widow of young children.

Other townspeople take in orphans and widowed mothers when they have no problems in life, especially women and children. They can be servants at home, like adult men with disabilities and teenagers who are about to grow up. These townspeople will not contained.

First, they will not stay forever. The land around the town has already been allocated. If they want to stay, they must be given the land. Who wants to distribute the land to outsiders for free?

Second, people with disabilities will not be converted into the labor force. Elizabeth Howe's husband is blind, and her father-in-law is also 96 years old. She is responsible for taking care of the farm. What widow would find a disabled husband, and she would get up early and work late Farm work to support him?

Homeless males sometimes form bandits and rob houses. Poor males are more likely to receive warnings and evictions than charity and help. Townspeople generally reject outsiders, even the adopted Benjamin Hutchinson .

Every time the Ingersoll tavern is tried, business is good. If the Ingersoll family is charged, then when the law enforcement "empties" the tavern, others can pay the fee like the old farm woman's son in Andover. Just like giving 6 pounds to Hector, those inheritances were bought away.

Benjamin's mother used to call on women in New England not to go to the sermon. She died later. All in all, these are "manipulable". After all, taking away such a prosperous tavern is not like taking away the apples from the apple orchard by the old farmer's river It's so simple, but there is a slave named John Indian who loves to drink cider in the tavern. As long as there is internal support, no matter how strong the fortress is, it can be disintegrated from the inside.

Before the railways and interstate highways were repaired, the inland areas were far less prosperous than the coastal areas, and the supplies were not as rich as the coastal areas. However, the situation in Massachusetts and the entire eastern coast of North America is different. These areas have dense waters and rich rivers, which are very suitable for water transportation, as are many trade points. It was built along the river. Is it necessary to build roads?

The Mississippi River is the largest river in the United States, and it is also the largest river in transportation volume. In Indian legend, there is a beaver version of Lake Iroquois, the golden country. Massachusetts people believe that it is the source of the Delaware River. Many people immigrated to it. New Haven was there to find it, the Delaware River is the 2nd largest river in the US and the 2nd largest in terms of traffic, it goes through multiple trade points, including Dutch and Swede controlled, so they can collect tariffs up.

The Delaware River is still a certain distance from Massachusetts, at least one Charleston away, but it does not affect the collection of taxes there.

If Massachusetts took the tax away, what would New York, which is closer to the Delaware River, collect? It would be a bad business environment if they had to take it again, but New Yorkers wouldn't do it if they wanted to drive out the Massachusetts people, who took the place first.

In the past, the only currencies were shillings and pence. These were precious metals. If you think about inflation, you have to ask Spain if it will grant silver mining rights to England. In 1692, the South Sea Company should have noticed that something was wrong. Spain did not Agreed to Britain doing business in South America.

At this time, the "Royal Navy" is not yet the opponent of the "Invincible Fleet", nor can it use force to force Spain to agree.

The North American colonies couldn’t mint coins, but the shell beads currency of the Indians can be overissued. Anyway, they can be fished from the sea, and fishing is also a business of “fishing for gold”. Generally speaking, deep-sea fishing boats will catch large shell beads, so that It can be exchanged for more Indian furs, and these furs can be exchanged for more European items. Military supplies are sometimes just civilians with a different name, and hunting guns that do not shoot animals and are aimed at people are not ordnance.

As for the more and more shell beads in the hands of the Indians, the prey is getting less and less, and even the land was paid off by the immigrants because of alcoholism, that is not what they have to consider. The chiefs in 1634 had already made an agreement with the Dutch. To adjust the exchange rate, you need to go to the foreign exchange market and the futures market. The premise is that other countries must recognize shell beads as a currency.

Paper money has been recognized, the actual value of this thing may not be as good as shell beads, as long as people believe that shell beads are money.

If Elizabeth Proctor hadn't been a foolish woman to read, her husband hadn't left her name in the will, and she was legally dead. She should have been hanged, but because she was pregnant, she entrusted several By the time the baby was born Massachusetts had stopped witch hunting.

But she is the actual guardian of his children. Find a lawyer to save the children's inheritance rights in your hands, and ask the local sheriff to admit that she is a local resident. The husband's relatives who are not local residents will be "excluded warning", That is to say, when they need judicial assistance, local officials have no obligation to help them.

A woman is not a match for big men, but she has 12 children. Mary Warren is very beautiful, but she not only can't fight, but also caused trouble, almost ruined the owner's family, drove her away, and took in Martha Corey's half-child, and her husband's relatives came to the boy It is useless to call the police if they cannot win the mission. The local officials have no obligation to help non-locals. Simply put, the sheriff should not do anything, just eat donuts and watch. In this way, the 12 children are not a burden, but a helper to help each other in troubled times. They don't have to fall apart and be sent to other people's families for foster care. They can also run the farm together and pay less labor costs.

Charity, public welfare and voluntary activities in American life are common. Second Salem is a charity organization. Men and women participate in the work of promoting education and culture. Their soup is still in New York, and the objects are children. Once The newspapers published that witchcraft really existed, and people believed it. Could what happened in Salem be repeated in New York?

Sometimes it's a good thing people don't believe in magic.

If charity and public welfare are done by truly kind people with their heart, it is accumulating virtue, and if it is handed over to a woman like Mary of Second Salem, it is a hidden danger. Mom makes or breaks the success of the family. Elizabeth Proctor could, like Burroughs's third wife, abandon her step-children, take her own children, sell the clergyman's property, take his library and leave, and live elsewhere, But she is unfamiliar with other places, so she can't really lead the children to die "beautifully" like Jingluo.

The surviving survivors need to be stronger. Elizabeth can't be like 20-year-old Mary Warren, who collapsed after only one day in prison, and put all the blame on John Proctor.

Her husband is innocent, and she can even sue for damages like Philip English did.

Although the Salem Witch Trials were all civil cases except for one case which was a criminal case, which did not meet the standards of the king's trials, the benefits were not just money. Elizabeth could attend Ann Putnam Jr.'s confession with the Nas family.

There is one of the oldest principles in the history of human litigation. In most cases, the winner or loser has been decided before the trial.

Appearing in court is more like a show, and there is an example of such cross-examination at Harvard Law School.

Lawyer: Madame, are you this gentleman's wife?

Witness: Yes.

Lawyer: When you married him, did you know he was a thief?

Witness: Yes.

Lawyer: Can you tell me why you married such a man?

Witness: Yes, because I was old enough to choose between a thief and a lawyer.

Private feelings are inviolable, just as justice belongs to the bank and mercy belongs to the abandoned wife. Justice belongs to Proctor's relatives, mercy belongs to Elizabeth and her 12 children, and if the residents of Salem really repent, they only need to help drive out the outsiders.

As for the lawyers, they were nowhere to be seen at the Salem trial, not only because the colonial government at that time did not have a lawyer's license and no one practiced the profession, but also because no one would trust lawyers.

This group of people is paid to do things, and the little girls are believed to be a few key impromptu performances. If they meet in the court, it is equivalent to an encounter. All the idlers and others get out of the way, leaving space for these gladiators. .

Delaware was an independent colony, administratively part of New York

Because of the tax issue, the Boston Tea Party happened. In essence, it was the king who set up a name for the tariff in order to collect taxes.

A world without bankers is really clean

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