Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 174 Disappears

Fake Mad-Eye Barty Crouch Jr. has been helping Harry pass the Triwizard Tournament. On the surface, he looks like a good guy. Who would have thought that the trophy would be turned into a portkey, and Cedric and Harry would be taken together. Teleported to the cemetery, where Wormtail and the Death Eaters arranged the things needed for the resurrection ceremony, and then just waited for Harry to throw himself into the trap.

On the contrary, the "Guardian Angel" who didn't really want him to win, and ended up discredited, really treated him well. It's a pity that Harry likes kind and kind teachers, preferably like Lupin, and Severus Snape is the kind of person who makes people hate him and has nothing to do with him. As long as his face darkens, Everyone who sees him will feel as gloomy as him. Only a fool will find something to make him happy at this time.

He is very angry now, but it is still within the controllable range. It's just that under the intimidation of this kind of mixed magic pressure, no one dares to speak loudly, or even dare to catch his breath. It felt like a stomachache, and Hermione Granger probably regretted why she didn't go back to the Burrow for dinner.

"When did you become friends with the dean of St. Mungo's?" Pomona dared to ask, and he actually lent him his private banquet hall.

"It has nothing to do with you." He said blankly, picked up the crystal glass and took a sip of wine.

Draco glanced at everyone's faces before continuing to cut up the chicken on the plate, while Neville was devoting himself to eating the potato salad, everything seemed normal.

"Neville, is Lavender living in the castle now?" Pomona turned her gaze to her little angel.

"No, I let her live in the greenhouse, and I pay her to take care of the plants for me." Neville said while chewing, "Her parents are Muggles, and it will hurt them if they go back."

"What about when she transforms?" Hermione asked.

"Professor McGonagall gave me a box, which is very deep, even if she becomes a werewolf, she can't jump up."

Pomona heard about the box that Barty Crouch Jr. used to hold the real Mad-Eye Moody, how did that kid get hold of the First Auror?

"Why don't you lock her up in the Room of Requirement?" Hermione said sympathetically. "A crate, and she's not a pet."

"Impossible, magical creatures are not allowed in the Room of Requirement." The Dark Lord opened his mouth, "Dumbledore planned to make Lupine transform there before, but no matter how much he turned around, he couldn't summon the door, so he let him scream Shack transformed."

"Why?" asked Miss Know-It-All.

"How do I know?" Severus asked darkly.

"But werewolves can enter Hogwarts from the Vanishing Cabinet," Draco added, ignoring his godfather's livid face.

"Are you dating Lavender, Neville?" Pomona changed the subject with a sweet smile.

"No, we're friends." Neville said foolishly. "She needs shelter. I can't let her live on the streets."

Pomona and Hermione watched him admiringly, the young man in the sweater was a true knight.

"Then why do you suddenly find that you can't control her?" Severus said with a smile, as if he already had the answer in his heart.

"Her temper is getting more and more irritable, I don't know why?" Neville said confusedly, "especially when I'm talking to students."

"I assume by students you mean female students in particular?" Severus said with a wry smile.

"How do you know?" Neville opened his mouth in surprise.

Including Draco, everyone was speechless to this dull round-faced youth.

"A Wilwolf, do you think Hannah Albert can handle her?" Severus watched Pomona's joke in a good mood.

If the next generation of the Longbottom family was a werewolf hybrid, Pomona had no doubt that Mrs. Longbottom would permanently possess her soul on her portrait like Wolfgar, and then cast a curse.

"Occlumency training Draco after dinner, and you, Hermione." Pomona munched on her broccoli in a bad mood.

"What about me?" Neville asked.

"You and me," said Severus Snape, "I'll teach you how to fight."

"After they finish practicing, practice your healing spell Draco on Neville." Pomona looked at her godson again, "Did you practice well in the hospital?"

"Yes, godmother." Draco said unhappily.

"And your patrol. Hermione practices first. She's going home at night. You're behind her."

"Why am I busier now than at school?"

"That's because you were too lazy at school, don't think I didn't see you bullying the lower grades in the hallway with Goyle and the others." Pomona pointed a fork at his nose "That Gryffindor often wears a video camera My child, why do you always dislike him?"

"Maybe it's because he's a fan of Harry." Hermione said with a smile while eating.

"Shut up, Granger." Draco said defiantly, "This was all so many years ago."

"Where's your Parseltongue? How's it going?" Pomona continued.

"Where's my rune snake?" Draco said sharply.

"Take care of your godson." Pomona asked Draco's godfather for help.

"Do you think I've forgiven you?" he said with a half-smile.

Seeing Pomona's deflated expression, Draco smiled triumphantly, as if he felt that he had found a backer.

Pomona had a premonition that he would not leave tonight, and there was going to be a big prison break soon, why wasn't he nervous at all?

For Hufflepuff, who loves chatting and partying, this kind of silence is like a prison, but now Pomona dare not provoke him, and he is still angry.

The existence of a pure friendship between a man and a woman is like a beautiful dream, and Hermione and Ron have come together, and she seemed really naive in the past.

"Granger, can Charlie get the dragon there on time?" Severus asked suddenly.

Pomona instantly understood that Severus was going to spray those werewolves with dragon flames.

She suddenly felt compassion for those werewolves who were going to attack Azkaban. The last time they besieged Hogwarts and encountered basilisks, they would leave shadows when they saw reptiles.

"He said no problem," said Hermione.

"Dragon is not used to guard the golden eggs. Fortunately, Kingsley is not an idiot like Fudge." After eating almost, Severus suddenly leaned over and kissed Pomona's lips, then stood up, still eating Neville picked up his collar, "You are too fat Longbottom, enough is enough."

Pomona glanced at her resolute "beast" and then at the handsome but too thin Draco, and she immediately became competitive. She wanted to cultivate an excellent talent to compete with him.

"We're going to war with werewolves, Draco, how much do you remember about how to identify werewolves?"

"There are so many in the book."

"Hermione, do me a favor and teach him how to make DA's fake Galleon."

"Godmother!" Draco complained.

"Oh, do you feel tired? Hermione has already done it when she was sixteen years old. She is not only busy with DA but also with her studies. Your grades are not as good as hers?" Pomona continued to point at His nose "You are so many years older than her, why can't you do what a little girl can do?"

Draco glanced at Hermione again, the Muggle girl was waiting for his advice with a proud face.

"Please help me." Draco said with disgust on his face, deliberately not looking at Hermione's side.

"No problem." Hermione took out her embroidered bag, and took out the quill and parchment. "Let's arrange a schedule first, and see when you and I have the same free time..."

Looking at Hermione who had regained her pedantic tone, Pomona was infinitely relieved, this is what she should be like.

Some people in this world are suitable to be housewives, and some are suitable to be leaders. Forcibly placing incompetent people in their desired positions will not only fail to give full play to their strengths, but also cause bad things.

Fudge really harmed many people, the most pathetic of which is the noble son Sirius, he was so stupid that Sirius led Azkaban to escape from prison.

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