Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1741 The Queen of Hell (12)

"Here you are." Lucius Malfoy handed a small box to Severus.

"What's this?"


Severus opened the box, which contained a comb.

"The hair-changing comb from Weasley's Trick Shop," Lucius explained. "It's left over from the last party I had at my house."

"Thank you." Severus smirked.

"I asked the old man other questions," said Lucius, "about Washington and Athens."

Severus looked at Lucius.

"Don't worry, I didn't reveal your little secret." Lucius said airily. "He told me something interesting. Have you ever heard of Kabbalah?"

"Have heard a little," Severus said.

"According to him, Longfon designed Washington based on the Kabbalah tree of life as the prototype." Lucius said, "If the White House is the center, 19 locations can be marked according to the framework of the tree of life. Masonic Temple, No. 2 Dupont Far Circle, No. 3 Logan Circle, No. 4 Washington Statue, No. 5 Central Public Library, No. 6 White House, No. 7 American Institute of Peace, No. 8 U.S. Department of Justice, No. 9 Washington Monument, No. 10 Jefferson Memorial, No. 11 Sculpture of General Scott, No. 12 Longfellow Monument, No. 13 Equestrian Statue of General Thomas, No. 14 Sculpture of General Farragut, No. 15 Sculpture of MacPherson, No. 16 Arlington Cemetery, No. 17 Lincoln Memorial, No. 18 Schhorn Museum and No. 19 U.S. Capitol, these 19 points are all key buildings and hero statues in the United States, and the divine realm symbolized by the triangle at the top of the tree of life is also That is, the Benben stone, the all-seeing eye at the top of the one-dollar pyramid, is located in the Masonic temple. Numbers 2 to 6, and numbers 11 to 15 just form an inverted star. Does it sound familiar? ?”

Severus looked at Lucius calmly.

"You are also looking for key buildings based on geometric drawings in Paris." Lucius said, "But the principle of this geometric figure has nothing to do with the Kabbalistic tree of life."

"I think it may have something to do with the movement of celestial bodies." Severus said, "Where's Athens? What's the plan?"

"If there is anything that can be called urban planning in ancient Athens, it is religion and culture, such as temples and theaters. Every citizen has the right to go to the theater." Lucius said, "In addition, philosophers like Plato Wanting to prevent extreme poverty and being rich, they want to keep the citizens of Athens at a level of wealth where rich citizens donate money to build theaters, rather than state taxation to build big buildings like Rome did.”

Severus frowned.

"I think this is much more reliable than freedom and democracy." Lucius smiled sarcastically. "Rich citizens can engrave their names on those buildings like pharaohs after donating money. I remember that names seem to be traces of eternal life."

"I heard from Leroy," Severus said.

"Then have you heard that the idea of ​​Kabbalah first originated in Egypt?" Lucius said.

"I've heard the White Wizard mention it," Severus said.

"The Egyptians believed that Ka was life force and vitality, and Ba was an individual's personality and behavior, and did not mention Ra." Lucius said. "The god Ra represents the sun god of light."

"Why does it strike me as outrageous that you bring this up?" Severus said.

"Otherwise, what do you think I should say?" Lucius said indifferently.

"Go on," Severus said helplessly.

"The ore from Siena has to be heated to turn ocher," said Lucius dryly. "We heated that plaster in that stone house before."

"That plaster is in a box guarded by Bess," Severus said.

"That is the god of music in Egypt, but also the patron saint of the family. For the French, Napoleon brought order to them, but for the people of other countries, he was the destroyer of the old order. He Bringing war and chaos."

"What do you mean?"

"That's why we have no real danger now except for those few silver scorpions, who will make their home full of danger." Lucius said, "I remember that there was a scorpion goddess in Egypt, Serket, who was responsible for protecting the young Horus."

"You've surprised me again, Lucius," Severus said.

"My grades were not bad when I was studying. Only Pomona called me a peacock." Lucius said with an unhappy face, "You should take good care of her."

"I will." Severus smiled.

"And this." Lucius took out a glass bottle.

"What is this?" Severus took it over and looked at it.

"It's still a Weasley product, the climate bottle. Open it to create ice and snow and hurricanes." Lucius said, "You put it in the vent, and if there is any danger, you can hide from a distance and observe."

Severus said nothing.

"Maybe you've been with Gryffindor for too long..."

"I won't fight the basilisk head-on like Harry Potter did." Severus interrupted Lucius.

"Sometimes I sympathize with that boy. He has to face so many dangers at such a young age." Lucius said hypocritically, "But who told him that he has no parents, so he will be exposed to the clutches of that hypocrite."

"Don't you think Draco is a little overprotected?"

"You only live once, you can't take a risk for winning or losing a game of Quidditch." Lucius replied arrogantly.

"You know the main soul of the Dark Lord is still there," Severus said, "and there may be a Horcrux."

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Lucius asked.

Severus glanced at the wizard toy in his hand.

"Pomona has imprisoned a storm god," Severus said. "He calls himself Kool."

"How did she do it?" Lucius asked.

"She lied about it," Severus said.

"Lie to God?" Lucius raised his eyebrows, "She's really brave."

"The Dark Lord once possessed her, and now he should possess a crow, or some other animal, and it is even possible that he has found another Quirrell." Severus said, "He may use God's body creates a new time-turner."

"I heard that that metal is called sun gold, right?" Lucius asked.

"It was hard for me to imagine that Rubeus Hagrid would have such powerful ancestors, but now I understand that it is because of such ancestors that the Hagrid family can continue." Severus teased.

"You can start a family too," Lucius said.

"I won't be like Napoleon Bonaparte, in order to get an heir..." Severus lowered his eyes and smiled weirdly, "abandoning the goddess for a woman."

"You think Josephine is a goddess?" Lucius asked.

"She's a poor woman," Severus said. "How many women do you think can go through what she's been through…"

"She's a Muggle woman." Lucius interrupted Severus. "Sissy has been through a lot too."

"There are plenty of Muggle women, and they're strong too," Severus said.

"I don't need to hear you describe how great Muggles are, and you don't need to convince me." Lucius said in disgust, "There are many people like Caredy Bubbaji. I regret her death. But I'm glad she can't keep teaching Muggle Studies anymore, she's instilled the wrong idea in a lot of kids like Astonia, if a Malfoy..."

"Scorpio," Severus said. "How about your grandson's name, Scorpio? He can sting pompous Orion once in a while."

The corner of Lucius' mouth twitched.

"Beware of that Muggle named Lyle Meyer, Lucius, not every Muggle is like an ant." Severus said, "I just gave him a chance by being negligent."

"I think it's another matter." Lucius said indifferently, "When will you forget about that Lily Potter?"

Severus thought for a moment and said, "I don't think I'll ever forget Lily Evans, but my debt to Mrs. Potter has been paid off."

"You are such a lover."

"Do you think she still loves me?" Severus asked.

"I've heard that a woman truly loves someone when she can't tolerate anyone else in her lover's heart. Victor Hugo's lover Juliette Drouet was like that. If she is not enough To love him is to tolerate him having other mistresses, like his wife Adele."

"Who did you hear that from?"

"You don't know?" Lucius raised an eyebrow, "Isn't it written in any book?"

Severus looked at him.

"It's time for you to socialize more," Lucius said with a smile. "It's a well-known secret, Godfather."

The sculpture park at points 14 and 15 in Washington was canceled and only the sculptures remained

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