Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1738 The Queen of Hell (9)

"Come and see, Severus."

Standing on the edge of a cliff, Voldemort told the young Snape that the night wind was blowing his robes like smoke.

"Yes, Master." Snape said cautiously, and walked half a step behind Voldemort.

"What did you see?" Voldemort asked.

"A Muggle city." Snape said, looking at the brightly lit buildings not far away.

"Do you want to hear my opinion?" Voldemort asked, but he didn't really want an answer from Severus that much, and said self-sufficiently, "Do you know why we haven't been exposed until now?"

"Please tell me, master."

"They don't tell anyone they've been attacked by witchcraft," laughed Voldemort. "It's important to them to deny magic and witchcraft."

The young Snape was a little confused.

"Although you grew up in a Muggle family, you don't seem to know much about them." Voldemort restrained his smile, "Their way of life has changed a lot compared to the Middle Ages. They know how to bathe every day, keep the environment clean, and no longer live like pigs. In a city full of mud, it seems to be a lot more civilized."

"But they were wrong," Snape said immediately.

"What's wrong?" Voldemort asked.

Snape's face was pale, and he couldn't answer for a long time.

"Do you know why I didn't put a ban on you?" Voldemort asked. "I hope that you, and people like Lucius, will be loyal to me with sincerity. That is very important to me."

"Of course I am loyal to you, Master." Snape said hastily.

Voldemort looked at him with red eyes.

Snape immediately lowered his head in fear.

"The process of witch hunting is too horrifying. It not only frightens the cowardly wizards, but also frightens themselves." Voldemort looked at the city again. Parents, servants betray their masters just to keep themselves from standing in the dock, or for the pitifully small reward, it’s really sad.”

Voldemort suddenly sneered when he said this, and then said, "Look at those windows, what do you see?"

Snape looked up, his dark eyes reflecting an orange-lit window where the family was gathered around the table after a board game.

They piled up some wooden blocks to form a tall tower, and each person had to remove one wooden block at a time while ensuring that the tower would not fall down, and put it on the top floor.

"There's a fat guy, sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching a football game," Snape said.

"I remember you had an enemy who was good at Quidditch?" Voldemort asked.

"Such a small person is not worth remembering, Master." Snape said tremblingly.

"Would you like to fly like that? On a broom," said Voldemort.

"No." Snape said disgustedly.


"That's stupid!"

"And Sirius Black?" said Voldemort. "I hear he seems to have a flying motorcycle."

"Why are you paying so much attention to him?" Snape asked enviously.

"The eldest son of the Black family gave up his inheritance. I always have to find out why." Voldemort said with a sneer, "What an interesting brother, standing in the opposite camp, where is Regulus?"

"You want to summon him?" Snape asked.

"No." Voldemort said thoughtfully, and after a moment he asked again, "Going back to what we were talking about, do you want to learn to fly?"

Snape's eyes widened in surprise.

"You are a good servant, Severus, and thank you for bringing me the news." Voldemort smiled kindly. "I think you deserve some reward."

"Thank you, Master," Snape said immediately, kneeling down.

"I heard you learned alchemy from Slughorn," Voldemort asked.

"Yes." Snape replied immediately.

"Cast the Levitation Charm on your cloak." Voldemort said softly, "But you have to remember that you have to use it as a wand, and once the magic power is revoked, it will become an ordinary item. In addition, you also need wind power."

"Am I going to be like everyone else?" Snape asked.

"This is the first step." Voldemort said, "I will teach you the rest after you have mastered it."

"Yes, Master." Snape bowed his head.

"You are very talented, Severus, and I hope to see you make further progress." Voldemort walked past Snape gracefully. "Until you learn how to make a flying cloak, you don't have to look for that It's a boy."

Just as Severus was about to say something, Voldemort had Apparated and disappeared.

So he stood up again, overlooking the city under the cliff.

In fact, he can create a landslide, so that at least half of the small town will be involved, and no one will find out. The rainy England makes the soil soft, and the Muggles will only think it is a natural disaster. Even It may not be reported on the TV news, because such things have often happened recently, such as sudden storms, or fires.

