Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1742 The Queen of Hell (13)

Voltaire once said: Doubt is not pleasant, but it is absurd to believe.

This is the case with a woman, she can only love one person at a time in her heart, and when her heart is all on her husband, her son becomes an accessory, and when her heart is all on her son, her husband will be ranked first two.

Both Narcissa Malfoy and Lily Potter put their children first. For them, they would give their all, even their own lives.

This is indeed the maternal love praised by people, and it is also a kind of psychology of a woman. She wants to leave the best for him.

People in the Roman period were not like this. If their sons were not strong, they would be thrown into the abandoned baby yard. Their feelings were more inclined to their husbands. Just like the drama Medea sang, women at that time regarded love as more important than life. Ignore the calamities and hardships that are coming. Therefore, when Medea learned that Jason had betrayed her, the princess who had been thinking of Jason in everything turned into a goddess of revenge and killed Jason's heir and his new love.

Similarly, if a woman does not have that man in her heart, she will lack care and love for that man, and will only learn from him instead of paying for him. What she cares about is always her own gains and losses.

To live in the slums with Tobias Snape like Erin Prince? How is that possible? For a woman like Josephine, she can hang out in the social world for the sake of her two children, or she can trick innocent young men into marrying her under the guise of having two children to help her pay off her debts.

Men can't see women clearly sometimes. A man like Lucius Malfoy has never seen what kind of woman. Mrs. Zabini has been married seven times, and she gets richer every time she gets married, but even So her reputation is still better than Bella, after all, she used men, not by men, just like Cleopatra conquered Caesar and Anthony, not for the Voldemort family and her own reputation like Bella up.

She loved the Dark Lord more than her husband, and when she found out that the Dark Lord was missing, she tortured the parents of another late July boy, the Longbottoms.

The best destination for a woman like her is Azkaban or a lunatic asylum, but she was released. Voldemort trusted her very much, and even gave Bella his Horcrux ring, letting her go to the Black family The best curse, is it possible that Voldemort taught her how to make Horcruxes?

No one wants them back, even Sissy doesn't want Bella back, because she chose to betray Voldemort and lie to him at the last moment in order to save Draco, which is unforgivable for Bella.

Bella even took action against Sirius Black, the last direct male heir of the Black family, let alone a sister.

What's more, she had lived enough of the life occupied by Death Eaters in her homeland. Lucius didn't tell Naxi Shati at all about Voldemort's possible return. She, like most people, hated Harry Potter at every turn. Let’s just say that the lightning scar on his forehead hurts. It is very likely that he still misses the years when he was on the headlines and was noticed.

Isn't it normal for an orphan without parents to crave attention?

Voldemort also likes acting very much. He is gorgeous and elegant every time he appears on the stage. His handsome face full of dark charm can fascinate many girls who are not deeply involved in the world. Bella always feels that she is special because of her Loyalty, because of her madness, and her daring to do anything, including torturing and killing people with the Unforgivable Curse, these are not what ordinary girls are capable of.

In the 1970s when a hippie show in Liverpool was over, there would be a crowd of admirers backstage trying to see him, and there would be bouncers to keep order.

After Voldemort's "performance", Bella will always follow behind him. Any woman who dares to approach without authorization will use the Cruciatus Curse or other evil curses on her. Who would be stupid enough to argue with Bellatrix?

Even Hufflepuff girls who are known to be bullies and timid will fight with people because "toothbrush and boyfriend can't be shared". They grab hair, bite people, roll around and kick with their legs. Civility and ladyhood are associated.

Oh, it's embarrassing to make such a scene. She even beat up the onlookers who said this sarcastic remark. Believe it or not?

Leviathan itself is the same prehistoric beast as Behemoth, representing the "jealousy" in the original sin. In the "Hebrew Bible", it is still a monster that can be compared with Satan, and it is a demon that can destroy the world. .

However, in the eyes of the Semites, Leviathan represented the god of fertility and nature.

The standard for human beings to distinguish gods and demons is whether they are beneficial to themselves. For example, the expeditionary force led by Agamemnon to recapture Helen needed wind power to drive their ships. In order to get Artemis’ understanding, he almost sacrificed his own daughter.

Fortunately, the goddess of hunting couldn't stand the man's madness in the end, and took away the sacrificed princess.

The solar ships that the Egyptians sailed to the underworld hated encountering wind and waves the most. The water of the Nile River was generally calm, and the boat was the main way for the Egyptians to travel. Nor did it replace the boat as the main mode of transportation in Egypt.

In Egyptian mythology, Seth, the god of storms, became a chaotic foreign god. Even though he was once the supreme god of Egypt, his status was not as good as that of Seth. At least Seth was still the god who drove away outsiders, Yakhhot Pu also uses his head as the "authority" of his scepter.

Human beings once raised the gods they believed in in the past so high, and how hard they smashed them down and destroyed them. The body of Saint Geneviève, who once protected Paris, was carried to eliminate the plague in the city. It was burned to ashes during the Great Revolution, and the monks tried their best to leave only a few pieces of wreckage.

It's not just humans who want to be on top all the time, even gods are the same, but fall is fall, even after the fall of gods, only the name remains.

