Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 173 The Sword of Damocles

Pomona basically doesn't pay attention to things other than school. Besides, she is the kind of ordinary witch who likes to pay attention to beautiful dresses. The dress she wore at the ball in Malfoy Manor is still preserved. She didn't pay attention to who the winner of the Sri Lanka Award was.

She didn't know until now that the inventor of the wolfsbane potion and the recipient of the Order of Merlin Second Class was actually not Severus, but Marcus Belby's uncle, Damocles.

As early as the mid-1970s, Damocles had invented the wolfsbane potion. This potion is mainly made of aconite, which can keep the werewolf sane during the night of its transformation, but the aconite is highly poisonous. , Harry was asked in the first Potions class, he didn't know the difference between the boat-shaped aconite and the wolf-shaped aconite, and in fact, most wizards didn't know either, they were indeed a kind of magical plant, but because Different uses have different names.

In the Middle Ages, Aconitum was often used as an arrow for hunting wolves, so this herb was called Aconitum chamaejasma, and Aconitum acanthus is an ornamental plant. Its flowers are a beautiful blue color with a The power of charm, but this beautiful flower can slow down the beating frequency of the heart, and the whole flower is highly poisonous. If you accidentally use this potion that keeps the werewolf awake, it will become a life-threatening poison, and Candy can't be added, of course, children who have been bitten by werewolves will not drink that kind of bitter and poisonous medicine.

What Severus did was to improve on the basis of the original wolfsbane potion, changing the aconitum into fire dragon blood. As we all know, Albus Dumbledore is an expert in dragon blood research, it is a rare magic material.

Although the dragon is irritable and irritable, it exists rationally, which is completely different from the werewolf who completely loses his mind. With the cooperation of the two and the joint efforts of Lu Ping, the experimental subject, the improved wolfbane potion was successful. The influence of Wolfsbane Potion is limited, and it only exists in books as a high-level potion. After all, who would die for the sake of being rational for a while, and the improved Wolfsbane Potion has become a medicine that can prolong life. Its influence grew rapidly, and Damocles Belby became a member of the Order of Merlin.

In the process of improving the potion, the materials and equipment used by Severus were provided by Hogwarts, and Dumbledore also gave him advice. He was nominated for the Prince Award, but he was not the winner. But because he was the "well known" inventor of the improved Wolfsbane potion at that ball, Damocles stole Severus Snape's grades as compensation for his return to the Order of Merlin for Albus Dumbledore and the Wizengamot for a lot of help.

Marcus Belbee is a Ravenclaw and so is his father, Ravenclaw is known for being good at enchantments, he doesn't consider Potions masters to be wizards, while Damocles excels in this field, worse Unfortunately, his achievements were achieved through politics, and the relationship between the brothers was very bad, and they almost never moved.

It was a waste of time for Slughorn to invite Marcus Belby to the Slug Club to inquire about Wolfsbane, and Marcus was never invited again after he went there once. The old slug has been out of the social world for a while, but it doesn't mean he can't hear a little gossip. It's not the first time that Dumbledore has plagiarized someone else's achievements, but under his fame, who would believe the one who was plagiarized? people.

Slughorn and Dumbledore have worked together for many years. After finding Severus Snape as a replacement, he was kicked out of the school. Although he loves fame and fortune, he also has his own pride, and he doesn't want to get involved Into the battle between his former student Voldemort and the White Wizard. Dumbledore invited him to go back to teach several times but was rejected. It was not until Dumbledore showed up with Harry Potter that he was tempted to become a savior tutor before he was willing to re-teach at Hogwarts.

"Poor little thing." Pomona stroked Severus' fluffy hair, he was really bullied by Dumbledore so badly.

"The Prince Award was originally mine. He made me lose face. I hate that old guy." Severus cursed while smoking a cigarette. He is being monitored under his nose, he shouldn't go outside to develop, why do you listen to him so much?"

"We are different people." Pomona said with some frustration, she found it easy to follow orders and act without having to use her brain to think for herself.

"We're all manipulated by him, like wizard chess pieces, you know how much he likes to play." Severus smiled reassuringly. "The only thing he didn't expect was that we would sleep together."

That was the craziest thing she had ever done in her life, and she still feels extremely embarrassed when she thinks about it now, it's not what her character should do at all.

It was like the iron chains that had been binding her hands and feet were released, and she could do what she wanted, regardless of the consequences, even if she lost her virginity.

Dumbledore taught her to be a moral person. Only in this way can she teach good students and set a good example for children. Such an example like her should not be followed.

"I remember Cedric was looking for you everywhere that day." He seemed to be lost in memory, looking at a point in the void and said, "All the contestants were accompanied by teachers, and he was the only one. He obviously won the first place." name, but no one praises him."

"You mean the Black Lake venue?" Pomona recalled.

"Where else could it be? You never miss his big moment, he is your favorite, Dean Sprout." He sprayed the smoke from his mouth into her face, choking her to cough " It's a pity that he didn't look carefully in the woods, who told him to go back and celebrate with his classmates."

She recalled carefully, but she didn't have any memory at all.

"You were too busy shaking, sweetheart, you've never experienced anything like that, have you?" He lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, "You're bleeding, the color of pigeon blood."

She pushed the basilisk away and wanted to stand up, he was already in a delusional state, but he put his arms around her waist, so strong that he wouldn't let her leave.

"You are really naive, your students are the same as you, cheating is the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, even Barty Crouch is helping Harry Potter cheat, but your Cedric must be fair and just , if I hadn't helped him, those little devils would never have thought of putting the eggs in the water, you are his mentor, why didn't you help him?"

"I was in charge of the venue for the third level."

"Is that maze right? It's the same as in my head." Hungarian tree peak moved closer, and began to explore her body with both hands. The Tournament is what Fudge insisted on, and even if Barty Crouch died, he still wanted to hold it, because he was afraid that others would think he was a coward."

"Don't do this!" She struggled.

"Fudge is an idiot. He messed up a lot of things, but he still did the right thing. He ruined Sirius Black's reputation. He asked you to a social dance. You almost agreed, didn't you?"

"I don't!"

"Don't lie to me." He choked Pomona's neck, his eyes were bloodshot, "I went to Sirius' room and saw the pictures on the wall, and you guys went out to play, when I was dying for you! "

Pomona remembered that time when she accompanied Sirius to the Muggle Zoo to see the Reptile House where Harry made a commotion, and they took a group photo in front of the snake.

"He was going crazy then, Severus," she cried.

"Really? I saw him laughing happily. I am the one who is really going crazy. Why didn't you even think about meeting me." He also cried, "I am taking tranquilizers every day, every day .”

"Professor." Neville's voice sounded.

Severus let go, tugged at his robes, and stepped aside like a billowing cloud, while Pomona gulped for air now.

"Are you all right?" Neville looked back and forth between the two.

"What's the matter with you, Longbottom?" he said in a silky voice, his back turned to Neville.

"I need your help." Neville said, "I want to learn swords and super armor protection charms. I think this is the way of fighting that suits me."

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