No one connects these accidents with witchcraft.

Maybe a pure-blood noble like Lucius Malfoy was still wary of Muggles continuing to hunt witches, but for a little guy like Severus Snape, the only thing he wanted was to climb up.

Both Muggles and wizards have hurt and bullied him, so he doesn't like both sides. He will never choose to stand in the camp of protecting Muggles like Lily.

Pure-blood wizards don't trust half-bloods that much either. Since it is impossible for both sides to accept him sincerely, why should he please those who have nothing to do with them?

Strength brings happiness.

Although he is not as eager to please as the teacher's pets, he also knows how to please him. The Dark Lord is the most powerful of all living mages, including the old Albus Dumbledore. Although the magic power of wizards will increase with age, the old guy's reflexes and speed are not as good as before up.

If there is another duel, maybe the great white wizard will not be able to defeat the Dark Lord again like last time.

However, that prophecy.

The Dark Lord would be defeated by a little boy born in July.

If the prophecy was false, or the Dark Lord didn't care, then Snape was still at the bottom of the Death Eaters, but if the prophecy was true, all bets couldn't be placed on him.

So Snape turned around, left the edge of the cliff, and walked towards a clearing that looked relatively spacious.

He was to practice flying as Voldemort had just commanded him to do.

==================================================== ==============

Severus found Lucius Malfoy behind a bookshelf.

He still had the face of Alejandro, as the European proverb says, if an Englishman becomes like an Italian, then he is the real devil.

The "Alejandro" at this moment is not at all like the sunny boy who loves to play football. He stands at the junction of darkness and light, very much like Lucius' ambiguous position at the moment.

"New hairstyle?" Lucius said.

"How was the chat?" Severus asked.

"An interesting old man." Lucius slowly walked out of the darkness. "I never thought that a Muggle would control a group of wizards."

"They're good at it," Severus said. "Even if they don't know magic, they can still do the Imperius Curse."

"He invited me to visit him at his manor, and I said yes," Lucius said. "Will it make you feel bad if I do this?"

"What did you tell him?" Severus asked.

"He wasn't involved in the attack on Filch," Lucius said. "Besides, he gave us a lead."

"About what?"

"Score, I asked him if he knew what Napoleon Bonaparte's favorite music was?" Lucius said.

"How did he answer it?"

"Napoleon doesn't like to listen to symphony, he likes to listen to opera, especially Italian opera, but I don't think other people care about this." Lucius shook his head, "The music played by the orchestra when his coffin returned to Paris was not his favorite either. music."

"What is it?" Severus asked.

"Mozart's Requiem, Victor Hugo wrote it in his essays," Lucius said. "He was dead, and he couldn't even decide where to be buried, let alone play music." .”

Severus didn't answer.

"Mozart's Magic Flute is based on an Egyptian story," Lucius added, "and he also knew Marie Antoinette, who might have been the musical prodigy's first love."

"Why do you say that?"

"He asked her to marry him only because she helped him up at the ball." Lucius sighed, "It's a pity that she didn't become Mozart's patron, and, besides, Mozart seems to have died during the cholera epidemic. "

"I remember his death as a mystery," Severus said.

"The patron of the Requiem was a man in a black cloak, and Mozart died halfway through the Requiem." Lucius said, "Only a handful of people attended the funeral, and there was a music called Savary." The family was accused of imprisoning Mozart, but in fact he was Mozart's benefactor and continued to educate his two sons after Mozart's death."

Severus sneered.

"Another misunderstood man who was not forgiven until after his death," Lucius said.

"Which chapter?" Severus said impatiently.

"Lacrimosa, German means to wash the face with tears, we seem to have been dealing with water." Lucius said.

"Is this your guess or his suggestion?" Severus said.

"Is there a difference?" Lucius asked.

Severus stared into Lucius' smoky eyes, then smirked for a moment before turning to leave.