These names will be recorded in books at first, and then on the rock carvings of the temple. After the names carved on the stones are too weathered to be seen clearly, or the stones are flattened by the latecomers to build other buildings, they will be There are only word-of-mouth stories left, and when there are no people who tell the story, then the god will disappear completely, or they will reappear in the form of a devil to support the greatness of the new god.

The reason why the Glorious Revolution ended without bloodshed in 1689 has something to do with the performance of the Stuart dynasty when the Black Death hit London in 1665. The king ran away with the nobles, leaving the city officials to preside over the overall situation. Regardless of whether they used smoke to drive away the plague, the citizens saw it. Good image, many of these officials are held by non-hereditary nobles.

Hereditary replacement is the simplest and peaceful way to transfer power, but it is very unfair to those who are not in this hereditary aristocratic system. Especially not having enough authority to tell them that God's will is like this, it already knows in advance how the future will develop, do you want to sin and go to hell or be redeemed and go to heaven?

Everyone should be fully responsible for their own destiny. In the past, people thought that if a person was punished, he must have committed a crime. When the Black Death broke out, many people whipped their backs with ropes to show atonement.

There is also the unlucky Job, who became a bet between the devil and God. The devil made Job poor and sick, and his children died. Anyone who encountered his situation would doubt the existence of God. His friend let He thought about what he had done that should be punished by God and immoral. This is the theory of victim guilt that is opposite to the theory of victim innocence.

In the end, God came out in the whirlwind and explained the reason to Job. Your misery is not because you did something wrong. You cannot understand some things because you are not God. Knowing God, believing in God, is far better than surpassing God, just like the father in "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", he would rather sleep in the subway toilet than rob like other people who went astray, and then he and Job The same, enjoyed the blessing, and lived a happy life ever since.

If a person should be rewarded for doing good deeds and punished by God for doing bad deeds, is it man who determines God's behavior or God who determines man's behavior? Is the master-slave relationship reversed?

Even if Job did good deeds, he would be punished. Such a god is moody, and human beings are just playthings in the hands of God and Satan. After suffering so many sins, he still firmly believed in God, and even believed in God more than before. Typical Stockholm Syndrome, after the matter is over, Job still has to find excuses and reasons for God to play tricks on him. He uses himself to prove that believers in God are more devout than believers in the devil. How glorious he is to accuse God of being Of course not.

Here there is a contradiction between God’s justice and freedom. Either it is unfair or it is not free. When God rewards and punishes people according to the rules of rewarding good and punishing evil, God loses his freedom. If he punishes whomever he wants, it is unfair. , Theology thought of a way, God sent down the law, and gave people free will, whether to obey the law is a matter of people, so God and people are free.

Humans tinker with the law and try to keep it fair. When witnesses testify in court, they need to touch the Bible with their left hand, raise their palms with their right hand to show others, and swear to God that everything they say is true.

However, what he said and what he thought may be two different things, and then there are perjury charges and the principle of "beyond reasonable doubt" in the law.

In a civil lawsuit, the defendant can be found guilty as long as he provides enough evidence. Beyond reasonable doubt, the evidence must stand the scrutiny of all reasonable doubts. Although there are many victims of the Salem witch accusation, they have experienced a lot of pain, but they did not die, so they are not beyond reasonable doubt within the scope of criminal cases. It's within the scope of proof.

Although accusations of witchcraft are established, the defendant must be hanged.

This is completely unequal, but it is like Job being tested by God and the devil. Human beings are unable to break free. There must be a case of "being cursed to death" before the voice of doubt from the outside can be heard in the court.

In fact, on May 17, 1692, after the court announced the death of a 17-year-old boy named Daniel Wilkins, a petition signed by 32 people was sent to Boston. It was John Wise, a Harvard classmate of Paris. They thought that the Proctors were not evil at all, but friendly neighbors and devout believers.

Of course, this may have something to do with Elizabeth Proctor being nine months pregnant. Some of the 32 people testified. A girl who acted as a witness admitted that those things were all made up, just for fun, and two men testified I overheard the Putnam mother and daughter teaching Mosey Lewis to perjury, but the court rejected the challenge, and the Proctors were still guilty of witchcraft.

The person who cursed the boy Daniel Wilkins to death was John Willard, not the Proctors, according to what the boy said before his death.

John Willard is a male, 30 years old, who was an assistant sheriff in the village after the trial began. He used to work on Putnam Farm, has a history of domestic violence, and is hated by his relatives and neighbors. If John Willard was tried beyond reasonable principles, then the rescued would also be a domestic violence perpetrator, but doing so would arouse jurors' maximum suspicion of the accusers, and there is a certain chance that other witchcraft can be overturned accused.

How heroic, full of Hollywood-style turning the tide on the brink of the end of the world, and exciting plot effects, but the fact is that the "witches" have been sent to Hanging Mountain and hanged one by one.

Five people were charged in March, 25 in April and 50 in May, and Sarah Osborne died in prison before the first Bridget Bishop was noose.

