Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1737 The Queen of Hell (8)

After settling down with Filch and Laurence, Severus and Suzanne returned to the National Library of France.

Lucius, disguised as Alejandro, has disappeared, and Conseil is the only one in the reading room.

"How's it going?" Severus said.

"Do you remember those city sculptures on the Place de la Concorde?" asked Conseil.

"Like Strasbourg?" Severus asked.

"You can understand it as the anthropomorphism of the city." Goncei said, turning a book around and handing it to Severus, "Thebes was also anthropomorphized, but it was represented by a male warrior , he wears a compound bow and a Hyksos-style scimitar."

"So?" Severus asked back.

"He's called Vasset, and it was erected during the Thirteenth Dynasty of Thebes, and later they corrected themselves as the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt, and you know that Pharaoh liked to use his own image for statues, the Queen Mother of the Eighteenth Dynasty, Yakhho Tepu was also a Thebes, and after driving the Hyksos away, she razed Avaris to the ground, including the temple of Sobek, which was once a symbol of royal power during the Seventeenth Dynasty. Similar to Amon and Horus, it is often worshiped together with the god Hapi, who represents the Nile, and in Egyptian mythology, Leosiris is the god of resurrection, rain and plants, and where water flows, the land will become rich."

"Get to the point." Severus said impatiently.

"Avalis is the city of Abydos. Yakhhotep ordered it to be leveled and was cursed by the gods. Her family died quietly. During the time of offering sacrifices to Sobek, The water of the Nile just rose to the highest point, and a little more would cause floods. The kings even used the name of Sobek as their title, such as Sobek Kala, she was a queen, and the succession of the Luna family was in Tut. Moss I is over, because Amenhotep I has no male descendants, Thutmose I married Amos, the princess of the previous pharaoh, and their daughter is the future Hatshepsut , and Thutmose II was only born to Thutmose I and his concubine, I dare say that the family life of this pharaoh must be very painful..."

"Enough." Severus interrupted Gonseil. "Abydos has been found, and so is Avaris. Don't confuse them."

"You have a bow, don't you?" asked Conseil.

"Why ask this?"

"When Kamose I was buried, there was a bow among the burial objects. If Vasset, the anthropomorphic symbol of Thebes, carried a bow, then Kamose I was buried with a bow and he was buried with a 'scepter'. Look, you see." Goncey crossed his hands and held them up in front of his chest, "Pharaoh's gilt coffin usually holds a flail in his left hand, which can be used as a tool for threshing grain, or as a torture tool, usually symbolizing power, and used for whipping In the other hand he held a shepherd's staff, representing Pharaoh's right to shepherd his people."

"You think bows and cutlasses represent kingship too?" Severus asked.

"You'd better figure out what's going on with that bow of yours." Goncey said, "After we destroyed the crocodile sculpture, the magic power recovered little by little. I was not affected because I wore the scarab amulet. If it is a A product of alchemy..."

"That bow can be used where there's a crocodile statue, regardless of the rules," Severus said.

"I think Sobek's domain is more suitable, oh, why didn't I think of it at the time, God of the Nile." Goncey complained.

"What bow?" Susannah asked.

From the shapeshifter's pocket, Severus took the bow he'd found while hunting for sun gold in the Alps.

It seemed very weak at the time, because it was useless except for a long range in the case of a wand, and it was like a failed experiment. At this time, the small buckler repaired by Lyle Meyer also floated out, and it circled Severus turned slowly.

"The Hyssoxes lost to the Egyptians because their technology was behind the Egyptians," said Gonseil, looking at the bow. "But it was these nomads who introduced horses and chariots to Egypt."

"You want to say that the invaders contributed to the progress of Egypt?" Severus asked.

"The Seventeenth Dynasty spent too much energy and financial resources on building pyramids and offering sacrifices. Since the Eighteenth Dynasty, the construction of pyramids has stopped. To be precise, during the period of Ahmose I, the workers who built the pyramids were used to build city defenses. .”