"You have become easy to trust people, maybe because you have been influenced by Gryffindor, Severus." Lucius said suddenly, "Do you think this is a good habit?"

"I know, I'm not your ideal godfather candidate." Severus said, "But I have tried and will do my best to protect Draco in the future."

"Because of the unbreakable vow you made with Sissy?" Lucius said with a cold face.

"I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable." Severus looked at Lucius and said calmly, "I didn't expect Bella to do such a trick all of a sudden."

Lucius puffed out his cheeks like a handsome frog.

"I guess that's fate," Severus said. "Draco had double parents when Harry Potter had no elders..."

"I don't want to admit that she's my son's godmother." Lucius interrupted Severus.

"Again, this is fate." Severus said coldly. "I have enough things to worry about, and I don't want to listen to your complaints now."

Lucius gritted his teeth.

"I could have killed Wormtail, but I was so focused on completing the mission and regaining the Dark Lord's trust that I ignored it. It was your wife who reminded me of it," Severus said. "But It was a long time later, she found out and didn't tell me, until one day when Pomona wanted me to provide proof of my love for her, Mrs. Malfoy said it, I think this is the least of her like a Blake Place, do you think now is the time for you to lose your temper?"

"Look at yourself..." Lucius said in disgust.

"Disgusting? I think so too." Severus said indifferently, "Lucius, I think you should be smarter than Blake. You have to get used to one thing. I'm not the boy in school anymore, and you It is no longer the senior who introduced me. I am now your superior. You must obey my orders. Black just wants to challenge me because he is not convinced. Did you lose the right to appoint the patriarch to me?"

The veins on Malfoy's forehead popped.

"We've tried it in the manor, but I didn't use the Disarming Charm on you, your wand is still yours." Severus said, "There are also those things that belong to you, and I also gave all my patents to you." You are gone, what more do you want?"

"Honor!" Lucius hissed.

"You'll get it," Severus said. "I promise I won't discriminate against people with the Death Eater mark in the future."

"That woman, she disgraced me." Lucius gritted his teeth and said, "She is not allowed to enter my house again."

"You can put up with Bella..."

"Lestrange is nobody to me, I don't care what happens to him, I can even laugh at him with everyone else!" Lucius interrupted Severus "And you, you are My friend, how much more shame do we have to suffer?"

"I love that woman," Severus said. "She makes up my life."

"If you want to find a woman who can take care of you..."

"No, Lucius, it's not what you think." Severus said hoarsely, "I didn't understand what she meant to me until I was dying of thirst and I couldn't use the clear water. Didn't even realize I needed her back!"

"How are you going to deal with the Muggle problem?" Lucius gasped. "Like the Dark Lord, or like Grindelwald?"

"I don't know." Severus said nonchalantly.

"You don't know?" Lucius asked in disbelief.

"I don't care about the life and death of Muggles, and I don't want to meddle in their affairs, but there are many people in the wizarding world who feel obligated to help Muggles. I participated in that dangerous game because I hope she can give up this idea. I will not continue with her." If the infighting continues, outsiders can take advantage of it." Severus said, "So you asked me what plans I have, and my answer is that I have no plans. I don't want to lie to you. The current situation is so chaotic that it is impossible. Give us a detailed plan, and our plan will never keep up with the changes."

"I told you a long time ago." Lucius panted heavily, "There will be problems sooner or later with a hypocrite as the principal."

"Then do you think the Muggle Studies class can be solved by people like the Carlo brothers and sisters?" Severus sarcastically said, "We have a crisis of 'Muggle fanaticism' now, and Arthur Weasley is one of them." representatives of the

Lucius didn't answer.

"Time will pass quickly after entering that world. A day here is equivalent to a year there. I'll tell you when I think it over," Severus said.

"You're always hesitating," Lucius said. "No wonder she couldn't wait."

Severus turned blue.

"I will respect you as I respect the principal, but you want me to follow your orders and I can't do it." Lucius clenched the snake-headed cane in his hand, "Unless you can get rid of this indecision , Severus, otherwise I will not recognize you as our Snake King."

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