The witchcraft scare continues to spread, and it is getting bigger and bigger. Any kind of symptoms, such as vomiting or dead cows, may be a sign of witchcraft attack. , so that he could stand in the plaintiff's seat as the victim. The accusations piled up quickly, and the situation was so serious that Governor Phipps had to drop his defenses and come to Salem to deal with it.

Because of the issue of indulgences, Lutheranism was born. Luther believed that grace is not exchangeable, it cannot be bought with money, and it cannot be obtained by doing good deeds. All good deeds and prayers must come from pure piety, and faith must be Unconditionally, don't pray for the benefit.

The Puritans recognized this theory, but it was difficult to implement it in practice. Luther did not leave room for people. People will not be saved in the future. Going to heaven or going to hell is completely random according to God's will, and has nothing to do with personal efforts. How do you know you are the chosen one?

This forces people to find ways to pursue certainty, so believers have a work ethic, and they have to look for some signs to prove that they are the chosen ones.

So what are the signs? Since God made man come to this world to do a certain job, this job is His vocation, and if a person can bury his head in His vocation, this is a sign of salvation.

The purpose of working under this purpose is not to consume pleasure, but to glorify God, which links hard work with abstinence.

Working hard and not consuming, this becomes capital, and capital is used to expand one's own work and earn more money, thus contributing to the occurrence of capitalism.

Although at the beginning people regarded hard work as a sign of salvation, later they found that it could be used as a way to rise in practice. Believers feel that their good life is the result of their own efforts and God's will. I am devout, I worked hard, I succeeded, I was saved, and elitism sprouted.

This is how elitism evolved from a theological system to capitalism.

American elitism not only exploits wealth, but also includes spiritual oppression. If you work hard to improve yourself, you will succeed. If you fail, you don’t work hard. This is not only a humiliation, but also deprives low-income workers of their dignity and social value. Let them feel that the work they are doing has no value and meaning to society.

At the same time, the most critical thing is the education monopoly.

Learning requires time and money. This is what Marx said. Capitalism squeezes the surplus value and time of laborers. This is the same as the early Puritans believed that all good deeds and prayers must come from pure piety. Faith must be unconditional and cannot be for the sake of The benefits are just like praying, but you can’t implement them if you agree with them. There is no room for people. Time is fair to people. One person has 24 hours, and 8 hours of working time are excluded. People are like Da Vinci, or like Napoleon, you can recover your strength by taking a bath.

Reduced sleep increases the risk of sudden death and depression, and elites generally suffer from "desperate to death" symptoms. Depression patients feel hopeless about life, which cannot be solved simply by taking medicine.

If the millionaires just want to keep their property, they can set up a trust, and their children can spend their lives happily without worrying about food and clothing. The speed of wealth accumulation may be faster than their squandering speed.

However, the new aristocrats send their children to prestigious schools not only for gilding, but also to consolidate a point of view. Success is achieved through hard work. This is a new hereditary system in disguise. After all, not everyone’s parents can come up with a check for 1 million dollars. He joined the club, and none of his relatives and friends had Harvard alumni who could introduce him to admission.

Attending a prestigious school is not only a vanity game for the rich, but also a way to slander and humiliate losers openly. If you say that you rely solely on personal efforts and do not consider external forces at all, this is fair competition. However, the actual situation is that external factors cannot be ruled out. Differences in technology, industry, genetics, and talent all exist, and whether individual talents and interests meet the needs of the times is also a reference.

Hippies in the 70s didn't believe in elite schools, they believed in rock music, and rock stars were much more popular with girls than school nerds.

Isn't it that parents create such good conditions so that their children can suffer less setbacks? As a result, he still hit a wall in his pursuit of girls, lost his self-confidence, and became a good boy in the eyes of his parents and a loser in the eyes of his peers.

People in that era didn't dress in colorful and strange shapes, and they would be regarded as freaks instead of wearing white shirts like old men. Hinckley is only interested in the Yale girl Judy, but he's too shy to approach her, so how do he get her attention? He can't rock, play guitar or something. That kind of person is definitely a "loser" and "social scum" in the eyes of their parents, and they will not let their children learn it.

Then there was the case that Reagan would be assassinated by a "Yale boy".

Most men will look for a spouse among women of the same age and younger than themselves. In order to gain a sense of identity among their peers, for example, everyone can swim. He can't, and he can learn it without his parents forcing him.

Harry more often chooses male subjects to study, and finds women when he needs comfort and consultation. This is a common orientation. His girlfriend is also of the same age and younger, and his interpersonal relationship is also good.

Many of the men who choose older women don't fit in.

He has his own ideas, a young body has a long "shelf life", but it's too tiring to make girls happy, and when others talk about a certain girl's enthusiasm, he just looks on.

Mature women are already "sensible", and they look at things differently from little girls. At least they don't have the capital to make up stories in court for fun, and they may be forgiven because of their young age.

They must take full responsibility for their own destiny, and even act as guardians, taking responsibility for others.

Fate is unfair, who doesn't want to be a happy and carefree child all his life?

But the earth revolves around the sun, and it turns more than trees leave years. Not everything develops according to the original design.

Is this the reason why people don't work hard?

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