"And the Valley of the Kings," Susannah said.

"The Valley of the Kings was built on the order of Hatshepsut. Neither Yakhhotep nor Ahmose I was buried in the Valley of the Kings. Thutmose III eradicated the traces of her rule after succeeding to the throne. And began a large-scale military expansion. After the Battle of Kadesh, the power of the Hisoskos completely disappeared. Later, he established his son Amenhotep II as his co-ruler, Amenhotep II The title of the king in the world is the god Amon..."

"Have you said enough?" Severus interrupted Gonseil's rant again.

"This!" Gonseil floated a piece of paper on the table, "This is a hymn to Yakhhotep."

"Irma read it," said Severus, before adding hastily "in English."

"Hotep means peace, and the moon in Egypt usually represents mummification and war." Goncey wrote the hieroglyphs in the air with his wand, "The name is very important, it is related to the immortality of the dead, and the Egyptians believed that as long as people If you remember the name of the deceased, he will not really die. You can see many murals in Egyptian tombs, in which the name of the owner of the tomb is carved many times, and later people will also chant the name of the deceased when offering sacrifices. Tut Mos III's eradication of Hatshepsut's name can be understood as eradicating the evidence of her existence, and it can also be understood as eradicating her resurrection, just like Ahmose I eradicated the traces left by the previous dynasty, and the Hyksos. Evidence of ruling Egypt, yet he appropriated funds to complete the last pyramids, just as Louis XVIII built Napoleon's tomb."

"But Napoleon was able to demolish many buildings of the Bourbon royal family, such as the tower on the island of Cité where Louis XVI's family was imprisoned."

"But he restored Saint-Denis," said Gonceil.

"You sang his praises?" Severus asked.

"In addition to calling themselves the son of Ra, the Hyksos also worshiped Seth and built a temple for him." Goncei said, "The rulers of the fourteenth dynasty of Egypt claimed to be the favorite of Seth, and they The ruler of Avaris, Seth was once considered the supreme god, and later became the god of the Gentiles, the god of chaos, but it was seen by the Hyksos as the god of storms, his companion Astarte is similar to Hathor, who I am in Chahathor's love, Amenemhat I is the founder of the Twelfth Dynasty, he brought back the chaotic Thebes and Egypt Towards a stable situation, and at the same time he is also a very lonely person, I think the person who left that line seems to think that Amenemhat I is more like Napoleon I than Thutmose III."

"Why do you feel that way?" Susannah asked.

"Feeling." Conseil said calmly, "The war has been fought in the cemetery, and I am like a lost person who has deviated from the right path."

"What?" Susannah asked confused.

"This is what an Egyptian pharaoh said. The cemetery is the resting place of the dead. We should not disturb it without authorization. He used to be a good person, but it is a pity that he did not persist until the end like Amenemhat I. He and Amon Nemhat is too lonely," said Goncey.

"Amen Nemhat I used Amon as his title, but in his heart he wished that he was Hathor's true love?" Severus asked indifferently.

"You can understand that." Gonseil said with a wry smile, "I seem to understand why Hathor pestered him."

"How do you say 'I love you' in ancient Egyptian?" Susannah asked curiously.

"Uh~ ti mi mmak." Conseil replied in confusion.

"Which word is you and which is me?" Susannah asked.

"Anything else?" Severus asked.

"I think it's good to have found these in such a short time, boss." Gonceil said angrily.

"Keep looking," Severus said to Conseil, and left with his bow.

But Suzanne didn't follow him, but stayed to read the documents on the table with Conseil.

"Damn foreign accent."

After walking away, Severus muttered, and continued to find Lucius Malfoy.

Timmac, or ti mepitk, means I love you in ancient Egyptian

I heard that the pony was slapped. The person who hit him said the slogan that the French army shouted in the Church of Saint-Denis before when the French army went out, not to knock down the pony.

Shouting such a majestic slogan but being slapped like a woman...

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